President's Message It gives me tremendous pleasure to congratulate both the writer students and the members on the editorial board for successfully bringing out the college Annual Magazine, Prajakta 2018-19. The college presents a happy blend of traditional and modern education where knowledge is imported to the students so that they may occupy a better place in the modern competitive world and develop all round personalities retaining the beauty of mind and intellect as well as soul. I am sure that college will play a meaningful role in the competitive times ahead and scale new heights, transplanting the dreams of the people of the area into reality and bring education in this rural area. I wish that the 'Prajakta' establishes to be a flint to fire the enthusiasm and excite their minds for many intrusive innovations among the students. Once again I congratulate all. Dr. Raju Deshmukh President Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Katol Principal's Message I am extremely delighted to know that the college annual magazine, Prajakta, is being brought out having a rich collection of articles on various meaningful topics. The college has the previlege of having a healthy harmonious ambience and rich values which have played pivotal role in shaping the future of student. Our mission is to transform students into rational thickness, competent workers, law abiding citizens and spiritually enlightened indivituals. This is my firm belief that the rich values and traditions imbibed here would carry you to greater heights. The magazine, Prajakta, is one of the best examples of it. I congratulate the editor, Dr. Salame and his team for painstaking and strenuous efforts they have undergone. Dr. S.K. Navin Principal Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol Editorial The college magazine team works to bring out the college annual magazine, Prajakta. Each year, the team of editors, designers, photographers and correspondents, in addition to generating creative content from the students, work extensively to report on events in and around college. The publication reflects and encompasses the diversity inherent to the academic and creative. The magazine continues to expand its reach to achieve its vision of being a truely representative student publication. The team hopes to build on this ethos just as much during the upcoming academic years. The team is greatful to all who cooperated to bring out this issue of college magazine, Prajakta 2018-19 successfully. Dr. P.V. Salame Dr. R.R. Pathak ñZohgå_obZ "Zm{dÝ`' H$m`©H«$_mVrb {d{dY N>Q>m ñZohgå_obZ "Zm{dÝ`' H$m`©H«$_mVrb {d{dY N>Q>m AZwH«$_{UH$m _amR>r {d^mJ boI boIH$ dJ© nmZ H«$. 1. _hmË_m \w$bo `m§Mo gm_m{OH$ H$m`© A{^foH$ Eg. e|S>o ~r.Eggr. 1 1 2. ñÌr OÝ_m VwPr H$hmZr Hw$. Ad§Vr AZ§V ^mo`a ~r.Eggr. 1 3 3. `wdH$m§Mo àoaUmñÌmoV-ñdm_r {ddoH$mZ§X Hw$. àmOŠVm Jw. MmonS>o ~r.H$m°_. 2 (B§J«Or) 4 4. ^maVr` g¡{ZH$ Hw$. nëbdr A. H$Qw>H$mio ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 6 5. Xoem§VJ©V em§VVm _hÎdmMr ew^_ km. ~mbnm§S>o ~r.E. 2 7 6. ~m~m Am_Q>o `m§Mo ì`pŠV_Îd Hw$. pñdQ>r am. H$R>mZo ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 8 7. n[adV©Z H$mimMr JaO hf©X {X. T>mo~io E_.H$m°_. 2 10 8. {ednwÌ g§^mOramOo Hw$. {JVm§Obr _m. _wioH$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 11 9. ~m~m Hw$. {ZH$sVm e. amD$V ~r.Eggr. 1 12 10. ZmV§ Xe©Z e|S>o ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 13 11. eoVH$è`m§Mo _ZmoJV Hw$. {bZm YmoQ>o ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 14 12. ^maVr` g§ñH¥$Vr Hw$. _mYwar Xmoh{b`m ~r.H$m°_. 2 (B§J«Vr) 15 H${dVm H$dr$ dJ© nmZ H«$. 1. AmB© _¥Umb Z. aodVH$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 16 2. H$mhrVar amhÿZ Jobobo Hw$. {demIm bmobwgao ~r.H$m°_. 2 16 3. Pon Hw$. {_Zb {b. n§M^mB© ~r.H$m°_. 2 (B§J«Or) 17 4. bT> ao _Zm Hw$. à{UVm eo. Xoe^«Vma ~r.H$m°_. 1 17 5. _¡Ìr Hw$. d¡îUdr am. JmoS>~mobo ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 18 6. n[adV©Z Hw$. nëbdr gw. amD$V ~r.H$m°_. 2 (B§J«Or) 18 7. ñdV…À`m ghdmgmV Hw$. _{h_m _. `wdZmVr ~r.Eggr. 2 19 8. ^amar Hw$. {edmZr {d. H$mi~m§S>o ~r.Eggr. 1 19 9. AmO jU^a Hw$. M§Mb S>r. Hw$Q>o ~r.E. 3 20 10. Am`wî` Hw$. H$[aí_m nm§. Imnao ~r.E. 3 20 11. {~agm Vy AgVm Va YZ§O` ìhr. C_H$ ~r.EEgr. 1 21 12. ZmVr Hw$. {S>ånb A. ~mdUo ~r.H$m°_. 1 21 13. g¡{ZH$ Jm¡ad Jmo. MaS>o ~r.Eggr. 1 22 14. Am`wî` AgM§ OJm`M§ AgV§ {Zboe Xo. ~moaOo ~r.E. 2 22 15. e{hX Hw$. àoaUm A. YmoQ>o ~r.Eggr. 1 23 18. H$Wm {VÀ`m OrdZmMr am`~m Vm. WmoQ>o ~r.Eggr. 1 23 19. H$m AgVmV Ago ho bmoH$? Hw$. _`war Ama. {héS>H$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 24 20. eoVH$è`m§Mr qH$_V Hw$. nwZ_ Eg. JmS>oH$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 24 qhXr {d^mJ 1. am`\$b _¡Z Ogd§V qgh amdV {Zem§V aodVH$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 25 2. \$m¡Or H$s ~hZ Hw$. nm¡{U©_m dm`. _|S>bo ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 26 H${dVm H$dr$ dJ© nmZ H«$. 1. "dmo' Hw$. _mZgr _. _IoOm ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 27 2. g_` Hw$. H$[aí_m nm§. Imnao ~r.E. 3 27 3. 14 \$adar 2019 Hw$. gmoZmbr Eb. {héS>H$a ~r.H$m°_. 1 (B§J«Or) 28 B§J«Or {d^mJ 1. Garbage Pollution and it's Management Ku. Tejaswini S. Balkhede B.Sc. II (M/B) 29 2. Water is Life Ku. Bhavana P. Dhopre B.Sc. II (M/B) 30 3. The Prodigious Journey of Smriti Mandhana Ku. Mahashweta A.Bhelkar B.Sc. II 31 Indian Women Cricketer 4. Crime Against Women Ku. Haridini B. Barmase M.A. I (Eng.) 32 5. Sachin Tendulkar Ku. Sabiya Begum M.A. I (Eng.) 34 6. Education System Ku. Puja R. Harale M.A. I (Eng.) 35 POETRY 1. This Generation Shubham D. Balpande B.A. II 37 2. Boon For Life Aditya T. Jagdale B.Sc. II 37 3. Amigos Aksham M. Shambharkar B.Sc. II 38 4. Life Ku. Prachi R. Jurao B.Com. II (Eng.) 38 dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 1. {H«$S>m {d^mJ àm. S>m°. Q>r.Eb. OJXio 39 2. amîQ´>r` N>mÌ goZm (EZ.gr.gr.) boâQ>Z§Q> S>m°. VoOqgh Eb. OJXio 42 3. dm{UÁ` {d^mJ S>m. Eg.E. gmoZoJm§dH$a 44 4. J¥h AW©emñÌ {d^mJ àm. X_`§Vr KmJaJw§S>o 46 5. _amR>r {d^mJ S>m°. Ama.Ama. nmR>H$ 47 6. `moJ {ejU nX{dH$m Aä`mgH«$_ àm. S>m°. Q>r.Eb. OJXio 47 7. J§«Wmb` {d^mJ S>m°. a_oe B§Jmobo 48 8. B{Vhmg {d^mJ S>m°. Ama.Ama. YmoQ>o 50 9. National Service Scheme Prof. Mukesh Jadhav 51 10. Department of English Dr. P.K. Tiwari 52 11. Department of B.B.A. Prof. J.M. Patil 53 12. Department of Physics Dr. A.B. Sharma 54 13. Department of MB/BTH Mrs. Aditi Chandak 54 14. Parent Teacher Association Dr. Punit Raut 55 15. Entrepreneurship Skill Development Cell Dr. Punit Raut 55 16. Department of Electronics Dr. P.W. Yawalkar 56 17. Department Microbiology & Biotechnology Dr. N.B. Hirudkar 57 _hmË_m \w$bo `m§Mo gm_m{OH$ H$m`© nm{hOo Agm Ë`m§Zr {ZYm©a Ho$bm. gm_m{OH$ Aà{VîQ>oMm hm H$b§H$ Ë`m§À`m nwT>rb Am`wî`mMo CJ_ ñWmZ R>abm. nwT>o `m _hmamï´> hr g§Vm§Mr d dranwwéfm§Mr ^y_r Amho. Ë`m§Zr d¡`{º$H$ An_mZmM§ énm§Va {demb Ü`o`eŠVrV Pmbo. AZoH$ gm_m{OH$, Ym{_©H$ H$m`} Ho$br AmhoV. Ë`m_YboM AkmZénr A§YH$mambm XÿaH$aÊ`mgmR>r {ejUmgmaIm _hmË_m Á`moVr~m \w$bo hmoVo. XþgamCnm` Zmhr. {ejUm_wio _Zwî`mbm gË` d AgË`mMm d _hmË_m Á`mo{V~m \w$bo `m§M OÝ_ 11 E{àb 1827 A§{V_ {hVmMm {dMma H$aÊ`mMr eŠVr àmßV hmoVo. ${ejU ho _Ü`o nwUo `oWo Pmbm. Ë`m§Mo _yi AmS>Zmd Jmoèho Ago hmoVo. Vo gwYmaUoMo _mÜ`_ Amho. Ë`mVyZ ñdm{^_mZmMr OmUrd OmJ¥V OmVrZo j{Ì` _mir hmoVo. Ë`m§À`m KamÊ`mV \w$bm§Mm ì`dgm` hmoVo, ho Á`mo{Vamdm§À`m bjmV Ambo hmoVo. Ë`mVë`m Ë`m pñÌ`m§Zm Mmby hmoVm. Ë`mdéZMË`m§Zm nwT>o "\w$bo' åhUy bmJbo. {ejU åhUOo nwT>o g§nyU© Hw$Qy>§~mMo {ejU Ago Á`mo{Vamdm§Mo _V Á`moVr~m \w$bo EH$ dfm©Mo AgVm§Zm Ë`m§Mr AmB© _¥Ë`y hmoVo.
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