11 Motion of Confidence In JUNE 11, 1896 the Council of Ministers 12 So, I request the Central Government to take Parliament. I understand the feellngs of the Members immediate steps to remove these difficulties and of Parliament. I am also a Member of Parliament, I develop Kanyakumari into a place of national and have a constituency like you. Therefore, I do international tourist attraction by the implementation understand that. Whatever matters have been of a master plan. referred to, I assure you.. (Interruptions) 11.32 hrr. SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES : I am not on a constituency matter, 1 am on a national matter '.,OTION OF CONFIDENCE IN THE COUNCIL ...(Interruptions) 1 have no1 moved any motion. I am OF MINISTERS on a national matter...( lnferruptlons) [Transla tion] [English] SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE (Lucknow) : You THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI H.D. DEVE should 'not stand when Mr. Speaker is on his legs. GOWDA) : Sir, I beg to move : 'That this House expresses its confidence [Eng lish] , . in the Council of Ministers" MR. SPEAKER : It is not that Mr. George. I am MR. SPEAKER : Motion moved : not saying that all matters relate to the respective constltuencies of the Members of Parliament. There . 'That this House expresses its confidence are other matters which can be discussed in the in the Council of Ministers." debate. The time allotted for this debate is seven (Interruptions) hours. SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES : It is a national [Transla tion] matter with international ramifications where the Interpol Is concerned. We want the House to discuss SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES (Nalanda) : Mr. this. Thls House will adjourn tomorrow. When will , Speaker, Sir, this is not the way to run the House we discuss this? ...(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Mr. George, you are not SHRl RAJENDRA AGNlHOTRl (Jhansi) : Mr. supposed to stand up when I am standing. You know Speaker, Sir, this issue relates to corruption. You that much very well. should not try to suppres it ...(Interruptions) SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES : I apologise. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES : You can ask me MR. SPEAKER : Okay. What I am saying is that what I want to say. I would ltke.to raise here certain other matters can be brought in during the debate points.. .(Interruptions). on the Confidence Motion. [English] SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES : There are certain matters which should be clarified before the debate MR. SPEAKER : Look here, please. Please eit takes place. down. (Interruptions) [~ransla tion] ' fl ' MR. SPEAKER : I have receive 59 notices for SHRl ATAL BlHARl VAJPAYEE : Mr Speaker, Sir, Zero Hour. we wish that proceedings of the House should go smoothly and peacefully. It is a different thing if there (Interruptions) are some heated arguments during discussion. MR. SPEAKER : Why do you not listen to me Today the whole country and the world is lookmg first? at thls debate therefore, the House ...(Interruptions) Mr. Speaker, Sir, the issue does not pertain to Rule [Transla tion] 377. You have allowed some Members but the Please listen to me first. remalillng Memhers could not get permission. I am aware of y:lut difficulty that all the Members cannot (Interruptions) be given permission. This session has been [English] summoned for a specific purpose and we have to perform that work. But the developments taklng place MR. SPEAKER : I wish I could have been ablc outside are not under our control. The issue of urea to accommodate all of you I have grr~ethrough Vt. scandal is hkely to be raised in today's debate in notices. Many of the matters relate to the harl tr,lngs drlails. I would not like to go into its detail because in the respective consti!uencles of the M~.l,!,ers of as you would say that it is yet to be ,discussed. But' 15 Motion 01 Confidence ~n JUNE 11. the Council of Ministers 16 - cannot answer it. I would not mislead the House. has also asked me to go before the House, before That is why I am telling this. I am clear in my mind.' the 12th of this month and seek the Vote of I want to give all the materials ...(Interruptions) Confidence. DR. MllRLl MANOHAR JOSHl . Will you place Sir, I would like to say only a few words at this he facts before the House tomorrow? stage. The composition of-the Eleventh Lok Sabha is (Interruptions) I would request 'the hon. Prime a unique one for the first tlme in our Indian history. M~nisterto come before the House wlth facts, not as The composition of the House is consisting of nearly part ot the reply to the debate. We want the facts to 32 national parties as well as the regional parties. he placed separately before the House. The Prime Sir, I know, there are many more senior leaders, Mlnister has made his statement just now. The facts more matured leaders, more experienced leaders in In the possession of the Government on this issue parliamentary life. In this critical juncture the should be placed before the House in the manner of responsibility of taking over the administration as a statement by the Government. .(/nterruptions) the Prime Minister was thrown upon me because all secular parties including the Congress have asked MR. SPEAKER : Mr Home Min~ster. me to ... (Interruptions) [Translation] MR. SPEAKER , Mr, former Home Minister, I think il IS not a reasonable demand. While the matter is AN HONOURABLE MEMBER : Congress is not under investigation, you cannot expect all the facts secular. to be placed before the House which will prejudice [English] Ihe investigation I think you are asking for too much. Whatever is available, I think, the Prime Minister has SHRI. H.D. DEVE GOWDA : Please wait. Please already said that he is coming with his ultimate reply. wait for some time. You have got ample opportunity But I do not think, at this stage, you can ask for full to say whatever you want to say - I am not going to facts which will prejudice the investigation. disturb. I will sit throughout the discussion, I will not go out of the House. I will hear every hon. Member's (Interruptions) views and then I will try to reply to all the points, DR MURLl MANOHAR JOSHl : If the hon. Prime what is going to be raised today during the M~nisteris ready to stale facts in his reply, what is discussion. the difficulty in placing those very facts in terms of Sir, how the situation arose? Before election to h~sstatements? ...(Interruptions) the Eleventh Lok Sabha so many political pandits, MR SPEAKER : Let us hear h~m. so many columnists had expressed their views that in the Eleventh Lok Sabha the results would be a DR. MURLl MANOHAR JOSHl : He i's the Home 'Hung Parliament'. For the last one year, the debate Minister also. He is the Prime Minister also. He both in public and in private though media is going knows all these things. So, a full-fledged statement on in this country that no political party can get can be placed before the House. clear majority to form the Government at the Centre. MR. SPEAKER , Dr Joshi, it is enough This is the opinion which was prevailing before the election to the Eleventh Lok Sabha. (Interruptions) Sir, after the Eleventh Lok ~abha.3elections were MR. SPEAKER : No, no. You cannot do like that. over, what is the mandate of the people? The mandate Do not make wild allegations like that I am not of the people is'not to any one political party to run allowing you. Please sit down. this country. Yes, our hon. Leader of the Opposition, (Interruptions) who is the former Prime Minister, was asked to take the responsibility of the Prime Ministership and run MR. SPEAKER : Please sit down the country as per the appointment order issued by the Rashtrapatiji. Because the Rashtrapatiji in his wisdom thought that this party is a larger party, he [Translation] gave it 'an opportunity and asked Shri Atal Bihari MR. SPEAKER : Oh, what are yo'u talking? Vajpayee to prove his majority before 31st May 1996. I do not want now to go in detail about what happened (Interruptions) on 27th and 28th May, about the deliberations in the [English] House. On 28th May, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee tendered his resignation. On the same day SHRI H.D. DEVE GOWDA : Respected Speaker, Rashtrapatiji called me and gave me the appointment Sir, I today rlse to seek the confidence of this august order to form the Government. All the secular parties House as the hon. Rashtrapatiji has called me to had met on 15th May and elected me as the leader take the responsibility of the Prime Ministership. He of the secular front. Motion of Confidence in JYAISTHA 21. 1918 (Saka) tlre Councrl of Ministers Sir, I am not a Member of this House. Even then nation. In that 'common prog:amme, we have spell all the United Front friendly parties took a decision out what are the prlorltms, arid all these ttiings* tnat and expressed their confidence in me though I am have already been placed before the nation. Arid not so experienced, though I am not so matured a the hon. Members of the house can sxpress the~r politician in so far as the parliamentary functioning views about the conrmon programme. is concerned. They all expressed their confidence Sir I would l~keto req~estall the Members of in me and asked me to take up this responsibility. At thls House the same time the Congress Working Committee on at th~scr~tlcal juncture when the pol~t~cal atmosphere IS so ~or~lusedwhen the poltt~cal 12th May had passed a resolution saying that they atmosphere IS so flu~dthat we should funct~onw~th are not going to form the Government; also the{ are not going to support the BJP at any cost and if any necessary cooperatlor) I only request them to extend secular party is going to take up the responsibility the11 full cocperatlor, where the Government IS gorng on a r~ghtpdth In case, 11 they tlnd that the they are going to extend their support Government 1s not qolnq on the r~ghtpath then they unconditionally.
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