Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-17-1992 The BG News September 17, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 17, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5411. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5411 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. <? The BG News Thursday, September 17, 1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 75, Issue 17 Weather Bush proposes tax Enthralled In Horror credit alternative to family leave bill by Christopher Connell The Associated Press GOP whip, said Bush would pro- pose trimming doctors' and hos- pitals' lab fees and other admin- WASHINGTON - On the verge istrative costs paid for by the of vetoing a family leave bill for government. the second time, President Bush Bush said at a meeting with on Wednesday belatedly pro- GOP leaders that "There's some Rain might be fallin' on posed a $500 million tax credit $60 billion that (the Office of my head: alternative to the Democrats' Management and Budget) knows Today, partly cloudy. A compulsory approach. about where we can allocate to slight chance of afternoon Bush complained it was "very this." showers or thunderstorms. peculiar and highly political" for Rep. Patricia Schroeder, A high near 85. Chance of the Democrats to wait this late in D-Colo., called Bush's proposal rain 30 percent. Tonight, the election year to renew the "half-baked" and said if Bush partly cloudy with a slight fight over whether businesses knows where $60 billion can be chance of showers and should be required to give found, he should spend some of it thunderstorms. Low in the workers unpaid time off to care on Head Start, immunization and lower 60s. Chance of rain 30 for a newborn child or sick rela- nutrition programs for poor chil- percent. Friday, showers tive. dren. and thunderstorms likely. "I think you should be skepti- White House Press Secretary High in the upper 70s. cal of any new proposal coming Marlin Fitzwater said nine out of Chance of rain 60 percent. from a president with 48 days 10 workers in big- and medium- left" until the election, said sized companies already have George Stephanopoulos, commu- family leave plans. nications director for Democrat- "The great need is at the lower Inside The News ic nominee Bill Clinton, who end," he said, but the Democrats' strongly supports the Demo- bill "doesn't apply to companies Vote today: crats' bill. under 50 people." Profiles of potential USG "Unfortunately, they and my Fitzwater said the White House senators. opponents believe in a govern- made overtures before to the □ Page five. ment-dictated mandate that in- Democratic leaders, but "they creases costs and loses jobs," refused to discuss anything that said Bush, adding, "There's an was not mandated." Capital Co-Op: awful lot of politics at play here." The family leave bill passed Six University students both chambers with bipartisan spent their summer as in- The bill passed by Congress support and Republican backers terns working in Washing- would require employers with expressed skepticism at Bush's ton D.C. as part of the Wash- more than 50 workers to allow tax-credit proposal. ington Center Internships employees up to 12 weeks of un- Rep. Marge Roukema, R-N.J., program, offered by the Co- paid leave annually to deal with said she was "somewhat per- operative Education de- medical emergencies, including plexed" by the timing of Bush's partment. the birth of a child, adoption or a proposal. "It may be an interest- Q Page seven. sickness in the family. ing supplement, but it is not a Bush's proposal would allow substitute for this bill," she said. businesses with fewer than 500 Sen. Christopher Bond, R-Mo., workers to write off their taxes the leading Republican sponsor Outside Campus up to $20 per day for as many as of the congressional measure, 60 days of leave a year per work- said he was glad Bush was talk- Deep thoughts with PSO: er, or a maximum of $1,200 per ing about the issue, but "we sin- employee. cerely believe this measure we'- The BC Ncwu/rim Norman The Progressive Student Caught up in his book, freshman art major Erik Clark attentively reads "Interview With the Vampire" Organization, with the coop- The White House said Bush ve crafted is the answer." would pay for the tax credits by The Republicans have charged by Anne Rice on the grass outside of University Hall recently. Clark said he chose to read on the grass eration of the United Chris- outside of University Hall because it is usually quiet and the weather is nice. tian Fellowship, is sponsor- cutting other spending. Rep. ing Community Open Share Newt Gingrich of Georgia, the See Family, page three. Sessions every other Thurs- day, beginning tonight at 9 p.m. The sessions, which are forums for people to share Faculty question union organizers opinions, thoughts, poetry or anything else which "enri- by Michael Zawackl faculty reporter Independence recently distrib- ganized and paid for by faculty," pendence, said as a group they zation stays vital is to bring in ches or entertains," will uted a flyer called "Key Ques- Hakel said. are asking questions the union new people. take place at the UCF tions" that outlined questions for Conflicts between faculty and organizations are not answering. "When you limit recruitment Center, 313 Thurstin Ave. University Faculty members University faculty members to administration in the midst of the Pope is concerned faculty mem- you limit the ability to retain new calling themselves Advocates for consider and answer before vot- budget crisis include disputes on bers will not have a choice if a faculty," Hakel said. Jury selected: Academic Independence are ing on the collective bargaining salaries, teaching loads, retire- union is voted in. The Advocates for Academic A jury was selected showing concern over the possi- issue. ment plans, fringe benefits and "I don't want to have my free Independence believe there are Wednesday to hear the trial ble negative effects that collec- Milt Hake), acting coordinator tenure procedures. choice removed," Pope said. other ways of handling problems of a 15-y car-old boy accused tive bargaining may create. for the Advocates for Academic "I don't think it's the case that One question raised in the flyer other than by unionization. Hakel of murdering Indianapolis The group formed this semes- Independence, said collective all people opposed to collective is if management decides to re- said there is poor communication Colts defensive end Shane ter, organizing under the same bargaining would institutionalize bargaining are necessarily in duce the size of the faculty, between the faculty and the ad- Curry. name of a University faculty the conflict between University favor of the administration," would the union want such reduc- ministration, and open communi- Lawyers are to make group who opposed a collective faculty and administration. Hakel said. tions to be based on seniority or a cation needs to be established be- opening remarks to the bargaining issue in 1978. "It would add another layer of David Pope, a supporter of the last hired, first fired basis. 12-member jury Thursday The Advocates for Academic bureaucracy that would be or- Advocates for Academic Inde- Hakel said the way an organi- See Union, page seven. for the trial of Artise Ander- son in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. An- derson, from Capitol Clinton campaign charts Heights, Md., is charged Olscamp delays with aggravated murder in the May 3 shooting of Curry in a parking lot outside a different course in Ohio giving comment Cincinnati nightclub. Police said the gunman by John Chalfant walked up to Curry's pickup The Associated Press Today it stands at 7.6 percent. talking about his job creation, truck and shot him once in His economic policies failed the education and health care pro- on unionization the head. Curry, 24, starred state of Ohio," he said. posal. It displays a telephone in football at suburban Prin- COLUMBUS - The Clinton When the Clinton campaign number viewers may call to ob- by Julie Tagllalerro ceton High School before campaign in Ohio scrapped plans called the news conference it was tain a copy. administration reporter going on to the University of Wednesday to introduce its first to announce its first ad contrast- "We're going to ask the rich to Miami and the NFL's Colts. TV ad contrasting positions of ing positions and records of Clin- pay their fair share so the rest of the Democratic governor with ton and Bush on issues. The ad America can finally get a break. University President Paul Olscamp said Wednesday he will those of President Bush. was to begin airing Wednesday. A plan to finally put government give a "thorough analysis" on his reasons for opposing faculty Lottery Instead, it began airing another back on your side," Clinton said unionization, but it will not be given until an election date to vote spot touting Clinton's economic "The campaign made a de- in the commercial. on the issue is set. CLEVELAND - here are recovery strategy and used the cision late last night that it want- Doug Preisse, executive direc- Last month, Olscamp told faculty and staff at his State of the Wednesday night's Ohio Lot- occasion to hammer Bush's eco- ed to go forward with this ad to- tor of the Bush/Quayle cam- University address he did not support unionization and would tery selections: nomic performance in Ohio.
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