324 THE JOURNAL OF BYELORUSSIAN STUDIES familiar words. It is a sumptuous texts resemble modem Ukrainian as volume which will be welcomed by closely as possible. In the manuscript musicians and linguists alike; hope­ Dilec'kyj's name is written wi,thout a fully it will bring recognition to its soft sign after the Q; in the transcrip­ author in the form of an entry in tion one is inserted. Similarly i is Grove's Dictionary. substituted for -t. passim, as is H for Reservations must, however, be hi. It cannot be said that the publish­ expressed on the value of the trans­ ing house does not possess the letter cription system employed. It follows -t. in its type founts, because it is the recommendations of 0. A. Bevzo, occasionally used in quotations in the as laid down in the article Pro explanatory article. The Polish sec­ pravila drukuvannja istorycnych do­ tions of the manuscript are preserved kumentiv. pysanych ukrains'koju mo­ in the transcription, although the voju XVI-XVIII stolit' (Visnyk AN spelling is modernized. These •sections URSR, 2, Kiev, 1958). The purpose of are translated into Ukrainian in the these recommendations seems to be commentary. to make the language of these old J. Dingley REVIEWS OF PERIODICALS ACTA BALTICO-SLAVICA. Vol. VII. Bialystok, 1970. This year's Acta contain three it may well be true that Zakar'jan articles relating to Byelorussian has exaggerated the tenninological language and history. V. Raudeljunas influence of Russkaja pravda on the (Raudeliiinas) of Vilna devotes a Statute, but nonetheless the tenor of controversial article to the origin and Raudeljunas's article suggests strong­ meaning of certain juridicial terms ly an attempt to minimise the Byelo­ found in the third edition of the russian element (acknowledged by Lithuanian Statute: 'Drevnerusskaja most scholars to be the dominant one) juridiceskaja leksika v jazyke Litovs­ in one of the major documents of the kogo Statuta 1588 goda' (pp. 31-45). Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Raudeljunas criticises .the work of M. If, in ,the absence of an historical Zakar'jan, the established expert on dictionary of Byelorussian, many the lexical composition of the Statute questions of Middle Byelorussian (see, for example, his Slovarnyj sostav vocabulary are inevitably speculative, Statuta 1588, Moscow, 1955 (diss.) or the subject of S. Alexandrowicz's 'Drevnemsskaja juridiceskaja leksika article, 'Geneza i rozw6j sieci miaste­ v jazyke Litovskogo Statuta 1588', czek Bialorusi i Litwy do polowy Kalbotyra, IV, Vilna, 1962, pp. 171-95), XVII w' (pp. 47-108) is one that asserting that Zakar'jan's purely has long suffered from scholarly linguistic approach is too narrow, and neglect. The period covered by the that ,the juridicial terms of the Statute author is from the 14th to the 17th should be viewed a,s specific semantic century and wtthin it he presents a units in particular countries at part­ well-documented economic analysis icular times. His questioning of Zakar'jan',s interpretation of certain of the pattern of foundation and words (voznyj. pravo and derzan'je, growth of small towns in the Grand for example) is often convincing, and Duchy, supporting his conclusions Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 01:48:53AM via free access 324 THE JOURNAL OF BYELORUSSIAN STUDIES familiar words. It is a sumptuous texts resemble modem Ukrainian as volume which will be welcomed by closely as possible. In the manuscript musicians and linguists alike; hope­ Dilec'kyj's name is written wi,thout a fully it will bring recognition to its soft sign after the Q; in the transcrip­ author in the form of an entry in tion one is inserted. Similarly i is Grove's Dictionary. substituted for -t. passim, as is H for Reservations must, however, be hi. It cannot be said that the publish­ expressed on the value of the trans­ ing house does not possess the letter cription system employed. It follows -t. in its type founts, because it is the recommendations of 0. A. Bevzo, occasionally used in quotations in the as laid down in the article Pro explanatory article. The Polish sec­ pravila drukuvannja istorycnych do­ tions of the manuscript are preserved kumentiv. pysanych ukrains'koju mo­ in the transcription, although the voju XVI-XVIII stolit' (Visnyk AN spelling is modernized. These •sections URSR, 2, Kiev, 1958). The purpose of are translated into Ukrainian in the these recommendations seems to be commentary. to make the language of these old J. Dingley REVIEWS OF PERIODICALS ACTA BALTICO-SLAVICA. Vol. VII. Bialystok, 1970. This year's Acta contain three it may well be true that Zakar'jan articles relating to Byelorussian has exaggerated the tenninological language and history. V. Raudeljunas influence of Russkaja pravda on the (Raudeliiinas) of Vilna devotes a Statute, but nonetheless the tenor of controversial article to the origin and Raudeljunas's article suggests strong­ meaning of certain juridicial terms ly an attempt to minimise the Byelo­ found in the third edition of the russian element (acknowledged by Lithuanian Statute: 'Drevnerusskaja most scholars to be the dominant one) juridiceskaja leksika v jazyke Litovs­ in one of the major documents of the kogo Statuta 1588 goda' (pp. 31-45). Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Raudeljunas criticises .the work of M. If, in ,the absence of an historical Zakar'jan, the established expert on dictionary of Byelorussian, many the lexical composition of the Statute questions of Middle Byelorussian (see, for example, his Slovarnyj sostav vocabulary are inevitably speculative, Statuta 1588, Moscow, 1955 (diss.) or the subject of S. Alexandrowicz's 'Drevnemsskaja juridiceskaja leksika article, 'Geneza i rozw6j sieci miaste­ v jazyke Litovskogo Statuta 1588', czek Bialorusi i Litwy do polowy Kalbotyra, IV, Vilna, 1962, pp. 171-95), XVII w' (pp. 47-108) is one that asserting that Zakar'jan's purely has long suffered from scholarly linguistic approach is too narrow, and neglect. The period covered by the that ,the juridicial terms of the Statute author is from the 14th to the 17th should be viewed a,s specific semantic century and wtthin it he presents a units in particular countries at part­ well-documented economic analysis icular times. His questioning of Zakar'jan',s interpretation of certain of the pattern of foundation and words (voznyj. pravo and derzan'je, growth of small towns in the Grand for example) is often convincing, and Duchy, supporting his conclusions Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 01:48:53AM via free access REVIEWS 325 with several statistical tables and a causes (arbitrary conscription to map. private armies, lack of redress for V. I. Melezko, 'Polozenije i klasso­ damage to property inflicted by vaja bor'ba krest'jan v kricevskom billeted troops, excessive taxation) starostve v konce XVII - pervoj po­ Melezko attempts to assess the lovine XVIII vv.' (pp. 109-96) describ­ es some peasant revolts against the achievements of the revolts in terms Radzivils in eastern Byelorussia. In of the social and economic life of the addition to outlining their putative peasants. BOZYM SLACHAM (On God's Highway). London, 1970. This leading Byelorussian religious than at the time of the epidesis. This bi-monthly magazine has for more is a field which few writer,s have than twenty years published doc­ ventured to touch upon, and Fr Nad­ uments and material illustrating the son's initiative in this respect has character of the Byelorussian spiritual proved what a fruitful field it may be. and liturgical tradition. In an interest­ Fr J. Hermanovic, who i1, also known ing study Fr A. Nadson deals with as Vincuk Advazny (b. 1890), gives an the Prayerbook for laymen printed adaptation into verse of the old Tartar in Vilna in 1601 by L. Mamonic, where legend 'Majsiej ,pytaje', taken from necessary drawing parallels with the Kitab (119/18-20). V. Prytycki other texts, and in particular with the provides notes on the Easter customs Prayerbook of the Vilna confraternity of the Braslaii region (120/12-13), and (118/8-12; 119/6-7). The use of ·such there are some extracts from the prayerbooks by the faithful was un­ manuscript records of the Pinsk common in the Orthodox world, and Vicariate dating from 1832 (120/16-18). virtually unknown in Russia. In The parables from :the Gospels were Byelorussia books of prayers similar to translated into verse by Fr Hermano­ Mamonic's Molitvy Povsednevnyje vic (121/1-22), and Fr Nadson provides were widely used during the liturgy, a further study of a prayerbook and they cast much light on the dating from 1695, of considerable doctrinal beliefs and liturgical usages philological value (122/5-10; 123/5-9). prevalent among the Byelorussians. Other items in the numbers of this For example one is led to conclude magazine include a chronicle of events, that the Byelorussian Orthodox both within the Byelorussian church, believed 'transsubstantiation' occurred and in the Byelorussian community as at the words of consecration, rather a whole. MALADOSC. A monthly. Minsk, 1970. This extremely well edited journal Paiinocny farvatar (Northern Fairway; for young people in their late 1teens 1-9, 11-8) by Ales Kryha, Bujala ieta and early twenties contains the usual (Summer was in Full Swing; VI-24) rich selection of new works of lit­ by Jaiihien Radkievic, Miera scascia erature both by beginners and by i bolu (A Measure of Happiness and well-established writers. The novel Sorrow; 111-9) by Klara Piscykava; My chlopcy zyvucyja (We are and the ,short stories Horad biez papu­ Tenacious Boys; IV-12, V-9) by Ivan hajcykaii (A Town without Parrots; Siarkoii is a lively story, often full V-58) by Visaryjon Harbuk, Sviata of humour, about two youngsters in (The Feast; XII-9) by Tacciana Hare­ Eastern Byelorussia in the early post­ likava, Vaka tajfuna (The Eye of the war years.
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