780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY. 5. REPORT ON NUMBER OF ENLISTED MEN IN THE ~ families. All farme:r;s now want electric SENATE REGULAR ARMY service. A l'3tter from the Secretary of War, trans­ REA is cutting down our loan appll~ations WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 mitting, pursuant to ·law, a report on the because of insufficient loan authoriza.tions. number of men on active duty on Decem­ Our request for an allotmel,lt for 1947 has not The Qhaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, ber 31, 1946, who enlisted or reenlisted in the yet been approved. We have never had too D. D., offered the following prayer: Regular Army after June 1, 1945 (with an much money. There is always a lag between accompanying report); to the Committee on the time you vote the authorization and the Our Father, in the midst of the compli­ Arme(l Services. time we get it spent, but we can't turn a tap cated situations of life and the unsolved until we get the ~uthorization. AUTHORITY To GRANT EASEMENTS IN LANDS TO As to the program being put on a business problems of the world, deliver Thy serv­ ADMINISTRATOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ants from any sense. of futility. Let basis, less than one-half of 1 percent of all A letter from the Administrator, Veterans' REA loans are delinquent, and they are paid them feel the .support of the prayers of Administration, transmitting a draft of pro­ ahead several million dollars. The Govern­ hosts of true patriots throughout this posed legislation to authorize the Adminis­ ment is making enough clear profit on the land and, above all, the uplift of the ever­ trator of Veter;ms' Affairs to grant easements money loaned to us over. cost to the Govern­ lasting arms. Cause them to understand in lands belonging to the. United States under ment to more than cover the cost of. admin­ that God's power has never been ob­ his supervision and control, and for other istration. What could be a better "business structed by difficulties, nor His love lim­ purposes (with an accompanying paper); to basis"? , , ited by the confusion of human plans. the Committee on Finance. Barely, half of the American farms have May the very failure of man's best re­ DISPOSITION OF ExECUTIVE PAPERS electricity today. If ~he agency were elimi­ nated, the program would be wrecked. The sources imp.el us" toward the resources A letter from the Archivist of· the United · biggest . bottleneck today ' is the lack·-of of God Cleanse our hearts of selfish­ States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a list enough REA personnel to keep the acceler- ·ne'ss: Grant· thit all questions immedi­ of papers and documents on the files of sev­ ated work moving. · ately before us may. be made so plain eral departments and agencies of the Govern­ On,e more thing. We don't want the right that we shall have. no forebodings as we ment which are not needed in the conduct of the projects to generate and transmit of business and have no permanent value or their own power destroyed. This right helps make our decision, nor vain-regrets after historical interest, and requesting action it is made. For Jesus' sake. _ Amen. :us get better rates. Also, where power is .looking to their disposition ·(with accom:. available from the .dams, we want the lines TH~ JOuRNAL panying papers); to a Joi·nt Select Committee built to deliver it to us and others. ·On t_he Disposition of Papers in the Executive We exte.nd to you an invitation to 'come . On reque~t of Mr. WHERRY, ~nd by -Departments. · :unanimous. corisent: the reading of the ~ut and yisit us. at your earl~est convenience · The PRESIDENT pro tempore ap­ and see our problems first-hand.- !J<?urnal of _t:Q.~ proceedin~u; · of Mond_ay1 We th~nk you f9r.the splenci~d support you February 3, 1947; w~s ctispen$ee\ with and pointed Mr. LA!iGER and· Mr~ CHAVEZ have given REA in the past, and we a:r;e going -the Journal-was approved. ·.. members of the pominittee 'on the part ·to count. on you more than ever before to of the Senate. MESSAGES ·FiioM THE · PRESIDENT tak.e .the lead in c·arrying our program ·. PETITIONS forward. · · · · Messagesin _ ~ritlng.. f~om the :P;esident · · Y:o~rs tr;uly: ~f · the United States.were communicated . Petitions. were ·laid before the Senate, .. Moti~trail Electric · Cooperative; inc.~ to ·the.Semi.te by- Mr .. -Miller; ,-one of 'his or 'presented, "and: r~ferr"e(i ."a8 "iridicateiii Forreuf N. Peterson; M. B: Bien; 'secretaries. · By· the PRESIDENT pro tempore: E. L. Dekker, Selmer M~ Gandrud, A resolution adopted by the executive -Henry Strobeck, Leonard . Texel, LEAVE OF ABS:mNCE ·AND .DESIGNATION . boards of the International Brotherhood of .- Harold J. Nahr! Edna Hermanson_. , OF ACTING PRESIDENT PRO. TEMPORE ·Paper Makers and the International Brother­ RESOLUTIONS OF SENIOR CITIZENS ', ·The PRESIDENT pro ·tempore. · The .l~ood · of Pqlp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Work.­ PENSION LEAGUE OF. IDAHO . ers, favoring the enactment of legislation to senior Senator from Michigan· will un:. provide· for the entry into the U:nited States Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. President, I should avoidably be obiiged to be absent from .of displaced persons; ·to th-e Committee on 'like to call the attention of· the Senate -the Senate on Friday ne~t •.and asks the the Judiciary. to two reSolutions which have been unanimous consent of the Senate that he · By Mr. TAFT (for himself and Mr. ·adopted and addressed 'to this body by may be absent on that day, BRICKER): Without objection, the ·. request · is Petitions of sundry citizens .and property the Senior . Citizens Pension 'League of granted. owners in Ashtabula County, Ohio, praying Idaho. They have been transmitted to .that J,lecessary steps be taken to eliminate me by Mr. C. E. Page,· of Boise, Idaho, an . The Chair a·nnounces that the Acting beach erosion in Ashtabula County; to the official of that league. The resolutions President pro tempore of the Senate at Committee •on Public Works. Friday's session will be the junior Sena­ are very brief, and I shail read them. tor from California, Mr. KNowLAND. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROGRAM­ They consist of one sentence. each. PE:l'ITION No. 1." We respectfully ask both the House LEAVES OF ABSENCE and the Senate to pass a l!iw to tax unearned Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I present Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I income. for appropriate reference and ask unani­ No. 2. We respectfully ask the Senate to ask unanimous consent to be absent from mous consent to have printed in the establish a luncheon period so. the Senate the Senate beginning next Monday be­ RECORD a letter in the nature of a petition Members will not miss important legislation cause of the fact that I find it necessary by being absent in .the dining ~oom. to go to a hospital for an operation upon from members of the Mountrail Electric Cooperative, Inc., relating to the rural Mr. President, I recall that on various my knee. electrification program. _ . The PRESIDENT pro·tempore. With­ occasions different Members of this out objection, leave is granted the Sena- There being no objection, the letter body have mentioned the question of a tor from Arkansas. · was referred to the Committee on Agri­ luncheon period, and it would seem to Mr. FLANDERS. Mr. President, I ask culture and Forestry and ordered to be me that when, as the result of discussion, unanimous consent to be absent from the printed in the RECORD, as follows: a group in Boise; Idaho-and, I assure Senate on the coming Friday. JANUARY 28, 1947. my colleagues, without any urging from The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Hon. WILLIAM L~NGER, me-have seen fit to address a resolution United States Senator, to the Senate asking that arrangements out objection, leave is granted the Semi­ · Washington, D. C. tor from Vermont. DEAR SENATOR: You have doubtless read be made for a Itincheon period, it is a Mr. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask the recent statements of Congressman TAl'lER matter of concern, and must be, through­ unanimous consent to be absent from the with regard to the rural electri~cation pro­ out the count:py generally. Senate Friday of this week and all of gram. He is quoted as saying th~ REA pro­ I subscribe to the idea, Mr. President, next week. gram has been getting three or four times too that arrangements should be made for a The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ much money, that it ought to be put on a definite luncheon period; with the Senate "business basis," and that he sees no need possibly convening earlier irt the morn­ out objection, leave is granted the Sena­ for continuing the Government agency. tor from Connect~cut~ ipg, anq having a definite time to eat, so This project has 420 miles of line under that Senators may not be necessarily EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. construction, which will serve .approximately 700 members. We hftve 1,300 applicants who absent from the :floor for that purpose. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ want service at once. With the least en­ Matters which come before this body fore the Senate the following letters, couragement we' could have 1,600 applicants, ' are of too grave a Iiature to rec.eivc the Which were referred as indicaled: for we will ultimately serve some _2,000 farm consideration of only a small number of 1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 781 the Senators, as is too often the case dur­ By Mr.
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