1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4981 3130. By l'vfi". TREADWAY: Resolutions of the Worlds of Treasury certificates of indebtedness, 5 Issues of Treasury notes, and 35 iEsues of Treasury bills. Since it is necessary to obtain Service Society of Williamsburg, and the Woman's Christian from the Federal Reserve banks information as to the amounts Temperance ·Union of Athol, Mass., urging early hearings allotted to the several classes of subscribers specified in the reso­ and favorable action on House bill 6097 providing higher lution, I have obtained estimates from the several governors of the Federal Reserve banks of the time necessary to compile this • moral standards for films entering interstate and interna­ data. It will be possible for most of the Federal Reserve banks to tional commerce; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ complete this analysis within 3 weeks, but three of the larger dis­ eign Commerce. tricts have indicated that a longer time will be required. 3131. By Mr. WIGGLESWORTH: Petition of the General A complete report, giving the information desired by the Senate, will be forwarded to you as soon as this data is received and Court of Mas.5achusetts, seeking preservation of the United assembled. states industry of sugar refining; to the Committee on Very truly yours, • HE:NRY MoRGENTHAU, Jr., Agriculture. Secretary of the Treasury. INFORMATION FROM NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION SE~ATE The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from the Administrator of National Recovery, transmitting, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1934 in response to Senate Resolution 175-requesting certain (Legislative day of Tuesday, Mar. 20, 1934) information concerning employees and codes of the Na­ tional Recovery Administration-the data requested so far The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration as practicable, which, with the accompanying papers, was of the recess. ordered to lie on the table. THE JOURNAL Mr. NYE subsequently said: Mr. President, there was laid On motion of Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, and by unani­ before the Senate this morning a communication from the mous consent, the reading of the Journal for the calendar Administrator of the National Recovery Administration in day of Tuesday, March 20, was dispensed with, and the Jour­ response to Senate Resolution 175, which was agreed to by nal was approved. the Senate about a month ago. That communication has MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT been laid on the table for the moment, and I now move A message in writing from the President of the United that it be referred, with the accompanying papers, to the States .was comm~nicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one Committee on Printing, where consideration may be given of his secretaries. to the matter being printed as a public document. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it will A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Hal­ be so ordered. tigan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter disagreeing votes of the two Houses on certain amendments from Frank I. Faulkner, of Washington, D.C., relative to of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 8134) making appropriations taxes and related matters, which was referred to the Com­ for the Department of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit mittee on Finance. Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, and He also laid before the Senate a paper in the nature of for other purposes; that the House had receded from its dis­ a petition from Mrs. Cynthia Bradford, of Detroit, Mich., agreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 1, 3, praying for the passage of legislation providing immediate and 32 to the said bill and concurred therein, and that the payment of the so-called "soldiers' bonus", which was re­ House had receded from its disagreement to the amend­ f erred to the Committee on Finance. ments of the Senate numbered 4, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 35 to He also laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of the said bill, and concurred therein severally with an amend­ a petition from Vincent Joseph Klus, of New York City, ment, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. N.Y., praying for the passage of legislation providing imme­ The message also announced that the House had passed diate payment of the so-called " soldiers' bonus ", which the bill (S. 2728) to repeal Federal liquor prohibition laws was ref erred to the Committee on Financ~ to the extent they are in force in the Territory of Hawaii, He also laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of with an amendment, in which it requested the concurrence a petition from Rev. Lloyd Roberts, of Marcellus, N.Y .. of the Senate. praying for the passage of legislation providing immediate The message further announced that the House had payment of the so-called "soldiers' bonus", which was re­ passed the bill CS. 2729) to repeal an act of Congress enti­ ferred to the Committee on Finance. tled "An act to prohibit the manufacture or sale of alcoholic He also laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of liquors in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes ", a petition from Mrs. E. P. Woolridge, of San Antonio, Tex., approved February 14, 1917, and for other purposes, with praying for the passage of House bill 7019, providing old­ amendments, in which it requested the concurrence of the age pensions, which was referred to the Committee on Senate. Education and Labor. ANNUAL REPORT OF ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL CS.DOC. NO. 158) He also laid before the Senate a letter from Leonard A. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from Anderson, of Tonkawa, Okla., relative to the so-called the Architect of the Capitol, transmitting, pursuant to law, his "Bankhead cotton-control bill", which was ordered to lie annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1933, which, on the table. with the accompanying report, was ref erred to the Committee Mr. CAPPER presented telegrams in the nature of peti­ on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed. tions from members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Phillip Bil­ lard Post, No. 1650, Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Topeka; MARKETING OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Col. John D. Riddell Post, No. 1432, Veterans of Foreign The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter Wars, and Leslie Krepps Post, No. 62, the American Legion, from the Secretary of the Treasury in partial response to both of Salina; Quindaro Post, No. 199, the American Senate Resolution 209, which was ordered to lie on the table Legion, of Kansas City, and C. E. Strecker, post commander and to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: of Charles Walters Post, the American Legion; Harold H. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Fayman, commander Veterans of Foreign Wars, and D. J. Washington, March 21, 1934. Speedy, past commander Orlin L. Birlew Camp, United Hon. JoHN N. GARNER, Spanish War Veterans, of Fredonia, all in the State of Kan­ President of the Senate, Washington., D.a. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I am in receipt of Senate Resolution 209, sas, praying for the passage of legislation providing imme­ requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to furmsh the Senate diate payment of the so-called "soldiers' bonus", which information with respect to Government securities offered to the were referred to the Committee on Finance. public during the present fiscal year. Between July 1, 1933, and March 15, 1934. the Secretary of the Mr. WALSH presented resolutions adopted by the Treasury offered for subscription 2 issues of bonds, 3 issues Woman's Christian Temperance Unions of Fitchburg, Hyde 4982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 21 Park, New Bedford, North Attleboro, Somerville, Taunton, relief of Perry Randolph, reported it with an amendment and Westfield; the Cape Cod Clerical Club, of Yarmouth; and submitted a report <No. 517) thereon. the World's Service Society, of Williamsburg; and the Mr. LOGAN, from the Committee on Claims, to which was Ladies Benevolent Society of the Congregational Church, referred the bill (H.R. 4056) for the relief of Emma F. Taber, of Burlington, all in the State of Massachusetts, favoring reported it without amendment and submitted a report <No. · the holding of early hearings and favorable action on the 518) thereon. so-called "Patman motion-picture bill", being House bill Mr. GIBSON, from the Committee on Claims, to which 6097, providing higher moral standards for films entering was referred the bill (H.R. 2639) for the relief of Charles J. interstate and foreign commerce, which were referred to Eisenhauer, reported it with amendments and submitted a the Committee on Interstate Commerce. report <No. 519) thereon~ TREATMENT OF THE JEWS IN GERMANY He also, from the same committee, to which were referred Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, I present resolutions adopted the following bills, reported them each with an amendment by the Rodphey Scholem Lodge, No. 322, Independent Order and submitted reports thereon: of B'rith Abraham, of Holyoke, Mass., and a meeting of H.R. 472. An act for the relief of Phyllis Pratt and Harold Jewish citizens of Franklin, Holliston, Medway, Millis, and Louis Pratt, a minor <Rept. No. 520); and West Medway, all in the State of Massachusetts, urging H.R. 881. An act for the relief of Primo Tiburzio <Rept. favorable consideration of Senate resolution 154, submitted No. 521). by the senior Senator from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS], op­ Mr. GIBSON also, from the Committee on Claims, to posing discriminations against Jews in Germany, which I which were referred the following bills, reported them each ask may be appropriately referred.
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