Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER 1960 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions (20 OCTOBER] Questions 81~ THURSDAY, 20 OCTOBER, 1960 MALE UNEMPLOYMENT IN QUEENSLAND Mr. GILMORE (Tablelands), for Dr. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, DELAMOTHE (Bowen), asked the Minister Murrumba) took the chair at 11 a.m. for Labour and Industry- "In view of the interjection by the AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT Honourable Member for Rockhampton North that the unemployment figures sup­ PUBLIC AccoUNTS plied by him in answer to my question Mr. SPEAKER announced the receipt on October 19 were not the latest, will he from the Auditor-General of his report on indicate the authority from which his the public accounts of the State for the year figures were compiled?" 1959-1960. Hon. K. J. MORRIS (:\It. Coot-tha) Ordered to be printed. replied- QUESTIONS "The figures quoted by me were as sup­ plied by the Commonwealth Department CONSTITUTION (DECLARATION OF RIGHTS) of Labour and National Service, Brisbane, BILL in the weekly return furnished to my Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West­ Department and were received by me on Leader of the Opposition) asked the October 13, 1960. Each of my Cabinet Premier- colleagues watches employment and "In view of (a) the refusal of the unemployment figures very closely because Premier and his Government to agree to the each in his own Department is constantly request of the Opposition, supported by endeavouring to assist in the problem of the Queensland Labour Party and an seasonal unemployment. The proof that Independent Member of this House, to we are all working successfully in this field institute a judicial investigation of the is demonstrated by the fact that notwith­ grave charges made in this House on standing the drought conditions existing October 13 by the Honourable Member and the short beef killing season, figures for Fassifern, who indicted individuals and for male unemployment at September 30, groups of individuals as having attempted 1960, are 1,620 receiving Unemployment to intimidate and suborn him during the Benefit and 4,624 registered for employ­ exercise of his office as a Minister of the ment. I have frequently stated that I Crown, and (b) the Premier's promise, as believe that certain A.L.P. members have reported in 'The Courier-Mail' and the a vested interest in unemployment because 'Telegraph' of February 24, 1960, that a they appear to try at all times to present new Bill of Rights would be one of the comparisons which by using different bases first measures introduced in the August for comparison enable them to build up session of the new Parliament, will he an imaginative bogy. I deeply deplore now inform the House whether he proposes this type of cheap political chicanery, to honour his promise and introduce this but am not at all surprised to note that Bill, the primary aim of which, as he the Honourable Member for Rockhampton stated in this House on December 9, 1959, North in his characteristically irresponsible was to protect our democratic political and even psychiatric manner tried to cast institutions?" doubt on the truth of the figures I Hon. G. F. R. NICKLIN (Landsborough) presented." replied- "The Government's intentions in this HIGH-LEVEL BRIDGE, BURDEKIN RIVER, regard will be announced at the appropriate MACROSSAN time." Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked MAIN ROADS EMPLOYEES, TOOWOOMBA the Minister for Transport- Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West­ "(1) Is it proposed to build a new high­ Leader of the Opposition) asked the Acting level railway bridge over the Burdekin Minister for Development, Mines, Main River at Macrossan?" Roads and Electricity- "What was the number of (a) truck "(2) If so, will the existing bridge be owner-drivers and (b) other employees dismantled and sold for scrap or used under the control of the supervising over­ elsewhere and, if not, to what use will seer, Mr. V. Carroll, at Toowoomba, at the present bridge be put?" May 30, 1960, and at October 15, 1960, and are any dismissals pending or contem­ Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) plated in the abovenamed categories?" replied- Hon. 0. 0. MADSEN (Warwick) replied- "(1) Yes. Tenders already have been invited for the work." "As at May 30, 1960-(a) 44; (b) 117. As at October 15, 1960-(a) 34; (b) 114. "(2) The use to which the exiStmg Dismissals pending or contemplated-(a) bridge could be put, or the materials 7 in about two weeks; (b) 15-20 in about contained therein used in other places, one month." is at present under consideration." 820 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL AsSISTANCE, CONSTRUCTION WoRK, HERBERTON­ ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST WATSONVILLE ROAD Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked Mr. GILMORE (Tablelands) asked the the Minister for Transport- Acting Minister for Development, Mines, "(!) Does the Elizabethan Theatre Trust Main Roads and Electricity- receive any subsidy or any other form of "ln view of the preliminary construction monetary grant or assistance from the work on the first section of the Herberton State Government?" to Watsonville Road having been com­ pleted, will he give consideration to imme­ "(2) If so, is he aware that the Trust diate follow-up work so as to prevent does all its transporting of scenery, effects, damage in the next wet season and make &c., by road and not by rail?" the road useable to the people of that "(3) How does this fit in with the pro­ area?" fessed desire of the Government to reduce Hon. 0. 0. MADSEN (Warwick) replied- the railway deficit?" "The scheme now approaching comple­ Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) tion provides only for clearing and replied- grubbing with access tracks for future "(1, 2 and 3) I refer the Honourable works, and preliminary drainage as first Member to page 14 of the Estimates of stage construction on an alignment pro­ the Probable Ways and Means and jected from an investigation survey. Before Expenditure of the Government of Queens­ further works can be done, a working land for the year ending June 30, 1961, survey is essential to determine the earth­ from which he will observe that a grant works required and to design the drainage. of £6,000 is made by the Government This survey will be done when a surveyor to the Australian Elizabethan Theatre can be made available, probably at the Trust. This grant is not made for the end of this month. Unfortunately, further purpose of meeting transport costs, but is funds to the extent required to complete a grant for general purposes and, as such, the earthworks and drainage and for the it is not subject to conditions of the nature gravelling of the section could not be implied by the Honourable Member's provided during the current financial year, question. However, I would point out but it is proposed to allocate funds for that because of the nature of the scenery, further work during 1961-1962." the delicate manner in which it must be handled and the need for quick move­ TENDER BY MR. G. BOOKER FOR THEODORE ment from place to place, permits for HOSPITAL travel by road are granted, on application, to touring theatrical bodies." Mr. THACKERAY (Rockhampton North) asked the Minister for Public Works and Local Government- INCOME TAX REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS, 1960-1961 "(!) As the lowest tender for the con­ struction of the Theodore Hospital was Mr. HUGHES (Kurilpa) asked the first accepted and then withdrawn, on Treasurer and Minister for Housing- what grounds was the second lowest tender "What is the tax grant to each State for of G. Booker, Rockhampton, not accepted?" 1960-1961 expressed in terms of a per "(2) Has the deposit on the contract price capita basis?" submitted been refunded to G. Booker, Hon. T. A. HILEY (Chatsworth) replied- Rockhampton?" "The Financial Assistance Grants for Hon. L. H. S. ROBERTS (Whitsunday) 1960-1961, which are based on population replied- as at July 1, 1960, and average wages "(!) The lowest tender submitted by paid in 1959-1960, have not yet been Mr. E. Rosenblatt was not accepted before finally determined by the Commonwealth its withdrawal. Mr. G. J. Booker's tender Statistician, as required by the States was not accepted because as a result of Grants Act, 1959. However, estimates by enquiries made it was considered that he the Statistician of the grants payable in would not be able to carry out the work 1960-1961, expressed on a per capita basis, satisfactorily within the time specified. It utilising the projected estimate of mean is prescribed in the Conditions of Tender­ population for 1960-1961, are-New ing of the Department of Public Works South Wales, £23 10s. lld., Victoria that I shall not be bound to accept the £22 19s. ld.; Queensland, £26 16s. 4d.; South Australia, £32 1s. 6d.; Western lowest or any tender." Australia, £37 lls. 8d.; Tasmania, "(2) A cheque in refund of the deposit £33 15s. 6d.; · six ·States average, lodged by Mr. Booker with his tender was £25 19s. lld." posted to him yesterday." Questions [20 OcroBER] Questions 821 NEW RAILWAY STATION AND GOODS SHED, forms for the two-yearly medical examina­ MT. IsA tions of winding engine driv.ers should be made out to the Government Medical Mr. INCH (Burke) asked the Minister for Officer despite the fact that the Mines Act Transport- does not specify that these examinations "(!) Is he aware of the fact that due to are to be conducted by the Government the congestion of goods and shortage of Medical Officer?" space in the railway goods shed at Mt. Isa, "(2) If such an instruction has been 17 wagons of goods were waiting to be issued, why has it been issued?" unloaded on October 10, and that in consequence of this shortage of space and "(3) As the Act only provides for the the piling up of these wagons of goods the necessary certificate to be i~sued by a general public and business people of this medical practitioner, will he withdraw this town continue to suffer undue delay in instruction and thereby restore t_he right to the delivery of their goods?" the examinee to have the examination carried out by a medical practitioner of his "(2) Is he also aware of the fact that own choice?" there is only one toilet at the goods shed to serve the needs of the staff, general Hon.
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