Index Abaya, Hernando j., 45 Assaat, Datuk Mudo, 82 Abbas, Mahmud, 270 Astra International, 88 Abraham, Hans, 143 Attlee, Clement, 18 Adimidjojo, M., 75 Attwood, William, 210 Affan, Wahab, 84 Australia, 64, 68 African-American Institute, 249 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 111 African democracy, 218 Aziz, Haji Abdul Ghany, 77-8, 83 see also Nyerere, julius al-Khuri, Bishara, 95 Africanist scholars, 218 al-Sulh, Riad, 98 African nationalism, 7, 110-11, 117, 127, 131-2, 138-41, 219-21 Baal, J. van, 68 African socialism, 216-18, 225, 227 Bahi, Seck, 201 see also Nyerere, Julius Bakrie, Aburizal, 86 African Studies, 248, 254 Bakrie, Achmad, 77-8, 84, 86 African unity, 111, 123-4, 128, 132 Balinese, 51 Organization of African Unity, 208 Balkanization, 112, 120, 125 Alata, jean-Paul, 208 Bandar Rubbermaatschappij, 62 Albright, Madeleine, 217 Bandung conference, 121-2, 190 Algeria, 19-22, 112, 115-16, 118, 122, Bank Central Asia, 88 124, 131 Bank Nasional Boekittinggi, 76 Algerian war, 19, 22, 122, 130 Bank Nasional Indonesia, 76 Amis du Manifeste et de Ia Liberte, Bank Niaga, 86 20 Bank Pembangunan Swasta, 84 Association of Reformist 'Ulama, 20 Bantu, 140, 142, 144, 147-8, 150, Guelma, 20-1 152, 159 Nationalism, 20, 22 see also South Africa Parti du Peuple Algerien, 20-2 see also Transkei Organisation Speciale, 21-3 Bapak Djenggot, ABC business group, Salafi teaching, 20 76 Security elite, 19-23 Baramuli, Arnold, 86 Setif, 19, 20, 22 Bayart, jean-Fran~ois, 200 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 99 Belgium, 18, 250 Ambonese private bank, 80 Ben Bella, Mohammed, 21 American University Beirut, 98 Berg, jacobson van den, 81, 84 Anderson, Benedict, 131 Big-men, 160 Angola, 159-62, 167 see also Namibia Lubango, 159-60 Billiton Company, 62 Apartheid, see under South Africa Black, Cyril, 251 Aquino, Benigno S., 49 Blair, Tony, 217 Arab League, 18 Boigny, Houphouet, 122-3, 126-7, 196 d' Arboussier, Gabriel, 126 Boni, Nazi, 123 Aruba, 68 Booth, Anne, 74, 76 Arzumanyan, Anushavan A., 269 Borneo, 38 287 288 Index Botha, M.C., 147 Bulgaria, 266-7 Botswana, 7, 145, 169 Bumiputra, 75, 84, 86 Bouda, Ahmed, 22 Burma, 17, 24, 36, 42-3, 45-6, 48, Brazil, 159 51-2 Brennan, James, 228 Burma Independence Army, 46 British Empire, S-6, 8, 11-19, 23-6, Karen of Burma, 48 36-8, 41, 44, 46, 48, 74, 96, Buwono IX, Sultan Hamengku, 84-S 111, 140, 145-66, 168, 177- 190,202,209,216,220-2,224, Calvinist University of Potchefstroom, 226-8,243,246-50,263,277 138 British Defence Coordination Cambodia, 118 Committee, 24 Cambridge University, 178, 186 British Inter-University Council, 248 Cameroon, 112 British colonial security services, S, Canada, 64 11-19, 23-8 Caribbean, 68, 112, 118 Special Branch police intelligence Carnegie, Andrew, 242, 246 agency, 23 Carnegie Corporation, 9, 241-2, see also security elites 246-9,251,253 Commonwealth, 24, 49, 139, 190, Mro-Anglo-American Program, 249 247-8 Catroux, Georges, 96 Fabian Colonial Bureau, 220-1 Central Thai, S 1 Labour Party, 220 China, 26,40-2, 51, 75-7, 114, 149, Ottawa Conference (1932), 37 189,228,243,268,273 Permanent Under-Secretary's Chinese in Southeast Asia, 4, 6, 23, committee, 24 26, 37, 41-2, 47-9, 75-9, 81-3, Royal Colonial Institute, 37 87-90 see also British Malaya see also Malaya's Chinese see also Tanganyika community British Malaya, 23-6, 36, 38-9, 41-3, Ciskei, 151 46, 48, 52 see also South Africa All-Malayan Association, 41 Civilizing missions, 2, 3, 6, 63, 66, 96, Briggs Plan, 26 97,243 Federal and State councils, 39 see also French Empire Kesatuan Melayu Muda, 43 Coca Cola, 85 Malaya's Chinese community, 23, Cold War, S, 9, 17, 23-S, 59, 149, 26, 48-9 189,203-4,208,223,241,244, Malayan Communist Party, 25-6 246-7, 255, 263-S Malayan Emergency, 23, 25 Coleman, James, 255 Malayan People's Anti-Japanese College of Fort Hare, 146 Army, 48 College Fran~ais du Sacre-CC£ur, 101 Malayan Races Liberation Army, Columbia University's Teacher 25-6 College, 249 Malayan Security Service, 25-6 Comecon, 265-7, 275 Malayan Union, 46 Communism, 15, 21, 23-6, 43-S, 48, Malay Welfare Association, 41 so, 58, 82, 145, 147-9, 151-2, Oversea Chinese Association, 41 186,196-7,202,207-8,244, Pattani Malays, 48 249,251,262-79 see also Japan in World War 2 Communist University of the Toilers British Public School, 178, 186 of the East, 265, 268, 270 Index 289 Community Based Natural Resource Education of elites, 9, 46-7, 64-6, Management, 169 68, 96-104, 165, 178, 219, Congo,250 241-55, 262-79 Coste-Floret, Paul, 114 Educational elites, 2, 3, 9, 46, 57, Creech-Jones, Arthur, 26 67, 139-40, 143, 146, 148, 221 Curacao, 68 Foreign functional elites, 4, 6, 57, Czechoslovakia, 266-7, 275 62-6, 69 Cote d'Ivoire, 122-3, 126-7, 131, 133, Intelligence providers, 5, 11-28 196 Metropolitan elites, 5, 57-61 Nationalist elites, nationalist Dahomey, 122, 126-7 modernizers, 1-4, 9-10, 20, Dalindyebo, Sabata, 142, 152 42-4, 46-7, so, 56, 58, 69, 78, Darwin, John, 1 80, 98, 147-8, 178, 189-90, 216 Dasaad, Agoes Moessin, 77-9, 83 Socialist elite, 9-10, 216, 262-79 Debre, Michel, 128-9 Trading minorities, 4, 37, 39, 48 Decottignies, Roger, 131 Traditional elites, 2-4, 7-8, 16, 36, Defferre, Gaston, 197 39, 41-2, 48, so, 75, 85 95, 99, Delhi Maatschappij, 61 102, 140-53, 157-73, 195-200, Derksen, J. B. D., 57, 61 223,229 Development, 2, 6, 9-10, 16-17, 44, Eman, Frits, 85-6 48, 63-9, 116-19, 158, 162-66, 169, 171-2, 142, 199, 208, 216, Fabian Socialism, 225 220-1, 225, 230-3, 241-2, 244, Fatmawati, 84 248-55,262,264-5,271-272, Feierman, Steven, 226 276,279 Fie, Tjong A, 87 Communist development theories, Foccart, Jacques, 209 10, 265, 271 Ford Foundation, 9, 241-2, 249-53 Human capital theory, 250-1 Foucault, Michel, 246 Dia, Mamadou, 111-12, 121-2, 124-5, Freeport and Caltex, 86 127, 130, 132 French Africa, 3, 6-7, 110-33, 196 Diabi, Kaman, 209 African federalism, 118-33 Diallo, Alpha-Abdoulaye, 207-8 African nationalist movement, 146 Diallo, Sa"ifoulaye, 196 Bloc Africain de Guinee, 196-8 Diawadou, Barry, 196 Conseil General du Travail, 197 Djohan, Soetan Soelaiman, 77, 83 Development programs, 116-19 Djohor, Soetan Perpatih, 77, 83 Franco-African Community, 123-4, Dorsland trekkers, 159-60 130 Dwidosewojo, Raden Ng, 75 Grand Conseil, 122 L'Afrique Nouvelle, 121 Economic depression, 37, 181 Mouvement des Independants de Edinburgh University, 220, 224 !'Outre-Mer, 110-11 Egypt, 18, 147, 149 Negro-African nation, 117, 126, 132 Eiselen, Werner, 140 Parti de Ia Federation Africaine, 126 Elites Parti du Regroupement Africain, Defining term, 2-10 122, 124 Administrative elite, 5, 41, 57-8, 69, Rassemblement Democratique 173, 219, 250-1 Africain, 122-6, 196 Economic elites, 2, 4, S-6, 42, 57, Union Generale des travailleurs 61-2,69,74-90,203,207 d'Afrique noire, 196 290 Index French Empire, 3, 5-7, 11-28, 36-8, German colonial administration, 44, 94-104, 110-33, 196-203, 160 207,209,216,243 Influence of the German fascism, Assembly of the French Union, 118 96,98 Assemblee nationale constituante, West Germany, Federal Republic of 113 Germany, 62, 149, 204, 208-9, Centre d'information et d'etudes, 228,271 20,22 Ghana, 147,149,202,248,250,277 French colonial security services, 5, Gobel, Thayeb Muh., 86 11-28 Gold Coast, 17 see also security elites Guinea, 8, 123, 125-7, 130, 195-211 Comites d'Informations et d'etudes, Chiefdoms, abolition of the 21 chiefdom, 196-200, 204 Delinkage, 120 Confederation nationale des Deuxii~me Bureau, 23 Travailleurs de Guinee, 200 Expeditionary Force, 23 Economic elites, 195, 203, 207 Free French movement, 96 Educational system, 200 see also World War 2 Fulbe, 197, 199, 207 French Communist Party, 196 Guerze, 197 French Community, 124-32, 198, Hunt for a "fifth column", 195, 203 205-10 French constitution, 112-18, 121-8 Intellectual elites, 195-6, 200-5, French mandate system, 97 207 French schools, 6, 94-104 Kissi, 197 French Union, 112-20, 125 Maninka, 197, 207 Inter-Ministerial Committee on Manon, 197 Indochina, 24 Modernization, 198, 204 Renseignements Generaux, 20 Parti Democratique de Ia Guinee, Service de Documentation 195-210 exterieure et contre-espionage, Political elites, 195-6, 198, 200, 209 205, 207-8, 211 Territorialization, 120 Susu, 197, 207 Vichy government, 96 The Teachers' plot, 195, 200-5 see also World War 2 Toma, 197 see also Algeria Gueye, Lamine, 114 see also Madagascar see also Mali Ham, Oei Tiong, 87 see also Morocco Harvard University, 249 Fundikira, Abdallah, 223 Hatta, Mohammad, 51, 78-9, 81-3 Herero, 159, 161, 164-5 Gafurov, Bobodzhan, 269 Herriot, Edouard, 114, 119 Gandhi, Mahatma, 8, 177-83, 189 Himba, 159, 165, 167 Gani, A.K., 79 Honda, 88 de Gaulle, Charles, 19, 96, 124-6, Horoya, 201-2 128,203,209 Hovey, Graham, 207 General Motors, 83 Hungary, 190, 246-7 Germany, 51, 84, 168, 263 Ibrahima, Barry, 206 East Germany, German Democratic Iddi, Emile, 95 Republic,208 Ifugao, 51 Index 291 Ikenberry, John, 27 Japanese occupation, 37-8, 40-6, Iliffe, John, 225 48, 50-1 India, 5, 8, 10, 17, 24-5, 37, 41, 48, see also Japan in World War 2 68,114,177-92,262-79 Java, 36, 41, 51, 58, 61, 64, 66, Chinese invasion, 189 75--85, 87--8 Communists, Indian Communist Konketsu Jumin Iinkai, 41 Party, 186, 273 Kretek industry, 75-6, 84, 86, 90 Constitution, 177, 178, 184-6, 191 Millitary involvement in businesses, Education, 178, 184-5, 186 79,82,90 Hindu Code Bill, 183 Nationalization of Dutch Hindu nationalism, 181-2 businesses, 62, 87 Indian Civil Service, 186-8 Revolution, 46, 57, 75, 78--80, 82-3, Indian Independence League, 41 87,90 Indian National Army, 41 Sarekat Islam, 76-7 Indian National Congress, 178-87, Tentara Nasional Indonesia, 79 189, 191-2 Triple-A Movement, 41 Indian nationalist elite, 178, 189, 190 Usaha Muda, 79 Indian political elite, 177 Indonesian Shipping and Transport Indian students in Soviet Union, Agency, 84 262-79 Indonesian University of Yogyakarta, Indians in East Mrica, 4 271 Land reform, 184, 187 Institute for Oriental studies of the Regional elites, provincial elites, Academy of Sciences, 269 177-8, 183-5, 187, 191-2 Institute of World Economy and Social reforms, 188 International Relations, 269 Westernized elite, 178 lsakov, I.
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