210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 11, Also, petition of citizens of East Millstone, N. J., favoring SENATE. House bill No. 8752, for the suppressi.on of Army canteen-to the Committee on Military Affairs. TUESDAY, Decem1Je1· 11, 1900. Also, petition of citizens of East Millstone, N. J., against the sale of intoxicating liquors in our new possessions-to the Com- Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. mittee on Insular Affairs. - WILLIAM V. ALLEN, a Senator from the State of Nebraska, ap­ By l\Ir. HULL: Petition of the Retail Grocers' Associations of peared in his seat to-day. Des .Moines and Ames, Iowa, favoring the establishment of the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ parcel-post system-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ ceedings, when, on request of .Mr. LODGE, and by unanimous con­ Roads. sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Also, petition of the Commercial Exchange of Des Moines, Iowa, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the J our­ favoring forestry reserve and national park in Minnesota-to the nal will stand approved. Committee on the Public Lands. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT ST .A.TIO. !N PORTO RICO. Also, resolutions of Kinsman Post, No. 7, Grand Army of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the fol­ Republic, Department of Iowa. favoring the passage of House bill lowing message from the President of the United States; which No. 5779 giving veterans preferment in public service-to the was read, and, on motion of Mr. GALLINGER, referred to the Com­ Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. mittee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be By Mr. JENKINS: Petition of W. L. Breckenridge, J. S. Atkin­ printed: son, and other citizens of Bayfield. Wis., in favor of the anti­ To the Senate and House of Representatives: polygamy amendment to the Constitution-to the Committee on I transmit herewith a report on investi~tionsof the agricultural resources the Judiciary. and capabilities of Porto Rico with special reference to the establishment of By Mr. KLEBERG: Petition of J. L. Ladd and other citizens of an agricult ural experiment station in that island, made in accordance with the act of Congress making appropriations for the Department of Agricul­ Bay City, Tex., asking for the construction of a coastwise canal ture for he fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. along the Texas coast-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. WILLIAM McKINLEY. ·By Mr. LACEY: Resolutions of the Commercial Exchange of E XECUTIVE MANSION December 10. 1900. Des Moines, Iowa, for forestry reserve and national park in Min­ STATUE OF LAFAYETTE AT PARIS. nesota-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Also, resolutions of Kinsman Post, No. 7, Grand Army of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the fol­ Republic, of Des Moines, Iowa, for the passage of the veterans' lowing message from the President of the United States; which preference bill-to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. was read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com­ By Mr. LIVIl~GSTON: Par ers relating to the clai.m of Ham­ mittee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed: den Hudgins, of Dekalb County, Ga.-to the Committee on War To the Senate and House of Representatives: Claims. I transmit herewith a r eport from the Secretary of State, with accompany­ ing papers. respecting the unveiling at Paris, France, on July 4, 1900, of the By Mr. MANN: Resolutions of the Chicago Jewelers' Associa­ statue of Lafayette provided by the contributions of school children of the tion, favoring forestry reserve and national park in Minnesota­ United States. to the Committee on t.he Public Lands. WILLIAM McKINLEY. ExECUTIVE MANSION, Also, papers to accompany House bill granting a pension to Washington, December 11, 1900. Phylinda Wright for services as Army nurse-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. BENJAMIN WEIL. Also, papers to accompany House bill granting a pension to The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the fol­ Gregor .MacGregor Breadalbane-to the Committee on Invalid lowing message from the President of the United States; which Pensions. was read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Com­ By .Mr. MIERS of Indiana: Paper to accompany House bill mittee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed: No. 4263,granting an increase of pension to Cook Burk, of Bloom-· To the Senate and House of Represen tatives: field, Ind.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, with accom­ Also, paper to accompany House bill granting an increase of panying papers, showing the return to the Government of Mexico of the un­ expended balance of the award in favor of Benjamin Weil made by the pension to Stewart Barnes-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ United States and Mexican Claims Commission established under the con­ sions. vention of July 4, 1868. By Mr. NEVILLE: Petition of D. S. Beynon, of Burwell, WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Nebr. for the repeal of the special tax on proprietary medicines­ Washington, December 11, 1900. to the Committee on Ways and .Means. Also petition of members of Foote Post, No. 4.0, Department of SA..NTEE SIOUX INDIANS OF NEBRASKA.. Nebraska, in support of House bill No. 4742, amending section The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ 1225 of the Revised Statutes, relating to military instruction in nication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in re­ public schools-to the Committee on Military Affairs. sponse to a resolution of May 8, 1900, certain information relative Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Walter to the amount due the Santee Sioux Indians of Nebraska under L. Allison-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the fifth article of the treaty of 1876, known as the Black Hills By Mr. OTEY: Petition of the Virginia State Board of Agri­ treaty, etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred culture, and resolution of the Daughters of the American Revolu­ to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. tion, of the State of Virginia, in favor of House bill No. 10, for CODE OF LAW FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. the purchase of Temple Farm, near Yorktown, Va., by the Gov­ ernment, that it may be preserved for future generations-to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Committee on Military Affairs. munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from By Mr. OTJEN: Resolution of Federated Trades Council of Col. Theodore A. Bingham, United States Army, major, Corps of Milwaukee, Wis., against the proposed increase of the Regular Engineers, calling attention to certain provisions in House bill Army-to the Committee on Military Affairs. No. 9835, to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of Clark Fairbanks, and urging, for reasons stated, certain modifications in that bill of F'ort Wayne, Ind., praying for a reduction of the war-revenue in the interest of the General Government, etc.; which, with the tax-to the Committee on Ways and Means. accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on the Dis­ By :Mr. TERRY (by request):· Paper to accompany House bill trict of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. for the relief of Mrs. Mary F. Pollan, of Little Rock, Ark.- to the J, E. TURTLE. Committee on War Claims. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Ily .M r. WILSON of Idaho: Petition of Charles A. Clark, de­ munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from partment commander of Idaho, Grand Army of the Republic, the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, together with a letter favoring early consideration of House bill No. 5499-to the Com­ from Capt. C. A. F. Flagler, Corps of Engineers, relative to the mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. payment of a bill of cost in a suit brought in the courts of Florida By .Mr. YOUNG: Petition.of the Chamber of Commerce of New against Mr. J . E. Turtle, United States assistant engineer, em­ York, favoring a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to ployed on river and harbor works in that State; which, with the exchange gold coin for any other money coined by the United States accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Com­ whenever it may be necessary to do so-to the Committee on Bank­ merce, and ordered to be printed. ing and Currency. Also, petition of the Valley Forge National Park Association in INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION OF 1898. favor of the passage of a bill for the preservation of the field of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the report Valley Forge-to the Committee on Military Affairs. of the United States commissioner to the International Fisheries Also, petition of John Boyle, of Philadelphia, Pa., for the repeal Exhibition of 1898 at Bergen, Norway; which was referred to the of the duty on tea- to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Fisheries, and ordered to be printed. • 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 211 ELECTOR.AL VOTES OF ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI. dist Episcopal and Congregational churches and of sundry citizens The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate two com­ of Edwards County, Junction City, White City, Waubaunsee, and munications from the Secretary of State, transmitting certified Alma, all in the State of Kansas, praying for the adoption of an copies of the final ascertainment of the electors for President and amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which were Vice-President appointed in the States of Alabama and Mississippi referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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