A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each "Week VOL. XVI—NO. 20 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1954 PRICE EIGHT GENTS Prize Seniors Receive Their Awards B, of E. Jobs Education. Here is 'Terrific Bargain,9 N. J* Says on Basis of 14:4 % Assessments ToHolohan By RTJTH WOLK "isn't due to the people—that is due to the mort- Restricted TRENTON — "The people with children in gage^ companies who make sure the taxes are schools in Woodbridg-e Township are getting- a terrific bargain," Assistant Commissioner of Edu- collected." \ And Farley cation Edward W. Kilpatrick, of the Division of Present, in addition to Board and Town Com- Business, told the Town Committee and the mittee members were Township Attorney B. W.a Board of Education last Thursday at a hearing1 Vog-e], Board Attorney Andrew D. Desmond, ormer is Selection for on the Board's application for permission to con- County Superintendent of 'Schools Robert R. Emergency' is Declared struct a new elementary school in Iselin. Blunt, Superintendent of Schools Victor C. Nick- Truant Officer; Latter All the testimony was recorded and will be las, and some 35 spectators, from the Township, Due to Low Pressure; Transportation Clerk referred to Commissioner Frederick M. Kaubin- including residents of Iselin and representatives Conference Is Called ger for decision. If the ^petition is approved the of the Citizens' Council and Better Schools Association. WOODBRIDGE — Agreement matter will then be placed before the Department WOODBEHQGE — Due to the ms been reached by the Board »f local Government for final approval. In opening- the session, Mr. Kilpatrick stated existing shortage of water pres- Mr. Kilpatrick's statement was made after the Board must satisfy the commissioner that sure, Mayor Hugh B. Quigley to- ofr Education to appoint William auditors tor the Township and Board testified the existing education facilities are inadequate day issued a proclamation forbid- Holohan as truant officer and Leo that assessments are at 14.4% with a tax rate of and the request is not unreasonable or exorbitant. ding the use of water to sprinkle Farley, a member of the Board, $9.01 per $100 assessed valuation. .'Mr. Nicklas presented most of the facts on lawns and flowers except between as clerk of - transportation,\a new J. Edward Schierloh, Township auditor, noted behalf of the Board of Education. He related ;he hours of 9 P. M. to 6 A. M. appointment. the Board planned to build a grade school in The beginning salary of truant the average dwelling ha the Township is assessed The proclamation reads as fol- at $1,800 and the "average tax bill is $174 gross, Iselin with 15 classrooms and a kindergarten. lows: "Whereas there exists a officer is $3,200 a year and the without the soldiers' exemption." He described the rapid growth of the Township post of clerk of transportation serious shortage of water available When ilayor Hugh B. Quigley stated the and noted more and more classes are being to residents of Woodbridge Town- will pay $4,000 a year. Mr. Farley Township collects 95% of its taxes, George C. placed on a part-time basis. He particularly will have to resign as a member ship and Skillman, head of the Local Government Divi- dwelt on the large developments in Iselin recently "Whereas, this shortage pre- of the Board of Education before sion who sat in on the hearing, suggested it (Continued on Page 6) ] he can accept the appointment. sents an inherent danger to the The Board will then be empow- health and welfare of all Wood- ered to appoint a member to the Lumered Plastics Hosts bridge residents, Above are members of the graduating- class of Woodbridge High School who were awarded prizes Board who will serve until the Doliver Installed Psittacosis Case "Therefore, r, Hugh B. Quigley, February election. To Employees at Picnic Mayor of the Township of Wood- at the Class Day Exercises. laft to right.are Barbara Varona, Sandrina Petoletti, Nancy Xounger, bridge, hereby order and decree Shirley Reso, Eileen Marosi, Dr. John P. Lozo, High School principal; Sandra Warfield, Thomas Andrew Aaroe, president of the WOODBRGODGE—Over 200 em- 1 Board, said last night that no dis- Lions Club Head Reported in Town by reason of an existing emergency G. Desmond, vice principal; Lois Samson, Albert Thergesen,, Joseph Orosz, Robert Cserr, William ployes of the Lumuredt Plastics Duick, Carol Delisle, Fred Briegs, Karen Stern. cussion will be held regarding a that effective immediately,Wood- successor to Mr. Farley until he RARTHAiN TOWNSHIP—Morris Co., enjoyed! an outing given by WOODBRIDGE—The first case bridge Township residents are for- formally accepts the appointment. Doliver, Stelton, was installed as the company Saturday at Mc- of Psittacosis, commonly known bidden to use water for the pur- There has been considerable pres- president of the Raritan Town- as "parrot fever" has been report- pose of watering lawns, flowers or Plant We Missed • 6 Out of 20 Senior Prizes sure toward appointing a woman ship Lions Club at a charter night Guire's .Grove, Red Bank, -from ed to the Board of Health. shrubbery, except between the to the Board. meeting 'Monday at the Log Cabin 9:30 A. M., to 10 P. M., The victim, a breeder of para- hours of 9 P .M. and 6 A. M., until The position of clerk of trans- Inn, North Brunswick Township. Refreshments1 were available all keets, at first believed he had a further notice." Goes to Stamford Offered. Are Won by Cserr portation was recommended by 'Mr. Doliver succeeds William case of virus pneumonia, but tests day and' in the evening dinner was proved he. had psittacosis. The Mayor Quigley said he had ad- WOODBRIDGE — Robert Cserr, Superintendent of Schools Victor McCord, Stelton. Claude Har- served. A series of fames and con- vised Police Chief John R. Egan . Nicklas. The new clerk will be kins, MiUtown, recently named Board of. Health has quarantined WOOOBRIDGE — In wake of a member of the graduating class tests was held and) prizes were all. his birds and will tafee blood1 to issue orders to his men to halt the announcement toy Louis V. of Woodbridge High School, responsible to the superintendent district governor, was the install- all sprinkling of lawns during the and will take care of bus schedules ing officer. awarded. tests to determine if any of them Aronson H, president of'the Ron- walked off with six of the twenty Study of Pre-Fab carry the disease, daytime and early evening hours. eon Corporation'of Newark, that prizes awarded last Friday at the and investigations of irregularitie Others installed were Anthony The Mayor, together with may- construction teas started; on a annual Class Day exercises held in such as overloading of buses and Peters of Clara Barton, first vice Health Officer Harold Bailey ors of Raritan Township, Me- plant in Stamford, Conn., for the the school auditorium. Schools Promised buses leaving their destination be- president; Henry Metz of Stelton warned all dealers of parakeets, tuchen, Carteret and South Plain- fore schedule. He will also lay out (in absentia)., secpnd vice presi- Bus Toll Averted parrots and similar birds must sole manufacture ol its new elec- Prizes were awarded as follows: field, met with Ambrose Mundy, tric shaver, Jioipes that Bonson WOODBR3DGDE—The Board of new bus routes, draw specifications dent; Richard' Jago of Clara Bar- register; with the Board of Health, president of the Middlesex Water Danforth Foundation Awards, to Education has promised Elbur and handle routine matters. ton, third vice president; John and records must be kept of per- might still reconsider and build the boy and girl of the Senior By Driver Action ompany last night and promised on its Route 1 property here have Richards, a representative for a The new truant officer will work Kovach -of Clara Barton, secre- sons to whom birds are sold, so in to issue the proclamation. At the Class who have met and accepted pre-fabricated building company under the direction of Ernest Link, tary; Anthony Scheu of Clara case it is determined that birds dimmed still further. the challenge of life, Lois Samson WOODBRIDGE—A large group same time, the mayors demanded that it will study his suggestion in present truant officer, who will Barton, treasurer; Stanley Loet- bred by a certain dealer carry the that the water company take steps .The Independen-iLeader tried to and William Duick; The Babe relation to the local school prob- become head of the department. zer of Nixon, tail-twister, and of Passaic churchwomen, who disease, buyers, may be reached reach Mr. Aronson several times Ruth Sportsmanship Awards, to hoped to have 'a day's relaxation to construct additional boosters. lem. At the same time, Dr. Sydney If Mr. Farley accepts his ap- Francis DiAqallla d£ Stelton, Lion and warned. • • , ' Development Cause this week and finally yesterday the boy and girl chosen by a vote Goff, president of the Citizens' pointment, he will be the second tamer. at the shore yesterday, found their Mr. Bailey also warned para- •was told (by his office that "Mr of the senior class for outstanding Council, informed the board his Board member to resign to become Installed as directors for .one outing ending on Route 9 where keet owners to discontinue the "The many developments in all Aronson has, reached? no decision qualities of sportsmanship on the group is against "pre-f-aib" build- an employe of the Board. Mr. Link 'ear were Norman Vroom and their buses figured in an accident.
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