John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-11-1993 The aC rroll News - Vol. 85, No. 9 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News - Vol. 85, No. 9" (1993). The Carroll News. 1069. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1069 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WHAT'S INSIDE Triathletes triumph in Pittsburgh Mourer and Colaizzi bring home trophies PROFILES ........................ ? Single mothers on campus Ths ·ro ble of balancing two worlds. FEATURES ...................... 10 The ice men and women cometh African Americans in the Winter sports preview West: Burton shares book folm Carroll University, University Heiglrts, Ol1io 44118 NEW$. ............................... 5 SPORTS ........................... l2 Sickness strikes Carroll Nearly 100 students seek medical help; illness continues D~rek Diaz Since then nearly 25 students Junior Jen Conahan said that nausea, taking blood, and hook­ past several days, Horgan said. News Editor complaining of similar symptoms she fell nauseous on the early ing students up to IVs," said Also a sample of healthy students Local ambulances streamed have reported to the campus dis­ afternoon of Friday and after be­ Conahan. were interviewed to provide a onto campus late last Thursday pensary this week. coming extremely ill with vomit­ Junior Phil Baumann said he control group for the investiga­ night, taking dozens of John In spite of an inspection con­ ing by evening, she went to the started feeling sick during the early tions. Carroll students, ill with severe ducted by the Cuyahoga County MedCenter on Warrensville evening and became progressively "All of the test data is not in stomach cramps, nausea and Board of Health early Friday Road, and later was taken to worse. yet," Horgan said. "We're going vomiting to Meridia Hillcrest and morning, the cause of the illness Hillcrest. "My friends saw them [RAs] to run the data through EPI-INFO University Hospitals for treatment. remains unidentified. "They were giving shots for taking people out [to the dispen­ [Epidemiological information], a sary Jand they told me to go see an data-base that will detect a caus­ RA," said Baumann. "It was sud­ ative agent and define the param­ Women spikers capture den." eters of the disease or illness.'' Gene Nixon of the Cuyahoga If test results from the food County Board of Health said that samples do not reveal a causitive national tournament bid according to most indications, the agent, according to Horgan, then Colleen Creamer the Ohio Athletic Conference women's team has qualified for iJiness appears food-related. water may be ruled back in as a Sports Editor tournament championship, but the NCAA tournament. "Although people continued to possible contaminate. Victory was sweeterthan usual also receive a bid to the NCAA Head coach Gretchen get sick on Sunday, we still think "If the water was contaminated, last Saturday, as John Carroll's Division ill National Tournament. Weitbrecht was pleased with the that it is food poisoning and all of it was contaminated through the women's volleyball team defeated It is the first time in the history outcome. "I'm happy for the kids. the cases are related to the same kitchen because the general water Ohio Northern to not only capture of John Carroll athletics that a It's the first time any of them have incident," Nixon said. "Right now supply wasn't affected," said been able to experience anything we are still trving to narrow it Horgan. Student tnail stolen like this." down to a suspect food." Horgan said he knew that the Having the home court advan­ According to Tim Horgan, Di­ water could not have been con­ fro:m. ca:m. us boxes tage in the toumament seemed to rector of Environmental Health, taminated through the donns be­ ~=""-~~--'~ . ~ Uloig........ Q d'S'ad8)!bii ctUie 48e. exposure woukl have Benjamin Smletana been taken. nated Mount Union in the semi­ office permitted university offi­ been different, and tbe cases Staff Reporter Although no one has officiaJiy final match on Friday, and de­ cials to reopen the dining hall and wouldn't have escalated and then This year the John Carroll Uni­ been caught in the act of the crime, feated Ohto Northern in three rule out the water supply as a dropped off so quickly. versity mail service has been Reilley said that several students straight games in Saturday's final. possible contaminate. Dan Yaeger, Director of troubled by repeated occurrences have been written up by security There were approximately 700 "We instructed [Marriot direc­ Marriot Food Services, explained of theft from mailboxes in the officers foropening other students' people present for the champion­ tors] to throw away all food that that Marriot cooperated with Recplex. The problem, according boxes. ship game. had been opened, and then we Board ofHealth by providing them to Mailroom Director Tom "Stealing mail is a federal "It was great to have the fans. gave the university the green light with food samples taken from cur­ Reilley, is that many students pre­ crime, punishable by law ,"Reilley The crowd support helped and is to open the cafeteria," Horgan said. rent meals. set their Jocks, allowing unautho­ warned. appreciated," Weitbrecht said. "We inspected the water supply "We make it a practice to retain rized access to their mail. Reilley also advised students Weitbrecht explained the and drainage on campus." samples of all ofour foods for four Reilley noted that the mail room against preseuing their locks. team's philosophy for all of their Board of Health Officials then days," Yaeger said. "We keep began receiving complaints at the "I'd say that six out of every games this year. interviewed all students who had samples of all our entrees, soups, beginning of October of missing ten mail boxes are preset, making "We have had very simple developed the illness in order to vegetables, main courses and salad letters and opened mail. Opened it easier for potential thieves to game plans," Weitbrechtsaid. We've record their food history for the See ll..LNESS, pageS mail received by the mailroom is search quickly through them," done nothing fancy, we just try to retained and the student is notified Reilley commented. "Ifon ly a few work harder than anyone else." Clinton's Assistant promotes to pick up the item. boxes were preset, then it would Their hard work has resulted in So far money has been the not be worth the effort for thieves a 31-3 record, three tournament primary target of theft, Reilley to search for open boxes. Students championships, Ohio Athletic National Service Trust Act said, but UPS items small enough are naive if they believe that their Conference Championship, # 1 Danielle Snider 21 of this year. to fit into the boxes have also mail will not be stolen." ranking in the NCAA Division III Stott Reporter Segal was introduced by Rep. Midwest Region, a berth in the "Although the National Com­ Louis Stokes, D-11 of Shaker National Tournament, and nu­ munity Service Trust Act is over Heights, who currently chairs the merous individual honors. 22,000 words long, the purpose House appropriations subcom­ The first match of the tourna­ can be stated in three words... mittee, which funds the legisla­ ment was held yesterday as John getting things done." Those three tion. Carroll hosted Guilford, a team words, offered by Eli J. Segal, Segal began his speech by ex­ from North Carolina which took Assistant to the President and Di­ tolling the praises of those whom part in the Marietta tournament rector of National Service, served he feels are true "workhorses" for earlier this year in which the as the topic of John Carroll the advantage of community ser­ Streaks were crowned champions. University's Second Annual Fo­ vice, including Stokes and Rev. By claiming a victory over rum on Community Service held Michael J. Lavelle, S.J. president Gui Iford, the team would have the Sunday in Kulas Auditorium. of John Carroll University. opportunity to again host the semi­ The forum, presented by JCU's Introducing his legislation by finals of the tournament this Center for Community Service, describing the nature of commu­ weekend. But win or lose, the Student Union, and Alumni As­ nity service itself, Segal Lady Blue Streaks have many sociation, under the direction of acknowleged the success of both reasons to be proud. Dr. Mark Falbo, was attended by JCU's Carroll Cares flood relief Weitbrccht said, "No matter all of those interested in the Na­ and Project Gold. He suggested what happens, thJs tournament tional and Commumty Service that community service is learn­ AnJCII M.utlll (the NCAA) is the reward for a Trust Act signed into Jaw by ing about oneself and making a The 1993 women's volleyball team savors i1s championship win great season." President Clinton on September See SEGAL, page 6 2 The Carroll News, November 11,1993 Carroll [ilditorial NEWS EdiiDr~ Meghan Gourley ...-..glng EdiiDr Jonathon HoOey ~lillwlglr Jenrufer Mitsos Advteor Marianne Salcetti, Ph.D. Pff't1Wlli1010gi~lpt-fl AcM.or Alan Stephenson, Ph.D. Acclou1ta u.n.ger MJd\ael Col.'ey Spor1s Colleen~ Ad o.lgnw Joame Mosser Todd Conrad AdAip_..,_ l<ellyBanlcs JudeKilly Tony HiD Proft._ Nathalie l..aroutun! Jmy Rudowslci f'tlc*)gllptry Dan Bitch DonPalnuen Michael James .... DerekDiaz Glen Morse joeGuay Grlphlca Mark Rakocy ~ Nora Madcin Copy Michelle Macaluso Forum Elizabeth McDonald ScottEmpric Mary Anne Soltis Jaclti Uautaud Wortd VIew jeff Wallcer Jason Row Kevin Badunan Oleri Widowsla El ....tMIIMit Miesha Wilson Sf*W f>roieCt8 Michael James Felilurw Melissa Tilk cnn.~ John R Thome The Cmoll News is produced on Apple Maant06h~ computers using Aldus Pa~"', Aldus Fn!ehand"', FriKW DHign IJNge Studio"', Hewlett Packard Drtboln"', Microsofte Word and Qu.\rlcXp~.
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