THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEWIS & CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 11, No. 2 MAY 1985 Come to St. Louis to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Foundation - August 4-7, 1985 " ... decended to the Mississippi and down that river to St. Louis at which place we arived about 12 oClock. we Suffered the party to fire off their pieces as a Salute to the Town. we were met by all the village and received a harty welcome from it's inhabitants &.c " William Clark, September 23, 1806. "The people of St. Louis have not changed! We are still noted for our hospitality and friendliness. All of the 'Metro St. Louis' members and friends of the Foundation invite you to come, and we look forward to greeting you with the same 'harty welcom' that the Lewis and Clark Expedition received on that mem­ orable day in September 1806 that marked the end of their epic journey." Winifred C. George, Program chairman, 17th Annual Meeting. President Sherman's Message THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL One evening during a meeting with HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. the Portage Route Chapter of the Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporatlon Act IRS Exemption Foundation at Great Falls, Montana, Certificate No. 501(C)(3) - Identification No. 51-0187715 I made the remark: "I'm surprised that the Harvard Business School OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE hasn't disovered the Lewis and Clark President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Expedition." I saw eyebrows going William P. Sherman L. Edwin Wang John E. Foote up and down and I'm sure that I 8885 S .W. Canyon Road 6013 St. Johns Ave. 1205 Rimhaven Way heard a laugh choked off. Unfortu­ Portland, OR 97225 Minneapolis, MN 55424 Billings, MT 59102 nately, I never did get to explain that remark. Edrie Lee Vinson, Secretary John E. Walker, Treasurer P.O. Box 1651 200 Market St., Suite 1177 It was economic history that first Red Lodge, MT 59068 Portland, OR 97201 led me into the Lewis and Clark Ruth E. Lange, Membership Secretary, 5054 S .W. 26th Place, Portland, OR 97201 journey in depth, while searching out the roots of the fur trade. As my DIRECTORS awe for that most successful jour­ ney increased, I tried to isolate the Todd Berens Roy D. Craft Margaret Norris Santa Ana. CA Stevenson. WA Fayetteville. NY basic elements that led to its suc­ Harold Billian Viola Forrest Charles C. Patton cess. My conclusion was that the Villanova, PA Walla Walla, WA Springfield, IL most salient element was planning. Robert Bivens H. John Montague James P. Ronda Great Falls, MT Marietta, GA Youngstown, OH If you were to seek a graduate degree Robert C. Carriker Gary E. Moulton Rob11rt L. Taylor in business administration today, a Spokane, WA Lincoln. NE Washington, DC principal and primary focus would center on strategic planning. Tho­ Arlen J . Large, Washington. DC. immediate Past President is a Foundation Director mas Jefferson's clear instructions in establishing the "mission" - the PAST PRESIDENTS - DIRECTORS EX OFFICIO basic requirement in strategic plan­ Edwynne P. Murphy, 1970 Gary Leppart. 1974-75 Bob Saindon, 1979-80 ning - is an absolute masterpiece St. Louis, Missouri Butte, Montana Helena, Montana and a tribute to his exceptional E.G. Chuinard. M.D .. 1971 Wilbur P. Werner, 1975-76 Irving W. Anderson, 1980-81 mind. It is a model for anytime, and Tigard, Oregon Cut Bank, Montana Portland, Oregon it would lend support to the position John Greenslit. 1972 Clarence H. Decker, 1976-77 V. Strode Hinds, 1981-82 some hold - that the true begin­ Lansing, Michigan East Alton. Illinois Sioux City, Iowa ning of the Expedition was in Tho­ Lynn Burris, 1972-1973 Gail M. Stensland, 1977-78 Hazel Bain. 1982-83 Topeka, Kansas Fort Benton, Montana Longview, Washington mas Jefferson's mind. Robert E. Lange, 1973-74 Mitchell Doumit, 1978-79 Arlen J. Large, 1983-84 At our forthcoming 17th Annual Portland, Oregon Cathlamet, Washington Washington, D.C. Meeting in St. Louis in August, we will be going back in time to exam­ ABOUT THE FOUNDATION ine that city and its economy as it existed when the Lewis and Clark The purpose of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc., is to stimulate nationally: public interest in matters relating to the Lewis and Clark Expedition; the contributions to American history made by the Expedition returned on September e~ped i tion members; and events of time and place concerning and following the expedition w hich are of 23, 1806. Be there with us to exam­ historical import to o ur nation. The Foundation recognizes the value of tourist-oriented programs, and suooorts activities which enhance the enjoyment an.d understandina of 1he Lew is and Clark storv. The scooe ine the impact of that historic event. of the activities of the Foundation are broad and diverse, and include involvement in pursuits which, in the judgment of the Directors are, of historical worth or contemporary social values. and commensurate with the heritage ot Lewis and Clark. The actiyities of the National Foundation are intended to compliment and Bill Sherman supplement those of state and local Lew is and Clark interest groups. The Foundation may appropriately recognize and honor individuals or groups for: art works of distinction; achievement in the broad field of Lewis and Clark historical research; writing: or deeds w hich promote the general purpose and scope of activities of the Foundation. Membership in t he organization comprises a broad spectrum of Lewis and Clark enthusiasts including Federal. State, and local government officials, historians, scholars. and others of wide ranging Lewis and Clark interests. Officers of the Foundation are elected from t he membership. The Cover Illustration Annual Meeting of the Foundation is traditionally held during August. the birt h month of both Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The meeting place is rotated among the States. and tours generally are arranged to visit sites in the area of the Annual Meeting w hich have historic association w ith the Lewis and Clark Our cover illustration often provokes up­ Expedition. risings from Lewis and Clark p'lrists. They say that the dog in the bow of the WE PROCEEDED ON E.G. CHU/NARD. M.D., FOUNDER ISSN 0275-6706 boat does not appear to be a Newfound· land, and there is a question as to whether We Proceeded On is the oHicial publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, or not the ti·icornered (cocked) hat worn by Inc. The publication's name is derived from the phrase which appears repeatedly in the the Captain could have survived such a collective journals of the famous Expedition. long journey. We learn from the artist, Stanley Meltzoff, that he had much dis­ PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE cussion with the Humble Oil and Refining Company, who commissioned the paint· Robert E. Lange. Editor and Committee Chairman, 5054 S.W. 26th Place. Portla nd, OR ing, before it was completed for the com­ 97201 pany's " Great Moments in American His­ Irving W. Anderson E.G. Chuinard tory" calendar, published in 1965. Never­ Box LC- 196 Lewis & Clark College 15537 S. W. Summerfield Lane theless, the famous Expedition's arrival at Portland. OR 97219 Tigard, OR 97223 St. Louis in September 1806 was a "Great Moment in American History" and we are Paul R. Cutright Donald Jackson Gary E. Moulton indebted to the Exxon Company for per­ 312 Summit Avenue 3920 Old Stage Road Love Library - Univ. Nebraska mission to reproduce Meltzoffs work on Jenkintown, PA 19046 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Lincoln, NE 68588 the cover of this issue - it does portray the Bob Saindon Wilbur P. Werner " harty welcom" afforded the explorers as 172 Briarwood P.O. Box438 they approached the shore of the Missis­ Helena. MT 59601 Cut Bank. MT 59427 sippi River at St. Louis. -2- We Proceeded On, May 1985 17th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, August 4-7, 1985 Foundation member Winifred River to Lewis a nd Clark State Park and time to visit the 'Climatron' " Winnie" George, chairman for a nd t he Lewis and Clark Memo­ and the 'Linnaean House'. this coming August's 17th An­ riaJ.'l The Park is directly across the nual Meeting of the Foundation, Mississippi from the mouth of the "When French General Lafayette (a friend of George Rogers and Wil­ advises that members of record Missouri River, a nd is in the vicin­ were m ailed annual meeting In­ ity wh ere the Lewis a nd Clark liam Clark) visited William Clark formation and Registration Expedition constructed their winter and General Daniel BisselF in St. packets on April 22nd. Aug­ establishment. Their "Camp Wood" Louis in 1 824-1 825,~ h e wrote that menting the information con­ was occupied from December 1803 he was a mazed to see th at many of tained in the packet, "Winnie" and until their departure for the the citizens h ad established fine homes furnished with elegant items has sent We Proceeded On some westward exploration on May 14, brought from the eastern seaboard. additional comments related to 1804. Since Foundation members the activities planned for annual visited the Park during the 5th An­ The Bissell residence on nine acres of the original 2300 acre farm has meeting attendees, and her re­ nual Meeting in 1973, and the 9th marks are transcribed here: Annual Meeting in 1977, the hand­ been restored and the interior fur­ nishings project the 1812-1850 peri­ some Memorial structure has been od. We will visit the Bissell House "The visit to the National Park Serv­ constructed and dedicated at a spe­ cial ceremony on September 27, which is very similar to the no long­ ice's J efferson National Expan­ er existing William Clark residence 1981.4 Lewis and Clark State Park sion Memorial - The 'Gateway and near the location of Clark's Arch' and the wonderful 'Museum and its development and improve­ ments, including the Memorial, fo r home.
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