ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY Atugust 14, 1982 cal distinctioins of Marxistn-Leninisin- Bangladesh's Marxist-Leninists-II Maoism - in which the various Sumanta Banerji Marxist-Leninist groups of Bangla- desh delight to indulge - the JSD FROM a review of the last decade, it The Unfinisfied Revolution" has ex- chose two issues: first, the general 'is obvious that the different Marxist- haustively investigated the American frustration among the masses because Leninist groups faced an ideological links behind the August 15 events. of Sheikh Mujib's failures in the eco- crisis immediately after the liberation But he has also - in the other part of nomic sphere; and second, the patrio- of Bangladesh. Almost all of them the book dealing with Abu Taher's tiC aspirations of the people, parti- agreed that the liberation was pri- uprising - touched upon the popular cularly the army 'jawans' wlho had marily brought about by the interven- feeling of relief at Mujib's departure fought in the liberation war and tion of the Indian army - which and expectation of a change. It is this found to their dismay that they were prevented a protracted national libera- mass expectation oni which the Jatiya being forced to submit to pressures tion war against Pakistan and pre-etn- Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) - a break- from the Indian government (imme- pted the emergence of an indigenous away group from the Awami League, diately after liberation, Major Jalil patriotic (probably Leftist) leadership led by students and young intellectuals who later became a leader of the JSD - and that the Awami League gov- committed to a vague Leftist strategy -- protested against the depredations ernment was subservienit to Soviet of a 'socialist revolution' in Bangla- carried out by the Indian army, and Union and the Indian governmnent.But desh - capitalised, anid in conjunc- as a result, was imprisoned by the they differed on the strategy to be tion with the patriotic sections of the Mujib regime). These two issues were followed. Was the main contradiction 'jawans' of the Bangladesh almy attemp- the bases of JSD popularity in between the masses and the external ted an uprising on November 7, 1974-75. powers represented by 'Soviet social- 1975. But the uprising paved the way But the JSD failed to achieve their imperialists and Indian expansionists', for the return of yet another dictator, objective, as their strike was confined or between the masses and the indi- Ziaur Rahmain, safeguarding the inter- to a coup d'etat only. There was no genous feudal and compradore inter- ests of the same feudal and compra- plan to co-ordinate the mutiny in the ests? Wile these ideological debates dor interests, as evident from the re- barracks with peasants' uprising in the continued, split after split followed in cord of his regime. This experience countryside, where 80 per cent of the the ranks, eroding the strength of the carries lessons for the Marxist- Bangladesh population lives. Such a Marxist-Leninists and making them Leniniists of Bangladesh. As one co-ordination could have -re--empted vulnerable to the militarily surperior Marxist-Leninist pamphlet referring the return of a careerist armyman-poli- offensive launched by the state's re- to the November 7, 1975 events points .tician like Ziaur Rahman who continu- pressive forces as well as the Awami out: "Why, in spite of the role of ed to represent the interests of the Leaguie hoodlums. patriotic forces in the army, state ruling classes and imperialists. The In the meantime, the initial euphoria power again reverted to the same rul- Marxist-Leninist groups who were among the masses generated by the ing clique instead of progressive active in the countryside at that time 1971 liberation was fast evaporating patriots? The answer to this question the EPCP (M-L), the Purba Bangla dIe to the inevitable crisis in the eco- is: the 'Jawans' of the army, although Communist Party (M-L) and the Sar- nomic and political fields. Inflation, inspired by patriotic instincts, are not bahara Party - and were committed blackmarketing, hoarding of food- aware of their own class role. In the to armed struggle, suffered from pre- grains by profiteers and landlords, the present socio-economic st-ucture of judices against the leaders of the JSD. emergence of Awami League armed Bangladesh, the political leadership The JSD leaders, Rab and Sirai, one- hoodlums terrorising villagers and which can make them aware of their time activists of the Awami League citizens testified to the failure of historical role and organise them to students' front, had played a prominent Sheikh Mujibur's policies. In a des- carry out that responsibility has not part during 1971 in fighting and killing perate bid to maintain power, Mujib yet emerged. Those who are carrying Marxist-Leninists. The mutual bitter- declared Emergency on December 28, on the progressive Leftist tradition ness between the JSD ranks and Mao- 1974; made himself President for five have failed to come forward unitedly ists continued even after liberation and years in a constitutional change on to play their historical role" (Pro- still lingers. gramme of the Patriotic January 25, 1975 and stampeded all Front, August The various Marxist-Leninist groupg the 1981(?)). political parties into joining a of Bangladesh still do not have any single party called the Bangladesh JSD's ROLE concrete programme for the 'jawans' Krishak Sramik Awami League of the army. Yet, unlike soldiers in (BAKSAL) on February 24 that year. The ability of the JSD to fill the other parts of the sub-continent, the T4e divided and enfeebled Marxist- vacuum created by the absence of an members of the armed forces in Leninists could hardly be expected to effective and viable revolutionary oppo- Bangladesh have a militant and radical pose a challenge to this fast-mnoving sition to Sheikh Muijibur Rahman's past. Their role in the liberation war pace of dictatorial onrush and provide regime (it was mainly the students and their radicalisation in the course of a viable alternative to the people of and petty-bourgeois militants who events set them apart from the armed Bangladesh. In such a situation, the flocked to the JSD, which proved to forces of Pakistan or India. It is signi- decisive strike could be sprung only be a powerful challenge in November ficant that during the last one decade by an organised group. It was a sec- 1975 when it received support from there have been at least 20 small or tion in the army which dealt the fatal the army 'jawans' led by Abu Taher) major attempted army coups in Bangla- blow by assassinating Mujib and his should be a lesson for the Marxist- desh. While political observers can family members on August 15. Law- Leninists of Bangladesh. Uninhibited dismiss them as foreign-inspired ience Lifschultz in his "Bangladesh: by the need to explain subtle theoreti- attempts, a dispassionate analysis can- -1311 This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Feb 2016 04:56:54 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Auti(ist 14. 1982 ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY not ignore the desperate urge for a Party descrilbed Zia as a "puppet" of. Inidia and Soviet Uniioin, one of their change among the 'jawans? which has US imperialism aind called for the des- followers in a self-critical mood says: led them all these years to support one truction of US imperialists, Soviet "All their discussions and decisions coUp or another. Not all the coups social-imperialism and Indian expan- stem from their opposition to Russia can be explained as expressions of sionists. But Toaha's SamyvabadiDal and India, not from a Marxist or a class rivalry among the army officers, which which at first supported Zia, at a later viewpoint.. They do not work in the incidentally is an important factor in stage accused him of subservience to interests of our people, but for the the crisis in the alrmedforces of Bangla- 'Indian expansionism' on issues like sake of their internationaI allies." (Syed desh. As for the 'jawans', they pri- Farakka. Toaha's consistent proximity Tarikuzzaman, Forum, October 19, marily come from the peasantry or to the official Chinese view, and his 1981.) The same criticism is made by workinig class families, and are affected adherence to Beijing's new fangled another Bangladeshi Marxist-Leninist by the economic disabilities that have 'Three World Theory' which holds theoretician, when he says that Leftists hit the poor in villages and cities in the Soviet social-imperialism as the main in Bangladesh "dissociated from class recent years. To their utter dismay enermy, possibly led him to ignore Zia's struLggles,[have] become direct or in- they found that the November 7, 1905 pro-US stance. Yet, the national com- direct servants of one superpower in coup which many among them support- pulsion of ooposing Zia forced him to the name of opposing the other". ed, brought about a regime which fail- find an ideological rationale that would (Badruddin Umar. "Leftists of -Bangla- ed to solve basic economic problems. justify the opposition. What better desh", Sanskr-iti, September 1981.) Inflation reached alarming heights rationale could there be than branding during Zia's six-year regime. The Zie as a weak-kneed ruler kowtowing IIEAL.rTHYSIGNS prices of essential commodities showed before India and the Soviet Union? These comments are healthy signs of a six to 10 times increase. The cost of Some other Marxist-Leninists, however, a new realisation among Marxist-Lenin- living index duiring 1980-81, the last like the pro-Beijing faction of Bhasani's ists of Bangladesh. Their experience year of his government, went up by 17 NAP, held that Zia was a staunch duiring the.
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