Eiptb Selie., Vol. U. No.9 Friday, July 28, 1989 Sravana 6, 1911 (Saka) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) Fourteenth Session (Eigbth Lok Sabba) (Vol. Ll contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price IRs. 6.00 [O"'GINAL BNouIH Pl.ocaolNOS lMCLUDIID IN BNOL1SII VDSlOR AMI) ORIGINAL HlNot PaOCBBDINGS INCLUDBD IN HINDI VDSION WILL • TREATED AS AUTHOaITATIVB.AND NOT TBI ftANSLAnON TIIBUOP.) CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vo/.LI. Fourteenth Session, 198911911 (Saka)] No.9, Friday, 28 July, 19891Sravana 6, 1911 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: 1-52 • Starred Questions Nos. 166,169,171,172,181 and 165 Written Answers to Questions: 53-222 Starred Questions Nos. 1 74 to 176 and 178 to 180 53-57 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1628,1630.1633 to 1637, 57-222 1639.1640,1643 to 1645, 1648,1649,1652,1654 to 1659,1661,1663,1664,1666 to 1670, 1672 to 1675, 1677 to 1680, 1682 to 1687, 1689to 1694, 1696 to 1715 1723, 1728 to 1742,1745, 1750 to 1752, 1755 to 1763, 1767 to 1770, 1n3 to 1777, 1779 to 1781, 1783 to 1792, 1795 to 1800, 1804 to 1808, 181 0, 1811 , 181 6 to 181 9. 1822, 1823, 1827, 1831, 1832, 1834 to 1841, 1845, 1847 and 1851. Resignations by Members 223-230 361-362 Papers Laid on the Table 231-238 Committee on Petitions 238 Thirteenth Report - Presented Joint Committee on Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill 239 Report and Evidence - Laid Business of the House 239-245 .. The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS Business Advisory Committee 245-246 Seventy-third Report - Adopted Small Industries Development Bank of India Bill 246-312 Motion to consider Shrimati Prabhawati Gupta 246-250 Shri Ashok Shankarrao Chavan 250-256 Shri Dal Chander Jain 256-258 Shrimati Basavarajeswan 258-263 Shri Chiranji Lal Sharma 263-267 Shri Asutosh Law 267-271 Shri Yogeshwar Prasad Yogesh 271-273 Dr. G.S. RaJhans 273-277 Shri N. Tombi Singh 277-280 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 280-283 Shri A. Charles 283-287 Shri Nandlal Choudhary 287-288 Shri Shankar Lal 288-291 Shri Manikrao Hodlya Gavit 291-292 Shri Shanti Dhariwal 292-293 Shri Virdhi Chandr Jain 293-295 Shri Keyur Bhushan 295-297 Shri Eduardo Faleiro 297-311 Clauses 2 to 54 and 1 311-312 Motion to Pass Shri Eduardo Faleiro 312 (Ill) CoLUMNS High Court And Supreme Court Judges 312-315 (ConditIOns of ServICe) Amendment Bill MotIOn to consider Shn 8 Shankaranand 312-313 Shn AZlz Qureshi 313-315 Committee on Pnvate Members' Bill 315-316 and ResolutIOns Sixty-Seventh Report - adopted Resolution Re Measures to Control Population Explosion 316-336 Shn Shantaram Nalk 316-320 Shn Raflque Alam 320-326 Dr Krupaslndhu Shol 326-336 Resolution Re Employment to one Member In each Family 336-360 Dr G S RaJhans 336-345 Shn Shantaram Nalk 345-349 Shn Snballav Panlgrahl 349-356 Shn Mahablr Prasad Yadav 256-360 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA tions were held with the World Bank between 11 and 17 July, 1989 for a loan of $ 200 million for an Industrial T echnologv Devel- opment Project. However, the loan IS yet to Friday, July 28, 1989/Sravana 6, 1911 be approved by the Board of Directors of the (Saka) Bank. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRIPATHI: Sir, I congratulate the hon. Minister that for The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock the industrial development of our country he is very much serious and vigilant. But may I [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ know the name of the countries from where the loans are to be obtained or technology is ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS to be imported and how rt will be used and when it will be used within the country? [ Translation] SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: Sir, the World Bank Loan for Importing Tech- loan is not to be obtained from any particular nology and Capital Goods country. The loan is to be obtained from the World Bank. It is to the tune of $ 200 million, *166. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRI- as I have already mentioned. The purpose of PATHI: Will the Minister of FINANCE be this loan is to modernise our industries, to pleased to state: reduce costs and to increase efficiency. The purpose of the loan is in line with the purpose (a) whether deliberations are being of the loan that we generally obtain from held by Government for getting ioans from abroad i.e. to improve and strengthen our the World Bank in orderto import technology seij-reliance and strengthen our indigenous and capital goods; technology by improvement and upgrada- tion. (b) if so, the amount 01 loans required therefor; DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRIPATHI: Sir, keeping this in VIew, Government had (c) whether the World Bank has agreed introduced or established the scheme known to give loans; as the Technical Development Fund Scheme in 1976. The purpose was the same as the (d) rt so, the details thereof; and hon. Minister had distinctly clarified now. May I know that this particular Technical (e) rt not, the reasons therefor? Development Fund Scheme which was in- troduced in 1976 under certain provisions [English] had done a remarkable job as regards the development of industries and modernisa- tion of the factories inside the country or not? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Secondly, I would like to know whether this DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS scheme has created any impediment in IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI importing technology from outside as well as EDUARDO FALEIRO): (a) to (e). Negotia- obtaining loan from abroad. 3 Oral Answers JULY 28, 1989 Oral Answers 4 SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: We are at (a) the Central debt of all StateslUnion apreliminary stage in making any announce- Territories as on 1 April, 1989; ment about how the loan would be utilised before it is approved. However, we can say (b) the interest paid on the Central debt at this interim level that the loan is also by each of them during 1988-89 and esti- intended to fundthe Technical Development mated to be paid during 1989-90; Fund. (c) the total revenue receipt of each SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: We State Government, exclusive of Central loans have sat up the quantum of the loan. But I and grants, during 1988-89 and 1989-90; would like to know hom the han. Minister of and Finance, what are the terms of the loan and also the areas where, wrth this loan, techno- (d) the percentage that debt repayment logical advance and upgradation is intended servicing forms of the total revenue receipts, to be made? I would like to know about the State-wise and year wise? areas and the terms of the loan. SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: I have THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE already mei1tioned about the areas that the DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE IN THE loan will cover and also about the purpose of MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI B.K. the loan. As far as terms and conditions of GADHVI): (a) The total amount of Central the loan are concerned, broadly, I can say loans outstanding against all States and that. to a large extent, rt is a soft terms loan. Union Territories together as on 1st April, 1989 was Rs. 56312.07 crares. Central Debt of States/Union Territories ·169. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: (b) to (d). These information are set out Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to in the Statements of I, II. and III respectively state: given below. 5 Oral Answ9fS SRAVANA 6, 191 ~ (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 I.(') Ol I.(') I.(') N a 0) 0) o Ol N (\J "'¢ ("t') to OJ 0> OJ Q) o OJ o OJ (\J,...... ,...... l.() CD CD U) ("t') Ol (\J N l.() OJ cri ci Ol Q) L{) 0) OJ L{) OJ "<t (") N t- Z LIJ 0> en :E l.() <.0 UJ Q) <.0 I- N ,...... CD et ("t') I-en OJ '<:t l.() o o Q) L{) N Q) CD Ol N 0> CD o rr) <.0 CD OJ <.0 OJ ,...... I.(') N o "<t Q) 0> L{) cri N ..- l() ,...... 0> CD N N ..c IJl Q) ""C ~ CL ctI c: ~ E ..c co co ""C v) C c: IJl co « « I 7 Oral Answers JULY 28, 1989 Oral Answers 8 o C\I C\I a I.() ~ a ~ ..... C\I ui a 0'1 to 0'1 to 0'1 N ('I') C\I I.() a I.() ,....: a) a C\I ....... O'l ...0 00 to C') C\I o a ..... 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