MICHAEL JACKSON, 10 YEARS AFTER A documentary directed by Gilles Ganzmann, produced by JARAPROD PROVISIONAL DELIVERY: AUTUMN 2018 PITCH On 25 June 2009, the sudden death of Michael Jackson triggered an outpouring of emotion around the world, On that day, the King of Pop brutally disappeared, leaving many secrets behind… and his three children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket, lost their father. A father so unlike any other. A decade on, people have opened up and another side to Michael Jackson has emerged. Thanks to exclusive interviews exclusive interviews of his father, Joe Jackson, his brothers Tito and Jermaine, his friends, his managers, his employees, dancers and choreographers in his clips, his greatest fans and those closest to him, we will reveal the secrets that were unveiled after his death and what has become of his empire and businesses. Who manages Michael’s huge fortune and his inheritance? 10 years later, has the mystery of his death been elucidated? Who found his body? Did the pressure of the “This is it” concerts push Michael to overdose? Why did it take 3 months to bury his body? What has become of Neverland? We will meet employees who speak for the first time. 10 years later, what have become of his children, Paris, Prince and Blanket? A road trip investigation, filled with music, to discover everything we ever wanted to know about the disappearance of the greatest idol of all time. Discover a Michael Jackson you had not imagined… 1 July 2009: Paris acson, aged 0 at his father’s burial, saying, “He has been the best father you can ever imagine, and I love him so much.” March 2018: a photo of aris Jacson kissing top model ara elevingne on the mouth caused a media storm 2 SYNOPSIS he narrative frameor ill be structured around five main themes: 1) as Michael acson illed, as it a suicide, or as his death an accident? hortly before he died, ichael acson as dealing ith some serious legal and financial problems. He as on medication and had invested a lot in his ucoming tour. 2) hat hapened to his 12km2 Neverland ranch, hich included a theme par, theater, and a house ith 16 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. ichael acson inside everland 3 Vie of NEVERLAND alley anch in anta arbara (alifornia 3) Ho did his mother, father, and brothers vie Michael acson the star Ho did it change after his death? And ho did his mother Katherine, aged 78, tae care of her three grandchildren atherine and rince Jacson at the world remiere of ichael acson N in 013 4 4) hat as it like groing up for Prince, aris, and lanet? he star’s three children who are no aged 21, 0 and 6 resectively. hen they ere young, they ore mass to hide their identity, hile today they are hounded by the media. Michaël acson ith his children, Prince an aris (2004) 5) What has happened to Michael Jackson’s business interests since his death? 5 SEQUENCES 1/ 10 EARS ATER: AT AUSED IS DAT AND W AS RESPONSIBLE? Who discovered Michael Jackson’s body? Did the pressure of the This Is It tour and the threat of bankruptc push Michael to take an overdose? Wh did it take three months to bur his body? We will discover how nobody wanted to pay or Michael Jackson’s burial, and yet a few days after his death AEG oranized a huge show about the star the TV rights to which would hae been sold for illions 2 10 EARS ATER: IS ORTUNE Michael Jackson is ranked #1 in the orbes list o the richest dead en in the world ahead o lvis Presle and John ennon ut while he was still alive he aced bankrupcy and was paying off debts to olony apital, an investment und that bought up all his debts and his Neerland home Where does the one (150-200,000 euros every onth given to his other atherine Jackson and his three children come rom? is will says the will only inherit ater they turn 5. 6 3 10 EARS ATER: IS HILDREN What kind of childhood did Michael Jackson’s children have and what was he like as a father? Prince Jackson is now 21 and lives alone e dreams of being an actor and director but for now, only produces short films What is life like as the son of Michael Jackson? How is he received in Hollywood? What has the last decade been like for him? rince JACKSON, aed 0 2018) Blanket J, aed 1 (2016 Paris J, aed 19 (2018) Paris Jackson has ust celebrated her 0th birthday he is no longer the model daughter who cried as her father was buried and whose words at that event broke hearts around the world he has spent the last 10 years rebuilding her relationship with her mother Debbie owe nd today, she is loved by the paparazi, who report her every outing and escapade lanket is 16 years old, and still lives with his grandmother, Katherine. We know relatively little about Michael Jackson’s youngest son, whose resemblance to his father is striking 7 4 0 YEARS LATER: FMLY His mother, Katherine Jackson, lives in alabasas, opposite to the home of the Kardashians. he is the only person to receive any money from her son’s estate, paid monthly by the lawyer who handles the will. t the age of 8, and after having already raised nine children of her own, she is now acting as a mom again to her three grandchildren, who were aged 1, 0, and five when their father died. he had to adat her life to this new mission and has a close relationship with J, Michael Jackson’s nephew, the children’s tutor. Michael Jackson’s father lives in Las Vegas and takes care of his son’s business dealings. 5/ 0 YEARS LATER: EVERLAND What is the story of this ranch one of a kind, with running costs of more than a million dollars er month and which once had its own post office? Neverland was Michael Jackson’s dream – a former ranch transformed into a giant amusement park with a oo and a home with over 50 rooms. Neverland also contributed to Michael Jackson’s financial problems. Who owns it now and how much is it worth? Was it sold? What hapened to the rides, the staff, and the animals? nd meanwhile, all of Michael Jackson’s possessions are piled up in a warehouse in Santa Monica. 8 DIRECTOR’S NOTE his documentary will not be a biography, rather a film about Michael Jackson as told by those closest to him, including family, friends, and business partners, on the 10th anniversary of his passing. We will interview ito Jackson, Joe Jackson, Linda Deutsch, uz ohan, ay obledo, loria erlin, la ay, to name but a few see complete list of speakers page 11 to 3. his film will also be a chance to reveal some hitherto unseen personal documents shared by his family, along with some rare images of Neverland and of his children. o illustrate the documentary, we will also have access to footage from Michael Jackson’s concerts, and extracts of legendary music videos like Thriller and Smooth Criminal. la ay, Michael Jackson’s partner in the Thriller video, and Vince atterson, who choreographed Smooth Criminal, will take part in the film. or the first time, we will talk to those closest to Jackson, and paint a more intimate and more comple portrait one of the most famous people the world has ever seen. Smooth Criminal (1988 9 SEERS IST Joe ckson is ater t te venerale ae o 9, or te irst time, Joe acson revisits te reationsip he ad it his son He aso recounts o e too a step bac ater his death. He had sons and 3 daghters it aterine acson He as te oundation or te Jackson Five and icae Jacson's sccess Tit ackson, is roter ito is te tird son o te faily and among te cosest to icae acson; e as his conidante He tells o he had aays een different but aso at happened itin te aily ater e had passed aa. Jermaine ckson, is rother Jeraine is te ourt son of te faily He aas ad a complicated reationsip it Micae –whom e sa as a riva. He is actaly one o te e roters who anaed to ae a nae for imse and ave a semblance of a career He retels is reationsip it his roter but aso at e discovered ater his passing. 10 O Ry act from Thriller clip Sh i eading r in h Thriller ideo. Wi mor than 6 million album old oughout world Ol Ray w mu o h reputation ideo. no obody rememb her nam er fam still considerabl – although do no benefi om t. You ll discov Michael ackson guilty abou i 10 year ater d alway y er side. Gloria Roads erlin Katherin ackson' bes friend d confidante Gloria h een Katherin Jackson' osest end fo over 0 – in tim o joy d n m of sorro n told abou every littl ng. Gloria ll tell ou thei family cret You ll find u h who und everland d manag e. Buz ohan friend and author for Michael Jackson’s songs H i y gu in ollywood yet do not ou often. e ng d comedy write – notably fo mmy Davi Junio ank Sin and Astair Michael ackson ad one everything o tay n ou wi m rd to meet egend held n igh rd d discov th secret repli at strong endship rmed etwe him d z Koha – who a so autho atest scar ceremony 11 Vince rson Michael Jackson and Madonnas choreograher horeograher for the hriller ooth riminal and lack or hite videos among other horeograher for Madonnas entire Ambition Tour, choreograher for Björk in the movie Dancer in the Dark.
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