- s tt4 NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE .1 9riendly 9ace3 in the Pan3y Patch o/ a Summer {iarden I Was In Prison Rev. A. E. Kannwischer July 19, 1951 P age 6 · Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD July 19, 1951 Page 3 . in the course of human events ... ... A BIBLE BARGAIN A teachers self-pronouncing· reference edition Holy Bible, with illustrations, 1 maps, and King J ames version. This Volume 29 No. 15 Bible is bound in genuine leather. T he 9 President Truman recently gave a isms which attempt to dictate a nd July 19, 1951 statement to the Associated Church control the minds and actions of their size is 6 1h x 4 V2 and 1 % inches thick. P ress calling upon editors of all Pro­ followers." He further declared "that It is also thumb indexed. We have • testa nt magazines to try to get U1e it is essential fo r us to face reality made a special purchase of this Bible Peace. of Mind Cover . E va L uoma people of all denominations to forget and distinguish clearly between a " Friendly Faces in the Pansy P atch and are now offering it to our people of a Summer Gar den" their differences in the interest of system of power, as represented in the EACE OF MIND is one of the greatest gifts of life. Some wealthy PUbJic harmony in these critical times. Roman Catholic Church, and the re­ at the very reasonable price of S2.95 " In the Course of Human E ven ts" . 2 people would be willing to pay a million dollars for it, if it could "Everybody is headed for the same ligious faith of a people, which we per copy. Anyone interested in a Ed itorial Place," said the President, "going on represent."-The Christinn Century. Bible of this kind will find a rea l be bought. Many people go th:ough life on an unsuccessful chase " Peace of Mind,. 3 the same train and under the same P value. At today's high prices, it is al­ after it. They fail tC' realize that peace of mind is a gift, the gift of "A Life Worth Liv ing" Eng'ineer."-Prophecy Monthly. e A Baptist missionary of Pangwai, Burma, writes that a false prophet is most impossible to buy a genuine God, for those who know him and love him. Rev. G. B eutler ......... .. .. ...... ... 4 setting up competition in Upper Bur­ leather B ible with thumb index for "The Feeding of a Great Multitude" • A British exchange reports that The Christian is privileged, above all others, to possess this gift recently a famous Gospel Mission in ma, who also claims to be the reincai·­ S2.95. Order your copy now! Dr. John Leypoldt .... .. .. ..... 5 nation of Christ. His name is Ca Pa. E?inburgh, Scotland, applied to the No. BR L in all fulness. For peace of mind is the accompaniment of faith in "I \ Vas In Prison" C1ty Council for permission to place and he lives in a village where there Christ, even as light is associated with a day. It is the reaching out R ev. A. E. K annwischer ...... ... 6 a neon sign in front of its building has never been a Christian church. and grasping of Christ's promises by a soul that has felt the redeeming "Canada's Open Gates to Immigran ts" bearing the words, "Jesus Saves." The Much of his teaching coincides with Rev. William SturhaJ.11 ......... ... 8 3 PP!ication was refused. The Lord Christian truth. This self-styled touch of his grace. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you" FOR THE CHILDREN " Any Need for Church Workers" Pr:ovost said: "It is introducing an prophet professes to be sinless, and 1 (John 14:27). Rev. G. K . Zimmerman ...... ... 10 alien method of advertising into ouc the villagers say that he is. He pro­ Milk Mugs with table graces. Attrac­ Chtistian faith," and another member claims that four years from now, when tive little white Mugs designed es­ This peace of mind can be ours without a worry in the world! Family Page . 11 of the council said: "Our religion in he will be forty years old, he will die, pecially for children. The interesting Christ condemned the man who was fretfully worried over many What's Happening . ... .. .. ... .. 12 Scotland should remain quiet and un­ and after he has been in his grave colorful decorations are in harmon v C.B.Y. and S.S. Herald News ... .. ...... 13 assuming."-Prophecy Monthly. seven days, an earthquake will ac­ things which he couldn't change anyway. We must be concerned company his resurrection. After that, with the verses they illui;tra te. Entire about our responsibilities, but all our cares must be cast on HIM who " We Will Do Good W'or k in Jesus' Name" Rev. Earl Ahrens .. ........ ... .... 14 • More than 500 new Protest.ant he will save people and bring about design and wording permanently proc­ cares for us and who gives grace and strength to carry out the tasks chaplains have been recruited and " The Kayser Mem orial Sch ool" an era of peace.-The Evang·elical essed into the mug. Will not wa!>h or If p r.ocessed through the General Com­ Christian. before us. God is your Partner and you have committed your life Mrs. June Goodman ......... .. ... 15 mission on Chaplains since recruiting scrape off. Practical, appealing,' and confidently into his hands, then this peace of mind without "a cloud valuable to teach table prayers of ·•we, the Women" efforts began last November. This in­ e Contrary to former expectation, worry" in the sky should be yours. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect Mrs. Flor en ce E. Schoeffel .... .. 16 forrnation was given 83 delegates rep­ the Selective Service System head­ thankfulness. J ust the thing· for the peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee'' Denominational R eminde rs . .. ...... 16 resenting forty cooperating P rotestant quarters has informed the NAE Of­ little folks. Price 65c per set of two. denominations. The delegates dis­ fice of Affairs, Washington, D. C., that (Isaiah 26 :3). Repor ts from the Field . •.... 17 cussed means of procuring· additional having· a missionary doctor ordained Obituaries .. ... ....... .. 22 chaplains to bring the armed services w ill in no wise affect his status be­ This is also the peace of mind for every Christian because of our up to their goal of one chaplain for fore the draft law. There is a specific FOR HOMEMAKERS awareness of invincible, spiritual strength that is ours. Care and • each 1,000 men.-United Evangelical instruction in the law to the effect "Meals from the Manse." A Cook­ worry are the twin sisters of fear. We are afraid that we shall not Bi-weekly P ublication of the Action. that a secondary profession will in book containing favorite recipes from succeed. We are fearful about the results. We are scared that we ROGER WI LLIA M S PRESS no wise affect the situation. Thus the wives of great preachers with de­ • Senator Ken of Oklahoma recent­ a medical missionary would be drafted won't make the grade. This fear is the source of our inhibitions that 3734 P ayne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio ly Protested against t he use of so votional gems for homemakers. A anyway even if ordained. According start the worries going at a fast clip. But if God be for us, who can Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor m.uch hard liquor to keep the wheels lo the best information available, in Zondervan publication priced at $1.50. ol. government turning in Washington, be against us? It is the peace of mind that is seen in the upward look China alone there were 232 male ....• Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, Business D. C., saying that every kind Of con­ medical missionaries prior to the Com­ of every Christian who is fully aware of the fact that he is more Manager Je1·ence had to be mixed with drink. munist expansion. Since then all of When two or more people get to­ "THE CHILDREN WE TEACH" than a conqueror through Christ who loved him and gave himself -:-:- these a re out of the country or im­ By ELIZABETH S. WHITEHOUSE THE BAPTIST HERALD is ::i publication gether at anything less formal than a mobilized, in prison or dead. At t.he for him. of the North American Baptist General session of congress, he declared, it present time the approximate num­ This book, which in unique fashion Conference with headquarters at 7308 Mad­ takes cocktails. The Capital social This is also the peace of mind of one who is linked up with the ison St. F orest Park, Illinois. It also main ­ bers of medical missionaries in vari­ combines child religion with child tai11s an active membership in the Asso­ slogan is: "Let's have a drink." purposes of God. Whenever our lives are related to a purpose or to a ciated Church Press. ous parts of the mission field are: psychology, was written to help par­ Washington is 3.14 gallons ahead of Africa, 155; Asia, 150; P acific Islands, goal that is greater than ourselves, our souls bask in the sunlight of SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.00 a year to the rest of the nation in the average ents and church school teachers. It any address in the United S tates or Can::ida 75 (including the Philippines); Lalin joy and peace. Someone has said that we need some fixed point out­ -$2.50 a year for churches under the Club per capita sales of hard liquor.­ America, 15 (including the West In­ shows wherein children are alike and Plan-$3.50 a year to foreign countries.
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