US 20120315235A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2012/0315235 A1 Weisen?uh et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 13, 2012 (54) EMU OIL IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER A61P 1 7/00 (2006.01) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS FOR TREATING A61P 1 7/18 (2006.01) SKIN IMPERFECTIONS A61Q 19/08 (2006.01) A61Q 19/02 (2006.01) (76) Inventors: Scott Alan Weisen?uh, Taylor, PA A61K 8/98 (2006.01) (US); Ketan Desai, Easton, PA A61P 1 7/02 (2006.01) (US); Sandra Kroposky, Moosic, A61P 17/10 (2006.01) PA (US) A61P 1 7/06 (2006.01) (21) Appl. N0.: 13/156,308 (52) us. c1. ......................................... .. 424/62; 424/522 (22) Filed: Jun. 8, 2011 (57) ABSTRACT Compositions comprising emu oil as a vehicle for the delivery Publication Classi?cation of other active ingredients for the treatment of cosmetic and (51) Int. Cl. other skin imperfections such as acne, Wrinkles, and hair loss A61K 35/12 (2006.01) are disclosed. Methods of treating cosmetic and other skin A61Q 7/00 (2006.01) imperfections using the compositions are also disclosed. US 2012/0315235 A1 Dec. 13, 2012 EMU OIL IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER [0013] Copper peptide for treating xerosis of the skin, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS FOR TREATING removing scars, and providing anti-oxidant properties. SKIN IMPERFECTIONS [0014] Idebenone and UbiquinoneiWhich have antioxi dant activity that helps remove free radical damage and alloWs for the resumption of healthy tissue regeneration. [0001] This application claims priority to US. Provisional [0015] Human groWth hormone for replacement therapy, Application No. 61/3 97,010, the contents of Which are hereby and increasing skin vigor and tone. incorporated by reference in its entirety for all purposes. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0016] Emu oil is obtained from a large, approximately ?ve feat tail, ?ightless bird of Australia knoWn as an Emu, Dro [0002] Emu oil has been used for hundreds of years by the mideius novaehollandiae. Emus are fanned for their meat, native aborigines of Australia as a salve, because of its unique Which is loW in cholesterol and fat. The oil rendered from the properties that alloW it to deeply penetrate the epidermis. Emu is actually a semi-solid fat (i.e., fat and oil mixture) at Studies have corroborated that Emu oil is non-comedogenic, room temperature, but Will herein be referred to as an oil. has anti-in?ammatory properties, is deeply moisturizing, and [0017] The fat and oil mixture is stripped from the carcass deeply penetrating. of the Emu and can be melted to further liquefy the oil. Emu [0003] A variety of topical agents are used to treat various oil obtained in this manner is yelloW in color and is olfacto disorders, such as acne, Wrinkles, and alopecia. It Would be rially offensive. It is possible, through re?ning processes Well advantageous to have compositions Which increase the ability knoWn to those of skill in the art, to remove the yelloW color of these agents to penetrate the skin, so as to improve their from the oil and reduce its odor. PCT/AU91/00517 refers to activity. The present invention provides such compositions, removing the yelloW color from Emu oil by exposing it to and methods for their use. sunlight, page 8, and by subjecting it to chemical oxidation by mixing it With benZoyl peroxide in an organic solvent, page 9. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0018] Emu Oil can be obtained from any commercial [0004] Compositions comprising various active and cos source such as TheScienceLab (above), EmuMagic (Nevis, metic ingredients in emu oil are disclosed, as Well as methods Minn.), Wonder Oil Products, Inc (Milddleton, Calif.), of treating various disorders, including skin disorders, using Uniquely Emu Products Inc (OttaWa, Ill.), etc. The active the compositions. The compositions include emu oil and vari ingredients can be obtained from various suppliers, and ous active ingredients to treat a variety of skin diseases and mixed With Emu Oil by simple vortexing. In the description imperfections. The compositions use the penetrating proper beloW, all concentrations are Weight/Weight of the additive to ties of emu oil to augment the e?icacy of the active and emu oil, unless otherWise indicated. cosmetic ingredients, resulting in an enhanced effect. [0019] Treatment of Skin Disorders [0020] The compositions described herein can be used to [0005] In various embodiments of the invention, the active treat acne and other skin disorders, in particular, for use in the ingredients include: folloWing therapeutic ?elds: [0006] One or more of Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Sali [0021] 1) for treating dermatological conditions and a?iic cylic Acid, Sulphacetamide Sodium, Retin-A, Retinols, Ret tions linked to a disorder of keratiniZation involving differ inoids, AZelaic acid, Clindamycin, TaZarotene, and BenZoyl entiation and proliferation, in particular for treating acne vul Peroxide for treating acne; garis, comedonic or polymorphic acne, acne rosacea, [0007] One or both of Finasteride and Minoxidil for treat nodulocystic acne, acne conglobata, senile acne, secondary ing hair loss/alopecia; acnes, such as solar, drug or occupational acne, or hidradeni [0008] Steroid creams and lotions, such as hydrocortisone tis suppurativa, butyrate, for treating various skin diseases that are commonly [0022] 2) for treating other types of disorders of keratini treated With steroids, including, but not limited to, psoriasis, Zation, in particular ichthyoses, ichthyosiforrn conditions, atopic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis; Darier’s disease, palmoplantar keratoderrna, leukoplakia and [0009] Retinol for Wrinkles, and one or more of Acetyl leucoplakiforrn conditions, or cutaneous or mucosal (oral) Hexapeptide-3, Acetyl Glutamyl Heptapeptide, Palmitoyl lichen, Pentapeptide-3, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Terapeptide-3 and [0023] 3) for treating other dermatological conditions Dimethylaminoethanol, Which reportedly act through stimu linked to a disorder of keratiniZation With an in?ammatory lation of collagen and elastin as Well as possessing anti and/or immunoallergic component and, in particular, all oxidant activity, to provide ?rming and improve the overall forms of psoriasis, Whether cutaneous, mucosal or ungual, health appearance of the skin, and to remove Wrinkles; and even psoriatic rheumatism, or alternatively cutaneous [0010] Glycolic acid for treating sun damage. atopy, such as ecZema, or respiratory atopy or alternatively [0011] Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and Kojic gingival hypertrophy; the compounds can also be used in acid for exfoliating the skin and stimulating the cell produc some in?ammatory conditions not exhibiting disorder of tion in the dermis, Which results in a “plumper” thicker der keratiniZation, such as folliculitis, mal layer by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This [0024] 4) for treating all dermal or epidermal prolifera results in a smooth appearance of the skin as Well as elimi tions, Whether they are benign or malignant and Whether they nation of ?ne lines and Wrinkles. Through the exfoliation are or are not of viral origin, such as common Warts, ?at Warts, process they also Work Well to remove/decrease hyper-pig molluscum contagiosum and epiderrnodysplasia verrucifor mentation, Which can be hormonally or solar induced. mis, ?orid or oral papillomatoses, and the proliferations [0012] Green Tea as a pore siZe reducer, a hydrating agent, Which can be induced by ultraviolet radiation, in particular in and an anti-oxidant. the case of actinic keratoses, US 2012/0315235 A1 Dec. 13, 2012 [0025] 5) for repairing or combating skin aging, Whether poWder form, can be mixed With Emu Oil in a concentration photoinduced or chronologic, or for reducing pigmentations, of betWeen about 1% and about 2% by Weight. In use, the or any pathology associated With chronologic or actinic mixture is applied once or tWice daily on the acne lesion until aging; resolution. [0026] 6) for preventively or curatively treating disorders of [0039] Clindamycin can be obtained from suppliers such as cicatriZation or skin ulcers, for preventing or repairing stretch Dermik, USA. The poWder is mixed With Emu Oil in a con marks, or alternatively for promoting cicatriZation, centration of 10 mg/100 ml. The mixture is to be applied once [0027] 7) for combating disorders of the sebaceous func or tWice daily on the acne lesion till resolution. tion, such as hyperseborrhoea of acne or simple seborrhoea, [0040] In yet another embodiment, the active ingredient is [0028] 8) in the treatment of any condition of fungal origin sulphacetamide sodium, Which can be obtained from suppli on the skin, such as tinea pedis and tinea versicolor, ers such Shreejee Pharma, India. The sulphacetamide [0029] 9) in the treatment of dermatological conditions sodium, typically in dry poWder form, is mixed With Emu Oil With an immunological component, in a concentration of about 10%. The mixtures are applied [0030] 10) in the treatment of skin disorders due to expo once or tWice daily on the acne lesion till resolution. sure to UV radiation. [0041] In yet another embodiment, the active ingredient is [0031] The compositions according to the invention are tretinoin, Which can be obtained from suppliers such as particularly useful for the preventive or curative treatment of LoZada Enterprises, USA. The tretinoin is typically supplied acne vulgaris. in cream form, and the cream is mixed With Emu Oil in a [0032] Treatment of Acne concentration of about 0.025% to about 0.1%. The mixture is [0033] When used to treat acne, the compositions can applied once or tWice daily on the acne lesion till resolution. include an antibiotic, salicyclic acid and/or salicylates, ben [0042] In yet another embodiment, the active ingredient is Zoyl peroxide, and the like. aZelaic acid, Which can be obtained from suppliers such as [0034] The salicylic acid or salicylates can be in the form of Triveni Chemicals, India. The aZelaic acid, typically in the a natural extract or as a pure compound.
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