2019·VOLUME 23· ISSUE 1 LINGUISTIC TYPOLOGY EDITOR Maria Polinsky, University of Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maryland, College Park, MD, USA Stockholm University, Sweden Mark Van de Velde, LLACAN, Centre national de la recherche scientifi que, FOUNDING EDITOR Villejuif, France Frans Plank, Somerville College, Jean-Christophe Verstraete, University of Leuven, Belgium University of Oxford, UK Fernando Zúñiga, Universität Bern, Switzerland ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dan Dediu, Dynamique du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France REVIEW EDITOR Patience L. Epps, University of Texas, Tatiana Nikitina, LLACAN, Centre Austin, USA national de la recherche scientifi que, Jeff Mielke, North Carolina State Villejuif, France University, Raleigh, USA Marianne Mithun, University of ASSISTANT EDITOR California at Santa Barbara, USA Angela Terrill, Sweden Brigitte Pakendorf, Dynamique du Langage, Centre national de la E-mail address for all editorial recherche scientifi que & Université correspondence: Lumière Lyon 2, France [email protected] , ABSTRACTED/INDEXED IN Baidu Scholar · Cabell s Directory · Clarivate Analytics: Arts & Huma- nities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts & Humanities; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition; Social Sciences Citation Index; Web of Science · CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) · CNPIEC · De Gruyter: IBR (In- ternational Bibliography of Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences); IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences) · EBS- CO (relevant databases) · EBSCO Discovery Service · Elsevier: SCOPUS · ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) · Gale/Cengage · Genamics JournalSeek · Google Scholar · J-Gate · JournalGuide · JournalTOCs · KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders) · Linguistic Bibliography · Linguistics Abstracts Online · Microsoft Academic · MLA International Bibliography · Naviga (Softweco) · Primo Central (ExLibris) · ProQuest (relevant databa- ses) · Publons · ReadCube · SCImago (SJR) · Sherpa/RoMEO · Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest) · , TDNet · UB Frankfurt: BLL Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur; OLC Linguistik · Ulrich s Periodi- cals Directory/ulrichsweb · WanFang Data · WorldCat (OCLC) The publisher, together with the authors and editors, has taken great pains to ensure that all information presented in this work refl ects the standard of knowledge at the time of publication. 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Linguistic Typology 2019 | Volume 23 | Issue 1 Contents Articles Egbert Fortuin Universality and language-dependency of tense and aspect: Performatives from a crosslinguistic perspective 1 Diana Forker Elevation as a category of grammar: Sanzhi Dargwa and beyond 59 Obituaries Claire Moyse-Faurie Obituary: Gilbert Lazard (1920–2018) 107 Christian Lehmann Obituary: Hansjakob Seiler (1920–2018) 115 Target Paper and Discussion Target Paper Stef Spronck and Tatiana Nikitina Reported speech forms a dedicated syntactic domain 119 Commentaries Barbara Dancygier Reported speech and viewpoint hierarchy 161 Cliff Goddard and Anna Wierzbicka Reported speech as a pivotal human phenomenon: Commentary on Spronck and Nikitina 167 Tom Güldemann What is syntactic about reported speech/discourse? 177 2019 | Volume 23 | Issue 1 Linguistic Typology Gabrielle Hodge and Kearsy Cormier Reported speech as enactment 185 Emar Maier On the exceptionality of reported speech 197 William B. McGregor Reported speech as a dedicated grammatical domain – and why defenestration should not be thrown out the window 207 Josep Quer Delimiting reported discourse: Cross-modal criteria 221 Ger Reesink Quotations form a recursive discourse 229 Alan Rumsey Response to Spronck and Nikitina “Reported speech forms a dedicated syntactic domain” 237 Response Stef Spronck and Tatiana Nikitina M and R as elements of a syntactic unit: Where would the relation between M and R come from, if not from syntax? 245 Corrigendum Natalia Evseeva and Iker Salaberri Corrigendum to: Grammaticalization of nouns meaning “head” into reflexive markers: A cross-linguistic study 255.
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