DOE Ela ADD DETEDNEE OM (20 - '1103'11 by Maria Fatima L. T. da Silva Gracias Thesis submitted to the Goa University for the degree of Doctor of Phifosophj in kistorj 54.791 under the guidance of Dr. Teotonio R. de Souza D i rector Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Goa. Goa, INDIA 1992 A statement under Ordinance 0.770 I hereby state that the research work carried out by me for the Ph.D. thesis entitled Health and Hygiene in Goa 1510-1961 is my original work. I am also to state that have not been awarded any degree or diploma or any other academic award by this or any other University or body for the thesis to be submitted by me. A statement under Ordinance 0.771 This thesis on "Health and Hygiene in Goa, 1510-1961" contains an historical inquiry into the conditions and problems of health and hygiene during the period of the Portuguese colonial rule in Goa. I have gone through the existing and relevant published works related directly and indirectly to different aspects of this theme, but the substance of the present research is drawn from archival documentation and from published contemporary reports. This has enabled to provide for the first time a comprehensive picture of the Goan Society from the perspective of health and hygiene and related issues. In the process much documentary evidence is also made available for understanding the socio- economic conditions of life in Goa during the period covered by this study. It is hoped that the contribution made by this thesis will enable those concerned about improving the quality of life in Goa to understand better the necessary background that has influenced and shaped many social attitudes and institutional strengths as well as handicaps. Hence, far from being a purely antiquarian exercise, this research is aimed at assisting in the present day and future efforts at implementing policies and programmes that do not perpetuate the past colonial and discriminatory approaches. 1 61-eAll' Maria Fatima IjrT. da Silva Gracias Certified that the statements made by the candjdate are correct. (Guiding Date: 4zil c ei f aliaTrq XAVIER CENTRE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH Alto - Porvorim, Goa 403 521 (INDIA) Grams : HISTCENT Phone (0832) 87227 In Thy LIgnt 5•4, LIOnt Certificate from the Ph.D. Guide I hereby state that Ms. Maria Fatima L.T. da Silva Gracias has done her reseach under my guidance for her Ph.D. thesis in History on "Health and Hygiene in Goa, 1510-1961". I wish to further state that she has done independent and original research on the said topic and has given us for the first time a connected, comprehensive and well-documented account of the state of Health and related factors in this territory during the entire period of the Portuguese rule. Besides consulting the relevant published material on the subject, she has utilised hitherto unused archival material, and has also tapped oral infor- mation. Samples of the new archival information, plus statistical/graphed data based on such information have been appended to the thesis as a proof of authenticity. The topic has also been treated in a manner that is relevant for our times, taking note of the questions being raised nowadays about health in the various world fora, and with special reference to the Third World. I state hereby also that Ms. Maria Fatima L.T. da Silva Gracias has not submitted the result of this research in full or in part for any other degree or diploma, asso- ciationship, fellowship or any other similar title. Dr. Teotonio de Souza,S.J. PH.D. '.SEARCH GUIDE 3/ CONTENTS MAP after p. 278 ABBREVIATIONS 2 GLOSSARY 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8 INTRODUCTION 11 CHAPTER I : STANDARDS OF LIVING IN GOA 19 CHAPTER II : POPULATION TRENDS AND HEALTH IMPLICATIONS 68 CHAPTER III : PERSONAL CARE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE 106 CHAPTER IV : DISEASES AND EPIDEMICS 151 CHAPTER V : INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH CARE 211 CHAPTER VI : FOLK MEDICINE AND TRADITIONS 279 CHAPTER VII : WESTERN MEDICINE: TRAINING FACILITIES AND TRAINED DOCTORS 336 CHAPTER VIII : HEALTH LEGISLATION 395 CHAPTER IX : OVERVIEW 467 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY 480 STATISTICAL AND DOCUMENTARY APPENDICES 509 BIBLIOGRAPHY 560 ABBREVIATIONS APO Archivo Portuguez-Oriental ARSJ Archivum Romanum Societatis Jesu, Rome BNL Bibloteca National, Lisboa BG Boletim do Govern() do Estado da India BO Boletim Oficial CD Correspondencia Diversa CPL Central Library, Panjim DI Documenta Indica EPB Enciclopaedia Portuguesa Brasileira HAG Historical Archives of Goa LRE1 Legislagao Relativa ao Estado da India MR MongOes do Reino PAR Provisbes, Alvaras e Regimentos PP Patriarchal Palace RC Rois de Christandade * Re. Rupee VP Visita Pastoral XCHR Xavier Centre of Historical Research Glossary (+) The cross-mark indicates words of Portuguese origin. The remaining words are of local vernacular derivation. Alvara+ = A decree issued either by King, Viceroy or Government official and valid for one year without the royal confirmation Almude+ = A measure equal to 16.8 litre§ Arratel+ = A pound of weight Arroba+ = A fourteen and a half kilograms Arroz preto+ = Black rice Asilo dos Alienados+ = Mental Asylum Bailadeira+ = Temple dancer Baili-pidda = Foreign disease Bakri = Rice bread Bindul = Copper vessel used to draw and carry water from the well Boia = Palanquin' bearer Bonguis = Scavengers Boticario+ = Apothecary, pharmacist Bajus = Dress worn by women of upper strata Cabayas = A kind of overcoat worn by Christian middle class men in Goa Canarins = Native Christians of Goa Canis+ = Boiled rice with water C.. os+ = Portuguese married settlers in the city of Goa. Codel : = Chair (an item of. Goan furniture) Choli = Tight fitting blouse worn on saree by women Comprador+ = Purchaser Confrarias+ = Pious confraternity Curandeiros+ = Quacks Dal = Native midwife Delegado de Saude+ = Health Officer t. Delegacia de Saude+ = Health Office Dobo = Disease of the liver T.IROJP = 01='!A414 P4; tP4i-ii:ort f.p.ied by women, priests Dotes+ = Endowment, gifts Escorbuto+ = Scurvy Escrivao+ = Clerk Fidalgo+ = Nobleman Firinghi rog = European disease Fardo+ = Bale Feiticeiro+ = Witch-doctor Ghadi = Shaman Girasal = Superior quality of rice. Hakim = Practitioner of Unani medicine Hatar = Mat used to dry boiled paddy 'Hatri = Small mat Herbolario+ = Herbalist Hospital de Misericordia+ = Hospital of House of Mercy 4 Hospital Militar+ = Military Hospital Hospital dos Pobres+ = Hospital for the Poor Hospital Real+ = Royal Hospital Kail = Frying pan Kanso = Bowl used to eat soft boiled rice with water Khandi = 480 lbs. wt. Kolso = Large vessel used to carry water from the well Kompro = Vessel used to steam rice bread Langoti = Loin cloth passing between the thighs and held by a cord or chain tied around the waist Machila = A sedan chair carried by four to six men Mainato+ = Washerman Merces+ = Gifts, benefits Modki = A vessel used to boil rice Morambas+ = Knee-length shorts Moradias+ = House rent Mordomo+ = Superintendent Mukdam = Leader of a professional group Mundkar = Tennant attached to the land Munz = Thread worn around the waist Namasy = Rent-free land granted to village servants in lieu of service Nachini = Eleusine caracona Oitava+. = An eighth part of an ounce Ouvidor+ = Judge Quvidor Geral+ = Senior Crown Judge 5 Ordenado+ = Salary Pandito = Native physician PatrAo for de Ribeira+ = Chief superintendent of shipyard Fatt = A low stool used by Hindus to sit Pauta das mezinhas+ = Price list of medicines Febo = Cup used to drink water Pobre mendigo+ = Beggar Provedor+ = Purveyor Provedoria+ = Institution of Public Assistance Fostura+ = Municipal legislation. Pudvem = Garment worn by Hindu men Quintal+ = 128 lbs. wt. Recolhimento+ = Home for the destitutes Regedor+ = Justice of peace. Regimento+ = Standing order Renda Verde+ = Income from market fines on vegetables Saguates+ = Gifts Sangrador+ = Bleeder Santa Casa Misericordia+ = Holy House of Mercy Senado+ = Municipal Council Shevgo = Machine used to prepare Goan rice noodles Sigmo = Hindu festival corresponding to Holi Soldo+ = Basic pay Sotel = Copper vessel used to prepare traditional Goan sweets Sub-cheie+ = Assistant chief 6 Sup = Winnowing fan Tambio = Small vessel for water Tanador = Chief revenue and judicial authority of a province Taverna + = Liquor shop Tirtha = Holy water Tonga+ = Horse-drawn carriage Vaidya = Ayurvedic practitioner Vatam = Copper plate used to eat food Vatli = Metal plate for food . Vedor de Fazenda+ = Chief revenue superintendent Xeipal+ = Portuguese wine Xetam = Devil 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the course of this research I had the opportunity of meeting many people connected with this dissertation. Most people were helpful and generous with their time as well as suggestions. I wish to express my gratitude to Rev. Dr. Teotonio de Souza, Director of the Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Goa, for his able guidance, constructive criticism and help in at all stages of this research. I am also grateful to him for introducing me to the use of computers for word processing and for giving me some useful material collected by him at the Jesuit Archives in Rome and Brussels. I am thankful to the authorities and the staff of various archives and libraries I have consulted in Goa and Lisbon (Portugal), specially to Ms. Lilia Colaoo-Souza and Rev. Dr. Charles Borges of XCHR for their readiness to help and suggestions. I appreciate also the help given by Ms. Teresa Moraes-Almeida and Mr. Arvind Yalagi of Goa Archives, Rev. Benjamin Fernandes and Mr. Santana Diniz of Bishop's House, Ms. Archana Kakodkar of Goa University, Ms. Pia Rodrigues and Ms. Lourdes Costa Rodrigues of Cen- tral Library, Panjim. Inspiration to do this work originally came from my father Dr. Francisco C. T. da Silva to whom I will be always grateful. My sincere thanks to Ms. Margaret Lopes and Ms. Isabel Santa Rita Vas for their encouragement and help. Grateful thanks to Mr. Mark Pinto do Rosario for all the help rendered specially with the graphs. I wish to thank also Dr. K. M. Mathew, Head of Department of History, Goa University for encouraging me to go into research.
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