MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Snow, sleet, 30°F (-1°C) Tonight: Freezing rain, 32°F (O°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Cloudy, cold, 30°F (-1°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 116, Number 9 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, March 5,1996 MIT OKs 4.8 Percent Tuition Hike to $22,000 By A. Arlf Husain dent's education with the remainder sources. Loans and student jobs often receive other scholarships, it is rate of growth and making financial NEWS EDITOR covered by endowment and unre- account for an additional $22 mil- estimated that only about 29 percent aid available, MIT will remain Tuition for the 1996-97 academ- stricted gifts and grants. lion. of students pay the full amount. accessible to bright students regard- ic year has been raised 4.8 percent Because students who do not While tuition reflects the realities less of the family's income, Vest to $22,000, a $1,000 increase over Self-help level considered high qualify for need-based financial aid of the economy, by moderating its said. last year. "I'm rather disappointed that The Institute's "nominal self- [tuition] was raised as much as it help level" - the amount of pay- was, considering that the majority of ment students are expected to pro- peer institutions have a much lower Percentage Change in Tuition and Self-Help vide from work and loans before self-help level; generally about receiving scholarship assistance - $7,000," Undergraduate Association [J Tuition '96-'97 also increased $450, or 5.5 percent, President Carrie R. Moo '96 said. • Self-help to $8,600. Moo argued for a lowering of the The announcement was made by self-help level at a past Academic '95-'96 President Charles M. Vest, after the Council meeting, if tuition were to increase was approved by the MIT be raised as it was. Corporation on March 1. "The fact is," Moo said, "it still '94-'95 ._.11.1111•••.•..•.•. Room and board costs are esti- costs more than $22,000 for a stu- mated to increase 3.3 percent. This dent to attend the Institute, and I '93-'94 11I11I111111I11I1111 •••••••• 101.1. puts the overall estimated cost of hope that financial aid can help out the students who need it." education at $28,350, a 4.4 percent '92-'93 1I1111_1I1I,1I1I,1I1I11I1I1I-' increase over last year. .-_._a Few students pay in full Tuition represents one of three '91-'92 major sources of revenue, Vest said Of the 4,480 undergraduates reg- • in the announcement. Other sources istered this year, 59 percent receive include research funding from the some combination of financial aid '90-'91 federal government and pri-vate comprising scholarships, loans and industry, and gift and investment work-study programs. 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% 5.5% 6.0% 6.5% 7.0% 7.5% 8.0% 8.5% income. MIT pays out $27.2 million in SOURCE: Student Rnancial Aid Office Vest noted that tuition historical- scholarship grants, of a total of ly covers only half the cost of a stu- $34.2 million including outside Class Ring Design Professors Bicker INSIDE •Looks Past toward Over• MisconductJ • UA Presidential Elec- for his work.- tion Platforms: Jens and By Stacey E. Blau Ezekiel made "a short tutorial For 18$piration NEWSEDrrOR tape about ho~J~l~vision works Menard, Lee and Carter, By May K. Tse the top of the ring. Five years after the Persian Gulf and whether or not it's suitable for "We developed the symbolism War, a dispute over academic mis- observing high-speed events," - The design of the 1998 Brass of the Brass Rat through many conduct involving two MIT profes- Ezekiel said. The tape was shown Viswanathan and Bah- Rat class ring was unveiled last meetings with a great deal of brain- sors over issues of the effectiveness as part of a presentation by the night at an event which filled Morse storming," said Daniel A. Freedman of the Patriot missile continues to Raytheon Corporation, the Patriot's call. Page 8 Hall in Walker Memorial. '98, chairman of the sophomore fester. manufacturer, at a Congressional Door prizes were awarded to the ring committee. The debate involves Professor of hearing in 1992. first 98 people, and one student was The ring also borrows elements Science, Technology, and Society "I don't think that commercial • Short Takes. Page 11 awarded a free Brass Rat by lottery. from class rings of several decades Theodore A. Postol '67, an authori- television is a good method of look- Chair of the Faculty and Professor ago. The shanks, or sides, of the ty on missiles, and Professor of ing at high-speed events," he said. • Chorallaries: Bad • of Urban Studies and Planning ring do not have full rails, a style Aeronautics and Astronautics "You can't tell what was really hap- Lawrence S. Bacow and President which "goes back to earlier Brass Shaoul Ezekiel ScD '68, an authori- pening." Charles M. Vest were among those Rats of the '40s, '50s, '60s, and ty on methods of measurement. But Postol said that the slow 13ste'96 Page 7 present. early '70s," Freedman said. The Postol's research disputes the frame rate of the video was not rel- committee chose this feature in U.S. Army's claim of the Patriot's evant because "we're not looking New Design Echoes Past Years order to increase the area to provide 96 percent success rate during the for high-speed events." The frame • Scheirer jazz quartet The theme of Class of 1998 better detailing. Gulf War. Postol based his work on rate in the footage used was suffi- Brass Rat, "It's a Classic," stems The ring also features the classic commercial television footage. The ciently precise, Postol said. demonstrates tight primarily from the resemblance Boston skylines and the mens et charge of misconduct stems from a In February 1994, a Raytheon between Auguste Rodin's "The video Ezekiel made criticizing the ensemble. Page 7 Thinker" and the beaver featured on Ring, Page II method Postol used to collect data Postol, Page 14 ,- I Company Apologizes For Use of MIT Name By Carina Fung maintains that the switch was acci- STAFF REPORTER dental. On-Campus Marketing admitted On-Campus Marketing sent a that "a mistake had been made" in letter of apology to MIT, stating that its unauthorized use of the MIT it would "seek prior approval to use name on a student mailing ["Inter- the MIT trademark in aJ1future pro- net Bank Mass Mailing Used motions," said Senior Associate MIT's Trademark I1legaHy," Feb. Dean Robert M. Randolph who 20]. received a copy of the letter. "The A Security First Network Bank response [to the use of the illegal brochure which was mass-mailed to header] from MIT has been appro- specific student addresses, con- priate and effective." tained the header "MIT Internet In response to claims of inappro- Banking." priate access to student addresses, The use of MIT's name was Shain said that the mailing address- unlawful, and a cease-and-desist es supplied to On-Campus Market- letter was sent to the banking com- ing from American Student Lists pany and On-Campus Marketing, were "public information." said Director of Insurance and There was previous concern Legal Affairs Thomas R. Henneber- about how students' room numbers ry. were obtained, since most mass- The original header was to mailings are directed to dormitories have read "Internet Banking For or living groups. The Registrar was BIU.4N VANDEN BOSCH MIT," said On-Campus Marketing unaware of the mailing, Randolph last month. representative Devon Shain. He said. # f fl' March 5,_1996. P.age 2 T.......J ''''&oJ t ATION Contents of Downed Planes Shown LOS ANGELES TIMES srae Suffers Fourth Bomb HAVANA Cuba Sunday showed what officials here say is evidence that two civilian planes shot down by their jet fighters last weekend had invad- ed Cuban air space. Attack: 12 Killed, 109 Hurt Flight plans, a black bag and a battery charger that Cuban officials say are refuse from the planes and were found nine miles from the By Marjorie Miller 24-year-old Saleh Abdel Rahim of held an emergency Cabinet meeting Cuban coast were displayed on the lunch-time state newscast for the and Emily Hauser the West Bank city of Ramallah. at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv first time. Officials have repeatedly said they had in their possession LOSANGELES TIMES Another caller said the attack and announced that he would estab- objects from the planes that would prove that they were in Cuabn ter- TEL AVlV. ISRAEL was a joint operation with the mili- lish a joint-forces command to fight ritory, rather than international waters as the U.S. government stated As the Israeli government tant group Islamic Jihad, and the terrorists. He put it under the in condemning the shooting. deployed thousands of soldiers and cJaimed it was a response to Peres' authority of Ami Ayalon, the new Where the planes were shot down has become a major point of police to protect Jerusalem, a sui- declaration of war against the fun- chief of Israel's General Security contention as the United States and Cuba argue over who was respon- cide bomber turned on Tel Aviv on damentalists Sunday night. The Service, which is also known as sible for the deaths of four pilots from the Brothers to the Rescue Monday afternoon, blowing himself caller warned the government not to Shin Bet. exile organization. up in a crowded crosswalk by the make any other "foolish" decisions "We will go to any comer where President Clinton has accused the Cubans of acting brutally by city's busiest shopping center.
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