31 f:., UNITED NATIONS, --------------------------~~i SEC R ETA R I A T, ---------------------"". '71. LEGAL DEPARTMENT· ~~~-------~-------~--------.I 1-------9 4 9 STATEMENT OF TREATIES REGISTERED OR FILED AND RECORDED -------------------------_.------- -ao I Nos. 23 - 34 .. " ~ -. STATEM.'FltT ~T· 2; ce Treaties.• aminte~tionaJ..0' e.greementa ., .registeit'ed or :riled ana.' recorded vith the Secre·t:~~1a.t cf' the United Nations' during the'month C?f January 1949 .' RnLEVE ~1°a3 des Traites et accords internationavx enregistres on classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de 1" organisation des Nations Unies llendant le moisde jan'Viw 1949 , .. 2 .' , ..~ TREATIES AND ml'ERUATIINAL AG:REJ!MEN'rS :REGISTERED 0T.1 ot.l\SSJlE RP ol\..!tQv~, OR FILED .AND :RECOOPED W'ITH THE SECRETARIAT OF THE UNITED 1ATIONS I ~ee:ti es>~~"",,Jr?-te~aational, a.e!ef3:m~D:.t,s l"egi!3~~,!)d p.,WiE~ th~mC?~th. RfJanuary 1949. No. Denmark and Ice1a.nd: 346. 'Accord eu S~l.jGt , Agreement respecting tna tl'anst'er of mem'bers of' sickness la..lIsladie J: insurance funds ~Qcosnizod by the State and of supplementary dtaaeura.:nee sdckness ins\.~ranoe fund.s controlled' by the state in Denmark to social ina~anc~ (sickness i~~urance) funds in Iceland and vice verea. Came into force-- on 1 Janu~r~ 1949 in accordance with paragraph 8. Danish official t~xt comm\tnicated by the permanent repres~ntat1ve o~ Dernnark to t.he United Nations. ,The :!i" :;47.. Ee1gique ,et registration tookpl&ce on 5 J&nuary 1949. Echa.r,ae deJ..ett ' No. 347. Belgium and Nethe~lands: .it- octob~6 ~. 'Exchange. of-letters cotwtituting an agreement for ~e6zing assets. En~env1 Brussels, 4 October 1946, and trhe Hague, 12 October 1946. ~ute effie Came into force on. 12 October 1946 by the exchange of the etnu said lettars, 638; French official text co~icated by the Minister for Foreign ~ ;48 Iielgiq\\9 et Affairs of :a~lg1um. The registration took place on EehS-nga ,de lett 6 January :949" , '0 deeeJIibre No. 348. Belgiura and S,·redfm: Entre en 'Vi Exchange of letters con.stitutiP6 an agreement for the unfr~ezing of lettres. assets. Brusse18~ 30 December 1946. ~exte'()ff1('l Came into force on 30 December 1946 by the exchange of the' et said letters. G ~Am French official text communicated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of :aelgi'Um. 'rbe registration took place on 6 January 1949. .... - . .. ~ Efl! A.oof.lWS I:NTmNA-TIftiAUX 'mREGI~J.rm!B '" ~ AUSECR~ Lt~SAfIl'i' ott CIJ\SSJiE DSeRIT&.AU mrll.El?MllfS DE .-c>: . DES NATIONS UNIES .. 'i ! 'I ~~~,.!t..~~E!.9~!m15 4 2N.5UJtr2n..~:td.~~t.l~..•~..e.", ~.aiO.~.~r..12 2 ~s d·aa~ 'Accord a.n SUjGt. du tl"anafert des . das caiases J.a. .. maJ.adie raeonnuea. par l'Eta't et des eaisaes oompIema~~::"" d faasura.:nee t;lOnt3='e la ~e eontrtiLeoa ~ l'Eta,i; au l)a,J-~ aux a.sa~~oa soeia.les (aasura:r418 contra J.a,ueJAdie) en et vioeoversa.., Entre en'Vtg\:lf)ur le l~ ~cnvier 1.949, contormement au l1U'BgIB !exte of'fioi~l danoie ~JJ1que rf:J:r l~ rept'6sentant ~B¥'~~ du I?e.nemark auprea de 1lOrganiaatifj3:l. des Nations Unies- L~~gistrement e. eu lieu ~e 5 Janvier 1949• .N" :;47. lielgique .et Dl;yar...aa.a: Eeha..rae de -lettns const:t.tutiUG un a.ooord pOur 1& ie'blooes&. 4 oetobr~ ~946, et'La lfa1eI ;1.8'12 octobre ).9116. '- - - - - - - -- - ( ,'" ts. En~ en v1gUeur le 12 oetob~e 1946 par' l.e~tlge- d.~te:s !.toxteoffie1el. ban~s eo~que F :Le MiD1e~~ des aft* etnu~r6s de Belg:l.que. LJenreBitstremat.i~ a' e11 J,ieu ~. 6 .janvier J.9'+9.. :n ~ :;48 Ijelg1tj,\\9 et Suede t Echange de le'ttrea eonst1tuant un aecOl"'d de deblooage. ;0 deeembre 19la6. Entre en vigueur le 56 decembra 1$)46 par 1 t 6ehange desd1tOe,;~r of l.et'trea. Text-e ·()ffl~1el. tranc;a.ia. ~OmJ1l2nique ~ 'le Ministre·des ~~ et:r:oangeres de ~ique.. L"e:ore.gis~nt. a .eu lieu_ JJJ G ~nvieX' 1949.I· .. ... ,-~iit .. :#(UQ1fC 3tJ.9. United. States of Amer:1ca and !:reland.: , EOO~0U1:1~ :oo--o;p~rat1on ~ee~ent, (with annex) fJ" Signed at Dublin on , ' , ' :NO 31).9. Etats...Unis dtAm 28 J;une 1948.' .' " ! . ~ 'Aco6't'dde cooperatio Came ,into force ori 2 JulY 1948" the date on whic,h notioe of ; le 28'Jiun J.948 ratification by the Government of Ireland was glvento thE': Entre en vigueu Government of the United States, in acoordance with Article XTr. ". .. .. Jb. E.nglish o:f'fi~ial ·textcommunica:l?ed by the acbdng: United States de ratificat " . ~epresentat1ve ~~at eu Q'ouvernelient at the of the United Nations. The -. ',. • .,' l • >- registration took place on 18 January 1949. Text'e officiel , " des 'Etats... , N~,. 350. Unitod states of .AInorlca: and Luxembourg: llenregist Economic co-operatdon agreemerrb (with annex) ~' Signed at LUXl;)l?lbourg on N° :;?~ :mta:ts-Unis d!~1Ut 3 July 1948. Aocord as coope~tic Came into force on 3 July 19Ji8 by s1gn&ture~ le'3 Juillet 1$ English and Frenoh of.fie1e.l te:xt(f ~unicated by the acting Entre en vigu.eu , United fJ~~tes re~es~ntative at the seat of the United . T£:)xtes official Nation~. The1" 'gistrati~n took place on 18 January 1949. ];)8.1' 1nter1 No. 351. 'United States ofAme~ica and Turkey: :Nations UI Economic co--operation, agreement (With annex}, Signed a,tAnkara on ~ '51Q Etats-Unia d tAn 4 July 1948. :. ' . Came ~nto force on 13 July 1948,' the date on whioh the Turkish ,Aocord. de coop6ra.ti~ Ministry of Foreign Affai~s gave' notice to the American Embass7 4 ~uillet l~Q at Ankara of ratification of the agreement by the Grand National Ep.tre en viSUel: - ' . Assembly of Turkey, in accordance with Article XI. des atfai~es e English and Turk~,sl1' official text communicated by the aoting ltAtnbassaae dSE , . ' .. f _, pg,r la. Grand-a 1 United States representative at the seat of the United ~,at 'L .. The registration took place on 18 J&nuary 1949. llartiole XI. Textea /off1cieJ F." .1n:.terj 352. Unit~d States: of .J1.mer1ca and French Zone of Occupatdon of Ger ~. Nations UI Economic co-operation agreement (withl annex). S:tgned at PaJ:'is on 9 July 19~.a. '~'~,2'. Etats-UIl1s d'Al Came into force on .9 July 1948 by signature.. Aceord. de oooperati( . ~'. Englisha.nd French off1ei8,1 texts coxrmninfca.ted by the acting le 9' juiUet 'l~ .~ . United Sta~es r~presentativeat ~hesoa,t of the United Entx-e en 'Visuel Nations. The registrat:tontook place on 18 January 1949", Textes, , offio:te: , I>B-r inter: ·Nations Ui " , on . , . ~. f (/ N- 349. Etats...Unis dtAmer!que et Irlande f " t ~ , ,'. 'AOC?'t'd. de ~oopera.t1on eeonom:tq,ue (avec annexe).. , lE3 28 ~uin ~948. .. Entre en visueur le 2 JuiUet 1948~ date a. laquelle n(,)tif ~" xrr, , . ' '. , 'ci~ Jb. ratification ]!1r le Gouvernement de ltIrlande a eted.!.. tes eu G'~uverneUilen~ des Eta.ts ..:(jnis1 conformexnal'lta 1tartiole XIi:.i'; T'ex~~ '~fficiel anglais commun:tque par le; r~presentant par ,,: " . '. (; , , des 'Etats...Unis a:u siege de 1 t Organisation d~s Nations ltenregistremeIrli a eu lieu 1.e 18 Jax;.-rier 1949. ·, N° ;5~~tS-UniB d!~4.me~lqueet LUXembourg: ..' ;. Aocord <le coopel;'atio~ economique \(avec annexe}. le-3 JuUlet 1948. Entre en vigueur le 3 Jui1let .1.948 ~ signature. T~xtes officiels angla1a ~tfra.n~isc.oJnMtm:tques]EL1' lar$I1j~. Jt8.r interim. des Eta.ts-Unie, au sieSe delt Organisation .' N3.tions Uni... Ltent'egLstrem.ent 0 eu lieu la l8 janv1· on _~ 351Q Etats-Unis d tAm6r1qUe et Turquie : '. .. " coop6ratipne~onomiqu.e( ish Accord. de eveoannexe)'. 1~0" :lSSy­ 4 juillet M1aidi~ ional Ep.tre en 'Visueur le 1; juillet 1948, date a 1aquelle J.e des a:r.f'a:tres etrangerea de Tu,rqUia a donne notifice:Clon & 1 tAmbassad.e des Etats.Unis a ~ra de' JAratif1oa'tlon b •. ". :PIlr, la. Grande Assemblee natiorele de !rurquieJ 'oonf'orme~ '. 1 tartiDle XI. Textes officiels 'a.ng1a.is et turc.eonmn:url.ques p9-r le re . ~_. ,interim des Etats....Unia a;u.s~eg$ de ltOrga.ni~t.1__: to. '" ' Nations Ur4es. Ltenregistrement, a,\eu lieu le 18 3 .' • h 1 JI • i\ "'ir ;~.2'. Etats~l1nisd'.Am.er1qu.e et zone franqaise dtoccupa.t:ton $ll: . Accord. de cooperation econQm:Lque (avac annttte). Signe a Paris le 9-juillet -1948.', Entre en vigueur J.e 9 ~uillet 1948' ~. aigna:ture. Textes offioials angla.fa et fra.nqaia cOJ!ltttt;rniques p.;s.r le , . _ -__ ~ _ .. f-=-> _ _ ~ - 0,. _. ];lEtr inte:rim"dea E\ia.ts--Unis au l,t()):ga.n1satiQ1lti , F;;;a1esede , . -Nations Unie;s.:~tenreslstremente. eu lieu. le 18 . st~tes 353. United of Amerioa and France: N° 353. Etats.. Agreement (with annex)c.:>noe:rningthe restora·b'.on of' certain Accord (ave industrial property rights affected by World 'War I4:. Signed propri at Washington on 4 April 1947. Signe Came into force on 10 Novembel' 1947 in accordance with _I.\rtiole IX: Entre English'ahdFrench official toxts cOJn:m.unicatod by the aoting Tenes United states representative at the.seat of the United 1 ,Nations. The registration'tooIt: place on 19 January 1949. ] No. 35'h United States of Amerioa and 'Austria: l'j~ 3540 Etats..
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