District地區_chi District地區_eng Venue場地_chi Venue場地_eng Facility設施_chi Facility設施_eng Address地址_chi Address地址_eng VenueOperator場地營運者_chi VenueOperator場地營運者_eng Contact聯絡方法_chi Contact聯絡方法_eng Website網址_chi Website網址_eng FacilictyBooking租用設施資料_chi FacilictyBooking租用設施資料_eng 電話: 2907 3733 Tel: 2907 3733 展覽場地、多用途活動室、公眾休 Exhibition Area, Multi‐Function 香港 Hong Kong Island 茂蘿街7號 7 Mallory Street 香港灣仔茂蘿街7號 7 Mallory Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong 市區重建局 Urban Renewal Authority 聯絡表格: https://mallory.ura‐ Contact Form: https://mallory.ura‐ https://mallory.ura‐vb.org.hk https://mallory.ura‐vb.org.hk https://mallory.ura‐vb.org.hk/booking/ https://mallory.ura‐vb.org.hk/booking/ 憩空間 Rooms, Public Open Space vb.org.hk/contact_us/ vb.org.hk/contact_us/ 1/F Cambridge House, Taikoo Place, 電郵: E‐mail: https://www.taikooplace.com/en/artistree/venue https://www.taikooplace.com/en/artistree/venue 香港 Hong Kong Island ArtisTree ArtisTree ArtisTree多用途空間 ArtisTree Multi‐purpose Space 香港太古坊康橋大廈1樓 太古地產有限公司 Swire Properties Management Ltd https://www.taikooplace.com/en/artistree https://www.taikooplace.com/en/artistree Island East, Hong Kong [email protected] [email protected] hire hire Tel: 2881 8888 電話: 2881 8888 Submission of proposals to the Exhibition Site at MTR Central 請把計劃書遞交到九龍九龍灣偉業街 Corporate Relations Department, MTR http://www.mtr.com.hk/en/customer/community http://www.mtr.com.hk/en/customer/community http://www.mtr.com.hk/en/customer/community http://www.mtr.com.hk/en/customer/community 香港 Hong Kong Island 藝術管道 Arttube 中環站展覽場地 香港中環港鐵站J出入口 Entrance/Exit J of MTR Central Station 香港鐵路有限公司 MTR Corporation Ltd Station 33號德福廣場港鐵總部大樓香港鐵路 Corporation, 23/F MTR Headquarters /arttube.html /arttube.html /arttube.html /arttube.html 有限公司23樓 Building, Telford Plaza, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Anita Chan Lai Ling Gallery, Fringe 陳麗玲畫廊、奶庫、地下劇場、冰 Dairy, Fringe Underground, Fringe 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong 電話: 2521 7251 Tel: 2521 7251 http://www.hkfringeclub.com/en/venues/1‐ http://www.hkfringeclub.com/en/venues/1‐ 香港 Hong Kong Island 藝穗會 The Fringe Club 香港中環下亞厘畢道二號 藝穗會 The Fringe Club http://www.hkfringeclub.com http://www.hkfringeclub.com 庫、賽馬會劇場 Vault, The Jockey Club Studio Kong 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] Anita+Chan+Lai‐ling+Gallery.html Anita+Chan+Lai‐ling+Gallery.html Theatre 電話: 3165 1212 Tel: 3165 1212 香港 Hong Kong Island 虎豹樂圃 Haw Par Music 大廳 Main Hall 香港大坑大坑道15A 15A Tai Hang Rd, Tai Hang, Hong Kong 虎豹樂圃 Haw Par Music http://www.hawparmusic.org/ http://www.hawparmusic.org/ http://www.hawparmusic.org/venue‐rental http://www.hawparmusic.org/venue‐rental 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] Lyric Theatre, Drama Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy 歌劇院、戲劇院、音樂廳、實驗劇 Concert Hall, Recital Hall, Studio 香港演藝學院本部(灣 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong The Hong Kong Academy for Performing 電話: 2584 8633 Tel: 2584 8633 https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/wanchai‐ https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/wanchai‐ 香港 Hong Kong Island for Performing Arts ‐ 場、一號舞蹈排練室、音香港賽馬 Theatre, Dance Studio 1, The Hong 香港灣仔告士打道一號 香港演藝學院 https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/hire https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/hire 仔) Kong Arts 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] campus/lyric‐theatre campus/lyric‐theatre Wanchai Campus 會演藝劇院、室內廣場/一樓大堂 Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, Atrium/Foyer The Hong Kong Academy 香港演藝學院伯大尼校 伯大尼劇院、包玉剛禮堂、車家騏 Béthanie Theatre, Sir YK Pao Studio, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing 電話: 2584 8633 Tel: 2584 8633 https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/bethanie‐ https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/bethanie‐ 香港 Hong Kong Island for Performing Arts ‐ Bé 香港薄扶林道139號 139 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 香港演藝學院 https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/hire https://www.hkapa.edu/venue/hire 園 紀念堂 George C. Tso Memorial Chapel Arts 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] campus/b‐thanie‐theatre campus/b‐thanie‐theatre thanie Campus 古天樂電影院、麥高利小劇場、畫 Louis Koo Cinema, McAulay Studio, 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港灣仔港灣道2號 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 電話: 2824 5330/2582 0201/2582 0293 Tel: 2824 5330/2582 0201/2582 0293 https://hkac.org.hk/ https://hkac.org.hk/ https://hkac.org.hk/venue/ https://hkac.org.hk/venue/ 廊、壽臣劇院 Pao Galleries, Shouson Theatre 展覽館: Exhibition Gallery: Tel: 2921 0503 https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/tc/about‐ https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/en/about‐ 電話: 2921 0503 Fax: 2504 2091 us/services/hiring/HKCL/exhibition‐gallery.html us/services/hiring/HKCL/exhibition‐gallery.html Hong Kong Central 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, 傳真: 2504 2091 https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/tc/hkcl/aboutus/index.h https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/en/hkcl/aboutus/index. 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港中央圖書館 展覽館、演講廳 Exhibition Gallery, Lecture Theatre 銅鑼灣高士威道66號 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Address: Booking Office, 10/F., Hong Library Hong Kong 地址: 香港銅鑼灣高士威道六十六號 tml html Kong Central Library, No. 66 Causeway 演講廳: Lecture Theatre: 十樓香港中央圖書館租務部 Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/tc/about‐ https://www.hkpl.gov.hk/en/about‐ us/services/hiring/HKCL/lecture‐theatre.html us/services/hiring/HKCL/lecture‐theatre.html 租用資料: Hiring Information: https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/hkch/hiringinformatio https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/hkch/hiringinformati 電話: 2921 2821/2921 2838 Tel: 2921 2821/2921 2838 n/download.html on/download.html 音樂廳、劇院、展覽廳、演奏廳、 Concert Hall, Theatre, Exhibition 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 香港中環愛丁堡廣場五號 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 傳真: 2877 0353 Fax: 2877 0353 https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/hkch/index.htm https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/hkch/index.html 展覽館 Hall, Recital Hall, Exhibition Gallery 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] 演藝租務通: Performance Venues e‐Application & Payment https://eaps.lcsd.gov.hk/ccms_eaps/LCSD/main.zu Services: l?lang=HK https://eaps.lcsd.gov.hk/ccms_eaps/LCSD/main.zu 電話: 2582 1111 Tel: 2582 1111 Hong Kong Convention Grand Hall, Convention Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港會議展覽中心 會議廳、大會堂、展覽廳、演講廳 香港島灣仔博覽道1號 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港會議展覽中心(管理)有限公司 傳真: 2802 7284 Fax: 2802 7284 https://www.hkcec.com/ https://www.hkcec.com/ https://www.hkcec.com/en/venue‐introduction https://www.hkcec.com/en/venue‐introduction and Exhibition Centre Exhibitoin Halls, Theatres Centre (Management) Ltd 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] 場地租借 / 服務申請: Facilities Hiring 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong 電話: 2119 7382 Tel: 2119 7382 https://www.filmarchive.gov.hk/zh_TW/web/hkfa https://www.filmarchive.gov.hk/en_US/web/hkfa 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive 電影院、展覽廳 Cinema, Exhibition Hall 香港西灣河鯉景道50號 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department https://www.filmarchive.gov.hk/zh_TW/web/hkfa https://www.filmarchive.gov.hk/en_US/web/hkfa Kong 傳真: 2311 5229 Fax: 2311 5229 /aboutus/openhl.html /aboutus/openhl.html /downloadableforms/facilities_hiring.html /downloadableforms/facilities_hiring.html 電話: 3713 2506 Tel: 3713 2506 Hong Kong Maritime Special Exhibitions and Events https://www.hkmaritimemuseum.org/eng/visit/v https://www.hkmaritimemuseum.org/eng/visit/v 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港海事博物館 專題展覽和文化活動廳 香港中環八號碼頭 Central Pier No. 8, Hong Kong 香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum Ltd 電郵: E‐mail: https://www.hkmaritimemuseum.org/eng/ https://www.hkmaritimemuseum.org/eng/ Museum Gallery enue‐hire/booking‐enquiry/82/137/ enue‐hire/booking‐enquiry/82/137/ [email protected] [email protected] 電話: 2549 5123 Tel: 2549 5123 Hong Kong Museum of 2 Caine Lane, Mid‐Levels, Sheung Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences https://www.hkmms.org.hk/zh/supportus/venue‐ https://www.hkmms.org.hk/en/support‐ 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港醫學博物館 展覽廳 Galleries 香港上環半山堅巷二號 香港醫學博物館學會 傳真: 2559 9458 Fax: 2559 9458 https://www.hkmms.org.hk/en/home‐2/ https://www.hkmms.org.hk/en/home‐2/ Medical Science Wan, Hong Kong Society space/ us/venue‐space/ 電郵: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 訂租安排: Booking Arrangements: 電話: 3101 2736 Tel: 3101 2736 Hong Kong Visual Arts 香港中區堅尼地道7A 香港視覺藝術 https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/APO/zh_T https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/APO/en_U https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/APO/zh_T https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/APO/en_U 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港視覺藝術中心 展覽廳、演講廳 Exhibition Hall, Lecture Theatre 7A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 傳真: 2501 4703 Fax: 2501 4703 Centre 中心 W/web/apo/va_main.html S/web/apo/va_main.html W/web/apo/va_hiring_info.html#%E8%A8%82%E S/web/apo/va_hiring_info.html#Booking%20Arra 電郵: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 7%A7%9F%E5%AE%89%E6%8E%92 ngements 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong http://www.pmq.org.hk/the‐site/event‐venue‐ http://www.pmq.org.hk/the‐site/event‐venue‐ 香港 Hong Kong Island 元創方 PMQ 地面廣場、智方 Courtyard & Marketplace, QUBE 香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 元創方管理有限公司 PMQ Management Co. Ltd 電郵: [email protected] E‐mail: [email protected] http://www.pmq.org.hk/ http://www.pmq.org.hk/ Kong rental/?lang=en rental/?lang=en Hiring Information: 租用資料: https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/qes/download.html https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/qes/download.html 18 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong 電話: 2355 7282 Tel: 2355 7282 香港 Hong Kong Island 伊利沙伯體育館 Queen Elizabeth Stadium 表演場 Arena 香港灣仔愛群道18號 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/qes/index.html https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/qes/index.html Performance Venues e‐Application & Payment Kong 傳真: 2364 7446 Fax: 2364 7446 演藝租務通: Services: https://eaps.lcsd.gov.hk/ccms_eaps/LCSD/main.zu https://eaps.lcsd.gov.hk/ccms_eaps/LCSD/main.zu l?lang=HK l?lang=EN District地區_chi
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