SALLY'S APARTMENT AND BADLANDS proudly present the annual MR. GAYAUSTIN CONTEST TUESDAY · JULY 21 Contest Begins at 10:30 at ~ 115 San Jacinto emcee=Paulerra Leigh· guest- Tiffany R CASH PRIZES & TROPHIES For Applications and Information Contact Sponsoring Clubs at (512) 479-8965 or 478-8782 Festivities Begin With CONTESTANT REGISTRATION PARTY SALLY'S 5PM ~Play TO AT ~Safe! 8PM . .,...'- Come meet the contestants • FREE BUFFET 2828 Rio Grande HAPPY HOUR DAILY FROM 8 AM TO 8 PM SUNDAY, MONDAY TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: SATURDAY: UQUORBUST5,PM I FREE Classic Hits, HAPPY OLDIES NIGHT MUSCLES MUSCLES BEERBUST,5PM BEER BUST $1.25 ALL HOUR with NAME INACTION INACTION Food on Patio starts WHITE TILL 8PM THAT TUNE 8 & 10 PM, 10 & 12, Pool lOPM LIQUOR for cash & prizes TGIF Happy Liquor Bust Tourney Pool Hour Buffet 5PM Tourney 5PM "the ~ of austIn magIc for 20 years" TWT JULY 10 • JULY 16 1987 PAGE 3 SUNDAY • 12 • JULY MADONNA I~~la'tl - ./:iWNOlS·:i~·;:· - - .- - ---------------- ----- ; "'~. :' }- I ,/// - ---- ----- -- ------------ -= --- ----- ----- COMPANY B FRIDAY • 17 • JULY NATIONAL RECORDING ARTIST REGISTER TO WIN A PAIR OF SINGING THEIR HITS MADONNA CONCERT TICKETS FREE FASCINATED, JAM ON ME, HOUSTON ASTRODOME AND MORE ... EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR • SHOWTIME 11:30 PM DRAWINGS AT 11, 12, 1 AND 2 • • FREEWELL DRINKS 7-9 PM 50¢ WELL • ALL NIGHT • • $1.25 CORONA AND VJ • MICHAEL LOWERY • • FREE DRAFT ALL NIGHT HOUSTON'S LARGEST PARTY. CONTENTS _,I" ~''';(~"'7 ,1 /' ~.".,\ , ,..•.. i ~ '4. ~I:":.>I ':~ PAGE42 ClXlrlie's 11 TWT NEWS Ft. Worth Police Place Phony Classified AdvertisemenL 22 COMMENT Letters to the Editor <]Ingels 26 SPECIAL REPORT TWT Scores the Democratic Presidential Candidates 31 HEALTH Older Men Are 4 Times Ukely to Get AIDS 35 CLASSIC TWT 4 Years Ago This Week in Texas by Don Maines wlNICOLE and Friends ~~~11/ 38 BOOKS Steps Going Down by Joseph Hansen Reviewed by David Fields 50¢ SCHNAPPS Conversations With My Elders by Boze Hadleigh Reviewed by.Jon Miller-Carrasco Free Beer from 10 42 MOVIES La Bomba. the Story of Ritchie Valens Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez Happy Hour Prices Showtimes: 10:30 & 12 Summer School With Mark Harmon Reviewed by Donalevan Maines All Night Me: NICOLE 46 SHOWBIZ Ronnie & Sean & Farrah & Uly...by Jack Varsl 48 BACKSTAGE Jo Anne Worley. Ruta Lee, Miss Texas...bY Donalevan Maines DAILY SOCIAL HOUR /), 52 ART Introductions '87 by Mitchell M. Bartlow with 57 HOT TEA July Is Party Month: Garden Party, Christmas in July & We Want You ... UNCLE 66 SNAPSHOTS Austin's 4th of July Picnic ...Photos by Scott Toy/or -J DARRELL STUESSY 69 SNAPSHOTS Dallas' Crossroads Carnival Photos by Doran Robertson 71 SPORTS Texas Invitational Bowling Tournament Results ...by Babby Miller 75¢ Well 5-6 ~ Happy Hour 4-1 0 lD austin 75 STARSCOPE This Year's Most Emotional Full Moon by Milton von Stern 78 COVER/ PHOTO ESSAY Kurt Gilbertson in Galveston Photographs by Scot Roberts 1301 LAVACA·[512] 474-6481 Friday Buffet 5PM 82 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 97 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events CHARLIE'S 99 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory 13.00 COVER YOUR #1 BEER DANCERS MEN'S NIGHT THE ANGELS 25¢ DRINKS PARTY BUST 10:30 &12 75¢ ORIGINAL W/NICOLE TWT (This Week In Texas) Ispublished by Texas Weekly Publishing Co ..at 2205 Montrose, Houston; Texas 77006, phone: (713) HAPPY HOUR PLACE 12.00 FREE BEER WELL DRINKS 25¢ & FRIENDS 527-9111Op. inions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its staff. Publication of the nome or photograph ALL NIGHT DRINK 7-? 10:00 10-12 DRINK NIGHT HAPPY HOUR of any person or organization In articles or advertising In TWT Isnot to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation SPECIALS 11.25 CORONAS 13.00 COVER SOt SCHNAPPS SPECIALS of sold person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per ho~ year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Poyment ALL NIGHT must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1987by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or oomplete reproduc- ALL NIGHT ALL NIGHT tion of any advertisement. news, article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT Isspecifically prohibited by federal statute. Music Programmed by Steve Underwood & Randy Minton TWT JULY 10 - JULY 16 1987 PAGE 7 THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20..000. EWS HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m .. weekdays 220.5 Montrose Houston. Texas 770.0.6 ed without their West Texas tour of bar DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 shows, which won't be held until this Hours: Fri.-Tues. 11a.m.-5 p.m. 390.0. Lemmon Ave .. Suite 220. fall! Dallas. Texas 75219 The Dallas region has amassed PUBLISHER/EDITCRChuck Patrick $6,043 which is 68% of its $8,892 goal. FEATURESEDITCR/ART DIRECTCR Blose DiStelano The Dallas Gay and Lesbian Political ASSISTANTART DIRECTCR Joy Verdon Coalition raised $4,083 and the Dallas ASSISTANTSTO.THEART DIRECTCR Fred Hinton. Charles Clinton Gay Alliance contributed $1,010 with the SHCWBIZ EDITCR Jock Varsi remainder coming from individuals. BACKSTAGE EDITCR Donolevan Moines But, that's where the good news on NEWS EDITCR Chuck Patrick ART EDITCR Mitch Bartlow fundraising ends as three major cities SPCRTSEDITCR Bobby Miller are still a far cry from reaching their Gay rights lobbyist Glen Maxey et Texas state Capitol. PCETRYEDITCR C. Flores Alvarez TWTNEWSphoto by Scott Taylor. goals. CCNTRIBUTING WRITERS San Antonio has raised only $865 of 0. Flares Alvarez. Carl Davis. David Fields. Welden Grahame. its $6,947 goal. And Houston has done Brion Keever. Donalevan Moines. TEXAS GAY LOBBY Bobble Mono. Milton van Stern even worse. ADVERTISING ART DIRECTCR Mitch Bartlow Houston, assigned a goal of $13,277, GRAPHIC ARTISTS BUDGET REPORT has raised only $315. However, several Fred Hinton. Joy Verdon. Kent Edson Smith. Richard Bang. Austin, Dol/as & Lubbock hundred dollars raised at GayFest '87 Charles Clinton during last month's pride parade has yet TYPOGRAPHERS Lead in LGRLFundraising; Richard Hebert. Bobby Miller to be received, Maxey stated. STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Houston, EIPaso, San Antonio EI Paso's goal is $1,716. It will soon Scott Taylor. Scot Roberts. Doran Robertson & Ft. Worth Lag Other Cities. submit about a third of its goal, TWT GW. King. Loren Laureano. Blose DIStelano NEWS was advised. STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTlCN Steve Miles Exclusive TWT NEWS Update. RECEPTICNISTS Fort Worth, with a goal of $2,800, has Dallas-Steve Miles Houston-Arby Burnett AUSTIN - Our Lesbian/Gay Rights yet to raise any money for the lobby. Un- Lobby ot Texas, which continues to.do fortunately, no organization is currently a fine job at being the watchdcg tor represented from Fort Worth on the SALES human rights in the Texas Legislature, LGRL board, Maxey stated. EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER issued its mid-year financial report last Jim Veteto With the budget at its mid-year point, week to. TWT NEWS. a special board meeting is to be held Advertising rotes are available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson In your nearest City .. In a conversation with TWT NEWS from this Saturday, July 11, in Austin to ad- DEADLINE FCR AlL ADS: his cffice on Capitol Hill, LGRL Ex- dress the matter of fundraising. The Friday. one week prior to publication. ecutive DirectorGlen Maxey said some meeting was called by LGF3Lco-chairs AUSTIN cities are dcing a great job with fundrais- Pat Cramer and Bill Foster. Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0.253 DALLAS ing. Yet, others are lagging behind. "I am confident that we'll reach our Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0.622 LGRL's annual budget is $40,000. goal in all the regions of the state," said FCRTWo.RTH Steve Miles. (214) 521-0.622 That figure is broken down by areas. Maxey. "We haven't focused our full at- HCUSTo.N/GALVESTo.N "The lobby assesses a percentage to tention on the money situation because Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTo.NIC/Co.RPUSCHRISTI each area of the state based on its pop- of the pressing legislative business. Tim Ramm. (512) 822-9213 ulation," Maxey explained. When the special session ends we'll - Leading the way is Austin, surpass- begin the process of putting in place the ing its goal by 150%. Austin has raised funding mechanism to insure that the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT $4,989 with a goal of $3,670-making it lobby is always financially sound." Dolkls Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts the only city to surpass its goal. Those wishing to become a sustain- lWT MAGAZINE Lubbock and its West Texas areas ing contributor were asked to write Texas Weekly Publishing Co. have reached 78% of their $2,698 goal LGRL at P.O.Box 2505,Austin, TX 78768 by raising $2,095.This has been achiev- or call (512)443-2247. PAGE 10. TWT JULY 10.· JULY 16 1987 I TWT JULY 10. - JULY 16 1987 PAGE 11 The regular schedule of meeting GREANIAS TO SPEAK every other Wednesday will resume on TUESDAY AT CHE August 5, Brian Keever of TWT NEWS Houston City Councilman Is reported. "That should be an interesting Guest at Tuesday's Meeting of meeting as that's when we'll show the ONLY 3 Citizens for Human Equality. video from the 1979 March on HOUSTON - George Greanias, City Washington," he said. David Greiss, Council member from District C, will be owner of Advance Travel, will be on the featured guest speaker at a special hand to discuss housing and air fare to meeting of the Citizens for Human the nation's capital. Equality when the group meets this Advance Travel has been named by Tuesday, July 14 at the Greenway Plaza Houston's March on Washington com- Holiday Inn.
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