List of All Successful

List of All Successful

List of all successful ID No Borough Project Name No of schemes TfL Funding request Intervention type Initial funding CYCLING RESTART Kingston Kingston Station River Link 1£ 300,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 300,000 Angel Walk - Enfield Town to Waltham CYCLING RESTART Enfield Forest 1£ 150,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 150,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Forest Road (A503) - Reservoirs section 1£ 168,480 Strategic cycle routes £ 33,696 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Olympic Park Links 1£ 150,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 25,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Forest Road (A503) 1£ 624,635 Strategic cycle routes £ 124,927 CYCLING RESTART Hackney Balls Pond Road - CS1 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Kingston Kingston to Kingston Vale 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Kingston Ewell Road 1£ 800,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 800,000 CYCLING RESTART Enfield Enfield Town to Ponders End 1£ 600,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 600,000 CYCLING RESTART Enfield Ponders End to Freezey Water 1£ 800,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 800,000 CYCLING RESTART Lambeth Cycleway 5 (Baylis Road) 1£ 580,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 580,000 CYCLING RESTART Waltham Forest Cycleway 27 realignment 1£ 600,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 600,000 CYCLING RESTART Hackney C14 Queensbridge Road 1£ 400,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 400,000 CYCLING RESTART Southwark C7 Southwark Bridge Road 1£ 127,500 Strategic cycle routes £ 7,500 CYCLING RESTART Haringey C1 Extension to Enfield 1£ 219,876 Strategic cycle routes £ 46,000 CYCLING RESTART Haringey Cycleway 1 improvements 1£ 384,276 Strategic cycle routes £ 6,000 CYCLING RESTART Southwark Rye Lane Cycle Links 1£ 17,250 Strategic cycle routes £ 2,250 CYCLING RESTART Islington C38 Highbury to Finsbury Park - restart 1£ 856,000 LowStrategic Traffic Cycle Routes £ 856,000 LSPA007 Waltham Forest Markhouse Area - Series 4 1£ 152,803 LowNeighbourhoods Traffic £ 35,561 LSPA008 Waltham Forest Hilltop Area 1£ 73,731 Neighbourhoods £ 73,731 Coppermill Area - Liveable Low Traffic LSPA009 Waltham Forest Neighbourhoods Scheme 1£ 145,921 Neighbourhoods £ 145,921 LSPA024 Enfield A1010S to North Middlesex Hospital 1£ 267,930 LowStrategic traffic cycle routes £ 38,879 LSPA026 Harrow LTN-01 Kingshill Avenue - area 1£ 40,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA027 Harrow LTN-02 Headstone South – area 1£ 100,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA028 Harrow LTN-03 Greenhill 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA029 Harrow LTN-04 Vaughan Road - area 1£ 40,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA030 Harrow LTN-05 Green Lane 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA031 Harrow LTN-06 Southfield Park 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA032 Harrow LTN-07 Byron Road - area 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA033 Harrow LTN-08 Dennis Lane 1£ 20,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,500 LSPA034 Harrow LTN-09 Princes Drive 1£ 20,000 neighbourhoods £ 5,500 LSPA043 Harrow PS-01 Station Road – o/s mosque 1£ 30,000 Space at town centres £ 30,000 LSPA044 Harrow PS-02 Harrow and Wealdstone Station 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA049 Harrow SS-01 Grimsdyke School 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA050 Harrow SS-02 Newton Farm 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA051 Harrow SS-03 Marlborough Primary School 1£ 30,000 School Streets £ 6,700 LSPA052 City of London CITY STREETS: Tier 1 Streets Phase 1 14£ 116,500 Space at town centres £ 116,500 Making Travel Safer in Camden. Low Low traffic LSPA053 Camden Traffic Neighbourhoods PHASE 1 6£ 31,995 neighbourhoods £ 31,995 CFR6 Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood Low traffic LSPA054 Newham (Stratford to Forest Gate) 1£ 195,000 neighbourhoods £ 35,000 LSPA058 Newham Decluttering Shopping Centres 19£ 77,100 Space at town centres £ 77,100 Covid - 19 Social Distancing Scheme - LSPA059 Newham parking bay suspension 1£ 120,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 LSPA060 Newham RomfordDecluttering Rd/North Shopping Woolwich Centres Rd - phase 2 19£ 164,000 Space at town centres £ 22,000 LSPA061 Newham Temporary cycle lanes 1£ 250,000 LowStrategic traffic cycle routes £ 30,000 LSPA063 Southwark Dulwich Village 1£ 23,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 23,000 LSPA064 Southwark Dulwich Village Phase 2 1£ 110,000 neighbourhoods £ 40,000 Dog Kennel Hill / Champion Hill Low traffic LSPA065 Southwark Champion Hill No Entry trial 1£ 3,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 3,000 LSPA066 Southwark Melbourne Grove North 1£ 5,000 Lowneighbourhoods traffic £ 5,000 LSPA067 Southwark Melbourne Grove South 1£ 5,000 neighbourhoods £ 5,000 LSPA068 Southwark COMBER GROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA069 Southwark ALLEYNS SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA070 Southwark GOODRICH PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA071 Southwark RYE OAK PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA072 Southwark CAMELOT PRIMARY SCHOOL 1£ 3,450 School Streets £ 3,450 LSPA078 Southwark Peckham Rye 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 50,000 LSPA079 Southwark Bermondsey Street 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 10,000 LSPA080 Southwark Consort Rd 1£ 50,000 Space at town centres £ 7,500 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Low traffic LSPA082 Lambeth programme 20£ 968,000 neighbourhoods £ 209,000 LSPA083 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Rosendale Road 1£ 525,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 78,750 LSPA085 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Kennington Road 1£ 78,000 LowStrategic Traffic cycle routes £ 11,700 LSPA088 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Cycleway 5 1£ 88,000 Neighbourhoods £ 88,000 LSPA089 Lambeth Healthy Routes: Peckham to Streatham 1£ 125,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 18,750 More space and priority for active LSPA090 Lambeth modes: footways 15£ 150,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 More space and priority for active LSPA091 Lambeth modes: cycle parking 1£ 100,000 Space at town centres £ 10,000 More space and priority for active LSPA092 Lambeth modes: parklets 1£ 25,000 Space at town centres £ 2,500 Stratford Village Low Traffic Low traffic LSPA096 Newham Neighbourhood 1£ 37,000 neighbourhoods £ 37,000 Gt Suffolk St / Southwark Bridge Road Low Traffic LSPA098 Southwark area wide traffic 1£ 57,500 Neighbourhoods £ 57,500 LSPA101 Southwark Lower Road ext to CS4 1£ 500,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 15,000 LSPA102 Southwark Rotherhithe to Peckham cycle route 1£ 65,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 15,000 CITY STREETS: Tier 1 Streets Phase 2 LSPA103 City of London and Supporting measures 23£ 832,244 Space at town centres £ 832,244 LSPA104 Camden Space at Town Centres Phase 1 1£ 49,000 Space at town centres £ 49,000 LSPA105 Harrow PS07- Streatfield Road 1£ 70,000 Space at town centres £ 70,000 LSPA106 Harrow PS08- Honeypot Lane Service Road 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA107 Harrow PS09 - Northolt Service Road 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA108 Harrow PS10- Kenton Road service road 1£ 15,000 Space at town centres £ 15,000 LSPA109 Harrow PS11- Kenton Lane Service Road 1£ 18,000 Space at town centres £ 18,000 LSPA110 Harrow PS12- High Road Harrow Weald 1£ 20,000 Space at town centres £ 20,000 LSPA111 Harrow PS13 - Porlock Ave 1£ 35,000 Space at town centres £ 35,000 Prince of Wales Road (Eastbound) (Haverstock Hill to Castlehaven Road) LSPA115 Camden (527994,184585 to 528789,184696) 1£ 470,000 Strategic cycle routes £ 47,000 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and Low traffic LSPA116 Camden Healthy School Streets, PHASE 2 4£ 62,727 neighbourhoods £ 62,727 Temporary Footway Widening LSPA117 Camden Programme - Phase 2 4£ 113,000 Space at Town Centres £ 83,000 LSPA118 Kingston Kingston Cycle hub 1£ 450,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 450,000 LSPA119 Hackney Hackney School Streets 40£ 350,000 School Streets £ 350,000 Parking suspension/localised footway LSPA121 Hounslow widening 3£ 90,000 Space at Town Centres £ 90,000 LSPA122 Hounslow Footway widening 3£ 160,000 Space at Town Centres £ 160,000 Wellesley Road and Stile Hall Gdns - Kew Bridge Rd (North Circular) Access Low Traffic LSPA123 Hounslow Closure 1£ 10,000 Neighbourhoods £ 10,000 LSPA125 Hounslow Twickenham Road 1£ 100,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 10,000 School Streets - Full Scheme Including LSPA126 Hounslow access restrictions 8£ 187,500 School Streets £ 187,500 Road Closures/Restricted Access as part of Chiswick South Liveable Low Traffic LSPA127 Hounslow Neighbourhood 5£ 140,000 Neighbourhoods £ 140,000 LSPA128 Hounslow Temp School Road Closures 11£ 110,000 School Streets £ 110,000 Temp School Footway Widening LSPA129 Hounslow Schemes 8£ 55,000 School Streets £ 5,000 Road Closures/Restricted Access- Low Traffic LSPA130 Hounslow Through Traffic Management 7£ 210,000 Neighbourhoods £ 20,000 LSPA133 Enfield School Streets lite 12£ 240,000 School Streets £ 233,000 LSPA136 Bromley Albemarle Road cycle corridor. 1£ 59,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 18,000 Shortlands Friendly Village Liveable Neighbourhood - Valley Road Cycle LSPA138 Bromley Route 1£ 42,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 12,000 Shortlands Friendly Village Liveable LSPA139 Bromley Neighbourhood - Valley School 1£ 12,000 School Streets £ 12,000 LSPA140 Camden Brunswick Square 1£ 700,000 Strategic Cycle Routes £ 700,000 LSPA141 Merton Wimbledon Bridge footway widening 1£ 11,000 Space at Town Centres £ 11,000 LSPA144 Merton Ashcombe Rd bridge one-way footway 1£ 5,000 Space at Town Centres £ 5,000 LSPA145 Merton Dunsford Rd bridge one-way footway 1£ 5,000 Space at town centres £ 5,000 LSPA146 Merton Merton High Street footway widening 1£ 6,000 Space at town centres £ 6,000 LSPA148 Merton Worple Rd footway widening 1£ 41,000 Space at town centres £

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