Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture and Heritage 2 Giuseppe D’ANGELO – Jorge MARTINS RIBEIRO Editors BORDERS AND CONFLICTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN ISBN online: 978-88-99662-01-1 Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture and Heritage 2 Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture and Heritage Book Series edited by Giuseppe D’Angelo and Emiliana Mangone The Book Series, published in electronic open access, shall be a permanent platform of discussion and comparison, experimentation and dissemination, promoting the achievement of methodological action-research goals, in order to enforce the development of the territories and of the local and European identities, starting from the cultural heritage and from the Mediterranean Area. All the research work revolves around three key topics: Mediterranean: The knowledge and cultural values of southern Europe and the Mediterranean Area may represent the strategic elements to overcome the current crisis in Europe, to the point of be- coming a stimulus for the review of policies. Knowledge: Language, history, tradition and art have always conveyed dialogic relations and inter- personal relationships within societies, founding on otherness the peculiarities understood as knowledge development, processes, sedimentation and transformation. What becomes peculiar is the "knowledge" as the achievement of an advantage derived from the possession of unique and inimitable knowledge. Culture and Heritage: Culture, understood as its cultural heritage, is proposed as one of the privi- leged areas of the "new economy". In fact, the encounter between culture and territory represents one of the most valuable opportunities for development. Each manuscript submitted in English will be subject to double-blind peer reviewing. Scientific Board Ines Amorin (UP – Portugal), Paolo Buchignani (UNISTRADA – Italy), Rosaria Caldarone (UNIPA – Ita- ly), Bernard Callebat (ICT – France), Calogero Caltagirone (LUMSA – Italy), Rossella Caruso (ISIA – Ita- ly), John Chircop (UM – Malta), Folco Cimagalli (LUMSA – Italy), Louisa Driss Aït-Hammadouche (Uni- versity of Alger3 – Algeria), Mar Gallego (UHU – Spain), Carlo Gelosi (UNISTRADA – Italy), Lea Mat- tarella (ABA of Naples – Italy), Blanca Miedes (UHU – Spain), Flavia Monceri (UNIMOL – Italy), Luís Nobre Pereira (UAlg – Portugal), Paul Sant Cassia (UM – Malta), Francesco Vespasiano (UNISANNIO – Italy), Grégory Woimbée (ICT – France). Editorial Board Mariarosaria Colucciello, Erminio Fonzo, Elvira Martini, Giuseppe Masullo, Emanuela Pece Editorial Manager Erminio Fonzo Preface by the Series Editors The second volume of the book series published by the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge originates by the reflections that –from the constitution of the ICSR – have developed among disciplines and among members of the different research units. The book involves historians from different countries: Italy, Portugal, Malta, Turkey. The chapters address topics related to the Mediterraean Basin, using the words “borders” and “conflicts” both in the traditional sense given to them by a part of the historiography and recognizing a positive meaning to the concept of border, of edge, of limen: place where identity and otherness can meet, contaminate, hybrid- ize; where the other, the different, is not the enemy and is not prejudicially judged. The chapters analyze the Mediterranean from the Middle Age to the Contempo- rary Era, deepening some topics that, for centuries, have been concerning the area: relations East/West; processes of dominion developed on its shores; conflicts, un- derstood both in military and cultural sense. The three sections of the book reconstruct three different subjects related to the Mediterranean (idea and praxis of the borders; historical and cultural aspects of the combination borders/conflicts; wars fought in the basin of the “Internal Sea”), which find an unity around a basic idea: the ability of the Mediterranean peoples to rebuild an autonomous thought (Barbieri, 2016), starting from the peculiarities that fifty centuries of history have entrenched in the area. The Mediterranean acquires a fundamental importance in promoting pluralism, diversity, and freedom. Becoming a place of dialogue and encounter, this sea «could turn into the peace table between the West and the Islamic world and play an important role for the initiation of a peace process on a global scale» (Horchani & Zolo, 2005, p. 7). It is necessary to rethink the “Mediterranean mind” with the political and cultural actors bordering on the Mediterranean, starting with the Arab peoples and the representations that they have of the Mediterranean (Lewis, 1993; Norman, 1960). A new conception of the Mediterranean can be built with the help of an approach that goes beyond the classical oppositions Europe/ Mediterranean, North/South, East/West, etc. Preface by the Series Editors It is a global interpretation of the Mediterranean as a natural “liquid border”, that splits coasts, men, way of thinking, religions, but that for centuries has been constituting the common ground where the same men have shared experiences, trade, culture. It is desirable for the Mediterranean to become a “thoughtful knowledge”, promoting relationship among peoples and within their living envi- ronment, facilitating an encounter between the North and South and West and East, with the awareness that only dialogue can make society open to the re-composition of cultural differences and the specific features of every culture. Therefore the editors aims at offering a different interpretation and, at the same time, a different perspective, bringing the point of observation in the middle of the sea and, from there, looking at the coast, in order to reconstruct the past with dif- ferent prospective angles and different horizons. This is, in the substance, the aim of book series “Mediterranean, Knowledge, Culture and Heritage” contributing to make the Mediterranean, as common and shared asset belonging to all the people living in the area, the centre of new and different social, cultural and economic dynamics. Fisciano, Italy Emiliana Mangone November 2016 References Barbieri, A.S.A. (2016). The Mediterranean Legacy for the Future of Europe. in M. Benguerna & E. Mangone (Eds). Beyond the Borders: The Mediterranean between Cultures, Migrantions and Life-world. Fisciano: ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge. Horchani, F. & Zolo, D. (Eds) (2005). Mediterraneo: Un dialogo fra le due sponde. Rome: Jouvence. Lewis, B. (1993). The Arabs in History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Norman, D. (1960). The Arabs and Medieval Europe. London: Longmans, Green & Co. VI Giuseppe D’ANGELO – Jorge MARTINS RIBEIRO Editors BORDERS AND CONFLICTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN The volume is available on the website: http://www.mediterraneanknowledge.org/publications/index.php/bookseries ISBN online: 978-88-99662-01-1 How to cite this volume: D’Angelo G. & Martins Ribeiro J. (Eds.). (2016). Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin. Fisciano, Italy : ICSR Medi- terranean Knowledge. On the cover: The “Carta Genovese” (1457). National Library, Florence, Italy. © ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge 2016 Via Giovanni Paolo II n. 132, 84084 Fisciano, Italy - Peer reviewed content Contents Introduction. The “Mare nostrum” Belongs to Everybody pag. 1 Giuseppe D’Angelo and Jorge Martins Ribeiro The Mediterranean: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow » 11 Mohieddine Hadhri Part I - Mediterranean Borders between Pope Gregory the Great and Fernand Braudel Restoring Lost Unity. Pope Gregory the Great, Empire and Regna in High Medieval Mediterranean Espace. » 27 Claudio Azzara Islands: not the Last Frontier: Insular Model in Early Medieval Byzan- tine Mediterranean, c. 650- c. 850. » 37 Luca Zavagno From Permeable Frontiers to Strict Border Divisions: The Geostrategic Construction of the Mediterranean on the Ruins of the Ancient Narrow Seas » 51 John Chircop Contents Part II – Borders and Conflicts between Culture and History A fertile border: the Mediterranean in Sicily. Ethnic components and social stratification in the Sicilian urban realities of the late Middle Ages » 69 Elisa Vermiglio From the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. The “Royal City” of Cava: Pow- er and Privileges in the Formation of the Borders. A Research Approach » 83 Massimo Siani The Suez Crisis seen from a Minor Imperialism. Portuguese Diplomacy in Egypt (1956-1957) » 91 Maciel Santos The Colonization of the Past. Use and Abuse of History in the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict » 121 Erminio Fonzo Part III – Conflicts on the Sea Fragile Borders beyond the Strait. Saracen Raids on the Italian Peninsu- la (8th-11th century A.D.) » 143 Giuseppe Perta Conflict and Peace in the Mediterranean. The Barbary Privateering in late 18th and early 19th centuries » 159 Jorge Martins Ribeiro Colonial Enclosures. Notes on War and Peace, Land and Modernity in the Italian Colonization of Libya » 177 Caterina Miele Old Conflicts and New Borders: Chronicles from the Zones of the Anglo- American Landing of 9 September 1943 » 193 Giuseppe D’Angelo X Editors and Contributors About the Editors Giuseppe D’Angelo, PhD in Economic History (Faculty of Economics, University of Naples), is Assistant Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Human, Philosophic and Education Sciences (DISUFF), University of Salerno (Ita- ly). The activity of research is primarily focused on three principal seams. First, the history of the modifications of Salerno’s area, in economic, urban and demographic sense, trying to overcome the narrow fences of the local history
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