The Thunderword Leff ler questions life's complexities for thc same simple life style. Speaker thinks Today of! course Lcfflcr simplicity may pointcd out that it has obviously changed. material goods be the answer "Have all these choices that we have today made us happy?" if your effarts By Solana Kloby said Lcfflcr. He wondered why have little Staff Reporter we have 90 televisions stations instead of just six. effect?" Crime Blotter for the . He wondcrcdwhen peoplc =-Dr. Keith Leffler Our goals that are made out go out to eat, where do theygo? week Of 2/104f1?199 of our own self intercst lead to "Most of the time the dcci- risk issues,said Dr. Kcith sion on wherewe go to eat is to focusing on what they hrtvc. Leftlcr. confusing. have We "Stop, realizc and look that Lcfflcr, internationally McDonalds, Jack in thc Box, we are materialistic, why pursue known economist, spoke to stu- Taco Bell, etc.," Leffler said. material goods if your efforts dents in Contemporary Conver- He pointed out that all these have little effect?" said Lcffler. sations Wednesday in Building choices frustrate us rather than Leffler believesthat what Lemer 7. make us happy. material things people wantare Lcfflcr's cconomic happiness He also said that material changing, making it impossible rule #1 is "you can't be happy cated because we make our own wealth is a goal most peoplein to gain everything a person on an empty stomach.'' choices that are in our best in- this society wants to achieve. wants. Basic human needs such as terest and the government pro- "DoesthePapua New Although Leffler says that food, shelter and security have tects these individual rights. Guinea'lowlander sit around and wanting material things is not been for the most part estab- Leffler explained that when ask themselves if they need an- good, he is unsure about what lished in this country. life was much simpler we were other pot?" said Leffler. "Of affect thiscauses. Lxffler told students that life living among people we were course not because they already "For all of us there are things was much simpler then, with related to.The ones that we have one." we want more of, whether it is survival being the main goal. were not related to werekilled Leffler stressedthat most psychic goods (i.e. love) orma- Now it is much more compli- because they were competing people want more rather than terial goods," said Leffler. If you like to handle HCC changing Volunteers needed money, try accounting hours of operation for commencement Speakers from the Washing- Due to lack of participation, HCC's Commencement ton Society of Certified Public the Highline pool has decided to Committee needs volunteers for Accountants, which include open the pool laterin the morn- both commencement planning Public Accounting, Private Ac- ivg. Beginning Tuesday, Feb. and set up. Those interested counting and Governmental Ac- 16, the pool hours will be as fol- should call Margaret counting, will be visiting the lows: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday- Hunsperger at ext. 3875, or Ja- campus on Thursday, Feb. 18 Friday, 6-8 p.m. Monday, son Prenovost at ext. 3188. from 11a.m. to 1 p.m.They Wednesday, Friday and 5-7 p.m. Hawaii, UW Tacoma will be holding a seminar in Tuesday-Thursday. to visit campus Building 2 to show those inter- Job Club adviser finds new employer Hawaii Pacific University ested whatan accounting degree Job Club will be at Highline on Thursday, could do for them, focusing spe- to host Ivory Ellison leftHighline Feb. 18 to answer any questions cifically on how to open your interviewing forum for the Job Developer position regarding their programs. They own accounting service. The Job Club will be offering at Pacific Associates. will be located in Building 6, students a chance to tap into the "She was so succesful with across from registration from10 hidden job market on Thursday, the Job Club, she worked her- a.m. to 1 p.m. Adefua to celebrate Feb 18. Erin Stanford, Human self out of her own job," said UW Tacoma will also be on Black History Month Resources Professional, will be Janine Quinichett. campus to distribute informa- Adefua, an African Dance on hand to explain theart of net- Ellison's last day at Highline tion and answer any questions. group, will be here on Thursday, working and informational in- was Friday, Feb. 12. She was They will also be in Building 6, feb. 18 in the lower level of terviewing. respected by all her colleagues across from registration, from Building 8 from 11 a.m.to They will meet in Building for heraccomplishments at p.m. noon. 4-7 p.m. 13-104, fromnoon to 1:30 p.m. HCC. You don't have to Be a journalist, break your back or. just look like one. Find an exciting careeras a Chiropractic Tech- nician, right here at Highline. Chiropractic technicians are in high demand. Learn to make Sign up for x-rays, make spinal assessments, and process insurance claims. Lots of job opportunities; Journalism 101 earn $12-$15 an hour. ' ror mom informelion, Spring Quarter toll Dr. John Hubar, 206- and write for The Thunderword. i c Speaker sings praises of Islamic religion By Eric Worden from within their culture and and Yong Ellis their government, notthe Qur’an. m.8 whan an ln- Staff Reporters Joban was born in Indonesia. He graduated from Indonesian mate becomes Forget what you’ve heard- Islamic University with a Bach- Islam, the religion, is a good elor of Arts Degree in Arabic a Muslim... they thing for a modem world, a Language. He thenmoved to leading Muslim said here Tues- Egypt where he earned a Bach- are much more day. elor of Arts Degree in Theology, well behaved.” Imam Mohamad Awod Islamic Cult and Culture at Al- Joban, of the Masjid AI-Now/ Azhar University. He finally re- Islamic Center of Olympia, ceived his Master Degree in Is- --Mohamad Awod gave an “Introduction to Islam” lamic Studies at the Institute of Joban to about 30 people in Building Islamic studies. 7. While in Egypt he served as a The Arabic word Islam radio announcer. Egypt is con- both at the center and at vari- means peace, submission, and sidered the centerof Islamic cul- ous congregations in the Puget obedience. The religion of Is- ture. The station he worked for Sound area. lam is the complete acceptance broadcast Islamic messages Jobanalso serves as the of the teachings and guidanceof across the globe in 23 different Muslim Chaplain for the De- God as revealed to His Prophet Janguages. Joban translated and partment of Corrections in Muhammad, Joban said. announced the messages to the Washington State, a job he The Qur’an, the holy text of Indonesian section of the world. finds’ very fullfilling. Islam, was written in the 7th In 1988 Joban moved to the “Most Americans are too century. It provides moral guid- United States. Where he helped busy for religion, butin prison ance in all walks of life. For to start the Masjid AI-Now/ Is- you have much time on your that reason the valuesare not for Photo by Kirk Elliott lamic Center in Olympia. The hands.”said Joban. the ascetic but for the person Joban speaks out during the Islam conference. Center sehes as an Islamic Islam spreads very iast in who actively participatesin dif- neighborhood with a circle of prison becausethe inmates ferent spheres of life, and works the Islamic religionis misunder- thought of as some “Eastern” many homes centered around a like to tell each other aboutit. within them, according toa flyer stood by many people, Joban religion, Joban said. Mosque. The center is a comfort- “ If a gang leader in prison Joban distributed. said. In some partsof the world But Islam does not restrict able place for Muslims to live, converts to Islam usually thc The Prophetof Islam, and his it would seem exotic. human rights orprivileges tothe and also a place to learn about rest of the gang convertsalong companions,‘ developed andes- In Western society religion geographical limits of its own Muslim culture.Various high with him. The administiation tablished a complete model of generally does not dominateev- state. e school religious study classes fre- is very happy when an inmate Islam on this earthfor mankind eryday life, whereas for Mus- Joban said Islam is a loving quent the center as a field trip. becomes a Muslim because to follow, he said. lims, Islamis life, he said. religion not a violent or oppres- Joban serves as a teacher and they are much more well be- The concept of worship in For a while Islam was sive one. The oppression comes as an Imam or Religious leader, haved,” said Joban. Library offers expanded learning opportunities By Heidi Yi first grab the computers andtry to 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday Staff Reporter find what they want. And they 5:30-9:30 p.m. on Sunday never leave the seat. They just sit This week‘s workshops are: The library is now offering there for hours and hours trying Feb. 22, 11 a.m. Computer/ help to those who can’t seem to to figure out how to find the in- periodical resources, Building find information for papers. formation. But what they don’t 25- 120B. Highline’s library is offering know is that they can save time Feb. 23,7 p.m. World Wide a workshop for students who by asking oneof the librarians or Web Basics, Building 25- have no idea how ‘the library attending oneof the workshops,” 120B.
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