·8040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH ll, injunctions and restraining orders-to the Committee on the Information in the tmmigration Bureau-to the Committee on Judiciary. Immigration and Naturalization. Also, petition of Maritime Association of the Port of New By Mr. SHEFFIE.LD: Paper to accompany bill for relief of York, for at least one naval officer to be detailed at each James Maguire-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. hydrographic branch office in the country-to the Committee on Also, petition of Hope Council, No. 88, Loyal Association, of ·Appropriations. Providence, R. I., favoring House bill 17543-to the Committee By Mr. HAMMOND: Petition of D. A. Odell and 27 others, on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. of Minnesota, against establishment of postal savings banks­ By Mr. SHERLEY: Petition of sundry citizens of Louisville, to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Ky., for House bill 19402, telepost bill-to the Committee on By Mr. HAYES: !>apel' to accompany bill for relief of James the District of Columbia. ·Burke-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SPIGHT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Felio Also, petition of Local Union No. 537, J. B. E. W., of San Battes-to the Committee on Claims. Francisco, Cal., protesting against the immigration of Asiatics By Mr. SULZER: Petition of citizens of New York City, in excepting merchants, students, and travelers-to the Committee mass meeting, for an appropriation to raise the battle ship on Foreign Affairs. Maine-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Also, petitions of Farmers' Union of Saratoga, Cal, comprising By Mr. TAYLOR of Ohio: Petition of the Keever Starch 47 members, and J.P. Shambeau and 16 other farmers of Santa Company, for repeal of the corporation.:tax law-to the Com­ Clara County, Cal., urging legislation that will eliminate gam­ mittee on Ways and Means. bling in farm products by boards of trade, exchanges, and other Also, petition of citizens of Columbus, Ohio, against Senate speculators-to the Committee on Agriculture. bill 404-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. HENRY of Connecticut: Petition of Connecticut By Mr. TENER: Petition of Polish National Alliance, against Hardware Association, of Windsor Locks, Conn., for cheaper the Hayes immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration first-class postage and higher second-class postage-to the Com­ and Naturalization. · mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. TOU VELLE: Petition of the Lima Progressive Asso­ By Mr. HOUSTON: Papers to accompany House bill 3672, ciation, favoring existence of conference and good will between for a public building at Tullahoma, Tenn.-to the Committee Senators and Representatives and the representatives of rail­ on Public Buildings and Grounds. roads-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. HOWELL of Utah: Petition of St. Louis Fruit and By Mr. WALLACE: Petition of citizens of Halfway, Ark., Produce Exchange, for the Lafean apple-packing bill-to the for legislation to stop gambling in futures in farm products-. Committee on Agriculture. to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, petition of Utah Society, Sons of the American Revolu­ tion, for retention of Division of Information· in the Immigra­ . tion Bureau-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali­ SENATE• zation. By l\fr. KAHN: Petitions of Adolf Leopold, John Reber, John FRIDAY, March 11, 1910. Sanderson, and A. V. Little, of San Francisco and Oakland, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Cal, for the eight-hour bill (H. R. 15441)-to the Committee on The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ Labor. · pro"\l'ed. Also, petition of Frank Fagathy and 48 others, of San Fran- INCOME TAX• . cisco, Cal, protesting against the immigration of all Asiatics except merchants, students, and travelers-to the Committee on The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate Foreign Affairs. a communication from the governor of South Carolina, transmit­ . By Mr. KNAPP: Petition of citizens of Oswego County, N. Y., ting a certified copy or a joint resolution passed by the legis­ 'against any change in present oleomargarine law-to the Com­ lature of that State ratifying the proposed income-tax amend­ mittee on Agriculture. ment to the Constitution. The Chair is of the opinion that the By Mr. LAWRENCE: Petition of La SociH~ des Artisans, communication should be printed in the RECORD and referred Canadiens Fran~ais, of Westfield, Mass., for House bill 17509, to the Secretary of the Senate to be kept in his custody. right of beneficiary associations' publications to carry commer­ There being no objection, the communication was ordered to cial advertising-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ be placed on the files of the Senate and to be printed in the Roads. RECORD, as follows: By Mr. LINDBERGH: Petition of Polish National Allill;IlCe, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, of St. Cloud, Minn., against House bill 20379, regulation of im­ Oolumbia, March 9, 1910. migration-to ~e Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ Hon. JAMES S. SHERMAN, tion. President of the Senate, Washington, D. 0. By Mr. McKINNEY: Petition of Shadrach Bond Chapter, of SIR: In obedience to the provisions of the joint resolution ratifying the income-tax amendment on the part of the State of South Carolina, Carthage, Ill., Daughters of the American Revolution, for reten­ it gives me pleasure to herewith inclose to you a certified copy of the ·tion of Division of Information in the Immigration Bureau­ joint resolution as passed by both branches of the general assembly ot to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. this State. Also, petition of John Buford Post, No. 243, Grand Army of Very respectfully, M. F. ANSEL, Governor. the Republic, of Rock Island, Ill., against the Lee statue remain­ A joint resolution ratifying the sixteenth amendment to the Constitu­ ing_in Statuary Hall-to the Committee on the Library. tion of the United States of America. By Mr. MANN: Petition of James Mills Lodge, No. 17, Whereas both Houses ot the Sixty-first Congress of the United States Switchmen's Union of North America, in opposition to proposed: of America, at its first session by a constitutional majority of two· increased rate of postage on periodicals-to the Committee on thirds thereof, made the followmg1 . proposition to amend the Constitu­ the Post-Office and Post-Roads. tion of the United States of America in the following words, to wit: "A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the By Mr. MILLINGTON: Petition of Polish citizens of Herki­ United States. mer, N. Y., against further restriction in the immigration laws­ "Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. United States of America in, Oongress assembled (two-thirds of eacli By Mr. PAYNE: Petition of Springport Grange, No. 1184, of House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an Union Springs, N. Y., favoring a parcels-post law-to the Com­ amendment to the Constitution of the United State.a, which, when rati· fied by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, shall be ·mittee on the Post-Office aud Post-Roads. valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the Constitution, namely, By Mr. PLUl\ILEY: Petition of Rev. A. J. Hough and 214 Article XVI. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among other citizens of the city of Northfield, Vt., for the Mccumber the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration:" bill ( S. 2846) and House bill 14536, prohibiting liquor selling on Therefore be it ships and in buildings of the United States-to the Committee Resoived by the senate and house of representatives of the State of on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. South OaroZina,,_ That the said proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United i:states ot America be, and the same- is hereby, ratUled by Also, petition of William French and Ottayuechee chapters, the general assembly of the State of South Carolina. Daughters of the Anierican Revolution, aga~st repeal of sec­ SEC. 2. That certified copies of this preamble and joint resolution be tion 40 of immigration law ·as provided in the Hayes immigra­ forwarded by the governor of this State to the President ot the United States, to the presiding officer of the United States Senate, and to the tion bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. , . , By Mr. REYNOLDS; Petition of St. Gregory Council, No. In the senate and house the 19th day of February, A. D. 1910. .1218, Knights of Columbus, of Tyrone, Pa., ip. support of House · THos. G. McLE-OD, bill 17543, relative to advertisements in magazines of fraternal President of the Sena.te. RICHARD S. WHALEY, . orders-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Speaker of the House of .Representatives. By Mr. ROBERTS: Petition 01: Old Essex Chapter, Daugh­ Approved the 23d day of February, A. D. 1910. ters of the American Revolution, for retention of Division of M. F. ANSEL, Governor. 1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3041 STATE OF SOUTH CARoLiNA, Otfl,ce of the Secretary of State: providing for the raising of the wreck of the battle ship Maine I, R. M. Mccown, secretary of the State of South Carolina. and keeper of and the interment of those who perished in the wrec~, which the great seal of said State, do hereby certify that· the above foregoing two pages contain a true and correct copy of a joint resolution ratify­ were referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
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