CENSUS OF INDIA, 1931 VOLUME XVII. PART III. APPENDICES TO THE IMPERIAL TABLES BY KHAN AHMAD HASAN KHAN, M.A., K.S.1- SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS. PUNJAB & DELIU. 1£a:hor£ : PRlNTED A'l' TIlE .. UIYIJ, AND MILITARY (1A7.ETTJ~" PRESS. 1933. Price: Rs. 7... 8.. 0 or lIs.. 3d. Agents for the Sale of PUlljab Gover,nment<. Publications. "THE GENERAL MANAGER~ "The Qaumi , R. S. JAURA~ ESQ., B.A., B.T., The Students' Daler" and The Union Press, Amritsar. Popul~r Depot, Anarkali, Lahore. { MESSRS. D. B. TARAPOREWALA, SONS & CO., ,MESSRS. THACKER SPINK & CO., Simla. Bombay. THE MANAGER, The English Book Depot, MESSRS. W. NEWMAN & Co., LTD., Calcutta. T~j.,J:{oad, Agra. 'MESSRS. THACKER SPINK 00., Oalcutta. & THE MANAGING-PAR,TNER, The Bombay MESSRS. RAMA KRISHNA & SONS, Lahore. Book Depot, Booksellers and Publishers, THE SECRETARY, Punjab Religions Book . Girgaon, Bombay. Society, Lahore. '~TnE PROPRIETOR, The Book Company, THE' MANAGER, University Book Agency, Calcutta. Lahore. MESSRS. CHATTERJI & Co., Booksellers, L. RAM LAL SURI, Proprietor, "The 204, Oornwallis Street, Calcutta. Students' Own Agency," Lahore. T~E . M~NAGER, Standard Book Depot, L. DEWAN CHAND, Proprietor,' The Lahore. Mercantile Press, Lahore. THE PROPRIETOR, Aftab Punjab General THE MANAGER, Mufid-i-'Am Press, Lahore. Law Book Agency, Lahore. ., , . ~ ... THE PROPRIETOR, Punjab Law Book Mart, J'HE MANA~~, Oxford Book and Stationery Lahore. Co., The Mall, Lahore. MR. D. PESTONJI, Stockists' Representative, THE PROPRIETDR, City Book Co., Post Box Lahore. No. 283, Madras. "THE MANAGING-PROPRIETOR, The Com­ TH1<J MANAGER, The New Book Depot, mercial Book Company, Lahore. No. 79, The Mall, Simla. TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. of Name of Table. Page. Table. i VI-A 1 Appendix to Imperial Table VI.-Birth-plac~, Age and Occupation \ of Selected Castes of the immigrants to the~ . I ; Part. I.-Lower Chenab Colony 2 " II.--Lower Jhelum Colony 8 " IlL-Upper Bari Doab Colony 14 " IV.-Nili Bar Colony 20 VU-D Appendix to Imperial Table VII.-Age and Sex for Towns 25 VIII-A Appendix to Imperial Table VIII.-Civil Condition by Age and Caste of certain sects- 33 Part L-Vedic Dharm 34 " II.-Brahmo 62 " III.-Dev Dharm 64 XIII-A Appendix to Imperial Table XIII.-Literacy in certain Vernaculars by Religion 69 Part I. - Provincial Summary 70 " IT.-British Territory and detail for Districts and States 70 XIII-B Appendix to Imperial Table XIII.-.Primary passed persons by Religion and Sex 77 Part I.-British Territory 78 " II.-Punjab States 80 XIV-A Appendix to Imperial Table XIV.-Literacy by Castes of certain sects. 81 Part I.-Vedic Dharm 82 • " II.-Brahmo 89 " III.-Dev Dharm 90 XVI-A Appendix to Imperial Table XVI.-Sects of main Religions-, 91 I. Hindu 92 2. Sikh 98 3. Jain 102 4. Muslim 104 • TABLE VI-A, BIRTH-PLACE, AGE AND OCCUPATION OF SELECTED CASTES OF THE IMMIGRANTS TO THE LOWER CHENAB, LOWER JHELUM, UPPER BARI DOAB AND NILI BAR CANAL COLONIES. Being an Appendix to Imperial Table VI, (Birth-place). 1. For the purposes of this Table the castes are the same as those selected for Imperial Table XVII. The four Colonies consist of the following Tahsils :- Lower Chenab. Lower Jhelum. Upper Bari Doab. Nili Bar. I 2 ;~ 4 ----- ----~~-~~~~-- Hafhabad (GUJRANWALAL Sheikhupura . }~HEI.KHU' Montgomery l MONT. Dipalpur ( MONT· Nankana Sahib PURl\, Okara ) GOMER:Y. Pakpattan ~ GOMERY. Shahdara - . Shahpur "1 Lyallpur "1 Bhalwal )-SHAHPUR. Mailsi t TOba Tek Singh ~LYALLPUR. Sargodha J Khanewal (MULTAN). Lodhran ~ MULTAN. J~ranwala J -Samundri Jhang Chiniot J JHANO. As it was not possible to separate immigrants from one part of a district to another, the Table does not show immigrants from the districts which lie partly in the colony concerned. 2. Only those castes are recorded against each district of hirth, which supplied] ,000 or more immigrants to the Lower Chenab Colony, 250 or more to the Lower Jhelum, and 500 or more to the Upper Bari Doab and Nili Bar Colonies, respectively. 3. Detail of eaGh caste by religion has been shown only for religions supplying 100 or more persons in the case of the Lower Chenab and 50 or more for the other three colomes. 4. Only a few occupations have been selected for this Table. Such -occupations as those of Blacksmiths, Oil-pressers, Leather-workers and Scavengers, which are only undertaken by . certain occupational castes, have not been shown as the figures for such castes under" Other" occupation is a sufficient indication of the numbers engaged therein. _ 2 TABLE VI-A.- . CASTE, BIRTH-PLACE, AGE AND OCCUPATION OF IMMIGRANTS BELONGING A('}E. TOTAL -"lUJlBER OF -------.------------ --I 1 ' EARNERS. hrMIGRANTS. 0-15 15-40 40 and over. ) DISTRICT OR STATE OF RELlmmr. BIRTH. ___,.- ___-- I----c --- -- ---.---I·-----I--··~---_ zo ~ ~ ~ uJ ~ 00 1 oj ]1.1 1 lfo. ~ ~ 3 a';.,'; j'1 i .... ,::a p, "" ~ ;:.: p, .~ r"'I ::s I'ot ll 1____ 1 ___ 1._-_:. ______ I 3_______ :"-1--'--) _: __ ~ __ I_ _2_. __8_._~__ _lO_i _____ 1':_ ___ 1_3 __~ _1_4-_-·· Total for Colony •. 313,548 184,991 128,557174,29250,55967,399147,01743,300 80,9811118,018 S,787 1 I AlIBALA TOTAL DIS- 11,644 6,763' 4,S81 1 2,453 1,794 2,580 2,099 1,730 988] 4,646 701 'rRICT. 1 2 JAT ALL RELIGIO:llS 698 2,690 2,008 860 699 1,118 1,022 712' 287 1,924 416 4, 1' 798 313 195 626 398 313 205 949 206 3 Hindu "·1 2,050 1,252 Sikh 2,381 1,319 1,062 4S8 439 458 577' 373 46 9051 200 4 1 Muslim 267 119 148 59 65 34 471 26 36, 70 9 5 I 1 586 491 231 181 203 206 1521 1041 364 11 6 KA.MBOH ."' ALL RELIGIO:NS 1,077 1441 981 345 7 1,016 551 465 215 168 192 199 12 \ Sikh 1 8 HOSBIARPUR TOTAL DIS­ 27,9401 17,7361 10,204 6,847 3,949 6,719 3,693 4,1701 2,562 11,485 716 TRICT. 907 374 2,831 9 ARA.IN Muslim 5.4801 3,832 1,648 1,121 1,804\ 693 244 1 1 1 245 261 131 (i1 414 10 ARORA ALL RELIGIONS 1,275\ 676 300 247 11 255 207 219 241 no1 90 364 9 11 HindU .. j 1,122 584 g~;1 40 26 1 19 21 1 48 2 12 Sikh .. ' 150 90 60 1,946' 370 673) 437 455 597 1,270 6'1 13 ALL RELIGIONS "1 :;,360 1,404\ 8::1' 14 Ad·Dharmi .. 3,185 1,830 1,355 786 367 621 393 423 595 1,185 59 28 1 45 41 30 1 76 8 lu I 146 103 43 1 . Sikh .•.. \. , 1361 763 CHUIIBA ALL RELIGIONS 1,929 },223 'l06 454 278 511 292 91 16 190 17 Hindu 803 419 384 215 154 153 189 25 ~~I:1 i!1 508 54 18 Ad·Dbarmi 874 616 258 no 114 320 88 107 2 29 9 18 3~ 48 8 19 Sikh· 1991 154 45 , I '63.5 63) 502 1,875 JAT ALL RELIGIO:lIS 4,3761 2,792 1,584 1,120 1,038 447 62 20 391 Sikh 1,3291 711 618 321 238 305: 144 85 236 8 21 263 1,459 54 22 2,994[ 2,045 949 782 389 718 297 545 1 I M1l8lim 1 1 411 3'1 JULAHA. ALL RELIGIONS 729 345 303 206!' 201 87 225 1i2 23 1,074\ 1 224 52 410 37 24 Muslim 1,069 726 343 303 :W5 190 : 86 ! 1 1 28,' 270 162 71b 24 25 RAJPUT ALL RELIGIONS ., 020 1,160 870 477,. 421 403 2, 1 1 139 1 Hindu 387 205 182 72 68 53 61 80 53 26 88 4 Sikh 178' 115 63 31 31 73' 23 11 9 27 203 179 100 488 19 28 l'.Illslim },455/ 830 625 374, 322 277 \ I 7,423 4,587 17,546 1,178 29 .LJl:,,, LUNDU " TOTAL DIS· . 47,39?j' 27,147 20,243 9,7851 7,480 9,9391 8,176\ TRICT. 2,3741 },801: ?,299, 1,2751 1,099 3,305 136 SO Muslim 12,014 6,242 5,772 3,1661 1 ! I 198' 448 34 ALL RELIGIONS •• 1.330 696 634 2831 235 2511 201 1621 31 137' 277 30 Hindu 883 453 430 192' 162 163! 131 32 70 61 171 4 33 Sikh 447 243 204 91 73 881 ~~I 1 1,318 1,147 562 2,857 is'l ALL RELIGIONS 6,212 3,567\ 2,645 748 766 1,6'72 34 760 I,63g 1,310 1,133 548 2,S07 133 35 Ad Dharmi 6,122 1 3,504 2,618 732 463 1,192 28~ ClruHRA ALL R ELIGIOl'S •• i 3,0661 622 1,444' 4721 382 763! 599 397 36 1 105 337 66 Hindll 946 1,493 1 453 1M( 2:34 247 105 37 1 1011· 223, 325 627 188 Ad·DbaL'UJi 1,1l67. 841 826 2121 209 4061 2!1, 38 991 218 27 Sikh 415 266 149 101! 62 991 58 66! ~ ! 39 I , 1 1 014 3,970 198 .• ALL J{,ELIQIONS 9,3.58 5,263 4,095 1,501 1,527i 1,580; 2,400 40 1,331\ 1,7901 Sikh 6,864 3,7l61 3,148 683 1,012 1,080, 1,346 1,953 41 426 '218 440 215 3,~~ ,~ 42 Muslim 2,422 1,503\ 919 637 486 ,I 1 378 344 1,219 14 43 KAMBOR ALL RELIGIONS 3,0141 049 965 658 343\ 1,047, 244\ 2, 1 357 335 1 222 44 Sikh 2,856 1,963 893 615 314 I,OI3! 1,165\ 11 72 43 1 29 .341 21 9 221 54 3 45 Muslim 158 86 1 I i 1 193 1981 79 376 10 KUMRAR ALL RELIGIONS 1.304 470 276 198 360i 46 1 1 65 3331 .
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