Moscovian and Artinskian rocks in the frame of the cyclic Permo-Carboniferous deposits of the Carnic Alps and related areas Gian Battista VAI & Corrado VENTURINI Dipartimento Scienze Geologiche, Via Zamboni 67, 1-40127 Bologna (Italy) Vai G. B. & Venturini C. 1997. — Moscovian and Artinskian rocks in the frame of the cyclic Permo-Carboniferous deposits of the Carnic Alps and related areas, in Crasquln-Soleau S. & De Wever P. (eds), Peri-Tethys: stratigraphie correlations, Geodiversitas 19 (2) : 173-186. ABSTRACT Guidelines and legend for the Moscovian and Artinskian maps to be produ­ ced within the Peri-Tethys Programme are presented. An updated review of KEYWORDS the most important composite sections exposed in different parts of the Palaeogeographic maps, Carnic Alps and drilled in the northern Adriatic Sea is presented. The sec­ guidelines, legend, tions spanning a large part of the Mid-Late Carboniferous to terminal low and high frequency cycles, Permian time interval are correlated so as to show the major sedimentary tectonics, cycles and the main regional trends of tectonic us eustatic sea level changes. eustatism, parasequences, High frequency cyclicity is also summarized in terms of parasequences, espe­ Gzhelian, cially for the Gzhelian stage, although the entire Pontebba Supergroup correlation, (Moscovian to Artinskian) was known for many decades as a classic cyclic Southern Alps, Adriatic Sea. sedimentation area. RÉSUMÉ Le schéma directeur et la légende des cartes du Moscovien et de l'Artinskien qui seront réalisées dans le cadre du Programme Péri-Téthys sont proposés. MOTS CLÉS Nous présentons ici une révision des coupes composites les plus importantes cartes paléogéographiques, des Alpes Carniques et des forages du nord de la Mer Adriatique. Les coupes, directives, légende, qui s'étalent sur une grande partie du Carbonifère moyen-supérieur au cycles à faible et haute fréquence, Permien terminal, sont corrélées et montrent les principaux cycles sédimen- tectonique, taires ainsi que les modifications tectono-eustatiques majeures. Une cyclicité eustatisme, parasequences, haute fréquence est également résumée en termes de paraséquences, surtout Gzhelien, au Gzhelien, bien que le Super-Groupe de Pontebba (Moscovien-Artinskien) corrélation, soit connu depuis plusieurs décennies comme une région à sédimentation Alpes méridionales, mer Adriatique. cyclique. GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) 173 Val G. B. & Venturini C. FOREWORD new fusulinid genera Mesoschubertella, Toriyamaia, Praeskinnerella, Darvasella and by Before entering the topic of this paper, an intro­ the ammonoid genera Artinskia, Kargalites, duction is needed to provide the aim, legend, Almites, Cardiella, Paragathiceras, Aristoceratoides, and guidelines according to which the present Pseudogastrioceras. The selected late early Permian and the following stratigraphic conttibutions time has some advantages: it has a dutation (Pasini & Vai, Di Stefano & Gullo, Cassinis, almost similar to that of the Moscovian; it is clo­ Cassinis & Ronchi, Vai, Geluk, all in this volu­ sely equivalent of the Chinese Chihsian and me) have been submitted to the ad hoc working practically overlap with the Yachtash-Bolor fau- group, in view of the compilation of the palaeo- nal step of Leven (1993) comprised between the geographic maps of the Moscovian and top of Sakmarian and the base of Kubetgandian; Artinskian within the aims and the scope of the it minimizes the imprecision deriving from the Peri-Tethys Programme (PTP). Further contribu­ poor correlation and definition level of indivi­ tions are expected and welcome. dual stages involved. GUIDELINES It is preferred to receive conttibutions coordina­ The conttibutions provide original and/or upda­ ted in a set of sections by country or group of ted stratigraphic rough data on the Moscovian countries (such as e.g.: France, Belgium, UK, and/ot/to Artinskian time slices in the diffetent Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria + Tchekia, areas within the scope of the PTP, mainly as spot Bulgaria + Rumania, former Yugoslavia, Turkey, columnar sections, with the aim to act as valida­ Greece, Italy, Spain, NW Africa, Lybia, Central tion data points for the following map recons­ W Africa, Middle East + Arabia, Iran, truction: Russia + Ukraina, Kazakhstan, a.s.o.). However, 1. The Moscovian Map, focusing the Age inter­ submissions provided by independent indivi­ val (about 312-305 Ma) and including additio­ duals or research groups are also welcome. nal information up to the top of the The contributions consist mainly of a set of spot Catboniferous (about 296 Ma) columnar sections (stratigraphic columns), possi­ 2. The Artinskian Map, focusing the bly correlated on a stratigtaphic chart (see f.i. Artinskian + Bolotian Age interval (about Ziegler 1988), possibly accompanied by location 280-273 Ma) and including additional informa­ and/or simplified geological maps, and illustrated tion down to the base of the Permian (about by a concise explanatory text. The text shall not 296 Ma). exceed ten double-spaced typed pages (or five printed pages). Columnar sections, cotrelation The Moscovian Stage is used here as roughly charts (one or more if needed) and location/geo- logical maps must be dtawn on A4 sized sheets represented by the Aljutovella aljutovica to allowing final print reduction up to 50%. Each Fusulina cylindrica fusulinid zones, by the individual map dtawing must contain a graphic Idiognathoides marginodosus to Idiognathodus scale. obliquus-Neognathodus roundyi conodont zones, and by the Paralegocems to Wellerites ammonoid Columnar sections are to be dtawn and correla­ zones. ted on time/space (chronostratigraphic) dia­ grams. The thickness of the different litho- The Artinskian + Bolorian Stages are used here as stratigtaphic units will appear from separate roughly corresponding to the Chalaro- labelling in a side-column and from the text. The schwagerina solita, Pamirina, Ch. (= "Pseudo- vettical axis of the columnar sections (time) will fusulina") vulgaris, Misellina dyhrenfurthi and adopt the geological time scale shown in the next Misellina parvicostata fusulinid zones, to the heading. Streptognathodus artinskiensis, Sweetognathus whi- Each individual columnar section (tepresenting a tei, Neostreptognathodus pequopensis and N. leono- true spot-like section exposed in the field ot vae conodont zones, and are characterized by the drilled by a well, or a composite section whose 174 GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19 (2) Cyclic Permo-Carboniferous of the Carnic Alps TABLE 1. — PTP time scale for the Carboniferous and Permian the previous one used in Dercourt et al. (1993) Periods (ages of the lower boundary in millions years). with some integrations derived from Ziegler (1988), Sassi & Zanferrari (1990) and Vai Early Triassic Induan 251 Ma (1991). It seems particularly useful to include whenever possible in the maps the isopach Changxingian 255 Dhzulfian 259 contours or the margins of the main basins of the Midian 264 late Carboniferous (and Moscovian if available Murgabian 269 separately) and of the early Permian (plus Late Permian Kubergandian 273 Artinskian if available separately). Bolorian 275 In the present stage, the basic legend type for Artmskian 280 both the sttatigraphic columnar sections and the Sakmarian 288 related geological maps (if available) is reported Early Permian Asselian 296 in Appendixes 2 and 3 respectively. Gzhelian 301 When additional subdivisions and symbols are Late Carboniferous Kasimovian 305 needed, they have to be added by the contribu­ Moscovian 312 tors in their own legend sheets, preferably Middle Carboniferous Bashkirian 323 conforming to the use by the authors reported above. Serpukhovian 328 Viséan 345 PTP INTERVAL TIME SCALE The numerical time scale for Carboniferous and Permian chronologic classification down to stage elements are included within the resolution level tentatively adopted fot the purposes of the power of a point on a 1:10 000 000 scale map - PTP has a simple pragmatic meaning to enable a which is about a citcle of 1 km radius) should common frame for communication among diffe­ consist of a main column and a few side-colums. rent contributors. However, as a matter of fact The main column should include lithology, the present state of chronometric calibration of lithostratigraphic units, and depositional envi­ the conventional stratigraphic scale in the time ronments. The side-columns should include data interval concerned is largely unsatisfactory as on thickness, unconformities, tectonic, magma- appears from the vety large error bars (from 3 to tic and metamofphic events, tectofacies and 9 Ma) affecting individual stage, series and sys­ other additional information (see legend). The tem boundary ages (Odin 1994). Especially poor location of each section within a resolution is the knowledge about the Dinantian or power of 1 km of radius should be identified by Mississippian subsystem. The late Catboniferous means of its Latitude and Longitude figutes. is mainly dated from continental successions not If graphically possible, the columns should inclu­ evenly related to the marine ones. A further limi­ de the data on both the Moscovian and the tation derives from the still poor level of formally Artinskian (plus possibly the intervening inter­ defined standard chronostratigtaphic subdivi­ val) on the same sheet (also by using the long sions (GSSP) in this time interval. People invol­ side of the A4 sheet). ved are close to an agreement for the two system and some subsystem boundaries but have
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