Curriculum Vitae Dr. Marion THOMAS Université de Strasbourg Faculté de médecine DHVS (Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé) 4, rue Kirschleger 67085 Strasbourg Cedex France Phone: +33 (0) 6 86 20 57 61 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: https://sage.unistra.fr/membres/enseignants-chercheurs/thomas-marion/ Born 20 March 1969 in Paris CURRENT POSITION Lecturer in history of science Faculty of medicine, University of Strasbourg SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe) (UMR 7363) RESEARCH INTERESTS Histoire des sciences du vivant et de la médecine - Primatology and animal psychology - French colonial empire, Pasteur Institute, and bacteriology - Cell theory and political order in the XIXth century - Veterinary medicine and animal disease in the XVIIIth century FORMATION 2003 PhD “Rethinking the history of ethology: French animal behaviour studies in the Third Republic (1870-1940)” (supervision Professor Jonathan Harwood) Centre for the history of science, technology and medicine (CHSTM), University of Manchester 1999 DEA (French equivalent of Master 2) of epistemology, history of science and technology (Mention “Bien”) University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot 1998 DEA of history of philosophy and languages (Mention “Bien”) University of Lyon 3-Jean Moulin 1992 Diploma of agronomical engineer of the National agronomical institute-Paris Grignon (INA-PG, currently AgroParisTech) 1987 Diploma of baccalauréat of secondary education in mathematics and physical sciences, Academy of Nantes, Mention “Bien” 1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Since 2007 Lecturer (Maître de conférences) in history of science, University of Strasbourg 2006-2007 - Post-doctoral fellow to the CNRS project “Études sur Félix Vicq-d’Azyr (1748- 1794)”, Recherches épistémologiques et historiques sur les sciences exactes et les institutions (REHSEIS) (UMR CNRS/University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot) - Part-time lecturer in history of science, INA-PG 2005-2006 - Research assistant to the FP6 European project “DIS-QOL: Quality of care and quality of life for people with intellectual and physical disabilities”, REHSEIS - Part-time lecturer in history of science (INA-PG, University of Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQY), University of technology at Compiègne) 2003-2005 Temporary lecturer in history and philosophy of medicine, Faculty of medicine, University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot 2000-2003 PhD candidate, CHSTM, University of Manchester 1999-2000 Part-time lecturer in history of science, UVSQY 1996-2000 Temporary high-school teacher in mathematics, Academy of Lyon 1994-1996 Engineer consultant, DBEnvironnement compagny: projects for the World bank, Chile, and the French Ministry of foreign affairs, Brazil 1993-1994 Temporary high-school teacher in life and earth sciences, Academy of Paris TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2012-2015: Coordinator of the master programme “Science et société. Histoire, philosophie, sociologie, médiation des sciences” (Master 2SHPSMS) Courses taught at the University of Strasbourg (2020-2021) Faculty of medicine - “Les fondements de la médecine scientifique,” First year medical students - “Cinéma, littérature et médecine,” Undergraduate medical students Faculty of life sciences - “Une histoire de la biologie en 10 objets,” Undergraduate biological students (L3) - “Histoire des sciences de la vie et de la psychologie de l’enfant,” Undergraduate biological students (L3) - “Histoire et épistémologie des neurosciences,” Master of neurosciences (M1) - “Histoire et épistémologie des sciences de la vie et de la terre,” Master “Enseigner les science du vivant” (M1) Faculty of history Master « Science et société. Histoire, philosophie, sociologie et médiation des sciences » - “Méthodologie de la recherche,” M1 - “Histoire des sciences II (XIXe siècle),” M1 - “Histoire des sciences III (XXe-XXIe siècle),” M2 - “Focus sciences biologiques: Darwin,” M2 - “Sociologie des sciences,” M2 2 Supervision of master thesis (University of Strasbourg): 25 master dissertations (2011-2018) Supervision of PhD Thesis Laure Hoenen: “Étude comparée de deux centres de primatologie européens. Impact de la source des financements sur leur développement et la cohabitation entre sciences expérimentales et recherche en comportement,” University of Strasbourg, co-direction with Professor Christian Bonah (2014-not completed) RESEARCH CONTRACTS AND LEAVES Research contracts * Co-leader [with Florence Vienne] of the French-German research programme funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft (DFG), “POLCELL - Politics of the living: the emergence and the reception of the cell theory in France and Germany, ca. 1800-1900,” University of Strasbourg & Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2013-2016 * Member of the ANR programme Jeunes chercheurs/Jeunes chercheuses “BIOSEX: history of the concept of sex in modern and contemporary biomedical sciences,” University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2007-2010 * Co-recipient [with Anne Rasmussen] of the “Bonus Qualité Recherche” (BQR) fund of the University of Strasbourg; Project titled: “Greffes animales, sexualité et rajeunissement : l’expérimentation médicale et ses publics en France dans l’entre-deux-guerres,” 2012 * Recipient of the BQR fund of the University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Project titled: “Étude comparée des liens entre éthologie, politique et psychiatrie en France et en Grande- Bretagne dans la seconde partie du XXe siècle,” 2008 Research leaves * Member at the School of historical studies, Institute for advanced study, Princeton, NJ, USA, 4 September 2019-31 July 2020 * Délégation CNRS (CID 53), SAGE, University of Strasbourg, 1 September 2017-31 August 2018 * Visiting scholar at the Max-Planck-Institute für Wissenschaftgeschichte, Berlin, 16-27 March 2015 Invited by Ohad Parnes; research stay funded by the ANR-DFG “POLCELL” project. * Congé pour recherches ou conversions thématiques (CRCT), University of Strasbourg, 1 September 2013- 28 February 2014 ACTIVITIES OF RESEARCH Organization of workshops, symposium, seminars and conferences 8-13 June 2020 [with Frédéric Le Marcis and Emmanuelle Roth] “From Pasteur Institutes to Global Health: anthropological, historical & virological explorations,” Kindia, Guinea (postponed) 19-21 April 2017 [with Jonathan Simon] VIth conference of the Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques (SFHST), University of Strasbourg (UDS) 2016-2017 Seminar “Les Mardis de l’histoire médicale,” Faculty of medecine/DHVS, UDS 3 5-10 July 2015 [with François Duchesneau] Symposium “The cell and conceptions of individuality in XIXth century biology,” International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) meeting, University of Quebec at Montreal 7-8 Jan. 2015 [with Laurent Loison] POLCELL workshop 3 “Réflexions autour des liens entre science et politique,” Faculty of medecine/DHVS, UDS 28-30 April 2014 [with Laurent Loison] Symposium “La question de l’unité élémentaire dans la biologie française au XIXe siècle,” Vth SFHST conference, University of Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 9-10 Jan. 2014 [with Laurent Loison] POLCELL workshop 1 “Bilan sur les sources primaires et premières reflexions,” Faculty of medecine/DHVS, UDS 7-12 July 2013 [with Florence Vienne] Symposium “A longue durée history of the cell: old questions and new perspectives,” ISHPSSB meeting, University of Montpellier 24-26 March 2010 [with Matthieu Fintz] Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie (SHESVIE) annual meeting, Faculty of medicine/DHVS, UDS 2008-2010 Institut de recherches interdisciplinaires sur les sciences et les technologies (IRIST) monthly seminar, UDS 19 June 2008 IRIST annual workshop, University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg 27 April 2007 [with Stéphane Schmitt and Rafael Mandressi] Workshop “Félix Vicq d’Azyr et la Société royale de médecine,” REHSEIS/Academy of medicine, Paris 27 Jan. 2006 Workshop “Perspectives historiques et philosophiques sur les études de primatologie dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle,” REHSEIS 17 Dec. 2004 Workshop “Pensée sociale et pensée biologique: la signification des sociétés animales dans l’histoire des sciences du vivant du XIXe siècle au XXe siècle,” REHSEIS April-May 2004 Seminar “Réécrire l’histoire de l’éthologie à la lumière des études sur le comportement animal françaises sous la Troisième République (1870- 1940),” Centre Georges Canguilhem, University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot Scientific societies’ membership - Executive board of the Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques (SFHST) (since 2011). Vice-presidency, 2014-2017. - Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie (SHESVIE) (since 1998) - British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) (since 2001) - Collège des enseignants de sciences humaines et sociales en médecine et santé (ColHum) (since 2008) - Editorial board of the Bulletin d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie (since 2006) 4 PAPER GIVEN Talks in international conferences and seminars [2020] Writing group seminar, School of historical studies (SHS), Institute for advanced study (IAS), Princeton, NJ, USA, 14 April Chimpanzees in modern science: biographies of the chimpanzees Rose, Farce and Tarzan, held at the Pasteur Institute in Kindia (French Guinea) during the colonial period [2019] Lunchtime colloquium, SHS, IAS, Princeton, NJ, USA, 11 November Chimpanzees in modern science: an animal-centered history of the Pasteur Institutes in Paris and in Kindia (1903-1965) [2019] Writing group
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