Project Overview

Project Overview

Budd sih t Stone Sutras in China 2005–2020 Project Overview 2/2021 ⴞ 䥢 !"#$%#$& '($%& ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))* +%,$& ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) -. /,0%12$& 31"4 5%6(%7& ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .8 '($%& 3"1 $9% /,$%#&("# :%1(";) :1%<(4(#=1> ?(&$ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .@ A(B<("C1=29> "3 :DB<(0=$("#& B> E%4B%1& "3 $9% 5%&%=109 :1"F%0$ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) G- '($%& !"#$%#&'()%*+#,-' ኡᶡⴱ ."/-'0%#&1+#&' ᶡᒣ⒆'2 !"#$%#&'*%345-' ವ 19. Mount Ziyang ᎛䲭ኡ 67 ವ 20. Mount Tao 䲦ኡ ವ 21. Mount Long 喽ኡ ವ 1. Mount Hongding ⍚串ኡ ವ 2. Mount Tianchi ཙ⊐ኡ =%4#;'>"+' ⌠ኡ'2 !"#$%#&'*%345-'?7 ವ 3. East Mount Shuyuan ᴨ䲒ᶡኡ ವ 4. Mount Ergu Ҽ啃ኡ ವ 22. Mount Tai ⌠ኡ ವ 5. Mount Yuncui 䴢㘐ኡ ವ 6. Mount Dazhai བྷመኡ ;-3"-' ⻁'2 !"#$%#&'*%345-@'6'"#$'A7 ವ 7. Mount Sili ਨ䟼ኡ ವ 8. Mount Yin 䢰ኡ ವ 23. Stele from Pingyin County ᒣ䲠㑓⻁ ವ 24. Haitan Monastery Stele in Dongping 8%4,!-#&' 䝂෾'2 !"#$%#&'*%345-'97 County ᶡᒣ㑓⎧₰ሪ⻁ ವ 25. Four Stelae from Jixiang Monastery, ವ 9. Mount Yi 㒩ኡ Chengwu County ᡀ↖㑓ਹ⾕ሪഋ⻁ ವ 10. Mount Tie 䩥ኡ ವ 26. Three Stelae from Ningyang County ሗ䲭㑓 ವ 11. Mount Ge 㪋ኡ й⻁ ವ 12. Mount Gang ፇኡ ವ 27. Stele from Shifo Monastery in Juye County ᐘ䟾㑓⸣֋ሪ࡫㏃⻁ :%);!';%' %4;!' ᗎेࡠই'2 !"#$%#&'*%345-' ವ 28. Stele from Shengguo Monastery in Qufu ᴢ <7 䱌ऍ᷌ሪ⻁ ವ 29. Stele from Tianming Monastery in Sishui ವ 13. Mount Jian ቆኡ County ⌇≤㑓ཙ᰾ሪ⻁ ವ 14. Mount Yang 䲭ኡ ವ 30. Fragments of Stelae from Jinkou Dam at ವ 15. Yellow Stone Cliff 哴⸣ፆ Yanzhou އᐎ䠁ਓ༙⇈⻁ ವ 16. Mount Culai ᖲᗐኡ ವ 31. Three Mingdao Monastery Stelae, Linqu ವ 17. Mount Fenghuang 匣ࠠኡ County 㠘ᵀ㑓᰾䚃ሪй⻁ ವ 18. Mount Shuiniu ≤⢋ኡ '($%& NN +,!4"#'()%*+#,-' ഋᐍⴱ L +,!4"#'()%*+#,-' ഋᐍⴱ B%C%D4"#' 㠕֋䲒'2 +,!4"#'*%345-@'6ʔF7 G;!-)'@+;-@'+#' +,!4"#' ഋᐍަԆ'2 +,!4"#' *%345-'H7 ವ 32. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 section G, sutra caves 1, 2 (Sichuan 1) ವ 38. Yangyue Monastery 䲭ዣሪ, Cangxi County ವ 33. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 sections A and B, sutra 㫬ⓚ㑓 caves 29, 33 (Sichuan 2) ವ 39. Bishui Monastery ⻗≤ሪ, Mianyang City ㏯ ವ 34. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 section C, sutra caves 䲭ᐲ 46, 51, 58 (Sichuan 3) ವ 40. Beishan Monastery ेኡ䲒, Mianyang City ವ 35. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 section D, sutra caves ㏯䲭ᐲ, Santai county йਠ㑓 59, 66 (Sichuan 4) ವ 41. Mount Taipeng ཚ㬜ኡ, Yingshan County ವ 36. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 section E and F, sutra ⠏ኡ㑓 caves 71, 73, 81, 83, 85 (Sichuan 5) ವ 42. Mount Wolong 㠕喽ኡ, Zitong County ể▬ ವ 37. Wofoyuan 㠕֋䲒 section H, sutra caves 㑓 109, 110 (Sichuan 6) !""#I+'()%*+#,-' 䲍㾯ⴱ H(#09D=#7=# 䠁ᐍ⚓ Ú'9==#,( 6"<D4%& 8 =#; ವ 46. Dafo Monastery བྷ֋ሪ, Bin County ᖜ㑓 *J ವ 47. Forest of Stelae Museum in Xi’an 㾯ᆹ⻁᷇ ঊ⢙䲒 ವ 43. East wall of Jinchuanwan 䠁ᐍ⚓ cave ವ 48. Xianling Shrine ୀ ⦫ 䲥 ⸣ ֋ ⇯ ઼ ⸣ ᓗ , (Shaanxi volume 1) Sanyuan County й৏㑓, Yonghe Village ≨ਸ ವ 44. West wall of Jinchuanwan 䠁ᐍ⚓ cave ᶁ (Shaanxi volume 2) ವ 49. Taikun Monastery ཚ༬ሪ, Jingyang County ⎷䲭㑓 K$9%1 &($%& (# '9==#,( Ú'9==#,( 6"<D4% LJ ವ 50. Blue Dragon Monastery 䶂喽ሪ, in Xi’an 㾯 ᆹᐲ ವ 45. Cishan Monastery ᝸ழሪ, Linyou County ವ 51. Famen Monastery ⌅䮰ሪ, Fufeng County 哏⑨㑓 ᢦ付㑓 !"#I+'()%*+#,-' ኡ㾯ⴱ H(#0( ED&%D4 ᱹ⾐M +=(>D=# ཚ৏ Ú'9=#,( 6"<D4% 8J ವ 52. Steles and stele fragments in Jinci Museum ᱹ⾐㨟೤㏃⻁ '($%& (# N%$=(< 8) E"D#$ O"#C;(#C ⍚串ኡ Date 556 (?), 564 Number of inscriptions: 23 Buddha names 10 Sutra passages 6 Historical inscriptions: 9 '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8) E"D#$ O"#C;(#C ⍚串ኡ - െ P(CD1% 8 E"D#$ O"#C;(#CM $9% B%C(##(#C "3 $9% 21"F%0$Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SST . െ P(CD1% * U#$" $9% E"D#$ O"#C;(#C 6=<<%>Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. '($%& (# N%$=(< NN*) E"D#$ +(=#09( ཙ⊐ኡ G *) E"D#$ +(=#09( ཙ⊐ኡ Date second half of sixth century Number of inscriptions 1 Buddha names 1 െ P(CD1% L 'D16%>"1& 31"4 $9% P=0D<$> "3 V%"4=$(0&M W=1<&1D9% X#(6%1&($> "3 Y22<(%; '0(%#0%&Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. @ L) /=&$ E"D#$ '9D>D=# ᴨ䲒ᶡኡ Date second half of sixth century Number of inscriptions 1 Buddha names 1 െ P(CD1% T +=R(#C 4%=&D1%4%#$& =$ /=&$ E"D#$ '9D>D=#Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. '($%& (# N%$=(< NNT) E"D#$ /1CD Ҽ啃ኡ Z T) E"D#$ /1CD Ҽ啃ኡ Date 562 Number of inscriptions 3 Buddha names 1 Historical inscriptions 2 െ P(CD1% - +=R(#C 29"$"C1=29& 3"1 LN 4";%<&Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. 8S -) E"D#$ [D#0D( 䴢㘐ኡ Date around 564 (?) Number of inscriptions 2 Buddha names 1 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% . !<(4B(#C $9% 1"0R $" $=R% 31%&9 1DBB(#C&Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. '($%& (# N%$=(< NN.) E"D#$ N=\9=( བྷመኡ 88 .) E"D#$ N=\9=( བྷመኡ Date second half of sixth century Number of inscriptions 1 Buddha names 1 െ P(CD1% G 'D16%>"1 +9"1&$%# '097(#CQ 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. 8* G) E"D#$ '(<( ਨ䟼ኡ Date before 561 Number of inscriptions 4 Sutra passages 3 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% @ !<(4B(#C E"D#$ '(<(ʙ& !"`$% 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. '($%& (# N%$=(< NN@) E"D#$ [(# 䢰ኡ 8L @) E"D#$ [(# 䢰ኡ Date around 568 Number of inscriptions 2 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% Z +=R(#C 4%=&D1%4%#$& =$ E"D#$ [(#Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. 8T Z) E"D#$ [( 㒩ኡ Dates 564; 570–572 Number of inscriptions 4 Sutra passages 2 Historical inscriptions 2 െ P(CD1% 8S K# = <=;;%1 =$ $9% 'D44($ "3 $9% P(6% P<"7%1& =$ E"D#$ [(Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8S) E"D#$ +(% 䩥ኡ 8- 8S) E"D#$ +(% 䩥ኡ Date 579 Number of inscriptions 4 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 3 െ P(CD1% 88 +9% 4"6%=B<% E"D#$ +(% &$=#;M - 4 9(C9M B%3"1% ($ B1"R% ;"7#Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG 8. 88) E"D#$ V% 㪋ኡ Date March 27, 580 Number of inscriptions 2 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% 8* 'D&=# O%#R%1M 4=&$%1 29"$"C1=29%1M =$ E"D#$ V%Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8*) E"D#$ V=#C ፇኡ 8G 8*) E"D#$ V=#C ፇኡ Date July 29, 580 Number of inscriptions 10 Buddha names 6 Sutra passages 3 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% 8L 5"=4(#C E"D#$ V=#C 3"1 4"1% 4%=&D1%4%#$& $" B% $=R%#Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. 8@ 8L) E"D#$ H(=# ቆኡ Date 575 Number of inscriptions 17 Buddha names 1 Sutra passages 3 Historical inscriptions 13 െ P(CD1% 8T ^"$9(#C <%3$ BD$ = &$"#% _D=11>Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8T) E"D#$ [=#C 䲭ኡ 8Z 8T) E"D#$ [=#C 䲭ኡ Date second half of the sixth century Number of inscriptions 1 Sutra passages 1 െ P(CD1% 8- +=R(#C V:' ;=$=Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. *S 8-) [%<<"7 '$"#% &!"` 哴⸣ፆ Date ca. 526 Number of inscriptions 9 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 8 െ P(CD1% 8. !"<"13D< [%<<"7 '$"#% &!"`% 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *S8* '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8.) E"D#$ !D<=( ᖲᗐኡ *8 8.) E"D#$ !D<=( ᖲᗐኡ Date 570 Number of inscriptions 10 Buddha names 3 Sutra passages 2 Historical inscriptions 5 െ P(CD1% 8G ?""R(#C 3"1 $9% :%13%0$("# "3 `(&;"4 =$ 5=;(=#$ AD;;9= &!"`' E"D#$ !D<=(Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG ** 8G) E"D#$ P%#C9D=#C 匣ࠠኡ Dates second half of the sixth century; October 12, 921 Number of inscriptions 11 Buddha names 5 Historical inscriptions 6 െ P(CD1% 8@ 5%&$(#C "# $9% 9(C9%&$ 2%=R "3 E"D#$ P%#C9D=#C Ú#" 3""; =<< ;=>JQ 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG '($%& (# N%$=(< NN8@) E"D#$ '9D(#(D ≤⢋ኡ *L 8@) E"D#$ '9D(#(D ≤⢋ኡ Date 558–561 (?) Number of inscriptions 3 Sutra passages 2 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% 8Z +9% "#<> !"` 1%4=(#(#C =$ E"D#$ '9D(#(DQ 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG *T 8Z) E"D#$ a(>=#C ᎛䲭ኡ Date second half of the sixth century Number of inscriptions 4 Buddha names 1 Historical inscriptions 3 െ P(CD1% *S Y<< $9=$ 1%4=(#& "3 $9% 3"14%1 (#&01(2$("# "# E"D#$ a(>=#CM "()*+"a)( B> 'D%><(#C '($%& (# N%$=(< NN*S) E"D#$ +=" 䲦ኡ *- *S) E"D#$ +=" 䲦ኡ Date second half of the sixth century Number of inscriptions 4 Buddha names 3 Historical inscriptions 1 െ P(CD1% *8 :1"3) VR#$%1 O%<< 31"4 $9% P=0D<$> "3 V%"4=$(0&M W=1<&1D9% X#(6%1&($> "3 Y22<(%; '0(%#0%&M 4"D#$& $9% 0=4%1=Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SSG *. *8) E"D#$ ?"#C 喽ኡ Dates second half of the sixth century; 983 Number of inscriptions 3 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 2 െ P(CD1% ** 5%=09(#C D2 3"1 $9% (#&01(2$("#& =$ E"D#$ ?"#CQ 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS@ '($%& (# N%$=(< NN**) E"D#$ +=( ⌠ኡ *G **) E"D#$ +=( ⌠ኡ Date second half of the sixth century Number of inscriptions 61 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 60 െ P(CD1% *L VR#$%1 O%<< =#; ?"$9=1 ?%;;%1"&% 9=6(#C = 09=$ (# '$"#% 'D$1= c=<<%>M E"D#$ +=(Q 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS. *@ *L) '$%<% 31"4 :(#C>(# !"D#$> ᒣ䲠㑓⻁ Date second half of the sixth century Number of inscriptions 1 Sutra passages 1 െ P(CD1% *T 5DBB(#C "3 $9% <"&$ :(#C>(# &$%<% '($%& (# N%$=(< NN*T) O=($=# E"#=&$%1> '$%<% (# N"#C2(#C !"D#$> ᶡᒣ㑓⎧₰ሪ⻁ *Z *T) O=($=# E"#=&$%1> '$%<% (# N"#C2(#C !"D#$> ᶡᒣ㑓⎧₰ሪ⻁ Dates October 7, 560; 1476 Number of inscriptions 3 Sutra passages 1 Historical inscriptions 2 െ P(CD1% *- O=($=# E"#=&$%1> &$%<% Ú#"7 <"&$J (# 0"$$"# a)!(% 29"$"C1=29 $=R%# (# *SS.

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