Cambridge University Press 0521651778 - The Cambridge Companion to Newton Edited by I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith Index More information index Abb´e Conti, 450, 456, 459 optics and, 235, 238–45 abduction, 161 refraction and, 235 aberration, 212–13 Alchemist, The (Jonson), 25 absolute motion, 33–6, 174; see also alchemy, 11–12, 17, 23, 27–9, 316, motion 382–6, 390 absolute quantity, 64 composition theory and, 372–4 absolute space, 33–6, 40–1, 174; see also criticism of, 25–6 space Maier and, 374–81 absolute time, 40–1 Newton’s manuscripts and, 370–1 controversies over, 33–6, 174 prisca sapientia, 370–1, 374–5 Newton’s context and, 36–8 religion and, 24, 378–81 see also time see also chemistry acceleration, 12, 64 algebra, 11, 309, 311, 323 absolute time/space and, 40–1 ancient wisdom and, 433–4 conic motion and, 93–5 attacks on, 317 great inequality and, 215–17 geometry and, 431–2, 439–40 harmonic rule and, 180 Newton vs. Leibniz and, 439–40 impulsive to continuous forces and, see also mathematics 74–5 Analyse des infiniment petits mathematical to physical (L’Hospital), 322 characterization and, 153 Analysis per Quantitatum Series, unification of Moon and, 183–4 Fluxiones et Differentias (Jones), Account of Sir Isaac Newton’s 444 Philosophical Discoveries, An analysis, see dynamic analysis (Maclaurin), 329, 348–9 Analyst, The (Berkeley), 22 Account of the Commercium ancient wisdom, 370–1, 374 Epistolicum (Newton), 324 algebra and, 433–4 Achmet, 401 Rosicrucianism and, 375–81 Acta Eruditorum, 435, 440–1, 444–5, 450 angular momentum, 121 action at a distance, 152 Antichrist, 393–5 Act of Uniformity, 421 antimony, 363 Adams, J. C., 221–2 aphelia, 178–80 ad hoc reasoning, 158 Apocalypse, 387, 390, 421 aether, 207–8 argument from design and, 391–2 mechanical philosophy and, 340–2, construction of, 393 344 experimentalism and, 396–400 481 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521651778 - The Cambridge Companion to Newton Edited by I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith Index More information 482 Index Apocalypse (cont.) atomism interpretive rules of, 396–400 color and, 245–9 methodization of, 391–6 hypothesis and, 250–1 apogee, 210–11 see also optics curvature method of computation, 100–6 Bacon, Francis, 1, 3 Apollonius, 309, 324 ballistics, 450 approximations, 157–8, 161–3 Barrow, Isaac, 10–11, 311, 315, 432 Archbishop Sharp, 422 Barton, Catherine, 13 Archbishop Tenison, 422 Beast of the Apocalypse, 394 Archimedes, 309 Bedford, Arthur, 411–12 area law, see Kepler’s area law Bentley, Richard, 417, 419, 448 arguing more securely, 141, 150, 160–7 Berkeley, George, 1, 22–3, 334, 417 Arianism, 412, 414–15, 417 absolute space/time and, 33, 46 Aristotle, 1–3, 10, 60, 204, 334 metaphysics and, 331, 335 Arithmetica Infinitorium (Wallis), 311 Bernoulli, Jakob, 437 Arithmetica Universalis (Newton), Bernoulli, Johann, 322 318–19, 432 Charta Volans and, 445 Arius, 23 Leibniz controversy and, 431, 435, Arnauld, Antoine, 1, 456 437, 439, 443–4, 450 astrology, 23 reconciliation of, 450–1 Astronomia Britannica (Wing), 205–6 Bernoulli, Nikolaus, 444 Astronomia Carolina (Streete), 205 Beveridge, William, 412 Astronomia Nova (Kepler), 202–3 biblical studies, 11, 28 Astronomia Philolaica (Boulliau), 204–5 Antichrist, 393–5 astronomy, 15, 330 Book of Daniel, 24, 387–8, 394, 412, aberration and, 212–13 414–15, 419, 421–2 aether and, 207–8, 235, 238–45, 340–2, Book of Nature, 323 344 Book of Revelation, 24, 387, 390–400, Earth, 81; see also Earth 421 geometry and, 317–18; see also correct philosophy and, 390 geometry; Kepler’s area law corruption of scripture and, 409–10, great inequality and, 215–17 419 group effort of, 15 False Prophet, 394 Jupiter and, 153; see also Jupiter Genesis, 387 lunar apse and, 213–15 idolatry, 420 Moon-test and, 182–3; see also Moon infant baptism, 420 Mercury and, 194, 206, 222–3 I John 5:7, 409–10, 419, 421–3 Newton’s place in, 7–8 Joshua, 457–8 planetary motion and, 193–4; see also literalism and, 420–1 planetary motion Mace and, 409 reflecting telescope and, 11 monotheism and, 378 Sun and, 203–5; see also Sun Moses, 410–11 uniform circular motion and, 86–93, prophecy and, 387–405 143–4 rejection of Trinity, 10–11, 23–4, van Schooten and, 310–11 409–10, 412–15, 419–23 see also celestial mechanics; orbital Rosicrucianism and, 376 motion I Timothy 3:16, 409–10, 419, 421–2 Atalanta Fugiens (Maier), 24 truth and, 390–1 Athanasius, 394 understanding and, 392 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521651778 - The Cambridge Companion to Newton Edited by I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith Index More information Index 483 universal law and, 371 lunar motion and, 120–4, 213–15 Whore of Babylon, 394 Newton vs. Leibniz and, 13–14, 432, see also God 439–40, 445–7 binomial theorem, 312 “Quadrature” and, 439 Bishop Lloyd, 422 resistance forces and, 118–20 Book of Daniel, 24, 387–8, 394 see also mathematics eighteenth-century Christianity and, Cambridge, 9–13 412, 414–15, 419, 421–2 Caroline, Princess of Wales, 411, prophecy of Seventy Weeks and, 412, 448–9 419, 422 Leibniz–Clarke correspondence and, Book of Nature, 323 455–63 Book of Revelation, 24, 421 Cartesian ovals, 237 Apocalypse and, 387, 390–400 Case, Thomas, 256 bootstrapping, 174 Castelli, Benedetto, 457 Borelli, G. A., 15, 435 Catholic Church, 415–16, 420, 422 Boscaglia, Cosimo, 457–8 causal interactions, 37 Bouillau, Ishmael,¨ 15, 152, 179, 204–5 absolute time/space and, 38–49 Boyle, Robert, 16, 25, 338 gravity and, 152 alchemy and, 26 greater certainty and, 228 chemistry and, 359–60, 363 Kepler and, 204 density and, 59 Caussin, Nicolas, 401 theft and, 445 celestial circularity, 86 Brackenridge, J. Bruce, xi, 6, 85–137 celestial mechanics, 224–6 Bradley, James, 212–13, 217 aberration and, 212–13 Brahe, Tycho, 15–16 aether and, 207–8; see also aether absolute time/space and, 37 comets and, 208, 218–20, 222 accuracy of data and, 152–3 Earth’s figure and, 220–1 harmonic rule and, 178–80 gravitation theory limitations and, lunar motion and, 120–1 221–3 mathematical to physical harmonic rule and, 206–10 characterization and, 156 inverse-square law and, 213–15 puffy-cheeked orbit and, 203 Jupiter/Saturn inequality and, Brewster, David, 25, 442–3 215–17 bright-idea myth, 6–8 Kepler’s laws and, 202–10 British Board of Admiralty, 217 Moon and, 213–18; see also Moon Brown, Ernest W., 223 nutation and, 212–13 Buffon, Comte de, 439 precession and, 212–13 Bur, 360 problem of the tides and, 220–1 Burckhardt, Johann Karl, 218 vortices and, 205–7 Burg, Johann Tobias, 218 see also astronomy Burnet, Thomas, 366 Celestial Mechanics (Laplace), 7, 217 Burnet, William, 442 center of force, 12, 125 conic motion and, 93–5 Cabalieri, Bonaventura, 311 curvature method and, 100–6 Cadmus, 379 early computational methods and, Cajori, Florian, 207 95–106 calculus, 10–11, 21, 117, 388–9 harmonic rule and, 206–7 Charta Volans and, 445–6 Kepler’s area law and, 107–10 dynamic analysis and, 313–16, spiral motion and, 96 319–20, 324 uniform circular motion and, 87–93 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521651778 - The Cambridge Companion to Newton Edited by I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith Index More information 484 Index centrifugal force, 88–9 Chymical Lectures (Freind), 441 absolute time/space and, 44–5 circular motion, see orbital motion curvature method and, 100–6 Civil War, 9 Huygens and, 145, 206 Clairaut, Alexis-Claude, 158, 167 centripetal force, 6, 12, 57, 62–3 comets and, 219–20 First Law of Motion and, 64–5 Earth’s figure and, 220 harmonic rule and, 180 lunar motion and, 213–15, 217 induction and, 187–9 Clarke, Samuel infinitesimals and, 75–8 Leibniz correspondence and, 455–63 mathematical to physical Newton vs. Leibniz and, 448–50 characterization and, 153 religion and, 411–13, 417, 422–3 Newtonian style and, 144, 148, 156 “Clavis,” 24–5 theory-mediated measurement and, Clavis Apocaliptica (Mede), 387 144 Clavis Mathematicae (Oughtred), 311 three measures of, 64 cogitatio caeca, 325 unification of Moon and, 181–5 Cohen, I. Bernard, xi, 1–32, 57–84, 154 Chambers, Ephraim, 29 Collins, John, 11, 14, 311, 442 Charles II, 9 collisions, 87–93 Charleton, Walter, 16 color, 10–11, 389 Charta Volans, 445–6 aether and, 238–45 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 25 atomism and, 245–9 chemistry, 11–12, 17, 24, 358–60, 368–9 Hooke’s objections and, 400 corpuscularism and, 363–7 reflection and, 230 Helmontian matter-theory and, 361–3 refraction and, 230, 237 Paracelsian principles and, 362 theory of, 229–32 vitriol and, 361 see also optics see also alchemy Comet Encke, 222 Chevalier Ramsay, 413 Comet Halley, 208, 222 Cheyne, George, 438, 441 comets, 208, 218–20, 222 Christianity, 394, 424–30 Commandino, Federico, 308 anti-Catholicism and, 415–16 Commercium Epistolicum, 324, 442–4, Bedford and, 411–12 450–1 Berkeley and, 417 common analysis, 312; see also dynamic Chronology and, 411 analysis Greek Fathers and, 416 composition theory, 372–4 historical accuracy and, 412 Conclusio (Newton), 360 Hutchinsonians and, 418–19 Conduitt, John, 13 literalism and, 420–1 conic motion, 93–5, 208 Moses and, 410–11 Conics (Appolonius), 324 Observations and, 409–10 continuous forces rejection of Trinity and, 10–11, 23–4, First Law of Motion and, 64–5 409–10, 412–15, 419–23 impulsive forces and, 70–5 Shuckford and, 416–17 controversies, 11–12 Warburton and, 416–17 Commercium Epistolicum and, 442–4 Whiston and, 412–13 gravity and, 174–5 see also biblical studies Leibniz and, 455–63; see also Leibniz, Chronology of Ancient Kingdom’s Gottfried Wilhelm Amended, The (Newton), 411, 417 Observations and, 409–10 Church of England, 10, 411, 414, 417, publishing dates, 439–41 420, 422–3 religious, 412; see also Christianity © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521651778 - The Cambridge Companion to Newton Edited by I.
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