1924. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 831 By Mr. WOODRUFF: A bill (H. R. 5257) for the relief of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alonzo C. Sbekell; to the Committee on Military Affairs. By .Mr. YATES: A bill (H. R. 5258) conferring upon William FRIDAY, January 11, 19~4. A. Kirby the rank of major, and for other purposes; to the The Horu;e met at 12 o'clock noon. Committee on Mill tary Affairs. Tlie Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered PETITIONS, ETC. the following prayer: Under clause 1 of Rule L~II, petitions and papers were laid Our Father, we bless Thee that Thy arms are s.o safe and on the Clerk's de k and referred as follows : so merciful to rest in ; may we ever love and live in Thee. 498. By the SBEAKER (by request): Petition of Jos. G. Strengthen every moral purpose of our beings; vitalize every Fitzsimmons, president of the Carolinas Auto Supply House, spiritual fiber of our breasts, that we may resist all tempta· Charlotte. N. C., favoring tax reduction and opposing a soldiers tion, and with firm and steadfast conviction follow Thy holy bonus; to the Committee on Ways and l\1eans. p-recepts. Help us to exemplify al:l those virtues that make for 499. Also, petition of Philippine Legislature, independence godly character in individual and in state. Enrich our minds; mi ion to the United States, urging the Congress of the United direct our ways that we may in all things do our whole duty. States to recognize the independence of the Philippine Islands; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. ·Amen. to the Committee on Insular Affairs. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday wa read and 500. Ily Mr. ALLEN: Papers accompanying House bill 5104, approved. granting an increase of pension to Samuel H. Rodeheaver; to · EXTENSION OF REMARKS. the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 501. Ily l\Ir. CROWTHER: Petition of Myrle E. Bliss and :Mr. KING. l\IT. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ three other citizens of R. F. D. No. 7, Schenectady, N. Y., in­ tend my remarks in the REcor.D by inserting an interview, with dorsing the so-called Mellon plan of tax revision ; to the Com­ some comments upon it, in the Evening Star under date of mittee on Ways and Means. December 31, 1923, with the Hon. Mr. G_\RNER, a Member -of 502. Also~ petition of Woman's Republican Club (Inc.), of Congress from the State of Texas. I have submitted this to New York City, urging the Ways and l\Ieans Committee of the Mr. GARNER, .according to the amenities of the floor, and it is Hou e to give to the Green bill paramount consideration over satisfactory to him that I do this. all other legislation, and to report said bill favorably to the The SPEAKER. The genUeman from Illinois asks unani­ House at the earliest moment; to the Committee on Way.s and mous con.-sent to extend his remarks in the RECORD by inserting l\leans. ' therein an interview in the Evening Star with Mr. GAR.~ER of 503. By 11Ir. CULLE.N: Petition of the Brooklyn Chamber of Texas. Is there objection? Commerce, indorsing President Coolidge's recommendations for There was no objection. authority to appoint a coil1lllissi.on empowered to deal with Mr. KING. l\fr. Speaker, under the leave granted me by the whatever emergency situation that might arise in the coal in­ Hon e, I here insert an interview by the Hon. JoHN F. GARNER. dustry, to aid conciliation and voluntary arbitration when col­ an honorable l\fember of the House, lately given by him to the lective bargaining fails and to conh·ol distribution to prevent Washington E>ening Star and printed in that paper on the profiteering and insure constant supply of this vital necessity; 31st day of December, 1923. It will probably be referred to by to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. many Members of the House during the eoming debate of the 504. Ily .Mr. FULLER: Petitions of the Un.i-on League Club, so-called Mell-0n plan of tax adjustment, and indeed it pictnres of Chicago, Henry S. Whipple, of Rockford, and sundry other vividly what is takjng place he1·e now in the legislative field, an•l citizens of Illioois, favoring the plan of tbe Secretary of the depicts the wonderful power of the fascisti bloc in and out Treasury for tax reduction; to the Committee on Ways an'd of Congress, and I shall, with permission of the Ilouse, refer Lo Means. it more at length under some remarks which I hope to make 505. Al o, petition of the Illinois State Federation of Lal)or, under the title of "The American house of overlords." for relief of postal employees, betterment of conditions of their cmpl-0yment, for a. eniority law that will be fair and just, for CHARGES CO?\SPIRACY OF RICH TO GAIN TAX BlL'L PASS.\GE--REPI!ESEN­ amendment of the retireme-nt law by eliminating the pruviso TATIIE GARNER SAYS 0RG~N'IZED PROPAGANDA IS BEHi 'D filE.jSU::tE as to maxim.um compensation, and for increase of salaries; to WHICH FAVORS BIG h.~ER:ESTS AND IGNORES SMALL INCOME EArtNER. the Committee on the Post Offke and Post Roads. Charging that a "huge organized conspiracy -Of predatory interPsts" GOG. Ily Mr. KINDRED: Petition of board of supervisors of is endeavoring by nation-wide propaganda to coerce Senators and Repre­ E . ex County, KY., favoring the erection of a bridge across the sentatives to support the Mellon tax leg· Iation before all of its pro­ narrows of Lake Champlain, bet'\\·een Crown Point, in the visions are made known, Representative JOHN GARNER, of Texas, rank­ State of New York, and Chimney Point, in the State of Ver­ ing Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, issued u formal stat~ mont ; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ment of warning la.st night. 507. Al o, petition of the American Association for the Reeog­ Represent.ative GAR~EU, according to the statement given out by the nition of the Irish Republic, asking Congress to demand the Democratic National Committee, spoke with authority for the millority release of all republican prisoners in Ireland ; to the Com­ membership of the Ways and Means Committee, whleh has been C<1n­ mittee on Foreign Affairs. sidering the proposed tax measure for everal weeks. 508. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvanfa.: Petition of citizens of Plain and conclusive evidence of this conspiracy, Representative Indiana, Pa.., favoring lower taxes and a more simple, efficient, GARNER says, is found in the wording of telegrams and letters bein .~ and economical Government; to the Committee on Ways and receh-ed by Senators and Representatives in Congress, which are in 1\leans. identical language, showing that they emanate from one source, alth-0ugl1 509. By l\Ir. YATES : Petition of B. A. Eckhart, of Chicagt1, coming from various sections of the country. This is a form ften Ill., urging that the terrible burden of taxes be removed and employed by tbese predatory interests to influence the nnsuspPctin.g therefore urging that the tax proposal by Secretary Mellon be public and to bulldoze, intimidate, and coerce Representatives. adopted; to the Committee on Ways and Means. COME Bl!IFORE .BILL PUBLISHED. 510. Also, petition of J. J. Bullington, clepartment of Illinois of the American Legion, urging support of adjusted compensa­ " In this case the propaganda emanating from this organized con­ tion hm, and stating 75,000 Illinois service men are anxious for spiracy attempt~ to coerce Senators and Representatives to support it pas age; to the Commitee on Ways and Means. the Mellon tax bill before they have had the opportunity to SN· the 511. Also, petition of American Legion at Harrisburg, Ill., bill or to study and to understand its provisions. It is plainly evi­ favoring the bonus; to the Committee on Ways and Means. dent also that the C'Onstituents of the Senators and Repr·e ·entatives 512. Also, petition of C. ll,. Hodgscin, secretary of the Weaver who signed these mes. ages could not have I..-nown all of the provisions Manufacturing Co., of Springfield, Ill., favoring the Kelly­ of the Mellon tax bill, because most of the me sages were recei \ed Stevens bill and the Merritt bill; to the Committee on Inter­ before the bill was made public. state and Foreign Commerce. u The lIIlconsciona'ble instigators of this conspiracy have not only 513. B:r l\Ir. YOUNG: Petition of Community Clnb of Kensal, sought in this way to browbeat and coerce Congress, together with N. Dak., urging the passage of House bill 4159 ; also of the the implied threat contained in these identical-form messages, but Rotary Club of Valley City, N. Dak.., urging the passage of they have attempted, and in a Ia.rge measure :rpparently suceeede<l in House bill 4159; also of Hon. Wesley C. McDowell and 23 · the attempt, to mislead the pob.Jie by keeping se<:ret some of the most other citizens of Marion, N. Dak., urging the passage of House objection.able proviBions of the Mellon tax bill while they were attempt­ bill 4159; of Fal'm Bureau of Wells County, N. Dak., favoring ing to have the bill generally 1ndorsed by.. the public before its pro­ the passage of House bill 4159; and the boaa'd of county com­ vi.si~ns could lbe made kDown.. , Only tl'lroogh the insistence of Demo­ mi sioners of Wells County, N.
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