April 7, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 817 IN TRIBUTE TO DR. BOSHRA rate problems stemming from the U.S. Postal the Clinton Administration's stated policy. MAKAR ON HIS RETIREMENT AS Service policy that prohibits the users of com- But it does conflict greatly with the views A PROFESSOR AT ST. PETER'S mercial mail receiving agents [CMRA's] from contained in the Contract with America and COLLEGE IN JERSEY CITY, NJ submitting a standard change of address form with the views of those in Congress who ad- vocate budget-cutting at the expense of the to expedite routine mail delivery service. poor and needyÐat home and abroad. It is HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ In nearly all cases when an individual one thing to call for a balanced budget OF NEW JERSEY changes residency, the U.S. Postal Service fa- amendment to the Constitution; it is an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cilitates prompt and accurate mail delivery by other to try to achieve such an amendment encouraging the postal customer to file a mail with the unbalanced policy of targeting poor Thursday, April 6, 1995 forwarding change of address form. Atypically, and working families. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today when a CMRA customer relocates, that indi- FALL OF COMMUNISM to pay tribute to Dr. Boshra Makar, as he re- vidual is responsible for informing all potential tires from his position as professor at Saint Working towards common goals was also mailers of any change of address. This policy true in the case of the birth of democratic Peter's College in Jersey City, NJ. Dr. Boshra creates delays and may exacerbate mail fraud movements in Eastern Europe. The Catholic Makar is an exceptional human being who has as testimony has shown that the first line of Church in general and Pope John Paul II in dedicated 48 years to teaching students defense against fraud is accurate information particular were instrumental, through work around the world. He is a pioneer in his field regarding postal addresses. and example, in demonstrating the illegit- of mathematics and his work has been widely Current policy is contradictory to the Postal imacy of the communist regimes. The U.S. recognized. Service's charge to ensure prompt, accurate and the Vatican worked together to support Dr. Boshra Makar was the youngest grad- mail delivery service. This important legislation nonviolent opposition groups such as Po- uate of his class and graduated No. 1 from will benefit all parties in this particular mail de- land's Solidarity. Soviet President Gorba- Cairo University in 1947. He received a fellow- chev has said the Pope was the most impor- livery chain: the U.S. Postal Service, the tant cause of the fall of communism. It was ship and began to teach at Cairo University CMRA's, and most importantly, the postal cus- remarkably perceptive and visionary of the while he was studying for his masters in math- tomer. College of Cardinals to elect Karol Wojtyla ematics. In 1995 he received his Ph.D. in f of Poland, who had lived and worked under mathematics. communism in his native land. I personally Throughout his 48-year teaching career, Dr. THE EMBASSY'S 11 YEARS OF saw the moral influence of Pope John Paul II Boshra Makar has spent time visiting, and WORKING WITH THE HOLY SEE at the height of political instability in East- teaching in universities around the world in- ern Europe. I attended Catholic Church serv- cluding Egypt, Russia, and Lebanon. In 1962 HON. THOMAS J. MANTON ices with outlawed Solidarity workers at St. he was invited to attend a scientific exchange Brigid's Church in Gdansk and at the Lenin OF NEW YORK shipyards when a letter of support and en- program at Moscow University. After teaching IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES couragement sent by the Pope inspired peo- in Moscow, he spent several years teaching in Thursday, April 6, 1995 ple throughout the church and country. Lebanon at the American University of Beirut. Pope John Paul kept the Solidarity move- He then migrated to the United States to teach Mr. MANTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment alive, which led ultimately to the fall at Michigan Technological University. In 1967, share with my colleagues some thoughtful re- of communism in Poland and inspired other Dr. Boshra Makar moved to Jersey City to marks delivered by my friend, the Honorable Eastern bloc countries to move towards de- teach graduate and undergraduate students at Raymond L. Flynn, the United States Ambas- mocracy. Saint Peter's College. sador to the Vatican. Another example of convergence in policy He has not only distinguished himself as a In this excerpt of a recent speech delivered goals was in the arena of human rights and religious freedom. The Holy See, as a full teacher, but as a scholar. Dr. Boshra Makar by the Ambassador he discusses the impor- tant relationship between the Vatican and the member of the Helsinki Process, drafted the has published over 20 research papers in language on religious freedom that set the leading mathematical journals throughout the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See. The Ambas- benchmark against which the failings of to- world. He has published articles in prestigious sador eloquently describes the role morality talitarian regimes could be measured. journals such as the Bulletin des Sciences and a humanitarian spirit should play in the The Embassy worked with the Vatican on Mathematiques in Paris, and for the American United States international policy. I urge my several aspects of the crises in Central Amer- Mathematical Society. Dr. Boshra Makar has colleagues to read Ambassador Flynn's re- ica during the 1980's. When Panamanian written research papers in the fields of func- marks and consider the special role that be- strongman Gen. Noriega took refuge in the papal nuncio's residence on Christmas Eve tional analysis, complex variables, algebra, lievers of all faiths can play in ensuring our world becomes a better place. 1990, the Embassy negotiated his departure. and cryptology. The Embassy had the unique opportunity Dr. Boshra Makar's accomplishments have THE EMBASSY'S 11 YEARS OF WORKING WITH to be involved with peacemaking in 1990±92 been acknowledged in numerous reference THE HOLY SEE when it acted as observer and facilitator at works such as Who's Who in the World, While the initiative on humanitarian aid the Rome talks between the two warring fac- Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the delivery is new, it is not out of character tions in Mozambique. The talks concluded East, Who's Who in Education, Who's Who in with the close cooperation between the U.S. successfully with a cease-fire in October 1992. and the Holy See since formal diplomatic re- Technology, and Personnage Contemporanei The Embassy has recently followed the Al- lations were established in 1984. gerian national reconciliation talks which (Academia Italia). He has touched many lives In the eleven years of full diplomatic rela- were held in Rome involving the main Alge- with his dedication and commitment to schol- tions, the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has rian opposition parties. This process has a arly pursuits. actively pursued U.S. foreign policy goals by real chance to achieve peace in a country Dr. Boshra Makar is truly an outstanding cit- working closely with the Vatican on politi- where thousands have already died in fight- izen, and I am very proud to have him living cal, economic, and social concerns, The U.S. ing. and working in my district. His contributions has worked closely with the Vatican on the HISTORIC CATHOLIC-JEWISH ACCORD will be remembered through his publications, UN population conference in Cairo to produce a workable final document. We pur- Our Embassy has been particularly active which will inspire future mathematicians. Even sued our joint goals of sustainable and equi- in furthering U.S.-Holy See cooperation on a though he is retiring from teaching at Saint table development at the Copenhagen con- number of issues. At the direction of Presi- Peter's College I know he will remain an ac- ference on social development held at the be- dent Clinton, we actively pursued establish- tive citizen, and scholar. Please join me in ginning of March. At the conference, Hillary ing full diplomatic relations between the wishing Dr. Boshra Makar a happy retirement. Rodham Clinton made a strong appeal to the Holy See and Israel; this historic achieve- f world community not to forget the most bla- ment was accomplished in 1993. I met exten- tant victims of poverty in society today, sively with Israeli political and religious of- POSTAL ADDRESSES women and children. The same compas- ficials in the cause of furthering Christian- sionate appeal was delivered to the con- Jewish and Vatican-Israeli understanding. ference on behalf of Pope John Paul II by At the same time, I keep close contact with HON. DON YOUNG Monsignor Diarmuid Martin, the Catholic the Catholic hierarchy that represents Leba- OF ALASKA Church representative at the conference. The nese and Palestinian peoples and others who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Catholic Church's view of what needs to be do not yet feel full partners in the Middle Thursday, April 6, 1995 done to alleviate the suffering, pain, and East peace process. Holy See-Israel relations lack of development in the Third World is, was the first topic President Clinton raised Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, today for the most part, not in conflict with what with the Pope at their first meeting in Den- I rise to introduce legislation that will amelio- Mrs.
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