. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon 人 類 誌 99(1):33-47(1991) J Genealogical Position of Native Taiwanese (Bunun Tribe) in East Asian Populations Based on Tooth Crown Morphology Yoshitaka MANABE,Atsushi ROKUTANDA, Yoshikazu KITAGAWAand Jouichi OYAMADA Departmentof Oral Anatomy, NagasakiUniversity School of Dentistry Abstract The 17 tooth crown traits of the Bunun, one of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan, were observed and classified, and their frequencies were compared with Sinodonts and Sundadonts defined and classified in East Asian populations by TURNER (1987), in order to estimate the genealogical position of the Bunun tribe in East Asia. In the respective comparisons of the 17 traits, the Bunun have considerable resemblance to Sinodonts on shoveling (UI1), double shoveling (UIl) and deflecting wrinkle (LM 1), while on tuberculum dentale (UI2), cusp 5 (UM1) and 4-cusp (LM2), they have considerable resemblance to Sundadonts. Furthermore, cluster analysis and principal co-ordinate analysis based on SMITH's MMDs among the Bunun and other East Asian populations, using all the observed traits, revealed that the Bunun are similar to the Yami (Taiwan aborigine), the North China- Mongolian and the South Chinese in East Asia, and belong to, if anything, the Sinodonty cluster. Considering the above results and the estimated distribution of Sinodonty and Sundadonty in the past and the present, it cannot be reasoned that Taiwan aborigines had Sinodont characteristics since their ancestors reached Taiwan, but that Sinodontification by Chinese mainlanders has been superimposed on to the native Sundadonty who seem to have come up from the south to Taiwan. The beginning of Sinodontification in Taiwan may have been earlier than in Japan. Keywords Bunun tribe, Taiwan aborigine, Mongoloid dental variation, Tooth crown morphology, Population history Introduction and Kwangtong after the 17th century, and have existed since then. Linguistically, Taiwan The Bunun are one of the aboriginal tribes aborigines belong to the Austronesian (Malayo- who had already reached Taiwan prior to the polynesian) family, spoken in the islands of migration of Chinese mainlanders from Fukien Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula, Micronesia, Article No. 9020 Received October 23, 1990 34 Y. MANABE, A. ROKUTANDA, Y. KITAGAWA and J. OYAMADA Polynesia and parts of Melanesia (BELLWOOD, characteristic of Southeast Asia. It has become 1980, 1985). clear that HANIHARA's Mongoloid dental On the basis of archaeological and complex (1967, 1969), generally recognized as ethnographic studies (TORII, 1925; LING, 1954; characteristic of Mongoloid population, corres- CHANG, 1969; FERRELL, 1969; KANASEKI and ponds to a part of the Sinodont pattern. KOKUBU, 1979; BELLWOOD, 1980, 1985; SUNG, The purpose of this study is to determine the 1980; MIYAMOTO, 1985; MIYAMOTO et al., genealogical position of the Bunun in East Asia, 1987), it is indicated that the aboriginal culture and to estimate a population history of Taiwan is closely related to various periods and various aborigines, by supplementing to and confirming regions in the Southeast Asian mainland, the a previous study (MANABE, 1989). Southeast Asian archipelago or the Chinese mainland. These relationships support the Materials and Methods possibility of many migrations from these various Ninety-five dental plaster casts of 53 male and regions at the different times, and reflect a 42 female Bunun children aged 12-15 years complex population history of Taiwan were observed. The age range selected was barely aborigines. affected by any observation error derived from In the field of physical anthropology, much dental attrition and caries. research on Taiwan aborigines has been carried The ASU dental anthropology system out since TORII's first investigation in 1896. The (TURNER, n.d.) was adopted for classification of relationship between Taiwan aborigines and their the 17 crown traits observed. Actual observation peripheral populations and the relation among was carried out by the first author using Taiwan aboriginal tribes have been clarified. In standard plaques, in order to avoid inter-observer previous reports, there have been some studies errors. The counting procedure for trait fre- on tooth morphology by MA (1939), CHANG quency was according to the method which was (1963), LIU (1977), SASAKI(1982), NAGAYAMA established on a genetic basis by TURNER and (1984), KUDO (1985), and TANAKA (1987). SCOTT (1977). Three or more grades or classes However, there are very few reports clarifying in each trait were combined into two categories, anthropological characteristic of Taiwan present and absent, for simple comparison with aborigines based on intra-Mongoloid variations many other populations. SMITH's MMD (mean in East Asia, since the great majority of these measure of divergence) was calculated for studies has been limited to a small investigation biological distance based on various frequencies area. (BERRY and BERRY, 1967). FREEMAN-TUKEY From the perspective of intra-Mongoloid transformation (GREEN and SUCHEY, 1976) was variations, there is a series of detailed and adopted as the inverse sine transformation systematic studies on tooth morphology in a large method in the calculation of MMD, and investigation area of East Asia by TURNER SJ*VOLD's procedure (1973) was used for (1976, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989). His studies, calculating the standard deviation and the based on Mongoloid dental variation in East Asia significance of the MMD. and the New World, make it clear that there are The flexible method(β=-0.25)in many two morphological patterns in the Mongoloid types of cluster analyses for a dendrogram, and variation: the Sinodont pattern, characteristic of the principal co-ordinate analysis (GOWER, 1966) Northeast Asia, and the Sundadont pattern, for two dimensional expression were used in this Dentition of Taiwan Aborigines 35 study. cusp 5 (UM1), 4-cusp (LM2) and tuberculum dentale (UI2) show significantly higher fre- Results quencies in Sundadonts than in Sinodonts. Comparison of respective traits Remarkable differences can be seen, particularly The frequencies of the respective grades or in the cusp 5 and the 4-cusp. classes of the 17 crown traits in the Bunun, and The dichotomized frequencies of the Bunun also the results of the chi-square test for sex were compared with the 6 Sinodonts and the 10 difference are shown (Table 1). There are no Sundadonts on the 17 crown traits. On the whole, traits which show any sex differences at a signifi- the Bunun tend to have high frequencies on the cant level of 5%, except for deflecting wrinkle majority of traits, in comparison with other East of LM1. Since previous reports (SCOTT, 1973; Asian populations. Such relatively high fre- TURNER and SCOTT, 1977; TURNER and quencies may be due to the fact that the in- HANIHARA, 1977; TURNER, 1979, 1987; vestigated age range has not been greatly affected MANABE, 1989) recognized no significant sex by any dental attrition or caries. With regard to difference with regard to the deflecting wrinkle, those traits exhibiting significant differences this observation in the Bunun may be attributed between both groups, the Bunun resemble to a sampling error. Therefore, the sex-pooled Sinodonts more than Sundadonts in shoveling, frequency represented the population frequency double shoveling and deflecting wrinkle. By con- in this study. trast, they are more similar to Sundadonts than The criteria for the dichotomy and the fre- Sinodonts in tuberculum dentate, cusp 5 and quencies of the Bunun are shown in Table 2, 4-cusp. As to the traits of no significant which represents the results of the MAN- difference between both the groups, the Bunun WHITNEY test of trait differences between are similar to Sundadonts on CARABELLI'Strait, Sinodonts and Sundadonts. The classifications of but they are similar to Sinodonts on Y-groove Sinodont and Sundadont groups followed the pattern. Thus with regard to a comparison of results of TURNER's cluster analysis (1987) respective traits, the Bunun have the based on 28 tooth crown and root traits. In his characteristics of both Sinodonty and analysis, the Sinodont cluster includes Northeast Sundadonty. Siberia, Amur, North China-Mongolia, recent As to inter-tribal comparison in Taiwan, the Japan, Hong Kong and South China. Jomon in Bunun and the Yami (MANABE, 1989) resemble Japan, the Philippines, early Mainland Southeast each other in East Asian populations, because Asia, recent Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Annan, both the tribes show a similar tendency on 6 traits Tonkin, Laos), recent Thailand, Burma, Nepal, out of 8 which differentiate between Sinodonts recent Indomalaysia, the early Malay Archi- and Sundadonts. pelago and the East Malay Archipelago are included in the Sundadont cluster. Biological distance analysis The traits, which appear significantly more SMITH's MMDs were calculated based upon often in Sinodonts than in Sundadonts, are the 17 tooth crown traits among 18 populations shoveling (UI1), double shoveling (UI1) and containing Sinodonts, Sundadonts, the Bunun deflecting wrinkle (LM1) (Table 2). In these and the Yami (Table 3). traits, the shoveling and the double shoveling The MMDs between the Bunun and Sinodonts show remarkable differences. On the other hand, are smaller than those between the Bunun and 36 Y. MANABE, A. ROKUTANDA, Y. KITAGAWA and J. OYAMADA Table 1. Frequencies of nonmetric crown traits in the Bunun (individual count, sexes pooled) Dentition of Taiwan Aborigines 37 38 Y. MANABE, A. ROKUTANDA,
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