casopis mini poletje 09.indd 1 7/1/09 9:41:50 AM NEDELJA, 28. JUNIJ 2009 / SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 NEDELJA, 5. JULIJ 2009 / SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2009 LJUBLJANSKI GRAD / LJUBLJANA CASTLE, dvorišče / courtyard LJUBLJANSKI GRAD, grajski drevored / LJUBLJANA CASTLE, Castle alley Otvoritev Mini poletja od 17.30 dalje / Opening of Mini Summer from 17.30 on 18.30, Gledališče Koper-Teatro Capodistria, Slovenija / Slovenia CAPOEIRA TRADIÇAO BAIANA NAOČNIK IN OČALNIK, (MOJSTER / MASTER: JOSE UBALDO DOS SANTOS) gledališka predstava za otroke / MR. GLASSES AND Vadba capoeire nam pomaga razviti Practicing capoeira helps to develop MR. SPECTACLES, performance motoriko, gibčnost, spretnost, hitrost, motoric nerves, flexibility, dexterity, for children koordinacijo in lahkotnost gibov. speed, coordination and gentleness of V igri capoeire se hitrost in natančnost movements. besedilo / text: Leopold Suhodolčan, režija in prepletata z eleganco in milino gibov. In the game of capoeira, speed and scenografija / director and set designer: Jaka Ivanc, kostumografija / costume design: Vanja Tekmovalnost je le majhen del pestrega accuracy interlace with elegance and Stojanovič, igrajo / acting: Gorazd Žilavec, Gregor mozaika načel capoeire, kjer se lahko gentleness of movements. Competi- Zorc, Ajda Toman, Žiga Saksida, trajanje / duration: soočimo s svojo agresivno naravo in jo tion represents only a lesser part in the 45 min v igri pretvorimo ter izrazimo na ust- variety of principles in capoeira. One varjalen način. can face his/her own agressive nature, V igri capoeire se naučimo zliti gibanje and transform it or express it in a cre- Suhodolčanova literarna junaka Naočnik The two literary characters created by z ritmom, posvetiti pozornost reakcijam ative way within the game. We learn to in Očalnik sta detektiva med detektivi; Leopold Suhodolčan - Mr. Glasses and drugega igralca in z njim ustvariti popol- melt movement with the rhythm, and na pogled sta smešna, saj je eden bolj Mr. Spectacles - are two great detec- noma nov svet medsebojne interakcije. to focus our attention on the reaction of štirioglat, drugi pa okrogel. V svojem tives looking rather funny. One is quite Med igro zmaga in poraz izgubita svoj the other player creating with him/her a delu sta kljub nerodnosti tako prisrčna, square, the other is round. They are pomen, saj prevladajo etična načela, kot completely new world of mutual inter- da ju jemljemo skozi vse pripetljaje very clumsy in doing their job, however so spoštovanje do bližnjega, svoboda action. in probleme zares – verjamemo jima. through their adventures and problems izražanja in enotnost skupine. During the game, winning or defeat lose Tokrat vas bosta obiskala na grajskem they grow to our hearts. So, we start their meaning, since it is more about dvorišču – s pravim tovornjakom in taking them seriously - we believe them. prevailing of ethical principles such as: nenavadnimi detektivskimi pripomočki – This time they will visit us in the Castle respect for other people, freedom of ter izsledila roparja, ki otrokom kradeta alley – with a real truck and all their expression and unity of the group. šolske počitnice. detective equipment – investigating and finding the muggers who keep stealing AKROBATSKA PREDSTAVA IN SVEČANA POVORKA / holidays to our children. ACROBATIC SHOW AND SOLEMN PARADE z artisti iz Španije, Kanade, Finske in Slovenije / with artists from Spain, Canada, NEDELJA, 12. JULIJ 2009 / SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2009 Finland and Slovenia LJUBLJANSKI GRAD / LJUBLJANA CASTLE, Mini teater Zmes borilne veščine, gimnastike in plesa / A mixture of fighting skill, gymnastics 11:00 in 18.30, Scena Gorica, Velika Gorica, Hrvaška / Croatia and dance MIŠOBOKS, lutkovna predstava za 18.30, Mini teater, Ljubljana, otroke, starejše od 5 let Slovenija / Slovenia THE MOUSE BOX, puppet perfor- mance for children from 5 years up OBUTI MAČEK, igrano-lutkovna predstava je primerna za otroke, starejše od 3 let PUSS IN BOOTS, a theatre-puppet performance for children from 3 years up besedilo / text: Božidar Prosenjak / Darko Japelj, režija / director: Darko Japelj, likovna zasnova / Besedilo / text: Charles Perrault, priredba in režija / adaptation and directing: Marek Bečka, igrata / acting: visual design: Vesna Balabanić, kostumograf / Jose in Tomislav Tomšič, trajanje / duration: 40 min costume design: Oliver Jularić, scenograf / set design: Rene Gjurašin, glasba / music: Tin Ostreš, Znana pravljica francoskega pisatelja This fairytale written by the French Vili Milićević, igra / acting: Luka Peroš, trajanje / duration: 45 min, vrsta lutk / type of puppets: Charlesa Perraulta je priljubljena po writer Charles Perrault is popular all guignol vsem svetu in navdušuje mlado in staro. over the world. Pripoveduje o treh bratih, ki jim je This is a story about three brothers Mišoboks nas potegne v zapuščeni The Mouse Box takes us to an aban- umrl oče. Prvemu je zapustil mlin, dru- who inherit after their dead father: the cirkus, kjer domuje njegov lastnik doned circus, which is the home of its gemu denar, tretjemu pa je ostal samo first one gets the mill, the second one Alfonz. To je hudoben mož, ki so ga vsi owner, Alphonse. Alphonse is a mean maček ... gets the money, and there is just a tom- zapustili. Alfonz ničesar ne obžaluje in man, abandoned by everyone. He has cat that remains for the third one... prav nikogar ne pogreša razen drob- no regrets and he misses no one ex- nega miška. Mišek Gigi je odšel v New cept the little mouse Gigi. Gigi went to NEDELJA, 28. JUNIJ 2009 / SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 York, da bi tam našel denar in slavo, New York in search of money and fame, LJUBLJANSKI GRAD / LJUBLJANA CASTLE, Mini teater a njegov načrt propade, zato se vrne but his plan fails and he returns home. domov. Alfonz in Gigi se spet srečata Alphonse and Gigi meet again on the LUTKA OD KOMEDIJE DO TRAGEDIJE / THE PUPPET FROM COMEDY TO sredi cirkuške arene, kjer skupaj odpreta stage of the circus where they open TRAGEDY skrivnostno škatlo. V njej se skriva dom, a mysterious box, a home of mum, otvoritev lutkovne razstave študentov Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani / kjer najdeta mamo, dedka, sestro, fante grandpa, sister, the boys and the entire opening of puppet exhibition created by students of Pedagogy Faculty at Ljubljana in ves svet, ki ga je v svoji zgodbi Miš world described in the story called The University opisal Božidar Prosenjak. Mouse, written by Božidar Prosenjak. Razstava lutk iz zaključnih predstav 46 Exhibition of puppets taken from clos- študentov Pedagoške fakultete Univerze ing performances of 46 students at- v Ljubljani, ki so jih izvedli v 1.letniku tending Pedagogy Faculty at Ljubljana NEDELJA, 19. JULIJ 2009 / SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2009 oddelka Likovna pedagogika pri pred- University. The performances were LJUBLJANSKI GRAD, Mini teater / LJUBLJANA CASTLE, Mini teater metu Scenografija z lutkarstvom in v created by first-year students in Visual 11.00 in 18:30, ŠKUC Gledališče, Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia 3.letniku oddelka Predšolska vzgoja pri Pedagogy Department attending the izbirnem predmetu Lutkarstvo. Razstav- subject Set Design with Puppetry, and KRALJIČNA NA ZRNU GRAHA, ljeni projekti v raznih lutkovnih tehnikah by third-year students in Pre-school gledališka predstava za otroke, so nastali v marcu in aprilu 2009 pod Education Department attending Pup- THE PRINCESS AND THE PEE, mentorstvom red.prof. Edija Majarona petry as optional subject. performance for children s sodelavci višjo predavateljico Heleno The projects exhibited were created in Korošec, predavateljem Matjažem Jakli- different puppetry techniques in March besedilo / text: Hans Ch. Andersen , prevod / trans- lation: Rudolf Kresal, priredba / adaptation: Jana nom, tehnologom ing.Jožetom Zajcem and April 2009; they were mentored Osojnik, režija, montaža, scenografija, svetloba / in strokovnim sodelavcem Jožetom by Professor Mr. Edi Majaron and his directing, editing, set and lighting design: Klemen Vrežetom. co-workers: Senior Lecturer, Ms. Helena Markovčič, igrata / acting: Aljaž Jovanović, Nika Korošec; Lecturer, Mr. Matjaž Jaklin; Rozman, trajanje / duration: 35 min Razstavljena dela: Technology Engineer, Mr. Jože Zajc, and Lutke in likovna zasnova sledečih pred- the professional co-worker, Mr. Jože stav: Vreže. PRIGODE GOSPE LISICE (po Ezopu), KROKAR (po E. A. Poeju), JAKEC IN The works exhibited: Kraljevič že dolgo išče Kraljično za ženo, The Prince has been looking for a Prin- FIŽOLČEK (po angleški pravljici), SNEG- puppets and visual concepts from the a brez pravega uspeha. Očeta Kralja, ki cess bride for quite some time now, yet ULKA POTEM... (parafraza z osebami iz following performances: si želi predati svoj prestol, pa krona že with no success. His Father, the King Grimmovih pravljic), BREMENSKI GOD- The Adventures of Ms. Fox (after Ae- močno žuli. V neki nevihtni noči potrka wants to pass over the throne because CI (po Grimmovi pravljici), ČUDOVITA sop), The Raven (after E. A. Poe), Jack na grajska vrata premočena deklica, the crown has become too heavy for RAKETA (po Oscarju Wildu), ČRIČEK and the Magic Bean (after English folk ki zase pravi, da je kraljična in prosi him. One stormy night, a young girl IŠČE SVOJO PESEM (po ideji izvajalk), tale), Snow White Afterwards … (para- za prenočitev. Bistroumna Kraljica, all soaked up knocks at the castle door TRIJE PRAŠIČKI ali VOLK PROSI ZA phrase with characters from Grimm’s Kraljevičeva mati, pa pod vse žimnice in begging for shelter. She claims to be a SLADKOR (parafraza na znano zgodbo) fairytales), The Bremen Musicians (after pernice, na katerih naj bi spala deklica, Princess. The Mother Queen who is very Grimm’s fairytale), The Wonderful Rocket položi zrno graha. To naj bi namreč smart puts a pea under each matress (after O. Wilde), The Cricket Searching pokazalo, če je kraljična res prava. Po the girl might sleep on. After a tiring and for His Song (after concept of perform- naporni noči, ki za deklico mine brez sleepless night the girl is accepted as a ers), Three Little Pigs or The Wolf is Beg- spanca, se izkaže, da je to res prava true Princess and the Prince finally finds ging for Sugar (paraphrase on known Kraljična.
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