'?;K- •-/=:. •••= f.>-, . '. ov. ;S..? - •' I -• • n f n A I y j y d e n n i A Dan a - at TLX \vM:- -••v.- • 1:1 ;;;-•-•••• •• !l.-' ':-' '•'.: .i •;' .i- r her sinrririi^ ro\v in CuiVty Marsluill's upioming ^ nirri version ol Amu^ Rit t^'s SJiM lov*..' slory /;A7/ U> Hdcr). Dana A.-1 , ; i Delany ha< lo ItNirn ih(^ tn< ks ol ; i the <loiiiinainx trade. Ilere she reveals how siu* leai rK'cl to hanc le a wlii|> atui wliai il's lik<r ; hlniin^ in the nude, and she explai IS what th<'liell a "jade slalk is. .V" _V -i.;.-'.' • g: NaUi? all know vvh«> llic licst pc»>|»li". are t<> to he Ji liiiic vt>lu|imiius lot ihi> al'U'j' luiy liDiM- 1Uoy niake bcamiiiil iUdvic Uccsiu*'*' t tliink tliiit n s»'Md A: No. I)ciiiiiN. Tlicii aiii{ a whips K'«l iii«l aiul jiuvii. Ihe than soeinc y Iniiil hoOv I U»»vk »l wiiicl wi wi;mI u» hcf lK'tlu"niJ ivclois %yli«> liavc iIicm: h.nil hvitlics ct)ii|>lL' i I llio »wn N.u i|>|Vil Oi Avii to piutu lifoij:. ii ihic-sn't have lo he tialeil hlJU'k k-ailier. and yuli know ilniJ Utt.'Y ?.pci»i six ihcii in'tlcrwoar aiKl tlcnion lie ilw Q: 11» illII NOiTtclliillK ««w cvvi ><Uiy- hours :i Uavill ilii: -iviu. ;ntil I iiuinctli whijipin : to iiw:. They sUowoil ,1. Shi- A; llje llunv I love ah«nil ii »s lliat ih'mk ol llicir all I [ircliiiuiiIt's all in 'hc {iiiw uiL a whip |o lake Imnic n »thai I iIk'sc p^-opk- aiv ve«y lieallliy, munial v'tMi ittiiiK I (I'fii I iltiiitk <>i the ctuii- peopli.-. 'l liey all like eadi olher. Iliere aclcr. AIm>. my »»\vh Uomiiiainx c"n- coulJ pr jciicc. hiis a xfrv w«>iu;n>lv htitiv Q; Do uKi kiiiiu- whm' lh:il wiiitf'N ate wiienKs .il S.'iM. hut im'^i ol Q: You h<ut vniii' iloitiinuUix livcii? iheni au- eMicniisJs. Thoy'ii: \Vli;iI was tluU lik«? A: No. !IIk* »Ud call iiu' up iiiul isk loi ijimk U» ti'll y«»» '»>" »Mej:ia«f<l n»lo soercty ilu'\ aic. AJ I went m y tliuiicr paiiy ui lior it hack. hmi.uh.She !icctlo«t n • iiiiii I nicC ;t Jt>l oi |)Ooplc who y: KikI It. l.ikv slu> couldirt ({o «nU f)'. Yoii mean llivrv vouiil lie S&M 4lal)l>k-i-N I'luht lirre in lliK lestau- ai< inio till- S.SiM Wc hati a ami another uliifi. minul ti>blc disvussjoii. wijli a >lavc A: lliC' K* veiv aln> K then rant? wh(j sc/v(.'il UN. LH|uipn|icitl anU A: ^oii can ii;ll. Q: VV'lial are llu* lelltule sijins? A: Spiki'tl slilcll«> liceK «ta wiiDteii. Iliiil s a hi^ lliin;: Ii'^ht. ^ - stiorl skii Is. Pierciiiji; i> a i' ;?oOil slL'ti. l.ike • •' tuie ol the ' '• ' men thai i'!. '' ' V- sovnettling aliout wliite Jocicey^ that'$ so mal e and gro53 that I iil<e. There's something dirty- sexy about them- And if they have stains on tiiem, tha1:^s better.TV '•PeVv.*-' ;• r"' of which. h»x> it"sate I'm iislicicd III •litti I M lo vv;ii( lit ihc 0: I met liiitJ haiiilK-d lit lixit to luUtti living room. Ami D) ptsi >i(iiitj: Uiitt jjiCKXtl. I uicyni. ti /<»/ «>l picic kni. hot I don'l A: H's IiuikIIoI in ihc sense that S&^^ iii^iN. I)i« yon Iviuiw Ui;>( il"> viillol i» there hliiiiholtlc^l. n )..i ivally ahiJUt Six With mosl fhinl^ vt>u see ii»\ih •ivj;. h«»pcl'ully. t IS Prtncc AllKrt? ulnamecs. it's alt prcaiith.ii L- lo kuow who 'io Q; Having y«iir .sviutuiw pU'rml Ls .iMicil noi IKMU^ al> y »lMn*t have se\ vviih iheii Mih'"'** I was hiokiil^ al inc. «lou l know how culled IhuC- i M\ us li It »H p»»H «»l 'hi; ileal. itu'v pi^oplc liiul ilial s •sy When I'm A: Wali.hi-cnuso ilic\ M«y tU,ii I'liiuii i-avs umc u »«UKl»»ni Thi* thn;c S»V:M workinil. I'm si» aw ; i»r who s on a ah Albon IukI it. /v \v\)i«K ;ire "sale, "sane ;jiui Nvi. < t an spot iiit iiiteihvpiT ill a hti Q: Doi'sn*! ii I'liiut Anuri iiiiikc iiisriiMiUl " iiiiiu>i«' • i )Jic "cctis 0 Icel that ••^•nsir "e the cqtii|Miii'«* c<iii<»!dvr;tl»ly I*"'*'' flow do yoii think l!ih iiiovu- is .»t salclY ami to luil havt; that «its Q rdiiitioiiuk'' vt-ry iliscoJKv'imJ*?!- It k-ll »J hide hit v.* iiiji t<» so oM'i* »" the uptiuht.. A: I iliiiiK ii l».C"«»ics iikc a l iviK-h Ws: like I was U<unC ;t s«ii-foic.noi m the ,v iicklci- II ;i pHipDNC. .\ I liopi* ii is eontiovor>ial. hiu actu- Qt So.Inm m;iii> iimic dUI •;cMial sense, hut im ire ill ih:)i ktmi «>!' hcic evi'iyihinj! a1 \y I ihink n'y a UMV ''"Is movu-, I you have*' "7<K iiiovlc way v III. in know . a lot •>! women have ••oilcii A: 'H»c Ihint'. ;ihoiH bciii.j: a dtjniiii.niix ua^ sittl ami hi-ait(ll ^4iin;t U» rnit a I. ho \civ lonuh, .nul li>»'y tlon't K-l is. fiU'Clv illt.' I'CCiUlM' ij: U" I were i;>cr 11 cnisfKes he vjitiins aiiymovc. Ulcy luM- ihcir power.'I'lii.- slave io porno, rd l>« to tid ;i *7(K onu. \v huh is ?'tMid. lint .i kii i»i women 1 \k iiiikcil so liicy loc'l cNpoM tJ, So iIk- .\: // \ou were. \ hich y«Mi nojiltt somcihiy. I u.is a lii;i Ian Sylvi;« k niw- have ti«'iu' too l»n tn thai ctiie^ one tiuUcil scotic (iLii I li;ivo »;is all li lUi. riu'x ihni't loi .inyhtulv iii i Kii.Mol. Ki'iiiLiiitvi 1hitiv Kcanis •' i 'e abOMi nic Icitini; vlo. ink ihe j?oiiU ot tbe movie is lhal it s Q; Were y"» t'vcr hliiidfotded, Wits hif* in New Vo:k wIk'II \ WUN liv- tl Hi- hi he 111 ei»nhol. hiK vtm liiiv^- to ha»«tciilTMl, NhacUtcd? In Ihc in- ihfiv. IkkI .» hi ihii k iitkiMueiit.-, icrahl«> I I ilown Noiii {•iiai«l «)iuA- m .1 while. I 1 IllL-illl. aiul liiokiui like ( <.voniU-r how iii-.iii ol pctM'h; link it's iireai ihiM ii s «i>»oiii y At riK'lii!wlicii ' Oman. ti«»w tnany inovie> do yoii «».o U» llliN militsiiiii. I rrli likf. thett ol AIDS •i- wlieic il's iihimt \\ wuiiian s sexn- 1 \v;is III //<<' .Vff»t aliiy Kau h. 4^: What do you Ihhik auraclcil tiarrj Mni'vhall to tiiv iiiitivi'ial? Ik- s a \oiv \» m.iii Me hiis a .ht H ol .1 the ^all, and prised abutton thct^UnUy made ^ ^ ^ offlesh^oy ceiling.... S/w picked up somethmg from the dresser. It looked atjlnt g P" eredfleather-cladhorns.c-in acomcr booth at Chaya restaurant in I'm rcto.dir.s An« Rice's S&M date. La Debuy, is a.=u t»c hcrEmmy-wirjX*"" Dd»ny w^Just S«Sama appeared in such Mn.^ ^ HouseSimr. Ught Sleeper and Tomt,^. I of Ae hou5= XTho™, pointing o„. (ea««s r^e st H.. of when Dei^y named in honor of the numerous pieces ofhooter-fhendly art on me waiis. i m smu says, as she siti dowu to join mc,"T see you have the book. ^ wanted to do next- Also. I like taking DENNIS HENSLEY: Had youreod use butter instead of honey. Q: Yo« drip it on Paul? chances. Exit to Eden before you got the Q: Do you feel it's an enormous part? A: He does it on mc, withcroissants. I put in a line where 1said, "Have risik to your careo*? DANA DELANY: I read the script, A: No. A lot of people took the got the job, then I read the book. I you seen LastTango inParisT Q;Then does helick it off? script at face value and thought, "Oh loved it. The two best scenes are my God, I can't do this." They didn't Sports Day, which we have in the A; Uh-huh. Q: The book in extremely explicit lake into account that Garry movie, and ... Marshall was going to be directing Q; I love thatscene. It's like Disney and in some places very homo- erotic. Has that been toned down? it. I haven't seen the movie, but the land for swingers. two things he said to me were, A: Yes. We have a human carousel A: Yeah, it's very much a hetero sexual island. It's too bad, bccause "Remember, I'm the man who with people riding on slflves. And a brought you 'Happy Days,"* and, 'I roller-blading race, becausc Paul Anne Rice has a great homosexual fol want you to look really beautiful." I [Mercurio] is really good at that, and lowing, but I tWnk tliat Garry is aiming think it will finally make people also a "Hit the Buu" game, where for a Middle-American audience. Thcit realize that I'm not the girl next there arc these siicKy balls you throw are two things I think about this; In movies, I think, people want someone dour.
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