""Tvera^i^HJI^Cirell^^ For the Moath ol October. 1841 ' ThaWeathar FMacast of C. & Waatker 6,963 Fair aad eoktor toalght; Toss Member of tha Audit day fair aad coatiBned ooM; fresk Bureau of Circulations northwest wlada toalght. Manchester— City o f Village Charm i^OL. LXI.. NO. 46 (Classiaed Advertisinx f>a Pago 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Libyan Drive Stepping Stone for Invasion of Italy? British Take Gambut Paralyzes Output ^'Beleerfe Is. ISp.) In Libyan Campaign; On Defense Jobs reneral Walkout in St. 50 Tanks Destroyed Ue Se Troops Louis Area Holds Up C Y k »0 $ ^ Millions of ' Dollars To Be Sent Italians Report British Worth of Orders; lA*g- Important Axis Supply : Iritiih Armored Brigade and After ~ War islative Remedies Fa­ ilreatbeldt Center Captured In Into Guiana Several Other Units Smash Westward on^ vored by Roosevelt. Period Will Alsisndria Badly Mauled or De­ Mediterranean Coast; Contingent to Protect BritWi drive sees B u llk in ! stroyed West of Sal- cenater-meve sfeiaW Be Perilous Follows Hard Upon! Washington, Nov. 24.— (iT*), Bauxite Mines Which peuiMe Nesi Misvre um ; Tohruk Sorties I—President Roos^eit invited | Supply Ray Aluminum of Frsnn Seizure of Bardia by Iten members of \ Congress Opposed hy Infantry City Managers Are Told Needed for Defense. Ifl Which British Reach i land two representatives of And Artillery Forces. Problem of Adjust­ Sea to Trap Foes# ■ the Labor Department today EGYPT Washington, Nov. 24.—(T)—The I to meet with him at the ment Will Not Be White House announced today that Rome, Nov. 24.—(JP)— ^The Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 24.-— I White House tonight to dis- a contingent of Apierlcan troops fourth armored brigade and So Simple This Time. (fP)— British forces smashiiur |«uss labor legislation.lauun. 7.heyi.ney Irititk ThruiH several other British units would move into Dutch Guiana to Scale el Milst westward along the Libyan J included Speakerer Raybiini, Immadtsta Objactivea were declared by the Italian _ Hollywood Beach, Fla.. Nov. 24 protect valuable bauxite mines Mediterranean coaat have Secretary Perkins.(ins, Houw I Peaiibla Objactivaa high command today to have —(Jf)—The nation’s city managers Which supply the United .States captured the important Axia [Majority I..eader' McCortnacH with large supplies of raw alumi­ been badly mauled or de­ were told today by the president of num. supply center of Gambut, ap< (D., Mass.), and Chairman Italy, Sicily and possibly French North Africa (Algeria-Tunlsla) are believed ultimate objectives of stroyed by Axis forces west their association that “ the post- proximately half way to the . I Norton (D., N. J.), of the - The arrangement was made by Britain’s smashing offen.alve into Libya. Map shows how conquest of this Italian colony would provide of Salum in week-end fight­ defense period promises to be tbe United States and Netherlands allies with a stepping stone for future attack.s. besieged British garrison at I I House Labor Committee. A governments, with the government ing of the new Battle of more disastrous after this war than after the first World war.’’ Tobruk, the British Huddle bi-partisan angle was provid­ of Brazil giving its wholehearted Libya. Italians said that not less E>st command announced today,' approval. than 50 tanks, as well as other ar­ Roy S. Braden, town manager of ed by the inclusion of House Greenbelt, Md., one of the Fed­ This success announced on tha Dutch Guiana lies on the north­ mored vehicles, were destroyed Minority Leader Martin (R., eral government's “model com- east dqast of South America and by Italian and German forces in seventh day of the Invaskm a t Maas.), and Representative Is bord^ed on the south by Brazil. M oscow Put in Serious Danger; the sector of Britlsh-heid Tobruk mupitie8,".explqiq$d In a prepared Axis Libya, followed hard upon address that the problem of post­ Welch (R., Calif.), a member It lies between British Guiana and alone. capture of Bardia, a mova ' by war adjustment “will not be slm- which the British reached of the Labor Committee. The “ Further sorties from Tobruk (Continued On Page Eight) fortress attempted by the enemy, Mediterranean to trap others were Daniel W. Tracy Nazi Units 31 Miles Northwest (Contlnoed on Page Eight) forces under Axis Gen. E with widespread employment of and Representatives Cox (D., Rommel entrenched along tanks and armored vehicles, were of the I.Jibor Department, Egyptlnn-Libyan border. An m *'. New Advance Curries Ncui Shock Troops opposed by our infantry and artil­ official report sold 15,000 Aziffi Go.), Ramspeck (D., Ga.), Price Control Japan Sends lery in close cooperation with British Fliers Nasi Vanguards into prisoners were token up to y«a4; Vinson (D., Ga.), Smith (D., Drive Wedge Between German detachments,’’ the high terday. command aaid. Va.), and Gavagan (I)., N. Solnetachnogorski ; Red Capital and Kal­ Four Separate Isolated Oroups License Plan Envoys New Break Up Mechanized Forces Pound French Y.). Fierce Battle Fought. inin ; Hit Second Lines. South and southeast of Tobruk, The British sold that aitogaUM^' the Axis armies bod been bntf Italian and German air and Washington, Nov. 24.—(JP} Is Restored ground units were said to h^ve into four sepi^rate isolated _ Berlin, Nov. 24.— {/P)— A Note Today Kuibyshev, Russia, Nov. Coast Ports with the empire forces closing —A general strike of 8,500 broken up considerable British new advance toward Moscow, 24.— (yP)— German shock mechanized forces, destroying and to annihlliat«( them. American Federation of I.a- H o u h u Banking (!}^niniit- carrying the German van­ troops which drove a new seriously damaging many tanks 'The British forces which bor machinists practically New Development Is Ex Follow Daylij^t Raiders guards into Solnetschnogbr- wedge between Moscow and and motor vehicles. through the Axis slsge Unao I! paralyzed production on mil­ lee Sfiecifically Ex­ Tobruk were reported to hO' ski, 50 kilometers (about 31 peeled Very Shortly Kalinin and swarmed against "Prisoners were captured and* Who Bomb Factory lions of dollars of defense or- considerable losses were inflicted,’’ fought their way to within fi empts Farmers; miles) northwest of thfi Rus­ In Negotiations Being the Red Army’s second lines miles of their comrades coming:'ilfi' ! ders in the St. Ixmis area to­ the high command declared. Near Calais and Strafe Essential Part of sian capital, the closest they of defense south and west of from tha east and oouth. r. day as miners in captive coal Held at Washington. Fall of a small Italian garrllmn Barges Near Gravelines have thrust so far, was an­ the capital put Moscow today north of the Gialo oasis in the 'The main batUo—jjMeturaff oa a mines ended a week-long . Washington, Nov. 24.—(,45—The Cirenaican desert was acknowl­ great clash of the /hrdrld’a moaS walkout which had threatened nounced by the high com­ Tokyo, Nov. 24—(JT)—The Ja­ in its most serious danger of London, Nov. 24— (F) —The modem tanks and nirrtiaiiliMl House Banking Ck>mmlttea in an mand today. The communique the war. Military sources declared, edged, the high command report­ ateel production. The labor picture panese Foreign Office has sent a ing that it was overpowered after R. A. F. roared back acrooi the equipment, with / Americoa-madi* eleventh hour reversal, resjored li­ said the city was taken by tank however, that on the southern machines playing a major nfio—s' was definitely brighter than last new communication to Its mission a tenacious defense against a Brit­ channel to pound northern France week, when the captive miners censing provisions to the adminis­ troops after a fierce battle. front, where German tanks bat­ raged in the Vicinity Of 8Mi ISolnetschnogorskl does not ap­ negotiating with the United States tered their way Into the Don river ish motorized column. loot nljfht following two wavea of were joined by thousands of com­ tration’s drastically revamped Rezegh, 10 mUes southeast o f' mercial miners in sympathy pear on maps but the distance government in W’oshlngton, and a port of Rostov, the Red Army No Respite In Battle day raiders wnich bombed a fac­ Tobruk. / price control bill today but speci­ "On the Salum front, where the strikes, but President Roosevelt and direction from Moscow would new development is expected "very had launched Its greatest counter­ tory near Calais and atrafed •Thla battk*," said the BrU fically exempted farmers from the indicate a penetration along the attack of the war, driving back Savona division has been strongly barges near Gravelinea with ma­ was said to favor legislative rem­ provision. shortly,” Domel, the authoritative communiquy today, “which railroad from KUn, 50 miles north­ Japanese news agency, said to­ the Germans in some places blb engaged since the afternoon of chine-gun fire, the government re­ been fougqt and is being ti edies against a recurrence of the ITie administration fought tor Nov. 22 by enemy forces aided by recent series of labor crises. west of Moscow, where the Rus- night. much as 37 miles across the ported today. with utmoat resolution by weeks to get the licensing author­ siana acknowledged yesterday Donets plateau. intense artillery fire, air and mo­ Flying ynited Statea - built Not la Mood to Drop Matter There was no Unmedlats Indica­ sides, has been in progreaa wil ity replaced in the bill, contending there held been fighting.) tion os to the nature of the com­ Street Fighting in Boatov torize imitfe,” it said, "attacka Havooa in the night foray, the Air out cea^tion for over 48 houra.* i Congress was in no mood to let it was essential to enforcement, and counter-attacks have followed Mimstry News Service aaiid, Brit­ the strike matter drop and Speak- Rail IJnea Disrupted munication, and Dome! warned ’The Russians declared that vio­ Ploiles Bomb Axia Forces but the committee made several Several rail lines In the Moscow that optimism was not warranted one another without respite.” ish airmen attacked French air­ ! ar Rayburn waa expected to an­ changes from the original Ian- lent street fighting continued In West of Tobruk, the Italians re­ Overhead British planes boi region were disrupted by direct Message Regarded Urgent Rostov Itself.
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