285 Budget (Karnataka), [ 10 AUG. 1989 ] Karnataka Appropriation 286 1989-90 and ag we non. Members are aware, the THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; We will Budget of the State of Karnataka for be giving you twelve minutes in any case. 1989-90 was presented to the Legislature Your time is 12 minutes. of the State on 17th March 1989 and the Vote On Account for the expenditure SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA: estimated to be incurred during the first I cannot speak anything in 12 minutes. six months was obtained on 27th Malrch 1989, and the Karnataka Apprornation THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Unfortu- (Vote on Account) Act, 1989, was passed nately, when they take a decision in the in March 1989. Since the State Legisla- Business Advisory Committees they do tive Assembly was dissolved before the not realise. We have only 12 minutes Demands for the full year could be vot- registered. ed the Budget for the financial year 1989- 90 as presented to the State Legislature SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA: was presented to Parliament on 31st I would draw your attention to the fact July 1989. The Lok Sabha granted the that this Bill was not discussed by the balance of the Demands for Grants and Opposition,—an unfortunate situation. passed the connected Appropriation Bill SHRI H. HANUMANTHAPPA (Kar- which is now before this House. To nataka). The State Assembly would have meet the total estimated expenditure dur- discussed it for month's together. ing the current year; the Bill provides for payment and approbation out of the THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: If the Consolidated Fund of Karnataka of a Mtmbers agree, we can dispense with the total sum of Rs. 5374.93 crores, compris- lunch hour and continue. (Interruptions') ing of Rs. 4073.26 crores voted by the Lok Sabha and Rs. 1301.67 crores SHRI H. HANUMANTHAPPA; Why charged on the Consolidated Fund of • do you deprive us of ... (Interruptions) the State and is inclusive of the sum ear- lier authorised for withdrawal in the Kar- SHRI JASWANT SINGH (Rajasthan): nataka Appropriation Act, 1989. Full de- Why dispense with the lunch hour? tails of the provisions are available in the (Interruptions) Demands for Grants circulated to Mem- bers on the 31st July 1989. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; It is bet- ter that we now adjourn for lunch and Madam, I move. he can speak af'er lunch. The question was proposed. The House then adjourned for lunch at twenty-five minutes past one of the clock.The House reassembled after lunch at twenty-nine minutes . past two of the clock. [The Vice Chairman (Shri Jagesh. desai) in the Chair.] . BUDGET (KARNATAKA), 1989-90 I. KARNATAKA APPROPRIATION (ILL, 1989—contd. THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Let Mr. Chandre Gowda start and he ean con- THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI JA- :inue after lunch. StESH DESAI): Mr. Chandre Gowda. SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA [Karnataka): Madam, we can adjourn ujd meet at 2.30, as usual. 287 Budget (Karnataka), [RAJYA SABHA] Karnataka Appropriation. 288 1989-90 and Bill, 198? SHRI D. B. CHANDRE GOWDA: country under the Presidents rule, 1 Mr. Vice-Chairman. Sirj I thank you for feel it is a negation of the spirit of the allowing me to initiate the discussion on President's rule which we have envisaged the Karnataka budget. Before I come to under Article 356. I have reason to the budget, I would like to take the believe that transfers have been directed House over the period of three months from Delhi, either from the office of or a little more than that.. the Prime Minister or from the office of the Home Minister or elsewhere from the concerned Ministers or otherwise con- While referring to the mandate, the cerned too. ; I am told, I wish I am hpn_ Prime Minister has said that the wrong, Shri Venkitaramanan takes Members of the Lok Sabha by resigning direct orders from the Prime Minister's en masse have violated the mandate of office. Most of the Backward Class and the feople. I would like to draw the atten- Scheduled Caste officers have been sent tion of this House to what has happen- out of Vidhan Saudha, the Seat of ed in Karnataka. The mandate has been power the seat of the power given by given a decent burial. They have debased the people. And Vidhan Saudha is and defiled the Anti-Defection law, assaul- ago with rumours that every transfer is ted the Constitution, butchered, democracy for some consideration, either it may be in broad daylight and reduced the office political or otherwise Sir, if i have to. of the Governor to that of a marionette quote certain transfers recently made a Of the ruling party at the Centre. copy of which I have, you will be Sur- prised to know what can a non-popular Government do under the President's rule- Let us leave it at that, and let us leavei Sir, in one set of transfers of KAS offi- it to the people of the country to decide cers, there are 58 in the list, and in the as to who should be consigned to the second set of transfers, there are more dustbin of history. If you have faith in than ten. In all there were about 68 transfer so far as the KAS officers are people, let up go to them. Don't stick concerned In the case of Indian Forest like a limpet to the chair you are sitting Service, they have transferred about 25 on and pursue your perpetual rule in Senior officers to different places. To Karnataka. quote a few,more, a further set of 27 KAS officers have been transferred. Let Mr. Vice-Chainnan, Sir, before I take me now come to the iAS officers. Sir, up the discussion on the Budget-Karna- on 5.5.1989, 20 iAS officers- have been taka, I feel that we should have some transferred. Again, on the same day, idea of the President's rule in that State a second set of transfers of 19 officers particularly and that of the Janata Dal took place. And I do not know. U prior to that and their performance for does not stop at that And on 15.5.1989, about 6 long years. First of all, there 18 officers have been transferred. And is that new innovation—the Advisers to on 18.5.1989, 8 officers have been trans- the Governors, if i am correct The ferred. The total figure comes to about Imposition of the President's rule has 65 IAS officers who have teen transfer- made the Governor to run the day-to-day red This is what the present state Of administration through three Advisors. affairs is going on. If my friend wants, Official machinery of Karnataka is known I have the whole list with me. Sir, one 'for its efficiency. But I am sorry to say of the Janata Party leaders, I am told, that the over-bearing attitude of the Ad- who was the previous Minister, he is visors who have no stakes in the State or very busy with transfers. He has, J am in the people of Karnataka has demoralis-' told the blessings of the Central Govern- ed the entire bureaucracy. I feel it is > ment and the Governor obliges him. Day an insult to the efficiency of the State in and day out he either sits in the office ] Service and the administration of of the Vidhan Soudh or in the Governor's Karnataka. The recent indiscriminate, office. His only job is to get the trans- unnecessary and biased transfers tell so fers, sanctioned. (Interruptions). I do many stories which were unknown either not know. Most of the engineers, either In Karnataka or anywhere else in the 289 Budget (Karnataka), [ 10 J£UG. 1989 ] Karnataka Appropriation 290 1989-90 and Bill. 1989 of the irrigation or PWD, from top to cerned tickets They spent a lot of bottom, they are also transferred accord- money to readjust their whole adminis- ing to his directions. Advisers are busy trative set up. And the Congress leaders attending to these leaders, the so-called make an appeal and this drama begins leaders, and guiding the destiny of the and the Governor withdraws the order on officers, not the destiny of tie State, So, 28.5.1989. Having spent so much of Sir I would appeal to the Central Gov- money he withdraws the order ernment, please Dispense with the busi- ness of these advisers, trust the local offi- Sir, again he takes a decision to dis- cers. They can deliver the goods. They continue certain routes on the plea that have been delivering the goods; I am they are uneconomical ,and within a few not new to the administration. I was not days again the same drama is played and only a Minister I have done the job he withdraws it. In whose interest he as a Speaker and Leader of the Opposi- is doing it? tion also. Never have I come across such mass transfers, especially at a time THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI JA- when the President's rule has been clamp- GESH DESAI): I would like to know ed in a particular State. how it is done because I also have run this department in Maharashtra. This is Sir coming to the recent happenings done by the Board. It comes to the' Go- in Karnataka ... vernment only for approval. THE VICE-CHAIRMAN (SHRI JA- SHRI D B. CHANDRE GOWDA; GESH DESAI); There are two names My point is that the Governor himself from your party.
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