BREAKING OUR COVENANT WITH DEATH BY THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN—PAGE 20 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 10 | DECEMBER 15, 2020 | U.S. $2.00 FINALCALLDIGITAL.COM | STORE.FINALCALL.COM | FINALCALL.COM BIG PHARMA, BIG MONEY, BIG FEARS Concerns about so-called vaccine cures driven by profits, too little proven research on safety, little talk of side-effects and no data on long term impact justify vows to reject Covid-19 vaccines say critics. SEE PAGES 3 AND 10 Graphic: istockphoto/grafissimo 2 THE FINAL CALL DECEMBER 15, 2020 ‘State-sponsored terrorism, police-sponsored terrorism,’ used to charge and target the leader of Black militia? by Brian E. Muhammad, Anisah Muhammad and J.A. Salaam The Final Call @TheFinalCall The leader of the Not F---king Around Coalition (NFAC), an all-Black militia that has been in the media over the last year was recently arrested on federal charges and later charged with state crimes by authorities in Kentucky. He is accused of pointing a weapon at federal agents and city po- lice offi cers. Activists and analysts say the charges refl ect longtime and ever-present attempts to control and target Blacks seen as “militant” and who claim the constitutional right to bear arms. John F. Johnson, also known as Grandmaster Jay, was charged Dec. 3 with assaulting and aiming an assault weapon at federal task force offi cers for the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation, the U.S. Secret Service, and Louisville Metro Po- lice Department offi cers in early September. As WAVE-TV 3 in Louisville reported Dec. 4, Mr. John- son faces an additional fi ve state counts of wanton endanger- ment for allegedly pointing an AR-15-style rifl e at LMPD offi cers on Sept. 4, the day the NFAC was protesting in downtown Louisville. The documents allege Mr. Johnson pointed the gun at offi cers positioned on a building rooftop. Authorities claim Mr. Johnson was caught on surveillance video. “The complaining witness is listed as an LMPD offi cer. John Fitzgerald Johnson, also known as Grandmaster Jay, leads NFAC members on a march to Parc San Souci in downtown Lafayette, La., Oct. 3. NFAC, a Black militia group based in Atlanta, marched in Lafayette in response to threats made by U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins on Facebook regarding Johnson is set to be arraigned on Dec. 18 at 1 p.m. in Jeffer- protests in Lafayette following the death of Trayford Pellerin, a 31-year-old Black man, who was fatally shot by Lafayette police responding to a repor- son County,” the news station reported. ted disturbance involving a man with a knife at a north Lafayette gas station on Aug. 21. Photo: AP/Wide World Photos Russell Coleman, the United States Attorney for the Western District of Kentucky announced the federal charges. was but had no offi cers on the ground in Jefferson Square. I together as he did to fi ght for Black Power.” Mr. Johnson, 57, was arrested at his West Chester, Ohio know because I was there,” she continued. Mr. Johnson was also arrested a day before the anniver- home, later booked into a Louisville facility and appeared “A defense wall was built in front of me by the angry patri- sary of the police killing of Black Panthers Fred Hampton and before a federal judge. ots, so let’s focus on them (law enforcement) focusing on one Mark Clark in their Chicago apartment in 1969. Lori “Chaka” White, chief of staff for the St. Louis Chap- group, the NFAC. If I wasn’t there, I would have thought that “I think it’s fi tting that this state-sponsored terrorism, po- ter of the New Black Panther Party, rejects the charges and was the only group there that weekend.” lice-sponsored terrorism, on behalf of the United States Attor- law enforcement’s double standard. “Are we the example? Yes. This is their way of telling us ney has been deployed against our brother on the anniversary “I stood in the street with 15 heavily armed White men ‘y’all can play, but we play harder,’ ” said Ms. White. “They of the state killing of Mark Clark and Fred Hampton,” said Dr. standing in front of me, fi ngers on triggers, the very same will do whatever they can do to make us understand they are in Greg Carr, chair of the Department of Afro-American Studies day they claimed Grandmaster Jay pointed a fi rearm at control. Why wait 90 days to fi le criminal charges? she asked. at Howard University. agents, not one LMPD offi cer was present,” said Ms. White. “When they feel a Black man has power, they will seek to Historically, he said, police have been an extension of “LMPD was aware of all groups that would be present break him. I support him (NFAC leader Johnson). I’m for the White nationalist interests and if they charge Mr. Johnson with that weekend. They had a heavy presence where the NFAC work; I don’t know many people that can pull as many people Continued on page 16 A Message Dedicated to the Resurrection of the Black Man and Woman of America and the World. Founded by MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhamm ad and the Nation of Islam Naba’a Muhammad.............................Editor-In-Chief Abdul Rasul Muhammad.............................General Manager Starla Muhammad......................................................................Managing Editor Nisa Islam Muhammad.......................................................................Staff Writer Marcella A. X.......................................................................Executive Secretary Nubian L. Muhammad...............................................................Publishing Editor Brian E. Muhammad.........................................................................Staff Writer Timothy 6X..........................................................................Production Manager Askia Muhammad............................................................................Senior Editor Tariqah Shakir-Muhammad...............................................................Staff Writer Eli X....................................................................................Production Assistant Charlene Muhammad.........................................National Correspondent James G. Muhammad...........................................................Contributing Editor Michelle Muhammad..........................................................Distribution Manager Haroon Rajaee...........................................................Contributing Photographer Jennifer L. Muhammad......................................Editorial Assistant/Transcriptionist Debra Muhammad..........................................................................Subscriptions Volume 40, No. 10 ©2020 FCN Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re pro duced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including pho to copy ing, recording or by any information and retrieval system without permission in writing from The Final Call. Un so lic it ed manuscripts will not be returned, unless accompanied with return postage. Send inquiries to: FCN Pub lish ing, 734 W. 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620. PHONE: (773) 602-1230. FAX: (773) 602-1013. EMAIL: [email protected]. WEBSITE: www.fi nalcall.com. Opinions expressed by columnists are un cen sored and are not nec es sar i ly the views of Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam or The Final Call. The Final Call newspaper (ISSN 1090-7327) is published weekly, with the ex cep tions of the fourth week in Feb ru ary and the fi rst week in October, by Final Call Inc., 734 West 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620-2424. Annual subscription price is $120.00 (for U.S.A.). Pe ri od i cals postage paid in Chicago, IL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Final Call, 734 West 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620-2424. DECEMBER 15, 2020 THE FINAL CALL 3 such as the duration of immunity they offer, possible long-term side effects and variance across different ages, rac- es and ethnicities—will likely take an- other year or so to understand,” Johns Hopkins’ experts said, according to the Questions aren’t going Baltimore Sun Dec. 4. “The promise of a vaccine comes as COVID-19 wreaks new havoc across the country. More people are being away, despite high hospitalized and dying of the disease caused by the virus than at any other point during the pandemic, and hos- pitals are reporting troubling signs of manufacturer praise strain. “But even if vaccines become wide- ly available before the end of the year, of Covid-19 vaccines many more months of study, clinical trial testing and research will be re- quired before vaccines can be deemed effective,” said Dr. William Moss, ex- ecutive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, during a virtual media briefing. Therein lies a big part of the prob- “We also don’t know how long this by Naba’a Muhammad lem, according to critics of pharmaceu- vaccine will remain effective. While While crediting vaccine makers with Editor tical giants. They want safe vaccines vaccines are normally not approved “astonishing” progress in a little more @RMfinalcall and are concerned about vaccine in- unless they protect people than 12 months, Dr. Moss told juries. Such critics, who include sci- for at least a year, these ar- the Sun, “not enough time has Some called the latest coronavirus entists, epidemiologists, and medical en’t normal times,” he noted. elapsed to determine whether vaccine announcements by big phar- doctors, argue there are viable alterna- “Messenger RNA—the the vaccines have any long- maceutical companies Moderna and tives to rushed
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