6482 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 27, 1979 up. Any amendments to the resolution to move to table the resolution if there lution 8. There is a time agreement on could cloud the issue, and we could have are amendments offered to it. If there that resolution. Following that, I would many problems with a voting time. But are no amendments offered to it, or none hope the Senate could take up the coun­ here is the opportunity for the Senate to are adopted, I would like to see an up­ tervailing duties legislation, which is vote up or down, and have a showdown or-down vote on the resolution, on the Calendar Order No. 51, H.R. 1147, an act once and for all. I am going to be clearcut issue of whether or not the Sen­ to extend temporarily the authority of against it, and intend to try to get a vote ate wants to vitiate the action that it the Secretary of the Treasury to waive on it. took 3 weeks ago. the imposition of countervailing duties. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Due notice was given in the RECORD. So I think in sum, there will be rollcall objection to the request of the Senator Resolutions are often called up here votes tomorrow. Tomorrow is only Wed­ from West Virginia? Without objection, without giving a day's notice, with the nesday. It could be a long day; no reason it is so ordered. resolutions approved. There were some why it should not be, in order to com­ Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, will the suggestions at that time that it ought to plete our business. We will be in session Senator yield? be called up and voted on the same day, on Thursday, and in accordance with Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes, I yield. but I said "no," to call it up one day and my promise, which I am carefully keep­ Mr. STEVENS. I thank the Senator vote on it the next. ing, there will be no rollcall votes Friday from West Virginia for his explanation If there are going to be amendments if we are in, unless there be some emer­ for the record of what transpired here to Senator HART'S resolution, I would gency situation. today, but I am compelled to state for understand that any Senator would want I yield the :floor. the record also that we have a Senator to reserve his rights, one of those rights <Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD assumed the on our side of the aisle who has indicated being to move to table the resolution. chair.) that if there are to be amendments of­ Mr. STEVENS. I thank the Senator. fered to the Hart resolution, he wishes May I inquire, Mr. President, are we still RECESS UNTIL 11:45 A.M. to reserve the right to make a motion to in the morning hour? TOMORROW table the Hart resolution and any amendments to it, and not have a defi­ Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, if there nite time agreement on the resolution if be no further business to come before it is amended. That would indicate there PROGRAM the Senate, I move, in accordance with would not be the opportunity to have a Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. If the Senator the order previously entered, that the tabling motion otherwise. from Alaska will allow me, I would hope Senate stand in recess until the hour of Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes, I can un­ that otherwise tomorrow the Senate 11 :45 a.m. tomorrow. derstand the Senator. I do not know the could also proceed to the consideration The motion was agreed to, and at 8 identification of that Senator, but I can of the Rhodesian resolution, Calendar p.m., the Senate recessed until Wednes­ understand that any Senator might wish Order No. 50, Senate Concurrent Reso- day, March 28, 1979, at 11: 45 a.m. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ENERGY PROBLEMS ground, TRW has for some years been vitally son will force continued progress by indus­ concerned with the following aspects of en­ try. However, these efforts alone will not pro­ ergy: vide a solution which will permit a continu­ HON. ELWOOD HILLIS We have directed great attention to energy ation of our life style. In fact, increased pro­ in our internal operations so that less units ductivity is the fundamental factor by which OF INDIANA of energy will be utilized in each unit of improvement in living is obtained. Energy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES output. As a result, in 1978 we used 26 per­ and productivity are closely interrelated. It cent less energy per unit of output for our Tuesday, March 27, 1979 is quite clear that the balance of trade 100 domestic manufacturing operations than impact of oil imports could have been mini­ • Mr. HILLIS. Mr. Speaker, I recently we did in 1972. Also important, our total mized if the U.S. had been successful in received a letter from P T. Argell, vice absolute consumption of oil is down 23 per­ maintaining and increasing certain levels of president of TRW, Inc. The letter out­ cent. We have a strong corporate policy state­ manufactured exports. Furthermore, 70 per­ ment on energy conservation, one of in­ cent of final U.S. oil consumption is for lines the praiseworthy efforts by TRW dustry's best energy reporting systems, and transportation; this figure includes the to conserve on energy. The attitude and we anticipate continuing improvement. energy required for production of motor approach of TRW needs to be adopted by Our products and services are constantly fuels as well as end use. The American people our entire business community and re­ reviewed to insure that their efficiencies are must recognize all of these ramifications. flected in the energy policies of the Fed­ being maximized from an energy standpoint. They must be involved in an active and cre­ eral Government. Much progress has been made but only two ative effort towards increasing our energy Recent announcements by the OPEC examples need be cited. First, some of our use, efficiency, and productivity if they wish oil ministers of higher prices are cause automotive parts have been reduced by over to maintain and improve their life style. 20 percent in weight to support automotive Our purpose in writing to you may be sum­ for great concern. Those increases manufacturers in building lighter auto­ further illustrate the urgency of reduc­ marized in the belief that normal, free­ mobiles. Second, the entire product line of market economic forces are the preferred ing our energy demands. TRW's ap­ our submerged petroleum pumps is under­ solutions for most economic matters. If it proach and attitude toward energy con­ going an extensive engineering review with becomes necessary for government to inter­ servation should be brought to the at­ the established objective of increasing the vene, this must be done in a cooperative tention of the American people and used operating efficiency by at least 5 percent, fashion involving all persons and institu­ as an example of how to address the en­ and preferably by 10 percent where practicable. tions concerned with the issues. We think it ergy problems now facing this Nation. I We are conducting extensive communica­ is essential to the American public and hope my colleagues will share TRW's let­ tions with our employees to insure that they industry to address this situation in the ter with their constituents. The letter appreciate fully the importance of energy cooperation and understanding fashion of follows: conservation and its ultimate impact on the which much of our history has shown us to MARCH 21, 1979. American way of life. be superbly capable. The solution rests in Hon. ELWOOD H. HILLIS, We believe that the energy situation is this direction as opposed to finger-pointing House of Representatives, crucial to the United States. The record and attempting to blame difficulties on Russell House Office Building, shows that American industry has done an someone else. Washington, D .C. outstanding job of energy conservation in We stand ready to assist you and members DEAR CONGRESSMAN HILLIS: As you and compliance with the Energy Policy and Con­ of your staff in any way which will be other members of the 96th Congress address servation Act of 1975. Also, TRW studies beneficial. the energy situation of the U.S. again, we show that U.S. industrial energy efficiency Sincerely, thought it in order to acquaint you with our has increased more rapidly than other indus­ P. T. ANGELL, views of the situation. In the way of back- trialized nations since 1972. Economic rea- Vice President.e • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. March 27, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6483 MINORITY RESOURCE CENTER FOR enthusiastic endorsement now of both TVA We must remember the entire past or we chairman S. David Freeman and Richard will be doomed to relive its misery. TVA Freeman, .the other board member. It is an idea that is long overdue. If the goal of the United Nations Hu­ HON. HAROLD E. FORD Black enterprises have been neglected in man Rights Commission is to adopt the awarding of contracts for such major international measures for preventing a OF TENNESSEE governmental agencies. Last year, as the TVA repetition of the crimes of genocide, then IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . chairman notes, such businesses were . a true account of the brutal treatment Tuesday, March 27, 1979 awarded only a small fraction of 1 per cent of the Armenian people must be in­ of TVA 's total purchases.
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