
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51401-9 — The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga Margaret Clunies Ross Index More Information Index Note: All personal names of Icelanders are alphabetised by first name followed by last name; all other persons listed here are alphabetised by last name, followed by first name or initials. academic study of Old Norse-Icelandic Atlakviða ‘The Lay of Atli [Attila]’ (see literature 140, 159, 160, 162–3 also Poetic (Elder) Edda) 120, Age of the Sturlungs 9, 54, 55, 56 121 Agrip´ (see ‘Summary of the Sagas of authorship, concepts of and sagas the Kings of Norway’) 17–18, 19–20, 50–1 Alexanders saga ‘The Saga of Alexander authorial point of view and saga [the Great]’ 71, 120, 167 writing 25–6, 51, 68, 92–4, 106, Althing (Alþingi)9,10 110, 116, 123 ‘Ancient History of the Norwegian Auðunar þattr´ ‘The Tale of Auðunn’ Kings’ (Historia de Antiquitate 137 Regum Norwagiensium) 22, 23, 24 Bandamanna saga ‘Saga of the Ans´ saga bogsveigis ‘The Saga of An´ Confederates’ 29, 55, 56 Bow-bender’ 76, 135 Barnes, Geraldine 83 Andersson, Theodore 49, 91, 127–8, Bartholin, Thomas, the Younger (see 131 also Arni´ Magnusson)´ Andersson, Theodore and William I. Bar´ ðar saga Snæfellsass´ ‘The Saga of Miller 108, 111, 161, 162 Bar´ ðr Snæfell-deity’ 55 Ari Þorgilsson (see also ‘Book of the Benedikt S. Benedikz 146 Icelanders’) 58 betrothal and marriage, social Armann´ Jakobsson 88 conventions of 101–2 Arngr´ımur Jonsson´ (1568–1648) 85, Bjarnar saga H´ıtdœlakappa ‘The Saga 145, 156 of Bjorn,˛ Champion of the Arni´ Magnusson´ (1663–1730) (see also H´ıtdœlir’ 17, 67, 104, 134, manuscripts) 144, 146–7 135 as manuscript collector 147 Bjarni Einarsson 151 history of his collection 147–8 Boer,R.C.119 Arnold, Martin 79 ‘Book of the Icelanders’ (´Islendingabok´ ) Arnorr´ jarlaskald´ ‘Jarls’ poet’ by Ari Þorgilsson 2, 10, 16, 40, Þor´ ðarson 110 58, 64, 108, 142 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51401-9 — The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga Margaret Clunies Ross Index More Information 186 Index ‘Book of the Land-Takings’ editions of saga texts (see also Islenzk´ (Landnamab´ ok´ ) 5, 6, 11, 16, 17, fornrit; reception history of Old 22, 36, 40, 62, 76, 92, 108, 144 Norse-Icelandic sagas) 140, 149, bookprose theory of saga composition 150, 154, 158–9 39–40, 56, 155 editorial principles and practices Bosa´ saga ok Herrauðs ‘The Saga of 140, 150–2 Bosi´ and Herrauðr’ 157 language and spelling of saga Breta sogur˛ ‘The Sagas of the British’ editions 152 (see also Geoffrey of Monmouth Nordisk filologi series of text editions and Merl´ınusspa´) 77, 85 for students 152 bridal quests 119, 133, 137–8 Svart ahv´ ´ıtu ‘Black on White’ series Byock, Jesse 131 of text editions 152 Bæjarbok´ manuscript 67 Egill Skallagr´ımsson 76 Egils saga Skallagr´ımssonar ‘The Saga chieftains (goðar,sg.goði)9 of Egill, son of Skallagr´ımr’ 23, Chretien´ de Troyes 81 24–5, 26, 39, 58, 90, 134, 135, Christian religion 10, 74 143, 151, 158 Christian Church in Iceland 45 Einar Olafur´ Sveinsson 54 Christian view of history (see also Eir´ıks saga rauða ‘The Saga of Eir´ıkr saga, saga views of history and the Red’ 56, 90, 136 geography) 26, 74–5, 115, 143 Elis saga, translation of chanson de geste Christian view of geography (see also Elie de Saint Gille 59, 80 saga, saga views of history and Erex saga, translation of Chretien´ de geography) 74, 137 Troyes’ Erec et Enide 81 conversion to Christianity, in Eusebius, early medieval historian 75 Iceland 10, 73, 76, 89, 90, Eyjafjor¨ ður region of northern Iceland 109–10 108 Clontarf, Battle of 115, 117 Eyrbyggja saga ‘The Saga of the Clover, Carol 42–3, 48, 130, 139 inhabitants of Eyrr’ 55, 56, 70, Commonwealth Iceland 4, 5, 7, 30, 90, 127, 159 54 contemporary sagas (samt´ıðarsogur¨ ) Fagrskinna ‘Fair vellum’ 59, 85 29, 30, 53, 57, 73, 91–4, 127 family sagas (see sagas of Icelanders) Flateyjarbok´ ‘The Book of Flatey’ 36, Danielsson, Tommy 130 59, 67, 86 Darraðarljo´ð ‘The Song of Dorru˛ ðr’ Floamanna´ saga ‘The Saga of the men (see also Njals´ saga) 115, 117 of Floi’´ 55 Droplaugarsona saga ‘The Saga of the flokkr,longpoemwithoutarefrain20 sons of Droplaug’ 56, 64, 65, 66 fornaldarsogur¨ (see sagas of ancient duelling in early Iceland 112 time) Fostbrœ´ ðra saga ‘The Saga of the Edda of Snorri Sturluson (c. 1225) 20, Foster-brothers’ 55, 67–9, 70–1, 50, 62, 101, 125, 157, 159 90, 134 eddic (or eddaic) poetry (see Poetic freeprose theory of saga composition (Elder) Edda) 39, 40–1 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51401-9 — The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga Margaret Clunies Ross Index More Information Index 187 Friis, Peder Claussøn 157 Guðmundr inn r´ıki ‘the Powerful’ of Friðþjofs´ saga hins frœkna ‘The Saga of Mo¨ðruvellir, Icelandic chieftain Friðþjof´ the Bold’ 160 91, 108, 109 Færeyinga saga ‘The Saga of the Faroe Guðrun´ Nordal 46, 92, 93 Islanders’ 86 Guðrun´ Osv´ ´ıfsdottir´ (see also Laxdœla saga) 129, 134 Gade, Kari Ellen 104 Guðrunarhv´ ot˛ ‘The Whetting of Gautreks saga ok Gjafa-Refs ‘The Saga Guðrun’´ (see also Poetic (Elder) of Gautrekr and Gift-Refr’ Edda) 121 157 genealogy, importance to saga writers Hakon´ Hakonarson,´ king of Norway and audiences (see also saga (r. 1217–63) 9, 18, 22, 30, 57, 69, structures) 11, 19, 21, 25, 46, 49, 80–1, 84 76–7, 90, 135, 136 Hakonar´ saga Hakonarsonar´ ‘The Saga ‘descent from the gods’ in Old Norse of Hakon´ Hakonarson’´ by Sturla writings 75, 89 Þor´ ðarson 59, 85, 91, 159 Gennep, Arnold van 124, 126, 138 Halfs´ saga ok Halfsrekka´ ‘The Saga of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia de Halfr´ and the Halfr´ champions’ regum Britanniae ‘History of the 60, 76, 80 kings of Britain’ 77 Hallfreðar saga vandræðaskalds´ ‘The G´ısla saga Surssonar´ ‘The Saga of G´ısli Saga of Hallfreðr Sursson’´ 55, 56, 64, 65, 66, 102, Troublesome-poet’ 20, 67, 104, 134 134 G´ısli Sigurðsson 40, 43, 47, 69 Hamðismal´ ‘The Speech of Hamðir’ Gizurr Hallsson, Icelandic chieftain (see also Poetic (Elder) Edda) (d. 1206) 62, 64 121 Gizurr Þorvaldsson, Icelandic chieftain Haraldr harfagri´ ‘Fair-hair’ 93–4 Halfdanarson,´ king of Norway Glauser, Jurg¨ 154 (r. c. 870–932) 4, 78, 89 Gordon,E.V.41 Haraldr harðra´ði‘Hard-rule’ Greimas, Algirdas J. 124 Sigurðarson, king of Norway Grettis saga Asmundarsonar´ ‘The Saga (r. 1046–66) 87, 132–3 of Grettir Asmundarson’´ 90, Harris, Joseph 130, 134 126, 134 Harðar saga Gr´ımkelssonar ‘The Saga Gr´ıms saga loðinkinna ‘The Saga of of Hor˛ ðrGr´ımkelsson’ 134 Gr´ımr Hairy-cheek’ 76, 135 Haugen, Odd Einar 150, 151 Grœnlendinga saga ‘The Saga of the Hauksbok´ ‘Book of Haukr Greenlanders’ 56, 90 [Erlendsson]’ 59, 67, 68, 85, Gunnar Karlsson 3 143 Gunnlaugr Leifsson, monk of Heimskringla ‘Circle of the World’ Þingeyrar monastery 58, 64, attributed to Snorri Sturluson 77 59, 76, 78, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 133, Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu ‘The Saga 150, 157 of Gunnlaugr Serpent-tongue’ Heiðarv´ıga saga ‘The Saga of the 20, 55, 56, 67, 104, 134 Killings on the Heath’ 55 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51401-9 — The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga Margaret Clunies Ross Index More Information 188 Index Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks ‘The Saga of ´Ivens saga, translation of Chretien´ de Hervor˛ and Heiðrekr’ 76, 77, 80, Troyes’ Yvain 81, 82–3 133, 150, 157 Heusler, Andreas 39, 41 Jansson, Sven B. F. 67 Hickes, George (1642–1715) 15 jarlasogur˛ ‘Sagas of Jarls [of Orkney]’ historical writing in Norway and 28 Iceland (see also Latin writing in Jarns´ ´ıða ‘Iron-side’ legal code 61, 114 Norway and Iceland) 22–3, 48 Johnstone, James 159 ‘History of Norway’ (Historia Jomsv´ ´ıkinga saga ‘The Saga of the Norwegiae)22 Jomsv´ ´ıkingar’ 86 Hofmann, Dietrich 63 Jon´ Erlendsson of Villingaholt, honour, personal (see also n´ıð) 7–8, 91, manuscript copyist 58 101, 111, 121, 127, 128 Jonas´ Kristjansson´ 67, 68 Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða ‘The Saga of Jon´ Helgason 152 Hrafnkell, Priest of Freyr’ 41, 55, Jon´ Karl Helgason 155 56, 58 Jon´ Loptsson, Icelandic chieftain Hreinn Benediktsson 142 (d. 1197) 62, 64 Hrolfs´ saga Gautrekssonar ‘The Saga of Hrolfr´ son of Gautrekr’ 84, Kalinke, Marianne 137 157 Karl Jonsson,´ abbot of Þingeyrar Hrolfs´ saga kraka ‘The Saga of Hrolfr´ monastery (d. 1212/13) 18, 88 Pole-ladder’ 76, 80, 138 Kennedy, John 161 Hryggjarstykki ‘Back Piece’ 58 Ketils saga hœngs ‘The Saga of Ketill Hœnsa-Þoris´ saga ‘The Saga of Salmon’ 17, 76, 135 Hen-Þorir’´ 40, 55, 56 Knytlinga´ saga ‘The Saga of the descendants of Knutr’´ 59, 85 Iceland, physical character and climate konungasogur˛ (see sagas of kings) 2, 3 Kormaks´ saga Ogmundarsonar˛ ‘The economy and institutions 3, 5, 9–10 Saga of Kormakr,´ son of settlement of 2, 5, 11, 53, 73, 76, 90 Ogmundr’˛ 67, 99–106, 110, settlers, origins of 2, 5, 6–7 134 slaves 6, 11 Krakum´ al´ ‘The Lay of Kraka’,´ Icelandic language 5, 13 sometimes called ‘The Dying Isleifr´ Gizurarson, first native bishop Ode of Ragnarr loðbrok’´ 157, in Iceland 45 171 ´Islendingabok´ (see ‘Book of the Kristni saga ‘The Saga of Christianity’ Icelanders’) 110 ´Islendinga saga ‘The Saga of the kvoldvaka¨ ‘evening wake’ (see also Icelanders’ by Sturla Þor´ ðarson reception history of Old 91, 92, 93 Norse-Icelandic sagas) 153, 154 ´Islendingasogur¨ (see sagas of Icelanders) ´Islenzk fornrit series of editions of Old Lachmann, Karl (see also editions of Icelandic texts
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