Supplemental Index Since formal entries in this encyclopedia are arranged alphabetically, they are rarely listed in the Supplemental Index. Rather, this calls attention to names and subjects appearing incidentally, to sup­ plement the biographies. The Index also includes names of numerous individuals not given formal attention in the body of the work, while the subject listings may assist the rounding out of information about significant or interesting incidents, themes or activities. Abbadie de St. Castin, Jean: 334 304, 322, 338, 350, 380, 397, 467, 482, 489, Abbott, Edward, Vincennes governor: 214 5 10, 5 13- 14 Abbott, Samuel, fur trader: 18 Alexander 1,Russian tsar: 15, 284, 388 Abercrombie, William Ralph, Alaskan explorer: Alexander Archipelago, Alaskan Panhandle: 36, 66, 236, 315-16, 423, 429, 430, 462 77, 103, 129, 143-44, 230, 342, 349-50, 381, Abernathy, George, Ore. gov: 510 507, 528, 572 Acadia National Park (Maine): 6 Alexeief, Fedor, explorer: 284 Adams, George: 274 Alger, Russell A., Sec. of War: 238 Adams, John Quincy: 42 Alights—on-the—Clouds,Cheyenne war leader: 46 Adams, Ramon F., bibliographer: 103, 113, 321, Allard, Charles P., buffalo conserver: 408 153,l57,163,178, 238,357,454,507 Allcock, I.W., lawman: 427 Adams, Samuel, explorer: 321 Allee, Alfred: see Alfred Alonso Lee Agassiz, Louis: 125 Allen, Henry Tureman, army officer: 2, 65, 169, Aguinaldo, Emilio, partisan: 238 194, 227, 236, 239, 262, 305, 360, 382-83, Aguirre, Pedro de, military officer: 391 429, 436-37, 443-44, 462, 541 Akylyayuk, Pavel: 567 Allen, James C: 301 Alarcon, Martin de, Coahuila gov: 391 Allen, Joe C., lynched: 356 Alaska Commercial Company: 82, 236, 298, Allison, Clay, gunman: 64, 367 299, 406, 542 Alvarado, Juan B., Calif. Mexican official: 90, Alaska exploration: 2, 3, 7-8, 14-15, 34, 43-44, 296, 410, 521 47-49, 60-61, 66-67, 82, 87, 88-89, 95, 98-99, Ambler, Horace: 349 103, 105, 111-12, 129, 138, 139-40, 161-62, Amdrup, G.C., Greenland explorer: 354 162-63, 164, 168, 169-70, 192-95, 207-09, American Express Company: 541-42 252-53, 268, 273-74, 280, 282-86, 303-304, American Fur Company: 18-19, 28, 42, 62, 103, 316, 330, 339-40, 369-70, 372, 375, 380, 397, 104, 372, 419, 449, 505, 510, 559 405, 414, 420, 425, 433-34, 441, 445, 452-53, Amherst, Jeffrey, British General: 10-11; detes­ 457, 468, 489, 508, 524-25, 540-41, 557-58, tation of Indians, 10-11; suggests infect Indi­ 567-68, 568-69 ans with smallpox, 10-11; 64, 110, 125-26, Alaskan International Telegraph project: 107, 183, 463, 494 125, 159, 273-75, 299,542, 547 Amoros, Juan, Franciscan: 317 Alaska Range: 8, 339-40, 435, 488 Ampudia, Pedro, Mexican officer: 172 Alaska, sale of to U.S. (1867): 16, 339, 406, 451, Anco, Cherokee: 389 568 Anderson, Bronco Billy, actor: 157 Alden, John, military officer: 335 Anderson, Charles, desperadoz 437 Aldrich, Cyrun, Congressman: 173 Anderson, John: 534 Aleson, Harry: 101 Anderson, W.B: 224 Aleut sea otter hunters: see Aleuts, under Indian Andreason, Ole, polar explorer: 499 tribes Andree, Salomon, balloonist, polar explorer: 26 Aleutian islands, exploration of: 34, 80, 94-95, Andreev, Ivan: 524 125, 190, 194-95, 248, 249, 280, 282-83, 303­ Andrews, James: 559 576 FRONTIER BIOGRAPHIES Andrews, Roy Chapman: 202 Augur, Christopher Columbus, army officer: 53 Andros, Edmund, governor: 13,75, 409 Au], Robert, merchant: 19 Anglicans (Episcopalians), Anglican Church: Aull, Charles, detective: 169 75,118,144, 148, 151-52, 216, 218-19, 245, Aull, John, merchant: 19 389,404, 537,549,558 Aull, Rover, Catholic priest: 327 Ankrim, William: 257 Austin, Stephen F., colonizer: 229, 514 Anson, Bert, writer: 440 Averell, James, lynched: 102 Antelope Jack: see John Thompson Jones Averell, Mary: 218 Apache Kid, outlaw: 223 Ayres, George Washington, sea captain: 72 Anza, Juan Bautista de, Spanish officer: 364 Azanza, Miguel José de, Viceroy: 199 Apache Bill: see William H. Young Applegate, Jesse: 510 Baby, Jacques Duperon, scout: 126 Arbuckle, Matthew, military officer: 175, 191, Baca, Elfego, fighter: 178 213-14, 309, 368, 534 Bacon, Henry: 220 Archery: 418-19 Bacon, Nathaniel, activist: 74 Arey, H.Y. (Ned), prospector: 87, 344 Bad Axe (Wisc.) battle, (Aug. 2, 1832): 144,546 Arguello, Concepcién: 439 Bailey, Albert Sidney, army officer: 349 Arguello, José, Spanish officer: 15,21, 439 Bailey, Harry Lee: 259 Arguello, Luis, Calif. gov: 157-58, 446 Bailey, H.M., writer: 377 Arista, Mariano, Mexican officer: 115 Bailey, Robert G., writer: 41 1 Armijo, Navaho friend of Dodge: 145 Baker, Captain, prospector: 544 Armijo, Manuel, N. Mex. gov: 109 Baker, discoverer: 522 Armstrong, Francis W., military officer: 480 Baker, Abel Jr: 165 Armstrong, Frank C., Confederate officer: 480 Baker, Eugene M., military officer: 56, 104,207 Armstrong, John, military officer: 82, 352, 470 Baker, Ibba: 510 Armstrong, William Goforth, writer: 17 Baker Massacre (Mont., 1870): 104 Arness, James, actor: 57 Baker, William, long hunter: 476 Arnold, Benedict: 49, 110, 348 Balachev, Ivan: 192 Arnold, Carl: 118 Balcombe, St. A.D., Indian agent: 308 Arnow, Harriette Simpson, historian: 63, 464, Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs, polar explorer: 302, 489 354, 572 Arrillaga, José Joaquin, Calif. gov: 15 Baldwin, Frank D., army officer: 206, 460 Artists: 45, 100, 131-32, 135-36, 155-57, 175, Baliran, John, victim: 483 197, 402-03, 5 10, 547-48 Ball, Charlie, cashier: 281 Ashbaugh, Don, writer: 156,427 Ball, Eve, writer: 268, 346, 390, 417 Ashley, William H., fur trader: 165, 510 Balushin, Amos, trader: 300 Asik, Tlingit chief: 278 Bancroft, Hubert Howe, historian: 10, 21, 39, 48­ Assimasqua, Abenaki chief: 334 49, 72, 86, 90, 103-104, 117, 129, 133-34, Astor, John Jacob: 42, 197,202, 555 138, 151, 158, 190-91, 195, 199-200, 209, Astoria (Oregon): 18,553-55 247, 251-52, 264-65, 294-96, 305, 328, 343, Aten, Austin C., Methodist minister: 19 364, 387, 405-406, 409-10, 425, 457, 472, Aten, Cal, Texas Ranger: 19 476, 483,522, 525-26, 553 Aten, Edein D. (Eddie), Texas Ranger: 19 Bandini, Amos: 117 Atheam, Robert G., historian: 393 Bandini, Arcadia, Ysidora: 117 Atkin, Edmund, Indian Suptd: 463 Bandman, Dan: 220 Atkinson, Henry, military officer: 11-12, 101, Banner, Ivan, Russian official: 80, 187, 287, 307 3 1 1, 5 17 Banta, Albert Franklin: 502 Atrocities, whites against native Americans, and Baptists: 25, 306, 500 reaction thereto: 29, 38, 48-49, 128, 131, 195, Baranov, Aleksandr A., Russian American Com­ 252-53, 303-304, 338, 350, 375, 380, 416, pany official: IS, 18, 27, 30, 34, 61, 72, 80, 426, 439, 467-68, 482-83, 569 95, 133-34, 164,187, 189, 197, 211, 251-52, i Attakullaculla: Cherokee chief: 389,464 264, 267, 269, 276, 278, 282, 283, 287-89, Aubrey, Francis X: 314, 543 295-96, 299-300, 307-308, 316, 339, 340, SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX 577 350, 372, 387-88, 397, 424, 425, 439, 445, Bedell, Timothy, military officer: 49 459-60, 465, 468, 469, 472, 474, 506, 510, Beebe, William, naturalist: 533 553,563 Beecher Island, battle of (1868): 56, 122, 487 Baranov, Irina (daughter): 563-64 Beechey, Frederick William, explorer: 38, 95, Barber, Henry, sea captain: 120, 155, 187,269 130-31, 161-63, 268, 474 Barker, S. Omar, writer: 20 Beitz, Les, writer: 157 Barnard, Edward, British Admiral: 32 Belaev, Illarion: 467 Barnard, John James, naval officer, victim: 4, 6, Belcher, Edward, British naval officer: 37, 287 138, 436-37, 449 Belden, Josiah: 247 Barnes, WillC: 121 Belestre, Francois-Louis, French ensign: 463 Barnum, P.T., circus magnate: 68 Belestre, Francois-Marie: 463 Barr, Alexander: 533 Bell, Edwin, army officer: 89 Barr, Sara Elizabeth: 13 Bell, James W: 187, 390-91 Barrier, Casper, pioneer: 249 Bell, John, trader: 372 Barrow, John, British polarenthusiast: 37, 161 Bellamy, George W., frontiersman: 104 Barry, Louise, historian: 549 Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottlieb von, Antarctic Barrymore, Lionel, Ethel, John: 122 explorer: 287, 432 Barrymore, Maurice: 122-23 Belov, M.I., historian: 458 Bartleson, John, pioneer: 98, 271 Bench, Cherokee: 149 Bartlett, John (Yank), packer: 227 Benijovski, Mauritius Augustine, conspirator: Bartlett, John Russell, boundary surveyor: 416­ 252-53 17 Benitas, William 0., trumpeter: 383, 477 Bartlett, Johnny: 33-34 Bennett, James Gordon, publisher: 19, 136,490 Bartlett, Richard A., historian: 136 Bent, Charles: 146, 346 Bartlett, Robert (Bob), polar explorer: 50 Bent, George, frontiersman: 45, 206, 384-85, Bartlett Boundary Commission: 117 420, 546, 556-57 Bascom, Goerge, army officer: 92, 97, 118-19, Bent, William: 314 177 Benton, Jesse: 41 Bash, Daniel N., army paymaster: 399 Benton, Jessie: 42 Bass, Lorenzo (Lon): 454 Benton, Thomas Hart, Senator: 556 Bass, Sam, desperado: 19,454 Benyovsky, Moritz, adventurer: 397 Bassett, Charlie, lawman: 64 Benzeman, Khristofer, sea captain: 157, 230 Bassett, Harry, lawman: 64 Berends, Bruce E: 203 Bates, John Coalter, military officer: 67 Berg, Vassili: 482-83, 515 Battise, John, Wyandot: 451 Bergon, Frank, writer: 471 Baturin, Aleksey: 524 Bering, Christian, Russian naval officer: 47 Beadle, John H., publisher: 229 Bering, Vitus, sea explorer: 40, 43-44, 47, 48, 98, Beal, Alexander, rangers captain: 466 118, 137, 140, 196, 208, 209, 275, 371, 380, Bean, Joshua H., politician: 117 414, 424, 426, 457, 474, 492-93, 539 Bear Hunter, Shoshone chief: 415 Bering Island, Bering Sea: 44, 48, 194, 253, 275, Bear River (Shoshone) Massacre (Jan. 29, 1863): 350, 414,426,457, 467, 493, 513, 515, 528, 35, 415 539, S68 Beardslee, Lester A., naval officer: 502 Bering Strait: 36-37, 43, 98, 99, 129, 136, 161, Bears: 2, 14,52, 218-19, 230, 322, 424-25, 447 163, 168, 219, 268,274, 284, 285, 351,414, Beatty, Charles, Presbyterian minister: 134-35 469, 474, 486, 496, 525 Beaufort, Francis, British Admiral: 37 Berkeley, William, Va.
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