DEPARTMENT OF BIO TECHNOLOGY List of Ongoing Projects as on 08/07/2016 S.No. Title Project Investigator/Institute Date of Duration Total Cost Sanction (In Rs.) Agriculture Biotechnology – I 1 Programme Support for R&D in agricultural Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta 11/05/2012 5 Years 0 Month 27090000 Biotechnology-phase-II Programme at G.B. Pant G.B. Pant University of Agric. & Tech. University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Pantnagar Pant Nagar, Uttarakhand- Nagar [BT/PR5031/AGR/2/850/2012] 263128 2 Program Support for Research and Development in Prof. R samiyappan 11/05/2012 5 Years 0 Month 31553004 Agricultural Biotechnology-Phase-II at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University TNAU,Coimbatore [BT/PR5095/AGR/2/847/2012] Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641003 3 Characterization and molecular mapping of aphid Dr. Beant Singh 20/03/2015 3 Years 0 Month 5147600 (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch.) resistance in barley. Punjab Agricultural University [BT/PR9656/AGR/2/870/2013] Ludhiana, Punjab-141004 4 Emergence of Tobacco streak virus infecting Cotton Dr. Renukadevi P 20/04/2015 3 Years 0 Month 4970400 : Investigations on transmission, spread and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University symptom remission. Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641003 [BT/PR11474/AGR/2/882/2014] 5 CHALLENGE PROGRAMME ON CHICKPEA Dr. Mukesh Jain 23/11/2015 5 Years 0 Month 78161600 FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS [BT/AGR/CG- National Institute of Plant Genome PhaseII/01/2014] Research New Delhi, Delhi-110067 Agriculture Biotechnology – II 6 Development of rice varieties for kerala with Dr. Jayalekshmy V G 02/08/2013 5 Years 0 Month 7240470 pyramided genes for Resistance to BLB by marker Kerala Agricultural University Thrissur, assisted selection [BT/PR13469/AGR/02/703/2010] Kerala-680656 7 Harnessing favorable QTL of wild and exotic Dr. Jitendra Kumar 03/02/2015 3 Years 0 Month 2811200 germplasm for yield contributing traits in lentil INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PULSES using advanced backcross QTL analysis RESEARCH kanpur, Uttar Pradesh- [BT/PR10921/AGII/106/943/2014] 208024 Generated through eProMIS Page No. [ 1 / 1 ] 8 Development of haploid-inducer lines of Brassica Dr. Shripad R Bhat 03/06/2013 3 Years 6 Month 6413053 juncea through genetic engineering of centromere National Research Centre On Plant histone protein [BT/PR4534/AGR/2/843/2012] Biotechnology New Delhi, Delhi-110012 9 Marker Assisted Breeding for Developing Early Dr. Sudhagar R 04/03/2015 3 Years 0 Month 2589600 Maturing versions of Popular Rice Varieties of Tamil Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Nadu [BT/PR10897/AGII/106/938/2014] Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641003 10 Exploitation of resistance gene derived markers Dr. Rajeev Rathour 07/01/2013 5 Years 0 Month 7453456 (GDMs) for the development of blast and bacterial CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi blight resistant version of rice var. ‘HPR2143 Vishvavidyalaya Palampur, Himachal [BT/PR6573/AGII/106/884/2012] Pradesh-176062 11 Pyramiding multiple resistance genes (Ty, Ph and Dr. Major Singh Dhaliwal 07/01/2013 4 Years 0 Month 3913200 Mi) in high yielding varieties of tomato through Punjab Agricultural University MAS [BT/PR6499/AGII/106/890/2012] Ludhiana, Punjab-141004 12 “Metabolic Engineering of Phytic Acid Pathway for Dr. Ajay Kumar Pandey 07/11/2012 4 Years 0 Month 5030160 Improving Iron National Agri - Food Biotechnology Bioavailability in Wheat” Institute Mohali, Punjab-160071 [BT/PR5989/AGII/106/867/2012] 13 Engineering Broad Spectrum Resistance against Prof. Supriya Chakraborty 07/12/2011 5 Years 0 Month 8072140 Gemini viruses [BT/PR14812/AGR/02/760/2010] Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Delhi-110067 14 Mapping of QTLs for beta carotene in pearl millet Dr. SUMATHI P 08/12/2014 3 Years 0 Month 3463200 [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br)] Tamil Nadu Agricultural University [BT/PR10909/AGII/106/952/2014] Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641003 15 Expression Analysis of Galactomannan Biosynthesis Prof. Ashok Chaudhury 12/09/2014 3 Years 0 Month 6787868 Pathway Genes in Cluster Bean (Cyamopsis Guru Jambheshwar University of tetragonoloba L) through Transcriptome Sequencing Science and Technology Hansi, [BT/PR8356/AGII/106/928/2013] Haryana-1111111111 16 Mapping of the stem rot resistant gene (s) in Dr. S K Bera 13/02/2013 5 Years 0 Month 5270400 groundnut and its transfer to an elite groundnut Directorate of Groundnut Research cultivar [BT/PR14416/AGR/02/737/2010] Junagadh, Gujarat-362001 17 Marker assisted breeding for development of Dr. Tusar Kanti Behera 13/02/2013 4 Years 0 Month 6379088 gynoecious Indian cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Indian Agricultural Research Institute lines [BT/PR6489/AGII/106/880/2012] New Delhi, Delhi-110012 Generated through eProMIS Page No. [ 1 / 1 ] 18 Integrated MAS to develop groundnut varieties for Mr. Manivannan N 13/02/2013 5 Years 0 Month 6401004 resistance to Tamilnadu Agricultural University foliar fungal diseases Rust and Late Leaf Spot Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641003 [BT/PR6583/AGII/106/881/2012] 19 Marker Assisted Introgression of Bacterial Blight Dr. RAJ KUMAR GAUTAM 14/02/2013 4 Years 0 Month 6842421 Resistance in Popular Rice Cultivars of Andaman Central Agricultural Research Institute and Nicobar Islands Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar- [BT/PR6575/AGII/106/892/2012] 744101 20 Enrichment of Vitamin E in Sesamum Oil by Dr. A Ganapathi 17/09/2014 3 Years 0 Month 3664600 transgenic approach Bharathidasan University [BT/PR7202/AGII/106/904/2012] Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu-620024 21 Genetic engineering of sugarcane for water deficit Dr. Appunu Chinnaswamy 18/04/2013 3 Years 6 Month 8021972 stress tolerance [BT/PR6377/AGII/106/882/2012] Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-641007 22 ‘Marker Assisted Introgression of Tomato Spotted Dr. Saidaiah Pidigam 20/01/2016 3 Years 0 Month 5980800 Wilt Virus (TSWV) resistance into Indian tomatoes’ SRI KONDA LAXMAN TELANGANA [BT/PR10790/AGII/106/948/2014] STATE HORICULTURE UNIVERSITY Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500030 23 Marker Assisted Elimination of off-flavour Dr. Vineet Kumar 20/11/2015 5 Years 0 Month 10279200 generating lipoxygenase-2 gene from kunitz trypsin Directorate of Soybean Research inhibitor free soybean genotypes Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001 [BT/PR10896/AGII/106/937/2014] 24 Diversification of canola quality traits to some Prof. Akshay K Pradhan 21/02/2013 4 Years 0 Month 7989630 Important Indian cultivars of B. juncea through Delhi University, South Campus New marker-assisted backcross breeding (MAB) Delhi, Delhi-110021 [BT/PR6473/AGII/106/875/2012] 25 Genetic Dissection of Heat Tolerance in Wheat Dr. Jai Prakash Jaiswal 21/04/2015 3 Years 0 Month 10537800 Using Multiple Bi-parental RIL Mapping Populations G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and [BT/PR10957/AGII/106/970/2014] Technology Pant Nagar, Uttarakhand- 263145 26 Understanding heat and drought tolerance Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Pal 21/08/2014 3 Years 0 Month 3750000 mechanism in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) and its Bihar Agricultural College Bhagalpur, improvement by over-expression of antioxidant Bihar-654654564 genes [BT/PR7782/AGII/106/920/2013] Generated through eProMIS Page No. [ 1 / 1 ] 27 Understanding molecular mechanism of sheath Dr. Swatismita Dhar 21/08/2014 3 Years 0 Month 4468000 blight resistance in rice The Energy And Resources Institute, [BT/PR6617/AGII/106/891/2012] New Delhi New Delhi, Delhi-110003 28 MARKER ASSISTED PYRAMIDING OF APR AND Dr. Vinod Vinod 22/01/2016 5 Years 0 Month 18097264 SEEDLING RESISTANCE GENES FOR DURABLE Indian Agricultural Research Institute RUST RESISTANCE IN WHEAT (TRITICUM New Delhi, Delhi-110012 AESTIVUM L.) [BT/PR10916/AGII/106/942/2014] 29 Erucic acid profiling and Introgression of low erucic Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Rai 22/08/2014 3 Years 0 Month 3593000 acid trait in desirable cultivars of Brassica juncea L. Sher-E-Kashmir University of [BT/PR7885/AGII/106/919/2013] Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir- 180009 30 Mobilizing QTL/Genes for quality Traits into High Prof. Pushpendra Kumar Gupta 23/09/2009 7 Years 0 Month 54648816 Yielding Wheat Varieties Through Marker-Assisted Chaudhary Charan Singh University Selection. [BT/PR11695/AGR/02/643/2008] Meerut, Uttar Pradesh-250004 31 Development of Biotic stress resistant in Rice Dr. Raman Meenakshi Sundaram 23/09/2009 7 Years 0 Month 51519724.4 through Marker Assisted Breeding. Directorate of Rice Research [BT/PR11705/AGR/02/646/2008] Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500030 32 Developing rust resistant genotypes in JL 24 and Dr. Ramesh S Bhat 23/09/2013 3 Years 0 Month 4361782 TMV 2 varieties of groundnut by marker assisted University of Agricultural Sciences, transfer of QTL [BT/PR4195/AGR/2/836/2011] Dharwad Dharwad, Karnataka-580005 33 Improvement of end use quality of 1BL/1RS Dr. Manoj Dinesh Oak 24/03/2015 5 Years 0 Month 16945600 translocation containing wheat varieties by Agharkar Research Institute Pune, removing of Sec-1 loci and retaining Glu-B3 using Maharashtra-411004 marker assisted back cross breeding (MABB). [BT/PR10886/AGII/106/934/2014] 34 MARKER ASSISTED IMPROVEMENT OF RICE Dr. Vinod K K 24/03/2015 4 Years 0 Month 4503200 VARIETY PUSA 44 FOR PHOSPHORUS USE Indian Agricultural Research Institute EFFICIENCY [BT/PR10836/AGII/106/933/2014] New Delhi, Tamilnadu-110012 35 Development of F1-Hybrid Cotton using Novel Dr. Samir V Sawant 24/03/2015 3 Years 0 Month 7244400 Reversible Male Sterility System National Botanical Research Institute [BT/PR11363/AGII/106/975/2014] Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226001 Generated through eProMIS Page No. [ 1 / 1 ] 36 Development of high yielding gall midge resistant Dr. Yamini Kalinati Narasimhan 24/03/2015 3 Years 0 Month 2236800 rice varieties through marker assisted pyramiding Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State of multiple gall midge resistance genes Agricultural University Hyderabad, [BT/PR10919/AGII/106/956/2014] Andhra Pradesh-500030 37 Marker aided incorporation of major genes Dr. Asif Bashir Shikari 24/03/2015 4 Years 0 Month 4965800 conferring resistance to blast disease into genetic Sher-e-Kashmir University of background of high altitude temperate rice (Oryza Agricultural Sciences and Technology of sativa L.) [BT/PR8530/AGII/106/935/2014] Kashmir Srinagar, Jammu And Kashmir- 191121 38 Cloning and Characterization of Genes Expressed in Prof.
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