(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,906,710 B2 Karunanandaa Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,906,710 B2 Karunanandaa Et Al

US00790671 OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,906,710 B2 Karunanandaa et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Mar. 15, 2011 (54) TRANSGENIC PLANTS CONTAINING FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ALTERED LEVELS OF STEROD EP 0486290 11, 1991 COMPOUNDS EP O480730 4f1992 JP O9121863 5, 1997 WO WO93,021.87 2, 1993 (75) Inventors: Balasulojini Karunanandaa, St. Louis, WO WO97/032O2 1, 1997 MO (US); Martha Post-Beittenmiller, WO WO97/34003 9, 1997 St. Louis, MO (US); Mylavarapu WO WO 98.45457 10, 1998 Venkatramesh, St. Louis, MO (US); WO WO99,04622 2, 1999 Ganesh M. Kishore, St. Louis, MO WO WOOOf 61771 10, 2000 (US); Gregory M. Thorne, St. Louis, WO WOO1/31027 3, 2001 MO (US); John R. 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GenBank Accession No. YO9291, dated Apr. 18, 2005. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2011 Sheet 1 of 78 US 7,906,710 B2 squalene epoxidase Sterol methyl transferase I -- HO W 24-methylene cycloartenol HO cycloartenol Sterol C4 demethylase obtusifoliol HO obtusifoliol stigmasta-7-enol Cl4c-demethylase campesterol HO HO sterol methy sterol C5 transferase II desaturase 5. HO / sitosterol Sa HO stigmasterol HO sitostanol F.G. 1 U.S. Patent US 7,906,710 B2 (IO Z*9IH U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2011 Sheet 3 Of 78 US 7,906,710 B2 Kpnl 8744 Sac 8738 EcoRI 8728 Stu 8724 Xbal 8716 Clai 8711 Bgll 8704 Ban.H. 7759 Sacl 8701 Xbal 7753 Xho 87OO Sal 7747 Kpni 8695 Pst 657 Not 669 Pst 7745 XhoI 678 Hind 7729 O Ora 7692 Pvt 1045 Drai 7615-N Pst 1235 Pyu 288 Pvu 736 PSt 7236 Nico 1614 Pvu 1882 Pvu.

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