Medeiros and Weber Reproductive biology in Quadrivisio lutzi Supplementary Material. Amphipod data used for comparisons and for PCA analysis. For those species with more than one information, the mean value across populations was used for PCA. PCA was only possible for those species with all three reproductive parameters available (HMFBLr, BS/BL and EggD-%FS). Female 1st size Brood Egg Species Name (Abbr) Family Habitat HMFBLr BS/BL EggD-%FS Source BodyLength maturity Size Size Ampelisca abdita (Aab) Ampeliscidae MW 6.6 26.0 0.166 3.9 0.43 6.5 Mills (1967)a Ampelisca araucana (Aar) Ampeliscidae MW 4.8 4.7 0.312 1.0 0.45 9.4 Carrasco and Arcos (1984)a Ampelisca vadorum (Ava) Ampeliscidae MW 6.0 9.1 0.250 1.5 0.51 8.5 Van Dolah and Bird (1980)a Gitanopsis squamosa (Gsq) Amphilochidae MW 3.6 5.9 0.194 1.6 0.40 11.1 Thurston (1974)a Ampithoe laxipodus (Ala) Ampithoidae MW 5.7 4.2 8.0 0.122 0.9 Appadoo and Myers (2004) Ampithoe longimana (Alo) Ampithoidae MW 5.8 2.4 9.4 1.6 0.42 7.2 Nelson (1978)b Ampithoe ramondi (Ara) Ampithoidae MW 8.0 21.0 0.375 2.6 0.31 3.9 Gilat (1962)a Cymadusa compta (Cco) Ampithoidae MW 5.8 3.5 13.5 1.6 0.41 7.1 Nelson (1978)b Grandidierella bonnieroides (Gbo) Aoridae MW 5.4 28.9 0.389 5.3 Thömke (1979)a Lembos websteri (Lwe) Aoridae MW 4.7 2.5 8.0 1.7 0.43 9.1 Nelson (1978)b Leptocheirus pilosus (Lpil) Aoridae BW 3.5 11.0 0.143 3.1 Goodhart (1939)a Microdeutopus gryllotalpa (Mgr) Aoridae MW 6.3 21.0 0.270 3.3 Myers (1971)a Atylus guttatus (Agu) Atylidae MW 5.5 26.0 0.273 4.7 0.40 7.3 Ivanov (1961)a Amphiporeia virginiana (Avi) Bathyporeiidae MW 5.5 6.0 0.273 1.1 0.27 4.9 Van Dolah and Bird (1980)a Bathyporeia elegans (Bel) Bathyporeiidae MW 3.5 3.5 0.286 1.0 Fincham (1971)a MW 5.6 7.5 0.125 1.3 Salvat (1967)a Bathyporeia pelagica (Bpe) Bathyporeiidae MW 5.1 6.4 1.3 0.42 8.2 Fish (1975)a MW 5.1 5.0 0.176 1.0 Salvat (1967)a Bathyporeia pilosa (Bpi) Bathyporeiidae MW 4.4 6.9 1.6 0.44 10.0 Fish (1975)a Bathyporeia sarsi (Bsa) Bathyporeiidae MW 5.5 9.0 0.164 1.6 Salvat (1967)a Calliopius laeviusculus (Cla) Calliopiidae MW 8.0 48.5 0.500 6.1 0.45 5.6 Steele and Steele (1973)a Metaleptamphopus pectinatus (Mpe) Calliopiidae MW 6.0 9.3 0.083 1.6 0.43 7.2 Thurston (1974)a Stenopleura atlantica (Sat) Calliopiidae MW 5.8 7.0 0.293 1.2 Schellenberg (1926)a Chelura terebrans (Cte) Cheluridae MW 4.0 3.7 0.500 0.9 0.45 11.3 Kühne and Becker (1964)a Austrochiltonia australis (Aau) Chiltoniidae FW 6.0 46.5 0.317 7.8 Smith and Williams (1983)a Austrochiltonia subtenuis (Asu) Chiltoniidae BW 4.0 22.1 0.500 5.5 Lim and Williams (1971)a Corophium insidiosum (Cin) Corophiidae MW 3.8 10.8 0.474 2.8 0.36 9.5 Nair and Anger (1979a)a FW 7.8 33.3 0.282 4.3 Hynes (1955)a Crangonyx gracilis (Cgr) Crangonyctidae FW 7.3 5.0 33.3 3.2 Hynes (1955)b Crangonyx rivularis (Criv) Crangonyctidae FW 6.0 19.3 0.167 3.2 Judd (1963)a Exoediceros fossor (Efo) Exoedicerotidae MW 5.7 9.6 0.456 1.7 Dexter (1985)a Exoediceroides maculosus(Ema) Exoedicerotidae MW 5.1 9.4 0.294 1.8 Dexter (1985)a Gammarus chevreuxi (Gch) Gammaridae BW 7.0 30.0 0.286 4.3 Sexton (1928)a MW 7.5 5.3 25.0 3.3 0.45 6.0 Steele and Steele (1970)b Gammarus lawrencianus (Gla) Gammaridae MW 7.0 19.2 0.286 2.7 0.41 5.9 Steele and Steele (1970)a MW 7.0 21.8 0.429 3.1 0.41 5.9 Steele and Steele (1970)a MW 5.3 10.3 0.521 1.9 0.36 6.7 Steele and Steele (1975b)c MW 6.0 14.0 0.333 2.3 0.36 6.0 Steele and Steele (1975a)a Gammarus mucronatus (Gmu) Gammaridae BW 5.5 16.8 0.364 3.1 0.43 7.8 LaFrance and Ruber (1985)a MW 5.8 21.4 0.207 3.9 0.28 4.8 Van Dolah and Bird (1980)a BW 8.0 35.7 0.438 4.5 0.43 5.4 LaFrance and Ruber (1985)a Mucrogammarus mucronatus (Mmu) Gammaridae MW 5.5 3.5 12,0 2.2 0.48 8.7 Steele and Steele (1975a)b Gammarus obtusatus (Gob) Gammaridae MW 8.0 16.1 0.875 2.1 0.65 8.1 Steele and Steele (1975a)c Gammarus olivii (Gol) Gammaridae MW 6.5 23.0 0.538 3.5 Greze (1972)a MW 6.5 9.2 0.385 1.4 0.41 6.3 Van Dolah et al. (1975)a Gammarus palustris (Gpa) Gammaridae BW 7.2 30.5 0.514 4.2 Gable and Croker (1977)a BW 7.5 12.0 0.147 1.6 Borowsky (1980)a BW 6.0 12.0 0.167 2.0 0,44 7.3 Steele and Steele (1975a)a Gammarus stoerensis (Gst) Gammaridae BW 6.7 26.9 0.134 4.0 Skadsheim (1982)a Chaetogammarus stoerensis (Cst) Gammaridae FW 6.0 6.0 13.0 2.2 0.49 8.2 Steele and Steele (1972)b Gammarus tigrinus (Gti) Gammaridae FW 6.5 28.7 0.785 4.4 Chambers (1977)a Eohaustorius brevicuspus (Ebr) Haustoriidae MW 3.9 6.9 0.282 1.8 Bosworth (1976)a Eohaustorius estuarius (Ees) Haustoriidae BW 3.7 6.5 0.351 1.8 Bosworth (1976)a Eohaustorius washingtonius (Ewa) Haustoriidae MW 4.6 11.9 0.304 2.6 Bosworth (1976)a Nauplius, 24: e2016003 1 Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema: Medeiros and Weber Reproductive biology in Quadrivisio lutzi Supplementary Material. Cont. Female 1st size Brood Egg Species Name (Abbr) Family Habitat HMFBLr BS/BL EggD-%FS Source BodyLength maturity Size Size Haustorius canadenses (Hca) Haustoriidae MW 6.8 7.9 0.353 1.2 Donn and Croker (1986)a Haustorius dytiscus (Hdy) Haustoriidae MW 4.0 4.0 0.175 1.0 Croker (1967)a Neohaustorius biarticulatus (Nbi) Haustoriidae MW 5.0 7.0 0.300 1.4 Sameoto (1969a)a Neohaustorius schmitzi (Nsc) Haustoriidae MW 4.5 4.8 0.333 1.1 0.45 10.0 Van Dolah and Bird (1980)a Parahaustorius longimerus (Plo) Haustoriidae MW 6.3 7.8 0.190 1.2 Croker (1967)a Protohaustorius deichmannae (Pde) Haustoriidae MW 4.7 5.7 0.319 1.2 Sameoto (1969b)a Sameoto (1969b)a; Acanthohaustorius millsi (Ami) Haustoriidae MW 3.8 4.8 0.211 1.3 0.78 20.5 Van Dolah and Bird (1980)a FW 6.7 4.8 17.0 2.5 0.38 5.7 Strong Jr.(1972)b Hyallela azteca (Haz) Hyallelidae FW 5.9 4.9 18.0 3.0 0.32 5.4 Strong Jr.(1972)b FW 4.3 3.3 8.0 1.9 0.30 7.0 Strong Jr.(1972)b Parhyalella basrensis (Pba) Hyalellidae BW 6.3 15.3 0.349 2.4 0.39 6.2 Ali and Salman (1986)a Hyalella knickerbockeri (Hkn) Hyalellidae FW 5.5 17.6 0.345 3.2 Embody (1911)a MW 5.5 8.0 1.5 0.44 8.0 Steele (1973)b Parhyallela pietschmani (Ppi) Hyallelidae MW 6.5 12.9 0.385 2.0 0.39 6.0 Steele (1973)a Hyale barbicornis (Hba) Hyalidae MW 7.5 13.5 0.533 1.8 Hiwatari and Kajihara (1984)a MW 7.5 23.8 0.090 3.2 McBane and Croker (1984)a Hyale nilsoni (Hni) Hyalidae BW 6.2 20.7 3.3 McBane and Croker (1984)a Hyale prevosti (Hpr) Hyalidae MW 6.9 160 0.304 2.3 Kuznetsov (1964)a Hyale schmidti (Hsc) Hyalidae MW 4.0 5.7 0.250 1.4 Gilat (1962)a MW 6.8 75.0 0.324 11.0 Kuznetsov (1964)a Ischyrocerus anguipes (Ian) Ischyroceridae MW 4.9 34.5 0.265 7.0 Kuznetsov (1964)a Erichtonius brasiliensis (Ebr) Ischyroceridae MW 5.0 9.4 0.300 1.9 Hughes (1978)a MW 6.7 9.4 0.224 1.4 Nair and Anger (1979b)a Jasa falcata ( Jfa) Ischyroceridae MW 4.6 3.6 25.6 5.6 0.32 7.0 McGovern (Unpubl.)b Lafystius morhuanus (Lmo) Lafystiidae MW 5.7 7.3 0.193 1.3 Bousfield (1987)a Lepidepecreum cingulatum (Lci) Lysianassidae MW 6.6 10.8 0.061 1.6 0.44 6.7 Thurston (1974)a Hippomedon whero (Hwh) Lysianassidae MW 5.3 3.4 0.264 0.6 0.39 7.4 Fenwick (1985)a Metambasia faeroensis (Mfa) Lysianassidae MW 5.5 2.0 0.091 0.4 0.40 7.3 Stephensen (1923)a Orchomenella minuta (Omi) Lysianassidae MW 6.4 14.7 0.375 2.3 0.52 8.1 Sainte-Marie et al.
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