TRIAL COURTS Fund 0060 General, Department 201 Lawrence G. Lees, County Executive Officer PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The "Lockyer-Isenberg Trial Court Funding Act of 1997" (AB233), Chapter 850, became effective on January 1, 1998. The legislation finds and declares that the judiciary of California is a separate and independent branch of government, recognized by the Constitution and statutes of the State. The Legislature has previously established the principle that the funding of trial court operations California Rules of Court (CRC 810) is most logically a function of the state. Such funding is necessary to provide uniform standards and procedures, economies of scale, and structural efficiency and simplification. This decision also reflects the fact that the overwhelming business of the trial courts is to interpret and enforce provisions of state law and to resolve disputes among the people of the State of California. The County transferred responsibility for five court facilities to the Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), on December 17, 2008. The County is the managing party in three facilities: Burney Joint Use Building, Justice Center, and Juvenile Hall. The AOC is the managing party in the Main Courthouse and Courthouse Annex. A Joint Occupancy Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding between the County and the AOC memorialize the party's roles and responsibilities. The County is obligated to pay the AOC an annual County Facility Payment (currently $457,370), to offset the Court's historical expense for operations and maintenance of the court facilities. The expenses remaining in this budget unit are considered County costs under the rules of "trial court funding." This includes court facilities, maintenance of effort (MOE) responsibilities, debt payment on courthouse renovation and justice center construction, and the costs associated with the collection division. They also include the County Facility Payment (CFP) and revenues received from the AOC for the Court's share of operations and maintenance in the facilities managed by the County. Starting in FY 2010-11, this budget also includes costs to relocate staff from the Public Safety Building. Other Revenue consists of fines, fees, and forfeitures collected pursuant to various legislative codes and retained by the County. BUDGET REQUESTS The costs remaining in the County's Court budget are for non-CRC 810 costs. This includes court facilities, the maintenance of effort (MOE) allocation, debt payments on the Justice Center facility and the Courthouse renovation project, inmate transportation, and all costs associated with the collection division. In December 2008 the County transferred responsibility for 5 court facilities to the Administrative Office of the Courts. The County Facility Payment (CFP) is $457,370. Total requested appropriations for FY 2014- 15 are $3.5 million. Revenues remain flat, a symptom of the economic downturn which affects the public's ability to pay court fines and fees. Requested revenues are $2.8 million. The State selected property for its new Redding Courthouse on Court Street across from the existing Main Courthouse. The County negotiated the sale of the Public Safety Building and adjacent parking lots to the AOC. Included for a third year is an appropriation ($1 million) for costs associated with relocating the Sheriff and Probation departments before December 31,2015. The Net County Cost for this budget unit is essentially status quo at $638,406. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The CEO recommended budget is as requested by the department head, with adjustments to facilities Shasta County Recommended Budget, FY 2014-15 ....................................................................................................... 1OJ operation and maintenance line items due to the AOC's estimate for the Main Courthouse and Courthouse Annex. PENDING ISSUES AND POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The AOC's timeline to commence construction of the New Redding Courthouse has been delayed until at least 2015-16. The County's holding over in the Public Safety Building was extended to December 31, 2015. Future budgets will be impacted by the need to provide alternative office space for both Probation and Sheriff staff and operations during the construction of the new courthouse and the remodel of the existing courthouse. DEPARTMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE OR APPEAL This budget was prepared by the County Administrative Office. 104 ....................................................................................................... Shasta County Recommended Budget, FY 2014-15 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUDGET UNIT FINANCING DETAIL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 ACTUAL ADJUSTED ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE STATE CONTROLLER E:XP/REV BUDGET EXP/REV REQUESTS RECOMMENDED REC 11-15 COUNTY BUDGET ~CT {1985) 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 RQST 14-15 UNIT TITLE: 201 TRIAL COURTS FUNCTION: PUBLIC PROTECTION ACTIVITY: JUDICIAL FUND:0060 GENERAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS 201 018501 WORKERS COMP EXPERIENCE 10,452 11,108 11,108 -9,050 -9,050 0 TOTAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS $10,452 $11,108 $11,108 $-9,050 $-9,050 $0 SERVICES AND SUPPLIES 201 032590 CHGS PAC MGMT COMM 152 210 1 0 201 032992 CHGS FAC MGMT HSHLD XP 0 0 114 120 120' 0 201 033103 INSUR XP MISCELLANEOUS 9, 120 10, 699 10, 699 10,662 10,662 0 201 033700 MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES 38,584 65,000 44,900 65, 000 112,000 47,000 201 033791 CHGS PAC MGMT MAINT STR 108,244 102,187 83,'124 105,000 137,000 32,000 201 034309 MISC XP PRIOR PERIOD REV ADJ 15,047 25,000 11,929 25,000 25,000 0 201 034]10 MISC XP PRIOR PERIOD EXP ADJ 0 0 10 0 0 0 201 034800 PROF & SPECIAL SERVICES 89,671 89,909 89,909 90,000 90,000 0 201 034811 PROF COLLECTIONS SVS 177,979 160,000 182,257 183,000 183,000 0 201 035700 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE 0 1, 000,000 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 201 035940 TRANS/TRVL FUEL 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 201 035990 CHGS FLEET TRANS/TRVL 7,509 10,500 5,'1'12 5, 256 5,256 0 201 036100 UTILITIES 181.640 196,677 184,761 162,890 103,690 -59,200 TOTAL SERVICES AND SUPPLIES $627,946 $1,660,182 $614.082 $1,648,932 $1,668,732 $19,800 OTHER CHARGES 201 050001 CENTRAL SERVICE COST A-87 8,573 12,35'1 12,357 9,832 9,832 0 201 050003 BUILDING & EQUIPMENT USE A-87 2,315 2,315 2, 315 2, 315 2. 315 0 201 051391 CONTR TO STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1,290,951 1,322,253 1,209,821 1,210,3'10 1,210,3'10 0 TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $1,301,839 $1,336,925 $1,224,493 $1,222,517 $1,222,517 $0 OTHER FINANCING USES 201 095803 TRAN OUT COURTHOUSE BOND 531,308 530,6H 530,6<11 534,644 534,644 0 201 095804 TRAN OU~ JUSTICE CTR BOND 87,026 87,208 87.208 88,481 88,481 0 201 095925 TRAN OUT INFORMATION TECH 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES $618,334 $642,819 $617. 849 $623,125 $623,125 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES*****"******* $2,558,570 $3,651,064 $2,467,532 $3,485,524 $3,505,324 $19,800 Shasta County Recommended Budget, FY2014-15 ....................................................................................................... 105 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUDGET UNIT FINANCING DETAIL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 ACTUAL ADJUSTED ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE STATE CONTROLLER EXP/REV BUDGET EXP/REV REQUESTS RECOMMENDED REC 14-15 COUNTY BUDGET ACT (1985) 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 RQST 14-15 FINES, FORFEITURES & PENALTIES 201 317500 VEHICLE CODE FINES 160,046 160.000 157' 102 157,000 157,000 0 201 317504 VCF BASE FINES COUNTY 474,302 480,000 467,088 4.67,000 467,000 0 201 318500 COURT FINES 55,521 35,000 31,056 31,000 31,000 0 201 318504 CF BASE FINES COUNTY 36,987 35,000 33,480 34,000 34,000 0 201 318525 COURT FINE SARB TRUANCY 216 350 1 0 0 0 201 318590 RESTITUTION FINES REBATE 17,400 15,000 13,014 13,000 13,000 0 201 319101 PENALTY ASSESSMENT 334,933 335,000 334,797 335,000 335,000 0 201 319102 VCF ADDITIONAL PARKING PENALTY 5,122 5,000 2,762 2,800 2. 800 0 201 319110 CRTHSE/CRIH JUST CONSTRUCTION 618,334 617,619 617,619 623,125 623,125 0 TOTAL FINES, FORFEITURES & PENALTIES $1,703,160 $1.682,969 $1,656,919 $1,662,925 $1, 662. 925 $0 REVENUE FROM MONEY & PROPERTY 201 420050 INTEREST ON COLLECTIONS "' 0 0 200 200 0 TOTAL REVENUE FROM MONEY & PROPERTY $377 $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 201 675100 CLERK FILING FEES 0 0 0 0 0 201 675101 RESTITUTION ADMIN FEE 14' 650" 15,000 13,474 14' 000 H.ooo 0 201 675240 GUARDIANSHIP FEES 2U 0 0 0 0 0 201 675260 FCS FILING FEES 5,575 6. 000 6,241 6,300 6,300 0 201 675500 COURT FEES 564 500 393 <00 400 0 201 675760 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ADMIN FEE 168,474 180,000 173,526 174,000 174. 000 0 201 675761 TRAFFIC VIOLATOR ($24) 111,713 120,000 113,371 114' 000 114' 000 0 201 675762 TRAFFIC VIOLATOR (HAL) 459,097 495,000 465,746 466,000 466,000 0 201 675771 PROOF OF CORRECTION ($10) 508 500 365 <00 400 0 201 675900 DUI SCHOOL ADMIN FEES 12,790 13' 000 10,858 11, 000 11,000 0 201 679915 RECORDING & INDEXING FEE 154,280 155,000 118, 5'J6 119,000 119,000 0 201 693001 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 115,141 130,800 73,042 75, 000 75,000 0 201 693006 CHGS FOR SVS COURT COLLECTIONS 177' 979 160,000 182,257 183,000 183,000 0 201 693010 RETURNED CHECK SERVICE CHARGE 2,164 3,500 2,592 2,600 2,600 0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES $1,223,221 $1,279,300 $1,160,4111 $1,165,700 $1,165,700 $0 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 201 799390 PRIOR PERIOD EXP ADJUSTMENT 0 0 0 18,293 18,293 0 201 799391 PRIOR PERIOD REV ADJUSTMENT 0 0 7,244 0 0 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES $0 $0 $7,244 $18,293 $18,293 $0 $2,926,758 $2,962,269 $2,824,604 $2,847,118 $2,847,118 $0 TRIAL COURTS EXP OVER (UNDER) REV $-368,187 $688,795 $-357,012 $638,406 $658.206 $19,800 106 ......................................................................................................
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