List of all successful ID No Borough Project Name No of schemes TfL Funding request Intervention type Initial funding CYCLING RESTART Kingston Kingston Station River Link 1£ 300,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 300,000 Angel Walk - Enfield Town to Waltham CYCLING RESTART Enfield Forest 1£ 150,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 150,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Forest Road (A503) - Reservoirs section 1£ 168,480 Strategic cycle routes £ 33,696 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Olympic Park Links 1£ 150,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 25,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Forest Road (A503) 1£ 624,635 Strategic cycle routes £ 124,927 CYCLING RESTART Hackney Balls Pond Road - CS1 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Kingston Kingston to Kingston Vale 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Kingston Ewell Road 1£ 800,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 800,000 CYCLING RESTART Enfield Enfield Town to Ponders End 1£ 600,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 600,000 CYCLING RESTART Enfield Ponders End to Freezey Water 1£ 800,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 800,000 CYCLING RESTART Lambeth Cycleway 5 (Baylis Road) 1£ 580,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 580,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Cycleway 27 realignment 1£ 600,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 600,000 CYCLING RESTART Hackney C14 Queensbridge Road 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Southwark C7 Southwark Bridge Road 1£ 127,500 Strategic cycle routes £ 7,500 CYCLING RESTART Haringey C1 Extension to Enfield 1£ 219,876 Strategic cycle routes £ 46,000 CYCLING RESTART Haringey Cycleway 1 improvements 1£ 384,276 Strategic cycle routes £ 6,000 CYCLING RESTART Southwark Rye Lane Cycle Links 1£ 17,250 Strategic cycle routes £ 2,250 CYCLING RESTART Islington C38 Highbury to Finsbury Park - restart 1£ 856,000 LowStrategic Traffic Cycle Routes £ 856,000 LSPA007 Waltham Forest Markhouse Area - Series 4 1£ 152,803 LowNeighbourhoods Traffic £ 35,561 LSPA008 Waltham Forest Hilltop Area 1£ 73,731 Neighbourhoods £ 73,731 Coppermill Area - Liveable Low Traffic LSPA009 Waltham Forest Neighbourhoods Scheme 1£ 145,921 Neighbourhoods £ 145,921 LSPA024 Enfield A1010S to North Middlesex Hospital 1£ 267,930 LowStrategic traffic cycle routes £ 38,879 LSPA026 Harrow LTN-01 Kingshill Avenue - area 1£ 40,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA027 Harrow LTN-02 Headstone South – area 1£ 100,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA028 Harrow LTN-03 Greenhill 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA029 Harrow LTN-04 Vaughan Road - area 1£ 40,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA030 Harrow LTN-05 Green Lane 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA031 Harrow LTN-06 Southfield Park 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA032 Harrow LTN-07 Byron Road - area 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA033 Harrow LTN-08 Dennis Lane 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA034 Harrow LTN-09 Princes Drive 1£ 20,000 neighbourhoods £ 5,500 LSPA043 Harrow PS-01 Station Road – o/s mosque 1£ 30,000 Space at town centres £ 30,000 LSPA044 Harrow PS-02 Harrow and Wealdstone Station 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA049 Harrow SS-01 Grimsdyke School 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA050 Harrow SS-02 Newton Farm 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA051 Harrow SS-03 Marlborough Primary School 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA052 City of London CITY STREETS: Tier 1 Streets Phase 1 14£ 116,500 Space at town centres £ 116,500 Making Travel Safer in Camden. Low Low traffic LSPA053 Camden Traffic Neighbourhoods PHASE 1 6£ 31,995 neighbourhoods £ 31,995 CFR6 Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood Low traffic LSPA054 Newham (Stratford to Forest Gate) 1£ 195,000 neighbourhoods £ 35,000 LSPA058 Newham Decluttering Shopping Centres 19£ 77,100 Space at town centres £ 77,100 Covid - 19 Social Distancing Scheme - LSPA059 Newham parking bay suspension 1£ 120,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 LSPA060 Newham RomfordDecluttering Rd/North Shopping Woolwich Centres Rd - phase 2 19£ 164,000 Space at town centres £ 22,000 LSPA061 Newham Temporary cycle lanes 1£ 250,000 LowStrategic traffic cycle routes £ 30,000 LSPA063 Southwark Dulwich Village 1£ 23,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 23,000 LSPA064 Southwark Dulwich Village Phase 2 1£ 110,000 neighbourhoods £ 40,000 Dog Kennel Hill / Champion Hill Low traffic LSPA065 Southwark Champion Hill No Entry trial 1£ 3,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 3,000 LSPA066 Southwark Melbourne Grove North 1£ 5,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,000 LSPA067 Southwark Melbourne Grove South 1£ 5,000 neighbourhoods £ 5,000 LSPA068 Southwark COMBER GROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA069 Southwark ALLEYNS SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA070 Southwark GOODRICH PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA071 Southwark RYE OAK PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA072 Southwark CAMELOT PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA078 Southwark Peckham Rye 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 50,000 LSPA079 Southwark Bermondsey Street 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 10,000 LSPA080 Southwark Consort Rd 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 7,500 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Low traffic LSPA082 Lambeth programme 20£ 968,000 neighbourhoods £ 209,000 LSPA083 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Rosendale Road 1£ 525,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 78,750 LSPA085 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Kennington Road 1£ 78,000 LowStrategic Traffic cycle routes £ 11,700 LSPA088 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Cycleway 5 1£ 88,000 Neighbourhoods £ 88,000 LSPA089 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Peckham to Streatham 1£ 125,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 18,750 More space and priority for active LSPA090 Lambeth modes: footways 15£ 150,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 More space and priority for active LSPA091 Lambeth modes: cycle parking 1£ 100,000 Space at town centres £ 10,000 More space and priority for active LSPA092 Lambeth modes: parklets 1£ 25,000 Space at town centres £ 2,500 Stratford Village Low Traffic Low traffic LSPA096 Newham Neighbourhood 1£ 37,000 neighbourhoods £ 37,000 Gt Suffolk St / Southwark Bridge Road Low Traffic LSPA098 Southwark area wide traffic 1£ 57,500 Neighbourhoods £ 57,500 LSPA101 Southwark Lower Road ext to CS4 1£ 500,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 15,000 LSPA102 Southwark Rotherhithe to Peckham cycle route 1£ 65,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 15,000 CITY STREETS: Tier 1 Streets Phase 2 LSPA103 City of London and Supporting measures 23£ 832,244 Space at town centres £ 832,244 LSPA104 Camden Space at Town Centres Phase 1 1£ 49,000 Space at town centres £ 49,000 LSPA105 Harrow PS07- Streatfield Road 1£ 70,000 Space at town centres £ 70,000 LSPA106 Harrow PS08- Honeypot Lane Service Road 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA107 Harrow PS09 - Northolt Service Road 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA108 Harrow PS10- Kenton Road service road 1£ 15,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 LSPA109 Harrow PS11- Kenton Lane Service Road 1£ 18,000 Space at town centres £ 18,000 LSPA110 Harrow PS12- High Road Harrow Weald 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA111 Harrow PS13 - Porlock Ave 1£ 35,000 Space at town centres £ 35,000 Prince of Wales Road (Eastbound) (Haverstock Hill to Castlehaven Road) LSPA115 Camden (527994,184585 to 528789,184696) 1£ 470,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 47,000 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and Low traffic LSPA116 Camden Healthy School Streets, PHASE 2 4£ 62,727 neighbourhoods £ 62,727 Temporary Footway Widening LSPA117 Camden Programme - Phase 2 4£ 113,000 Space at Town Centres £ 83,000 LSPA118 Kingston Kingston Cycle hub 1£ 450,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 450,000 LSPA119 Hackney Hackney School Streets 40£ 350,000 School Streets £ 350,000 Parking suspension/localised footway LSPA121 Hounslow widening 3£ 90,000 Space at Town Centres £ 90,000 LSPA122 Hounslow Footway widening 3£ 160,000 Space at Town Centres £ 160,000 Wellesley Road and Stile Hall Gdns - Kew Bridge Rd (North Circular) Access Low Traffic LSPA123 Hounslow Closure 1£ 10,000 Neighbourhoods £ 10,000 LSPA125 Hounslow Twickenham Road 1£ 100,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 10,000 School Streets - Full Scheme Including LSPA126 Hounslow access restrictions 8£ 187,500 School Streets £ 187,500 Road Closures/Restricted Access as part of Chiswick South Liveable Low Traffic LSPA127 Hounslow Neighbourhood 5£ 140,000 Neighbourhoods £ 140,000 LSPA128 Hounslow Temp School Road Closures 11£ 110,000 School Streets £ 110,000 Temp School Footway Widening LSPA129 Hounslow Schemes 8£ 55,000 School Streets £ 5,000 Road Closures/Restricted Access- Low Traffic LSPA130 Hounslow Through Traffic Management 7£ 210,000 Neighbourhoods £ 20,000 LSPA133 Enfield School Streets lite 12£ 240,000 School Streets £ 233,000 LSPA136 Bromley Albemarle Road cycle corridor. 1£ 59,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 18,000 Shortlands Friendly Village Liveable Neighbourhood - Valley Road Cycle LSPA138 Bromley Route 1£ 42,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 12,000 Shortlands Friendly Village Liveable LSPA139 Bromley Neighbourhood - Valley School 1£ 12,000 School Streets £ 12,000 LSPA140 Camden Brunswick Square 1£ 700,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 700,000 LSPA141 Merton Wimbledon Bridge footway widening 1£ 11,000 Space at Town Centres £ 11,000 LSPA144 Merton Ashcombe Rd bridge one-way footway 1£ 5,000 Space at Town Centres £ 5,000 LSPA145 Merton Dunsford Rd bridge one-way footway 1£ 5,000 Space at town centres £ 5,000 LSPA146 Merton Merton High Street footway widening 1£ 6,000 Space at town centres £ 6,000 LSPA148 Merton Worple Rd footway widening 1£ 41,000 Space at town centres £
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