Apr-Jun 2021 Quarterly Vol.1, Issue 2 Patron Dr. K.Veeramani 1. Preface from the Editors Chancellor MáÇa® FGÉ‹ MŒÉjœ Kfîiu 3 Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Kannabiran Ravishankar 2. Hegemony of Religious Texts and Prof. Dr. P. Jagadeesan Prof. Dr. P. Kalimuthu Development of Tamil Ritual System Prof. Dr. Sp. Thinnappan calledThamiḻ Arccaṉai Prof. Dr. Nam. Srinivasan - Prof. Dr. Vasu Renganathan 7 Dr. Soma Ilangovan Dr. V. Neru 3. âuhÉl ïa¡fK« Published by âU¡FwŸ vG¢áí« Centre of Excellence for 28 Periyar Thought - nguh. Kidt® â. jhkiu¢bršÉ Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology 4. jÄœ mf¥bghUS« òw¥bghUS« - (Deemed to be University) Vallam, Thanjavur - 613403 ãw¥gf« jÄHfkh? mayfkh? - Tamil Nadu, India. - nguh. Kidt®. â. KUfu¤jd« 43 Language Bi-lingual 5. jªij bgÇahÇ‹ mQFKiw Single Issue (India) Rs.200/- - nguh. Kidt® e«.ÓÅthr‹ 68 Annual Subscription (India) Rs.800/- Single Issue (International) $15 6. Annual Subscription Kjš bg© ïjÊaš MSikfŸ (International) $50 - Kidt® K.R.f©k 86 Designed & Printed at : PMIST Press 7. #hâí« rkj®kK« Vallam, Thanjavur - 613403 - njhH® R.m¿î¡fuR 98 Tamil Nadu, India. Tel: (91) 98401 32684 Email : [email protected] 8. âuhÉl¥ bghÊš 109 Visit our Website at MŒÉjœ - MŒtu§f« dravidapozhil.pmu.edu fšyiz, bgUik Kallanai (meaning Stone Dam) thŒªj bjhšmiz! fhÉÇ is an ancient Barrage Dam built of M‰¿‹ FW¡nf bt£L¥glhj unhewn stones across the River f‰ghiwfshš, 2000 + M©LfŸ Cauvery in Tamil Nadu, India. It K‹ng f£l¥g£l jL¥giz, stands today as a testimonial for the âuhÉl¡ f£Lkhd¡ fiy¡F Tamil-Dravidian architecture. The ï‹W« rh‹W gf®»wJ. ancient Tamil King KarikālCholan r§f¤ jÄÊ‹ g£od¥ghiy (approx. 100 CE) eulogized òfG« nrhHk‹d‹ fÇfhy‹ in Pattinappālai Sanga Tamil (âUkhtst‹ fÇfh‰ bgUts¤jh‹, Corpus, built this dam as a water 100 CE) f£Lɤj ïªj miz, regulatory structure to divert the excess water fhÉÇÆš ghí« btŸsÚiu of the River Cauvery to far reaching lands, for m‹nw kilkh‰¿, bjhiyÉš cŸs gy the sake of boosting irrigation and thereby Ãy§fS¡F« ghŒ¢á, nrhH eh£oš ghrd agriculture. When Aryan Kings of India used to ntsh©ikia¥ bgU¡»aJ. ïªâa MÇa build non-beneficial opulent temples for the sake mur®fŸ gyU« gaÅyh Ml«gu«Ä¡f of religion, the Dravidian Tamil King Karikālan Mya§fis kj« rh®ªJ vG¥ãaJ built this magnificent dam for the sake of social nghš mšyhkš, âuhÉl¤ jÄœ mur‹ benefit and upliftment. fÇfhy‹ r_f nk«gh£L¡bf‹nw ïªj¥ nguizia¡ f£Lɤjh‹. This dam is a civil engineering architectural fšyiz, FoKiw¥ bgh¿Æaš marvel, and is still operational after 2000+ years f£Lkhd¡ fiyÆ‹ bjh‹k Éa¥ng of continuous use. The British maintained and vÅD«, ï‹W« bjhl®ªJ ga‹gh£oš expanded this dam in the 1830s. Engineer Sir cŸsJ. 1830fËš M§»nya® ïjid¥ Arthur Cotton studied the dam thoroughly and guhkǤJ ÉÇth¡»d®. bgh¿ahs® r®. M®j® exclaimed, “This is a Grand Anaicut”. Thus the fh£l‹ mizia MŒªJ, “ïJbgU« Tamil word ‘Anaicut’ (Anaikattu meaning Dam) nguiz (This is a Grand Anaicut)” v‹W entered the English Dictionary, much alike the òfHhu« N£odh®. miz¡f£L (Anaicut) word ‘Catamaran’ (Kattumaram). Sir Cotton v‹D« jÄœ¢brhš, f£Lku« (Catamaran) benchmarked this ancient technique of dam v‹D« brhš nghynt, M§»y mfuhâÆš foundation over sand-bed and recommended V¿‰W. ïªj mizÆ‹ bjh‹ikahd a similar Anaicut construction on the Godavari kz‰gLif mo¤js¡ f£Lkhd E£g¤ij river, which is now called as ‘Sir Arthur Cotton r®. fh£l‹, nfhjhtÇ miz¡f£L¡F« Godavari Barrage’. (r®.M®j® fh£l‹ nfhjhtÇ jL¥giz) River Cauvery splits into two channels and ã‹ò ga‹gL¤â¡ bfh©lh®. forms the island of Thiru Arangam. It again fhÉÇahW, ïu©lhf¥ ãǪJ, âUtu§f« joins & splits at Kallanai. The northern channel Ôit cUth¡», Û©L« fšyiz is Kollidam (Coleroon) and the southern channel mUnf To¥ ãÇ»wJ; tl âU¡fhÉÇ retains the name Cauvery, and together they bfhŸËl« v‹W«, bj‹ âU¡fhÉÇ, fhÉÇ flow downstream via various canals & branches, v‹D« bgaÇnyna toÃy« KGtJ« transforming the delta into a Granary of Rice fhšthŒfshfî« thŒ¡fhšfshfî« ÉǪJ, and Grandeur of Agriculture. Truly, Kallanai is an jŠiria be‰fsŠáa« M¡F« fšyiz, apt monument for inclusion in World Heritage cyf kuò¡ fs¤âš nr®¡f¤j¡fJ! list. The awe-inspiring pictures of the dam and MW« mizí« bfhŠáL« glnk the river barrage adorn the cover page of this ï›Éjœ Kf¥ãš vÊš T£L»wJ. Dravida Pozhil issue. Preface from the Editors orldwide Dravidian Tamil Populace worldwide. In this initiative, Dravida Pozhil and Distinguished Academic Scholars, seeks to enable a deep academic research, WGreetings & Vanakkam! maintaining global academic standards, and deliver the fruits of the research to our On the birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. common people and scholars alike. Ambedkar (Apr 14th 2021), this 2nd issue of Journal of Dravidian Studies (JODS) Towards this task, we already stated that, – Dravida Pozhil is being released with we will collaborate with global scholars and seeds of social justice ingrown in the research also provide opportunities for other scholars, papers. The 1st issue last January, was widely budding women scholars and blossoming received both nationally & internationally, with scholars from the underprivileged communities. many academicians providing scholarly review Keeping with our dreams & promises, this and wishes. We are happy with such a global issue carries fine research papers from two reception. Women Scholars. Let Feminism grow in leaps and bounds in the field of research as well. Continuous Improvement is the essence of Human Journey as studied in the field The 2ndissue contains 6 research papers of Anthropology. Surpassing previous from Tamil Nadu and the United States: accomplishments in the long journey of education, this 2nd issue blossoms with l Hegemony of Religious Texts and Tamil intricate research articles in the Dravidian based Worship vs. Sanskrit Ritualism. space. l Dravidian Movement & Thirukkural While showcasing the research capabilities Renaissance of the Dravidian Intelligentsia, we also need to integrate the Dravidian Thought & Philosophy l Tamil Themes – aka poruḷ & puṟa poruḷ – with the auspicium of renowned Scholars Native or Foreign? 3 l The Approach Methodology of Periyar Rationality, Culture, Civilization, Art, History, Language and Humanities are the l The first Women Stalwarts in Tamil many facets of the humankind, and Academic Journalism Research in those domains integrating with Dravidian Philosophy is our Mission. Towards l The Question of Caste vs. Equality achieving an egalitarian society, we are ploughing, seeding and cultivating the land The above Papers have been duly of Dravidian Research. Without any fear or reviewed by domain experts. We wish you favor, without any bias or premeditation, only a deep reading and a pleasant sharing with a fine sense of academic and professional experience. If you have any questions, ingenuity, we have embarked on this journey. please do not hesitate to reach out to us or the Authors themselves. Let us walk together on the road of research. Please join with us in this Dravidian Also, there was a symposium on papers Academic Journey. featured in the last issue of Dravida Pozhil, during Feb 2021 at USA. Scholars from Tamil - The Board of Editors. Nadu also joined that event online. A feature • Prof. Dr. Kannabiran Ravishankar of those proceedings is also listed in this issue. • Prof. Dr. P. Jagadeesan Such discussion should happen for every article • Prof. Dr. P. Kalimuthu and every issue of the Journal. Reading alone • Prof. Dr. Sp. Thinnappan never quenches the thirst of a researcher. A collective debate and discussion enhances our • Prof. Dr. Nam. Srinivasan knowledge. Knowledge enhancement is the • Dr. Soma Ilangovan way to Social Enhancement. • Dr. V. Neru 4 MáÇa® FGÉ‹ MŒÉjœ Kfîiu ybfyh« guÉ thG« âuhÉl¤ mªj¥ gÂÆš, cybf§F« cŸs cjÄHh®ty®fS¡F tz¡f«! Jiwrh® tšYe®fnshL, âuhÉl« rh®ªj tšYe®fisí«, bg© m©zš m«ng¤fÇ‹ ãwªjehËny (V¥uš MŒths®fisí«, xL¡f¥g£l r_ 14), e«Kila 'âuhÉl¥ bghÊš'MŒÉjÊ‹ f§fËš K»œ¤bjGªJŸs ïsÃiy ïªj ïu©lh« ïjœ, r_fÚâ ɤJ¡fis¤ MŒths®fisí«, 'âuhÉl¥ bghÊš' jh§»¥ gh§Fw btËtU»‹wJ. br‹w MŒÉjœ C¡FÉ¡F« v‹W K‹ng Kjyh« ïjœ, gh® KGJ« guÉ, cyf brhšÈÆUªnjh«. brh‹d t©z« m¿P® bgUk¡fË‹ âwdhŒî¥ brŒí« e‹da¤â‹ go, ï›ÉjÊš ã‹}£l§fisí« thœ¤Jfisí« ïu©L bg© MŒths®fŸ, j« xUnru¥ bg‰wâš, e« ahtU¡F« k»œ¢á. MŒî¥ gil¥ãid tH§F»‹wh®fŸ. bjhl®¢áahd K‹nd‰w« (Continuous MŒîy»Y« bg©ikÆ‹ bt‰¿ Improvement) v‹»w khªjÉaš nfh£gh£o‹ bghÈf! t©z«, K‹ÅY« áwªJ bfh©nl bršY« ï¡ fšÉ¥ gaz¤âš, mL¤j ïjG« ïªj ïu©lh« ïjÊš, 6 MŒî¡ E£gkhd gy MŒî¡ f£Liufis¤ jh§» f£LiufŸ, jÄœ eh£oÈUªJ« tU»wJ. mbkÇ¡fhÉÈUªJ« ïl« bg‰WŸsd. âuhÉl MŒî¥ òyikÆid, 4 kj üšfË‹ nkyhâ¡fK«, MŒîyF¡F¥ giw rh‰W« tifÆš, cyf jÄÊš mU¢rid vD«rl§»aš msÉyhd fšÉ¥òy¤ ju¤âny (Global ts®th¡fK« Academic Standards), gy fšÉahs®fis¤ 4 âuhÉl ïa¡fK« âU¡FwŸ vG¢áí« âuhÉl¢ áªjid rh®ªJ xU§F âu£o, ïªj 4 jÄœ mf¥bghUS« òw¥bghUS« - MŒÉjÊ‹ thÆyhf¤ âuhÉl¤ jÄœ¢ r_ ãw¥gf« jÄHfkh?mayfkh? fkhd bghJk¡fS¡F«, m¿P®fS¡F« 4 jªij bgÇahÇ‹ mQFKiw ga‹ÄF bghU©ikia tH§fny e« 4 Kjš bg© ïjÊaš MSikfŸ F¿¡nfhŸ. 4 #hâí« rkj®kK« 5 Jiw m¿P®fshš ÓuhŒî brŒa¥g£L bkhÊ, kÅj« ngh‹w e‹da§fËš, âuhÉl« btËtU« ï¡f£Liufis thá¤J k»œf.
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