Aethiopica 08 (2005) International Journal of Ethiopian and Eri- trean Studies ________________________________________________________________ VERENA BÖLL – DENIS NOSNITSIN – THOMAS RAVE – WOLBERT SMIDT – EVGENIA SOKOLINSKAIA (eds.), Universität Hamburg Article Index to Studia Aethiopica Aethiopica 08 (2005), 184–206 ISSN: 1430–1938 ________________________________________________________________ Published by Universität Hamburg Asien Afrika Institut, Abteilung Afrikanistik und Äthiopistik Hiob Ludolf Zentrum für Äthiopistik Index to Studia Aethiopica* The Festschrift dedicated to Siegbert Uhlig appeared in February 2004. Due to space limitations it was unfortunately impossible to include a register with the anthology. We therefore were forced to publish the index regis- tering all names and oriental notions separately.** At last, after for over a year it has only been available from the Internet pages of the Harrassowitz Verlag (http://www.harrassowitz.de/verlag/aethiop/SAE-Index.pdf), we have received the possibility to have it printed. We are grateful to the edi- tors of the AETHIOPICA journal for offering us this opportunity. At this point we would also like to thank Valery Yordanov Kolev and Gianfrancesco Lusini for their help in the compilation of the index. ʿAbdarraḥman b. A Muḥammad Qorrām 356, 358–60 Abdullahi Adam Yousuf 6 Aagoole 389 Abǝčču 270 Aari 427 Abeselom 270 Abädray 157, 162 Abessinien- Abägaz 14, 19, 253, 258 Korrespondenz 203–19 Abägaz Saʾuna 247, 248, 251–53, 255, Abeto 191, 223–25, 227–28 257–58 Abǝyye 270 w Abatä B ayaläw 139 Abimelech (Abemelek) 270 Abba 105 Abishai 270 Abba Ambälay 270 Abissa 270 Abba Dira 270 Abraham 24 Abba gada 391–392 Abrǝham 193 Abba Garima, Abruzzi, Duke of 210–11 Monastery 12, 21 Absalom 270 Abba Gǝlbǝṭ 270 Abšǝlo 157–58 Abba Gorfi 270 Absolution of the Son 420 Abba änṭälewon, s. Abū Dāwūd 110 änṭälewon, abba Abū l-ʿAbbās an-Nāšiʿ 113 Abba Saḥǝl, aläqa 406, 408 al-Akbar Abbadie, Antoine d’ 22, 120, 123, 129, 132 Abu Salih 178 ʿAbbāsid 110 Abun(ä), abuna 182, 187–89, 191, 193, Abbaya, Lake 394 198, 201, 217 Abbayi Babbo 391 Abunä Gäbrä Mikaʾel, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ġalāl Church 449 ad-Dīn as-Suyūṭī 112–13 Abunāfer 81, 89 ʿAbd an-Nāfī b. ʿIrāq Abušākǝr 364 al-Madanī, šayḫ 113 Abuye, abeto 271 Abdärraḫman 270 ʿAbyā 83 * Index to VERENA BÖLL, DENIS NOSNITSIN, THOMAS RAVE, WOLBERT SMIDT and EVGENIA SOKOLINSKAIA (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden 2004, 459 pp. ** The editors kept the orthography of the entries in the same form it was used in the book. Aethiopica 8 (2005) Index to Studia Aethiopica Abyssinia(n) 168, 171, 206–10, 237, African 3, 6, 26, 79, 165, 173– 271, 310, 316, 392, 399, 75, 216, 303–04, 312, 414 317–18, 392, 429 Abyssinians 111, 211, 216, 407 Afro-Asiatic 2, 152 Acabiçât, s. aqqabe säʾat Afṣe 92 Academy of Ethiopian Agacêm 198 Languages 314 Agame 310, 449 Accadic 345, 353, 363, 367 Agäw 299, 301, 308, 339–41, Acê, s. aṣe 343, 271 Acts of Pilatus 441 Agäw Nǝguśe 271 Acts of the Apostles 435 Agäw Täsämma 271 Adäbabay 192 Agazem 190 Adäbabay Iyäsus 271 Aǧbar 71 Adal 271, 398 Agrod 183 Agta 271 Adäla, bäǧǝrond 271 w Adam 89, 130, 137, 241, 242, Ag änat 271 Agwēzāt 68 433, 440 w Adam ore 271 Ag ǝl 151 Adäm Wädaǧo 271 Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal 110, 112 Adära Giyorgis 271 Aḥmad b. Ibrāhīm al- 111, 153, 165, 184, 260, Ġāzī (Aḥmad Grañ) 265–66, 268, 279, 387, Adʾaro 271 399–400, 409 ʿAdāsār 83 Ahmed Samatar 317 ʿAddäbay 271 Akkälä Guzay 262 Addi Arqay 271 Akkwätetä qwǝrban 24, 25 Addi Grat 271 Aksum/Axum 12–13, 20, 67–69, 71– Addi Ḫwala 271 72, 93–95, 97, 100, 109, ʿAddi Naʾammen 74 119, 177–201, 238, 308, Addis Abäba/Addis 8, 11, 23–24, 27, 119, 338, 271 Abeba/Addis Ababa 141, 146–47, 203, 205, – Book of 179, 185 207, 211, 216–17, 219, – Ṣǝyon (Maryam 238–39, 267, 303, 306, Ṣǝyon), Church 178, 191, 194, 196 310–11, 355, 381, 411, Aksumite(s) 17, 76–77, 91, 97, 101, 428, 443–44, 450–51 104–05, 177, 181, 266, – Djibouti railway 204 308, 364, 367, 369 – Falasha School 214 Aläfa 271 – Institute of Ethiopi- ʿAläm Ayyähu/ an Studies 203, 450 Alämayyähu 271 – Law Faculty 234 Alämayyähu Mogäs 412 – National Library 223 ʿAläme Gwalu, gǝra Addis Zämän 343 azmač 271 Aden, Gulf of 144 Alʾameda 92, 95 Adilu, ras 271 Aläqa 153, 155–56, 162–63, Admas Sägäd 185, 196 248–53, 255–56, 258, Admasu Dästa 412 288, 290, 406, 408, 441 Adulis 76 Albuquerque, Alfonso ʿAdwa/ʿAdua 146, 165, 216, 271, 310 de 167 Adyabo 271 Alef 92 Aethiopica 6 Alexander the Great 111 Aethiopistische For- Alexandria 17, 25, 116, 122, 181, schungen 6, 233 238, 271 Afâ 190 Alga wäraš 227 ʿAfar 263, 308, 317, 427 Ali/ʿAli, ras 249, 252, 255, 256, 257, Afar-Saho 337 271 Afäräwanat 254, 271 Ali Adära 271 Afäwärq Gäbrä Iyyäsus 412 Ali Alula, ras 271 Afilas 67 Ali Boru 272 Afqära 271 Ali Gubäna 272 Africa 29, 93, 170, 205, 213, Ali Wädaǧe 272 235, 237, 307, 309, 372, Aligaz 252, 255, 257, 272 384, 402 Allah 272 185 Aethiopica 8 (2005) Verena Böll – Denis Nosnitsin – Thomas Rave – Wolbert Smidt – Evgenia Sokolinskaia (eds.) Almeida, Manoel de 172–74, 187–88 Anthony St. 35, 86, 89 Alqaš 408, 411 Antioch 116–17, 121 Alula Gwǝgśa, ras 272 Antonelli, Pietro 143 Alvares, Francisco 93, 169–70, 189, 201 Anuak (Anywaa) 316, 382, 424–25, 427 Amaçem (Amacê), s. Apocalypse of John 437 also Ḥamasen 190, 198 Apocrypha 365, 367, 369 Amädamit 272 Aqetžär/aqet jar 186 Amäde Ali 272 aqqabe säʾat 195 Amäde Bäšǝr 272 Aqqabe ṣanṣan 180–81 Amäde Bǝrru 272 Arab(s) 36, 86–87, 109, 125 Amara 272 ʿArab Faqīh 111, 155 Amara Sayǝnt 272 Arabic 9, 22–23, 74, 82, 95, Amarro 385, 425 109–11, 118–21, 123– Amba arra 272 25, 127, 130–32, 136, Amba Hay 272 138, 148, 153, 217, 259, Amba Maryam 272 265, 267, 305, 307, 310, Ambassal 272 312, 338, 345, 349, 351– ʿAmdä Mäsqäl 33 52, 354–56, 358, 361– ʿAmdä Ṣǝyon 96, 99, 101, 182–83, 255, 69, 411, 434 309, 407, 409 – Peninsula 362 ʿAmdu, ras 121 Arägawi, Zä-Mikaʾel, American(s) 172, 210, 214, 215, 216, s. Zä-Mikaʾel Arägawi 217, 228 Arägawi mänfäsawi 25 – Oriental Society 128 Aragon 165 Amhara 168, 181, 187, 197, 303– Aramaic 72, 354, 363–64, 366–67 04, 308, 310–11, 316, Aramba Qaläb 272 356, 388, 401, 424–25 Arärti 272 Amharic 3–4, 6, 13, 20, 23, 26– Arat Mäkärakǝr 272 28, 41, 55, 71, 124, 143– Arʾaya, däǧǧazmač 272 44, 247, 253, 291–301, Argobba 294–95, 298–300, 338, 303–18, 319–36, 33–43, 348 356–57, 359–60, 405– Aringo 272 Ark of the Covenant 69, 192, 446 12, 423, 427 Arma Christi 440 – Language Academy 312–13 Arma äho 272 Amidale Daga 441 Armäḥo 21 Amina 410 Armandy, André 203 Amlak 132 Armenian(s) 80, 138, 146–47, 214, 218 Ammǝḫa Iyäsus 272 Arnês 190, 197 Amora Gädäl 272 Arno Garno 272 ʿamoy 89 Aroge 272 Amus Wänz 272 Arsi 395 Anānyā, abba 136 Asachaei 74 Anaphora 25, 27–28, 39 Asane, baša 272 Anastasius, Emperor 116 Asäne Däräs 272 Ančǝm 272 aṣe 198 And Argaččäw 272 Asfa Wäsän 272 Andargachaw Mäsay, Aṣḥam b. Abǧar 262 lǝǧ 217 Ashley-Brown, Rev. 212 Andǝmta 23–28 Ashmunain 123 Andǝmta Maryam 26 Asia 170, 339 Angata 272 Asia Minor 115–16 Anglo-Egyptian 211 Asiatic 22 Anglo-Italian 209, 211, 215, 219 Aṣmä Giyorgis 143 Anglo-Saxon 243 Asmära/Asmera 263, 272, 303 Angoläla 272 Asmarom 391–92 Angot 421 Asmat 417 Ankobär 272 Aṣnaf Sagad 185, 196 Ann, St. (Hana) 272, 280 Ašnās, al- 110 Anqäṣä Bǝrhan 40, 445 Asol 272 Anqäṣä Haymanot 41 Asrasostu ḥǝmamatä Anqobär 412 mäsqäl 61 Aethiopica 8 (2005) 186 Index to Studia Aethiopica Asrat, ras 252, 273 Bäläsa 273 Assäffa Mammo 412 Bäläw, däǧǧazmač 273 Athanasius of Antioch Bäloha 273 (Gammala) 123 Bambal 388 Athenian 435 Bambala 388 Athens 434–35 Bambǝlo Mǝllaš 273 Ato 143–44, 214, 218, 273 Bamwa, abba 81, 88–89 Atronsä Maryam, Bändär 273 Church 444 Bank of Abyssinia 214, 217 Attǝṭägäb 273 Banna 427 Augustinus 237 Bantu 328 Austria 203, 235 Bäqätu, blatta 254, 273 Austrian 4–5, 203, 219 Bäräd 157 Awa Meda 273 Bäräkät 273 ʿAwadi 273 Barari 378 Awaš 399 Baratti, Giacomo 182 Awaṭo 273 Bärbaros 64 Awfari 190 Bardäl/Bardel 273 Awngi 301, 342 Bardanos, Desert 84 Ayadar, ras 257 Bäresa 273 Ayata 273 Bargello, Museo Na- ʿAyb 273 zionale del 450 Ayhud 421 Barissa 313 Ayma 273 Barka 74 ʿAyn Abäba 145 Bärmuda 136 ʿAynätaw 273 Barre 318 Ayšal 273 Barreto, Melchor Nunes 168 Aytäḫ al-Turkī 109 Bartholomew, Questions Azaïs, François 265 of 439, 441 Azär 162 Barya 72 Azariah 177 Baša Ḫaylu 273 Azaryas 190 Baša Nǝguśe 273 Azäzo 273 Bäšǝlo 273 Azevedo, Luis de 172–73 Basso 273 Azmari 408, 410 Bath (Great Britain) 226 Azzaž/azaj 183 Baumstark, Anton 115 Bausi, Alessandro 70 Bayerische Staatsbibli- B othek 82, 83 Bäzzabǝh, ato 273 Baale 372, 376 Bǝčäna 274 Bäʾata, Church 248–49 Beccari, Camillo 170 Babba 273 Bǝččǝn 274 Babnuda, abba 84–85, 88–89 Beckingham, Charles 170 Bädär Wagät 420 Beǧa 74–75 Bädǝl Käffätä 420 Behêt Oadêd, s. bit- Bädǝl Wani 420 wäddäd Bädlu, ato 273 Beirut 445 Bäʾǝdä Maryam/ 181, 185, 187, 364, 366, Belenê, s. also Bilin 190 Baʾeda Maryam 450 Bell, Aligaz 274 Bäfäna, wäyzäro 273 Bell, Bällätäčč 274 Bägäna 411–12 Bell, John 274 Bägemǝdǝr/Bägemder/ Bell, Luisa 274 Bege Mǝdǝr 249, 254, 273–74 Bell, Yäwǝb Dar 274 Bäǧǝrond/bajerond 193, 271 Bellarmino, Roberto 172 Baghdad 109–11, 114 Bench 427 Baḥǝr Dar 273 Bender, Christian Baḥrǝy, abba 392, 399 Friedrich 274 Bairu Tafla 5, 203, 405 Bender, Gotthelf 274 Bäkaffa 19, 193 Bender, Marina 274 Baläbbat/balabat 397 Bender, Marta 274 Beni ʿAmǝr 74–75 187 Aethiopica 8 (2005) Verena Böll – Denis Nosnitsin – Thomas Rave – Wolbert Smidt – Evgenia Sokolinskaia (eds.) Beni Šangul 217 Bonn 238 Bentinck, Charles 214 Boohee Burji 386, 388, 402 Berber 5 Book of Axum, s.
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