DATABASE OF POTENTIAL FUNDERS FOR MUNICIPALITIES Introduction This database identifies potential funders for municipalities and locally-based projects1 and provides practical information on application procedures, contact details, and hyperlinks to the relevant web pages for further detail. The organisations listed in the data base are from sources external to government departments within South Africa. The database consists of two tables. Table 1 provides a breakdown of all donors (listed alphabetically, and the sector they are likely to fund). Table 2 provides the following details on each individual donor, with donors listed alphabetically: contact details, website, application process, and supplementary notes. This looks first at international donors, then at non-governmental organisations, and finally at private sector organisations. Although information provided has been verified wherever possible, users are advised to check details as these can change. Steps to take when using this database The following procedure should be followed when selecting a donor to approach for funding: 1. Decide on sector to be funded. 2. Use table 1 to ascertain which donors provide funding for that sector. 3. Use table 2 to obtain details on the individual donors. Reading the notes section may help in deciding whether or not this particular donor is likely to fund the project. 1The database has been compiled from a number of sources including the MXA website (www.mxa.co.za), and the IDP Nerve Centre (www.idp.org.za). Although an attempt has been made to reflect all potential sources it is recognised that details do change and omissions are likely. It is recommended that details be checked before submission of a funding request. Common Application procedures Donors have different procedures in place for dealing with project or funding applications. Institutions may determine their funding directions at scheduled meetings, on an annual, bi-annual or quarterly basis, for instance. Others may have a dedicated, staffed foundation or division attending to applications on an ongoing basis, while some may respond to applications on an ad hoc basis. Funding requests may be through the completion of an application form or through the submission of a project proposal. A number of organisations have application forms that can be completed online or that can be downloaded from their website. Where this is the case, an attempt has been made to provide links to these electronic applications. Contact details to which enquiries and requests for application forms may be directed are provided for each funding organisation. Funding organisations that require submission of project proposals for consideration may have a set format to be complied with and are likely to have expectations regarding content. Again, enquiries should be directed to the funding organisation regarding project proposal requirements. Criteria for project selection should also be explored with the funding organisation to inform the formulation and focus areas of the project proposal. Applications and project proposals typically demand that some, if not all, of the following documents are submitted: • copy of annual financial statement(s); • overview of applicant organisation’s history, past performance and achievements and/or recent annual reports; • copy of applicant organisation’s constitution with details of management committee; • project details and budget – aims and objectives, financial and project management; project duration and costings; • at least one letter of recommendation or support (from other organisations, community leaders, partner organisations, funders) • list of funding organisations approached for assistance. TABLE 1: DONORS BY SECTOR International Arts, Capacity Development, Infrastructure Economic Vulnerable Sports & Health & Welfare Education & Training Development Development Groups Culture Rural Development Development Rural Organisational Dev Poverty Alleviation Water & Sanitation & Sanitation Water Capacity Building Micro Enterprises Safety & Security Small, Medium & Local Economic Local Economic Restructuring & Urban Renewal Renewal Urban Performance & Disaster Relief Relief Disaster Arts & Culture Culture & Arts Human Rights Infrastructure Democracy & Development Land Reform Land Reform Environment Job Creation Mana Institutional/ Institutional/ Governance Community Community Integration Education Research HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Financial Planning Housing Training Projects Women Women Welfare Sports Health Health Youth Aged Aged DONOR Dev g ement Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID) z z z z zz z z z Australia-South Africa Local Governance Partnership (ASALGP) z z z z z Belgium Embassy z z zz z z z z Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) z z z z zz z z z z z z z z z z z Department for International Development - United Kingdom (DFID) z z z z z z z z z z Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI) / Ireland Aid z z z z zz z z Embassy of Finland z z z z European Union z z z z z z z z z French Embassy z z z z z z z z z German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) z z z z z z z z z z z Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) z z z z zz z z z z z z z z z z Netherlands Embassy z z z z z z z z z z New Zealand High Commission z z z z OPEC Fund z zz z z z z Royal Danish Embassy z z Royal Norwegian Embassy z z z z z zz z z z z z z z z z z z Saudi Fund for Development (SDC) z z z z z z z z z Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) z z z z z z z zz z z z z z z z z z z Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation z z z z z z United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) z z z z United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for Africa (ROA) z z z z United States Agency for International Development (USAID) z z z zz z z z z World Bank z z z zz z z z z z z z Non-Governmental Organisations Arts, Capacity Development, Infrastructure Economic Vulnerable Sports & Health & Welfare Education & Training Development Development Groups Culture LocalDevelopment Economic Institutional /Organisational Restructuring & IntegrationRestructuring & Democracy & Governance Democracy Community DevelopmentCommunity Small, Medium and Micro Micro Small,Medium and Performance & Financial Infrastructure Projects Rural Development Poverty AlleviationPoverty Water & Sanitation Capacity Building Safety & Security & Security Safety Urban Renewal Renewal Urban Disaster Relief Relief Disaster Arts & Culture & Culture Arts Human Rights Development Development Land ReformLand Management Environment Creation Job Enterprises Education Research HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Planning Housing Training Women Women DONOR Welfare Sports Health Health Youth Youth Aged Aged Education and Training Unit z z z Independent Development Trust (IDT) z z z z z z z z z Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) z z Joint Education Trust (JET) z z z z Kagiso Trust (KT) z z z zz z z Mvula Trust z z National Development Agency (NDA) z z z z z z zz z z z z z z OXFAM International z z z z South African National NGO Coalition (SANGOCO) z z z z z Southern African Trust Urban Sector Network (USN) z z z z z z z z z World Environment Centre (WEC) z z z z z z z Youth Development Trust (YDT) z z z z z Zenex Foundation z z z z z Private Sector Arts, Sports Capacity Development, Infrastructure Economic Health & Welfare Vulnerable Groups & Culture Education & Training Development Development Democracy & Governance Democracy Institutional/Organisation Community Development Development Community Performance & Financial Small, & Medium Micro Infrastructure Projects Local Dev Economic Rural Development Poverty AlleviationPoverty Water & Sanitation Capacity Building Safety & Security & Security Safety Aged, Vulnerable Restructuring & al Development Urban Renewal Renewal Urban Disaster Relief Relief Disaster Arts & Culture & Culture Arts Human Rights Land Reform Management Environment Job Creation Job Enterprises Integration Education Research HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Planning Disabled Disabled Housing Training Women Women DONOR Welfare Sports Health Youth Youth 3M South Africa (Pty) Ltd z z z z z z Abbott Laboratories z z z z z z z ABSA Foundation z z z z Accenture z z z z z z z Adcock Ingram z z z AECI z z z z z z African Life Assurance z z z z z z z African Oxygen Ltd z z z z Alexander Forbes z z z z z z z z z Alpha Cement z z z z z Anglo American Chairmans' Fund z z z z z z z z z z z z z Anglo American Platinum z z z z z z z z z z z z z Anglovaal Industries (AVI) z z z z z z z z z z z Anglovaal Mining z z Aquachlor (Pty) Ltd z z Arctic Pharm- aceuticals (Pty) Ltd z Armaments Corporation of SA z (ARMSCOR) Aspen Pharmacare z Barlow Ltd / Barloworld Ltd z z z z Arts, Sports Capacity Development, Infrastructure Economic Health & Welfare Vulnerable Groups & Culture Education & Training Development Development Democracy & Governance Democracy &Governance Institutional/Organisation Community DevelopmentCommunity Performance & Financial Small, Medium & Micro Infrastructure Projects Local Economic Dev Local Economic Rural Development Development Rural Poverty Alleviation Water & Sanitation & Sanitation Water Capacity Building Safety & Security & Security Safety Aged, Vulnerable Restructuring & al Development Urban Renewal Renewal Urban Disaster Relief Arts & Culture & Culture Arts Human Rights Land Reform Environment Environment Management Job Creation Enterprises Integration Integration Education Research HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Planning Disabled Housing Housing Training Welfare Welfare DONOR Women Sports Health Health Youth
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